Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The gothic horror Essay Example for Free
The gothic horror Essay With particular reference to chapter 5, explore how Mary Shelley has used the gothic horror genre to create a shocking and terrifying story, which is as relevant today as it was in 1818 Even though it is over a century old, Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley, has continued to sustain public interest for more or less two hundred years. The novel was published in 1818, and is one of the much-admired stories in the history of literature. It has remained a favourite with many audiences, past and present, and has been modified and re-told many times through a variety of types of media, such as; radio programmes, theatre, art, childrens comic books and cartoons, television and film versions. I assume it remains to be so well-liked for the reason that the readers can relate to the characters and situations that occur. The novel contains many shocking and fascinating events some of which may startle or terrify the reader. Mary Shelley is an author who wrote the novel of Frankenstein. She experienced many deaths of close friends and family. When she was first born her mother died. Furthermore Mary had a baby who died 12 days after it was born, and her husband Percy Shelly drowned. Maybe it was these experiences which led Mary Shelley to write such a novel of great horror published in 1818. Frankenstein is called the modern Prometheus. Prometheus in Greek mythology stole fire from Zeus and gives it to humankind, but was then everlastingly punished by Zeus. In the Latin version, Prometheus formed man from clay and water. Victor Frankenstein is seen as a modern Prometheus, as he rebels against nature by making an unnatural man as he would be for the good of mankind and he is then punished by his creation. Frankenstein is about a young student called Victor Frankenstein. He is determined to find the secret of life, and when he does, he creates a living creature. The monster is calm and caring, but is abandoned by Frankenstein because of his hideous looks; this means he has to hide away from society, as everyone who meet him are afraid of him. As the monster is lonely and isolated, it causes him to take revenge on his creator. He doesnt do this by killing him; instead, he kills all the ones he loves and cares about. After having nothing worth living for, Frankenstein pursues his monster to the North Pole with the intention of destroying him. This leads Frankenstein to exhaustion and death. The monster sees Frankenstein die, and with that, he then kills himself as it is the only place he can seek rest. The novel shows the horrible penalties for playing God, and this is what makes the book so captivating as it questions all the main beliefs of religion and the soul. The book is unlike others, as it has three narrators; Frankenstein, Robert Walton and the monster. They all tell the story, and give the reader different insights which is what makes the book very unique. I think this is very effective because it can make the reader feel different emotions for each character. An example of this is when Victor Frankenstein tells us his own story. It makes the reader feel more sympathetic towards him because the reader experiences the tragedies and heartache that Frankenstein feels. We can also see this in the monster, seeing that when he is narrating, the reader understands the emotions that the monster is feeling, when he is talking about how lonely he is. This technique is very effective in Mary Shelleys narrative and helps the reader to get more into the novel. Chapter 5 is a crucial chapter in Frankenstein, as it is when the monster comes alive and its a turning point in the novel. Chapter 5 is the chapter that gives Frankenstein its character, and its the most important piece of writing that has helped the book keep audiences entertained for nearly 190 years. Mary Shelley sets the atmosphere especially well at the beginning of the novel. It was a dreary night of November that I beheld the accomplishment of my toils. This sets the scene and compares the weather to the mood of Frankenstein, because Frankenstein had been making the monster for about two years so he had become dreary and looking very unwell. This is just like the weather at the start of the chapter, and makes the reader feel the same as Frankenstein, because of the weather being dreary. This sentence also sets the scene very well as it shows it was dark and gloomy, which is perfect in getting the reader in the mood for the chapter. Also, Mary Shelley sets the scene by giving the reader a very clear image. This is shown where it says the rain pattered dismally against the panes, and my candle was nearly burnt out. This gives the reader a very creepy image and is a very good way to set the scene for bringing a monster to life. During chapter five we see the use of many powerful adjectives and descriptions that make the chapter very detailed. These are used all throughout the book, but even more so in chapter five. These are what have made the narrative effective. as they keep the reader interested in the book. These are also what have horrified readers because it is so detailed; it makes the novel seem more life like especially when describing what the characters look like. The description of the monster is what makes chapter five