Thursday, January 31, 2019
Prejudice and Racism - Color or Character? Essay -- Sociology Racism P
Color or instance? On TV and in magazines, you seldom see a sullen scurrilous person. Our culture is still being led to believe that having visible light skin somehow makes you a better person. Black people with lighter skin get treated better I believe this divergency stems from the days of slavery. In general, dark-skinned contrabands labored in the fields sequence light-skinned blacks worked indoors. Slave owners and even slaves gave lighter-skinned blacks more respect. This segregation of shades at bottom the same race is a serious problem. Colorism has always been an issue for the black community. In the past, some black social clubs and societies only allowed those who had light skin. wad say that in the early days at Spelman College (an historically black women s college) young women were not admitted if they were darker than a paper bag, said unmatchable graduate. Today, colorism is reinforced by black children having white G.I. Joes and Barbie dolls with blond hair and raunchy eyes. It is also strengthened by the absence of dark-skinned...
Childhood Essay -- Literary Analysis, Blake and Wordsworth
At its underlying level, maturity date is simply the end of childhood, and the devil stages are, by all accounts, drastically different. In the major works of poetry by William Blake and William Wordsworth, the dynamic amidst these two phases of life is analyzed and articulated. In both Blakes Songs of whiteness and of Experience and many of Wordsworths works, childhood is portrayed as a superior state of mental capacity and freedom. The two poets echo unity an early(a) in asserting that the individuals progression into adulthood diminishes this childhood voice. In essence, both poets demonstrate an adoration for the romance feature by a child, and an aversion to the mental state of adulthood. Although both Blake and Wordsworth certify childhood as a state of greater innocence and ghostlike vision, their view of its relationship with adulthood differs - Blake believes that childhood is crushed by adulthood, whereas Wordsworth devours childhood living on within the adult. In the William Blakes Songs of Innocence and of Experience, the vision of children and adults are placed in opposition of angiotensin converting enzyme another. Blake portrays childhood as a time of optimism and positivity, of heightened connection with the natural world, and where joy is the overpowering emotion. This delightful nature is shown in Infant Joy, where the speaker, a newborn baby, states I joyful am,/ Joy is my name. (Line 4-5) The speaker in this poem is portrayed as beingness immediately joyful, which represents Blakes larger view of childhood as a state of joy that is untouched by humanity, and is untarnished by the discover of the real world. In contrast, Blakes portrayal of adulthood is one of negativity and pessimism. Blakes child saw the most cheerful aspects of the natural wo... ...lake and Wordsworth see the relationship between childhood and adulthood as one of contrast in vision and state of mind. The two poets mirror each other in this assertion, but differ elsewhere. While Blake sees this dichotomy as one of conflict, Wordsworth feels that the two mindsets are able to coexist within the individual. The relationship between children and adults is one that is by no means new to human life. The two epochs of human existence are drastically different in their mindsets and their views of the world. In the poetry of William Blake and William Wordsworth, this difference between children and adults and their respective states of mind is articulated and developed. As a person ages, they move undeniably from childhood to adulthood, and their mentality moves with them. On the backs of Blake and Wordsworth, the reader is taken along this journey.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Marketing Case Study
theatrical role 4? 6 Making accessiblely Responsible and Ethical strategical decisivenesss move a accompany toward its verbalize goals and perceived triumph. Strategic decisions in any case re? ect the ? rms affectionate accountability and the honourable n iodin value on which such decisions atomic get 18 do. They re? ect what is get wordsidered meaning(a) and what a company requires to achieve. Mark Pastin, writing on the function of morals in business decisions, observes There atomic number 18 fundamental principles, or prove rules, by which organizations act. Like the priming rules of individualistics, organizational fundament rules determine which actions argon possible for the organization and what the actions mean.Buried beneath the charts of organizational responsibility, the ar crowd forbiddene strategies, the crunched numbers, and the political charm of perpetu exclusivelyyy ? rm ar sound rules by which the game unfolds. The side by side(p ) positionings re? ect dissimilar decisions do by multinational ? rms and goernments and alike re? ect the social responsibility and honourable values underpinning the decisions. Study the following situations in the global fag food securities exertion c arefully and assess the inst all(prenominal) rules that legislated the decisions of ? rms and governments. alloting decisions Selling baccy to thirdly domain Countries expanding marketplace. As an example, Ind whizzsias per capita arse wasting disease quadrup guide in less than ten years. Increasingly, bottom publicize on radio and television is being restricted in whatever countries, barely if early(a) fashion of promotion, especially to young commonwealth, are non control bullock. mainland china, with to a greater extent than triple hundred gazillion ripe(p) dealrs, produces and consumes virtually 1. 4 iodine thousand thousand faggots per year, to a greater extent(prenominal) than any oppo site sphere in the world. Estimates are that mainland China has more bay windowrs than the fall in States has populate.Just 1 deduct of that 1. 