one of the most important in the novel and why it has horrified many readers. The monster is described in a lot of detail and it gives the reader a clear example of what the monster looks like. We can see this by the phrases used such as his yellow skin scarcely covered the work of the muscles and arteries, his hair was of a lustrous black and his teeth of pearly whiteness. These descriptions give the reader a clear image of what the monster looks like. This makes the narrative very effective because it makes the reader more scared of the monster, because with the more detail we get, the more terrifying the monster seems. Also, because the monster is described in a lot of detail, it entertains the reader more as it makes the book seem more real. I believe this will make them want to continue reading the book.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Palestine Dispute Essay -- essays research papers fc
     After the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, the control of Palestine shifted from Muslim to Western powers. Britain promised Jews and Zionists the land in Palestine in the form of the Balfour Declaration. However, at the same time, there were already Palestinians living in that land. Even today, there is no correct answer as to who should have rightfully acquired the land; however, the Palestinian Arabs should have cooperated when the Jews immigrated to the Palestine. There are plenty of facts which support both sides. The solution can only be determined through one’s opinion.      According to Biblical sources, Arabs and Israelites first met in Palestine about 1500 to 500 B.C. This time period recognized the beginning of the tradition of the two peoples’ common patriarchs and the cousinly ties between the offspring of Isaac and the children of Ishmael, the sons of Abraham.(Cohen 1)      Before Islam surfaced, the Jews and the Arabs met in the Arabian peninsula. There was actually a very large Jewish population in the Arabian peninsula before the Prophet Muhammed was known. After the Jews were kicked out of Jerusalem by the Romans following the Second Revolt, a large number of Jews went to the northern area of the Arabian peninsula. The settlements of Jews in the Valley of the Villages were important areas for the wandering and nomadic Arabic tribes. The Arabs actually settled near them under their protection, understanding their traditions, customs, and views of religious and social matters. Before Muhammed, some Arabs even accepted the Jewish doctrine of the â€Å"chosen people†and other basic elements of Judaism. (Cohen 2)      However after some time, things started to change. The prophet Muhammed began presenting Islam as a new religion. He even tried converting some Jews into Islam. But when his hopes of winning them over failed, he turned against the Jews. In 626, he attacked the Jewish tribes of Medina and completely destroyed them. This marked the beginning of conflict between the Jews and the Arabs. (Cohen 3) The relationship between the Jews and the Arabs always remained tense. The connection between the two peoples is tense even today. Even with the same enmity, there has been a great deal of change from the beginning of time. An impor... ...o solution to the Arab-Israeli problem. The wars are merely eruptions in the historical encounter that is nothing less than a prolonged war which is doomed to continue until it is resolved in a catastrophic holocaust.      However, others actually have a standpoint. Some believe that the Jews really deserved the land in Palestine because it was theirs to begin with. They were forced out of Jerusalem by the Romans. On the other hand, others say that the land is rightfully the Arab’s land. There were Palestinian Arabs who were living there before the Jews were rewarded the land by the British. Why should they give up their land? There is no solution. However, the two peoples could have lived peacefully. The two groups could have lived together if the Arabs had cooperated. If the Arabs already living in the land had not initiated the attacks on the Jews, the two peoples could have eventually learned to live together in one nation. Works Cited Barker, A. J. Arab-Israeli Wars. New York: Hippocrene Books, 1980. Cohen, Aharon. Israel and the Arab World. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1970. Levin, Meyer. The Story of Israel. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1966.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Who is tammy
Videos games are a big factor in children becoming obese. The first video game was invented in 1958 by William Highlighting. The game was called â€Å"Tennis for Two†, was created and played on a Brookhaven National Laboratory Oscilloscope. Then in 1962, Steve Russell invented â€Å"Space War', which was the first game intended for computer SE. In 1967, Ralph Bare wrote the first video game played on a television set; the game was called â€Å"Chase†. Later in 1972 Ralph Bare designed the first commercial video game console that could be played in the home.In 1989 the first Nintendo video game system came out that has dramatically change children's pattern. Children are not exercising their legs and arms anymore but only are exercising their hands by using a controller playing a video game. Every year since 1958 video games are improving and it is making it more difficult to get children off the couch. In 2012 here are also many more video games for children to play wi th the latest systems out like Oxbow 360, Palpitation 3, Nintendo ADS, and the Nintendo WI. These video game systems have gone beyond Just playing a game but are actually more like a computer.Now children are able to sit in their family room and play a game online with their friend anywhere around the world. This video game is capable of storing music and videos on the game console. The players on the games look like actual people which make these children very addicted to playing. The new video games are even more dangerous because children are able to have interaction with their reined without getting up from the couch to play with them. Riding bikes, playing soccer, and playing tag for entertainment. This was the normal thing for children to do on their free time.Back in the day parents would put their children on punishment by not letting them go outside to play. Today parents punish their children by taking away what is most important to their children video games, television, and the computer. With the growing popularity of these entertainment devices, kids are becoming less active, and obesity is growing. It seems like the childhood obesity problem would be resolve if children started to play outside like hillier use to many generation ago. This is a very serious problem because these obese children are getting health problem a lot early in their life.These children are at a greater risk of contracting high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases. The reason of the connection with obesity and high blood pressure is not known, but the association is caused by the increase blood volume. Diabetes is the second major health problem dealing with obesity. Sleep apneas is another condition that threaded obese children. While children are sleeping their breathing is interrupted which can cause death. Sleep apneas can lead to problems with learning and memory.Freeman states that, †nearly 60% of overweight children had at least one cardiovascular risk factor compared to 10 percent of those children with body mass index for their age and 25 percent of overweight children had two or more risk factors†(Freedman, ADS, 1999 par. 4). This is a critical problem that affects these children's quality of life. Canadian study states â€Å"Obesity not only harms a child's body, but it also causes significant psychological damage to children as young as ten years old†( Kerrey, S. 009 par. L). These children are more likely to have low self-esteem.Children that suffer from this have increase chances of feeling sadness, anxiety, loneliness, and depression. These children are normally withdrawn from children their age. In some cases these children are teased and even bully by their peers because they look different. As time goes on some children might turn to drugs and alcohol to help deal with the pain. In some cases they might even commit suicide because they are in severe pain. With out any doubt, obese children deal with many issues that children should not have to deal with. There are some things that obese children can do to protect themselves from these serious illnesses.Eating properly is a great start. Also eating more raw fruits and vegetables will help too. Portioning out foods at every meal time and drinking the eight to twelve ounces of water are sure ways of a healthy diet. Children have to stop eating foods with high calories and high fat because it is unhealthy for their diet. Parents should also limit their children's carbohydrates intake daily because this is not healthy for children either. Carbohydrates prevent fat breakdown and drive fat onto fat deposits, causing fat to accumulate, which is another reason way obesity occurs.Parents have to get educated to know the proper foods that their children Eating properly can prevent obesity. Parents have to limit the time daily that their children play and watch these entertainment media devices. Elim inating the television from the bedroom will reduce overall screen time and may help to limit nighttime media use that may interfere with children's sleep. Turning off the television while eating will help disconnect food from television viewing. It will also help children to be aware of the DOD that they are consuming. Parents should also limit the time daily that their child is allow to play video games daily.A great start for parents would be to only allow their children to play video games for thirty minutes a day. Parents play such a vital role in their children's activities, and it is they who need to get their kids more involved with physical activities and less time on the couch. The best way to do this is by setting a good example is getting physically active with children. The first way they can get their children physically active is by encouraging their children to go outside daily. Take bike rides, swim, or even take walks with children. This will also be helpful to chi ldren because they are spending quality time with their parents.It is a norm with the parents of today spending what they considered quality time with their children watching the television. Physical activity should be fun and make children feel good, not a chore they must do to lose weight. Childhood obesity is not a problem that is easily solved. Parents have to start making major changes in their family's lifestyle to solve this problem. If the childhood obesity rates continue to rise our youth are going to be in serious trouble. Parents have to start to take control of their households before their children have serious health problems.The government also needs to step in and stop letting these food advertisers prey on the children and adolescents. It should be a law that for the children's programs that come on the television advertisers are only allowed to show commercials for healthy food products that children would enjoy eating. This would definitely help stop children and adolescents consuming all of these high calories foods. In conclusion, the research and the static that were presented in this paper will incur with the argument that children are not exercising and playing outside anymore but are sitting down playing with these entertainment devices.Parents most limited the time daily that their children are spending watching the television, playing video games, and on the computer. Parents also need to start encouraging their children to play outside as children did generations ago. If parents started to do these things for their children's health, then the number of obese children in America would start decreasing. Obesity is a hard cycle to break, but if parents stop eating entertainment devices run their children's life and have them increased physical activity, then the outcome can be reverse and children can start to live happy, healthy lives.Seafood Library is a great place to collect data for academic papers because all of University staff has approved all of the Journals, magazine, and newspaper articles in their databases. It is also helpful to use their library because everything that is needed for citing the article is on the page too. The Center for Diseases Control is also another reliable source to collect information. This is the government website so here is a lot of statistics and data that will be helpful in an academic paper. This source also has up to date information that is useful when writing papers.The statistics and articles that was researched for this academic paper agree with the argument that children are not staying physically active, but are entertaining themselves with media devices and that's what is making them obese. Many articles that that were found state that parents need to limit the time of their children daily on the computer, video games, and the television; by parents doing this easy task that will help reduce the risk of obesity in their children. The articles are also stating that children need at least sixty minutes daily doing an exercise activity.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Operant condition Essay - 765 Words
Several years ago, I was the marketing Manager for a new line of perfume, which had to be promoted, introduced to the consumer, and allow for succession in the market. By marketing the product the sales would either be high or low depending on the market responses. One way to ensure successfully marketing to the right consumers is through the use of Operant Conditioning. Operant Conditioning, also known as Instrumental learning is defined as a â€Å"learning process by which the consequences of an operant response affects the likelihood that the response will occur in the future†(Kozak, pg 22). Basically, Operant Conditioning is a stimulus response pattern that when reinforced will condition the individual response to a desired behavior. Our†¦show more content†¦When you purchase the specific product you are being reinforced to make the actual purchase because of the reward of receiving money back. There are two types of reinforcements, positive and negative. Positive reinforcers bring pleasant consequence abrupt by adding something pleasant to the environment of the individual. â€Å"This increases the probability that the response will occur again†(Darcy, pg 224). For example to increase customer response you may want to send a trail sample or coupon to entice the customer to the store so as to make a purchase. On the other hand negative reinforcement is the removal of negative stimuli from the individual surrounding environment. Negative reinforcement is a way to get rid of undesirable behaviors. Think about when you are listening to a radio and you are trying to hear the advertisement that is coming in all fuzzy. Well, if you adjust the setting on the radio to eliminate the static, you will be able to hear the advertisement and possibly want to proceed on to buy the product. In this case, you are removing the unpleasant behavior such as the static from the immediate situation to bring about the pleasantness of the advertisement . These two aspects of reinforcement both strengthen the individual’s behavior by adding or subtracting necessary praise or barriers. Operant Conditioning as been used in many advertisements such as â€Å"Natural Desire†thisShow MoreRelatedOperant Conditioning And Its Effect On Behavior1380 Words  | 6 PagesOperant conditioning refers to the method of learning to occur through rewards and punishment for behavior (Staddon Cerutti 2002). In the operant condition, an association occurs between the behavior and the consequences of the behavior. Behaviorist B.F Skinner coined operant conditioning, and that is why some refer to it as Skinnerian conditioning. Skinner started studying operant conditioning in the late 1920s when he was a graduate student at Harvard University. As a behaviorist B.F SkinnerRead MorePhobias1174 Words  | 5 Pagesdeveloped through operant conditioning and how addictions can be developed through operant conditioning. This essay also examines the distinctions between classical and operant condition and examines â€Å"extinction†as it relates to psychological theory and h ow extinction is achieved in classical and operant conditioning. Phobias and Addictions Numerous psychologists believe that behaviors are learned through conditioning. These conditionings are known as operant, which is based onRead MorePavlov s Classical Conditioning And Skinner s Operant Conditioning1243 Words  | 5 PagesTaSheena Moore 2/4/2016 PSY 110 Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning and Skinner’s Operant Conditioning Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience. There are two types of learning, associative learning and cognitive learning. Associative learning occurs when a person or an animal forms a simple association among various stimuli, behaviors, or both. It requires little to no awareness or thought. Cognitive learning refers to understanding, knowing, and anticipating. Our subjectRead MoreThere Are Many Types Of Conditioning That People Used To1427 Words  | 6 PagesThere are many types of conditioning that people used to learn things. The first type of condition that we talk about in this paper is classical condition. The second type of conditioning is called operant conditioning. And the last type of conditioning is vicarious conditioning / Observational Learning. These are the 3 main types of conditioning that we use in are daily life. Classical Conditioning Classical conditioning is one of the most basic forms of learning that we use today. You can see itRead MoreClassical Conditioning Vs. Operant Conditioning Essay1088 Words  | 5 PagesConditioning and Behaviorism. b) Identify the two major characteristics that distinguish classical conditioning from operant conditioning. Classical Conditioning is a type of learning process of an individual when they come in contact with certain stimuli. According to Pavlov, a Russian psychologist, he developed several experiments on learning and he discovered that classical condition is the basic form of learning for an individual. However, according to Pavlov, behaviorism is the view that psychologyRead MorePsy 390 Operant Conditioning Essay851 Words  | 4 PagesOperant Conditioning Dena Couch PSY 390 July 30, 2012 Dr. Thauberger Operant Conditioning In this paper there will be an examination of the Operant Conditioning theory. It will describe the theory, and compare and contrast the positive and negative reinforcement. It will determine which form of reinforcement is the most effective, and will give an explanation of the reasoning behind that choice. It will also give a scenario in which operant conditioning is applied and how it shapes behaviorRead MoreClassical Conditioning And Operant Conditioning1146 Words  | 5 Pagesbetween stimuli and responses. The two types of conditioning found are Classical conditioning and Operant conditioning. As stated before, learning may occur in different ways but Classical and Operant conditioning are two of several theories on learning which take the behaviorist approach. â€Å"Classical conditioning is an association of one event with another that results in a pattern of behavior.†Operant conditioning however, is â€Å"learning that takes place as a consequence of behavior.à ¢â‚¬ Classical ConditioningRead MoreOperant conditioning plays a large role in our everyday life. Throughout the history of time people700 Words  | 3 Pages Operant conditioning plays a large role in our everyday life. Throughout the history of time people has been using this same technique in order to function in every day society. Some people may use this to their advantage and others as a disadvantage. This type of conditioning can be used in a positive or negative way. Some of the early leaders in this field of study where people such as B.F. Skinner and Edward Thorndike. These two gentleman played a major role in the concept of operantRead MoreClassical Conditioning And Operant Conditioning1249 Words  | 5 Pagesstimuli or a behavior and a learned stimulus. Associative learning is divided in to two central techniques, classical conditioning and operant condition. Classical and operant conditioning are basic methods of learning and conditioning is used to adapt a behavior or association through a stimuli or consequence (Ciccarelli, 2012). While classical conditioning and operant conditioning are key elements in associative learning, they have significant differences. A clear contrast between the two theoriesRead MoreClassical Conditioning And Operant Conditioning883 Words  | 4 Pagesexperiments conducted by Ivan Pavlov, B.F Skinner, and various others, our learning process can be--and normally is--significantly influenced by the social and physical world around us. Two particular examples of this are classical conditioning and operant conditioning. â€Å"Classical conditioning occurs when a natural stimulus produces a response after being paired with a stimulus that naturally produces a response†(Schacter). For example, in horror movies suspenseful music tends to precede dramatic events
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