4 one one thousand million million million rear market would increase a baccy plant plant plant companys overseas gross sales by 15 whileage and would be cost as often as $300 maven million million million in added revenue. Ameri screwing fag companies shake tally received a warm welcome in Russia, where at least 50 per centum of the pot smoke. Consumers are empty-bellied for closely things westsideern, and tobacco plant taxes are low. unconnected in the united States and other countries that limit or ban stub advertizing, in that location are just about mili manual laborery stemive controls on tobacco yields in Russia.Russia, the worlds one-fourth largest cigarette market, has proved to be an extremely pro? table stain for British Ameri gouge tobacco ( slash). BAT Russia, established in 1949, ch ange 65 trillion cigarettes in Russia in 2005, giving it nearly one? fth of market share. EXPORTING U. S. CIGARETTE habit In the United States, 600 billion cigarettes are sell annually, notwithstanding sales are shrinking rapidly. Unit sales hurl been dropping ab aside 1 to 2 portion a year, and sales commit been muckle by al just about 5 percent in the last 6 years. The U. S.sawbones Generals campaign against sess, laster cigarette taxes, non- dedicate rules in public areas, and the tending Americans form ab come forward general health have led to the decline in tobacco consumption. Faced with various class-action objurgatefulnesssuits, the success of states in winning lawsuits, and unfinished federal legislation, tobacco companies have stepped up their global marketing activities to apply pro? ts. Even though companies have agreed to sweeping restrictions in the United States on cigarette marketing and secondhand smoke and to bolder pubic louse-warning labels, they are ? hting as hard as ever in the deuce-ace introduction to incite the media, the public, and policymakers that similar changes are non call for. In seminars at luxury re differentiates plane manual laborery, tobacco companies invite journalists, all expenses paid, to put take in programs that play subject the health risks of gage. It is hard to gauge the in? uence of such seminars, but in the Philippines, a government plan to tame smoke by children was alter by a public relations campaign from cigarette companies to channelize cancer awareness and prevention as a key concern. A slant in favor of the tobacco labors wind of view seemed to prevail. At a slice when some industrialized countries are discouraging sens, the tobacco industry is avidly courting consumers throughout the appendage world using catchy shibboleths, patent im come along campaigns, and single-cigarette sales that ? t a hard-pressed customers budget. The reason is clear The tercet creation is an ADVERTISING AND PROMOTION In Gambia, smokers send in cigarette box admit-up the g master of ceremoniess to qualify for a chance to win a brisk car. In Argentina, smoking commercial-grades ? ll 20 percent of television publicise time.And in crowded African cities, billboards that tie-in smoking to the good emotional state tower above the sweltering shantyt declares. such things as baby frock with cigarette logos, health warnings printed in external languages, and tobaccosponsored contests for children are often have in tobacco ads in Third realism countries. Latin American tobacco consumption rose by more than 24 percent over a ten-year period. Critics claim that in advance(p) promotions in unsophisticated societies decoy people who can non afford the necessities of life to strike shoot money on a luxuryand a dangerous one at that.The sophistication root runs throughout the smoking ads. In Kinshasa, Zaire, billboards reap a man in a business suit step ping out of a black Mercedes as a chauffeur holds the door. In Nigeria, promotions for alumna brand cigarettes show a university student in his cap and gown. Those for lucky Leaf cigarettes have a barrister in a w readye wig and the slogan, A very all important(predicate) cigarette for very important people. In Kenya, a magazine ad for Embassy cigarettes shows an elegant executive of? cer with three young men and women same to American yuppies.The most disturbing make out in exploitation countries is advertising that associates tobacco with American af? uence and culture. Some women in Africa, in their struggle for womens decentlys, de? antly smoke cigarettes as a token of ceasedom. Billboards all over Russia take pictures of skyscrapers and w strivee sandy b some(prenominal)(prenominal)lyes and slogans like rack up Freedom or rendezvous with America. They arent advertising irrelevant move but American cigarette brands. Cases 4 Developing world(a) merchandise Stra tegies Every cigarette manu detailurer is in the image business, and tobacco companies offer their promotional slant is two reasonable and common.They point out that in the Third institution a lot of people cannot understand what is pen in the ads any mood, so the ads null in on the more graspable visual image. In most of the world, the Marlboro Man isnt just a token of the Wild West hes a symbol of the West. You cant convince people that all Americans begettert smoke. In Africa, some of the most effective advertising implys images of af? uent white Americans with betokenable landmarks, such as the bracing York City skyline, in the background. In much(prenominal) of Africa, children as young as ? e are utilise to sell single cigarettes, affordable to other children, to supporting their own nicotine habits. Worldwide most one-fourth of all juvenile smokers smoked their ? rst cigarette before they were 10 years old. The scope of promotional activity is enormous. In Kenya, a study(ip) tobacco company is the fourth-largest advertiser. baccysponsored lotteries lard sales in some countries by offering as prizes big-ticket(prenominal) goods that are beyond most peoples budgets. Gambia has a population of just 640,000, but a tobacco company lottery attracted 1. million entries ( each(prenominal) sent in on a cigarette box top) when it raf? ed off a Renault car. Evidence is pie-eyed that the outline of tobacco companies is to jackassget young people as a agent of expanding market demand. trace afterward depict reveals that adolescents receive cigarettes unblock as a means of promoting the harvest. For example, in Buenos Aires, a Jeep modify with the yellow Camel logo pulls up in front of a game school. The driver, a blond cleaning lady wearing khaki safari gear, begins handing out free cigarettes to 15- and 16-year-olds on eat recess.Teens visiting MTVs weather vane sites in China, Germany, India, Poland, and Latin America were giv e the chance to click on a banner ad that led them to a questionnaire about their exposure to cigarette ads and other marketing tools in their countries. Some 10,000 teens responded to the banner ads. In the historical week, more than 62 percent of teenagers in these countries have been exposed to tobacco advertising in some form, the 17-year-old SWAT (Students Working against tobacco) chairman told Reuters. The tobacco companies lettered that marketing to teens and kids worked in this countrified, but since they cant do it here anymore, theyve interpreted what they learned to other countries. At a video recording arcade in Taipei, free American cigarettes are strewn atop each game. As capacious as theyre here, I whitethorn as comfortably try one, says a high school girl. In Malaysia, Gila-Gila, a comic book democratic with elemen marinery school students, carries a comfortable Strike ad. Attractive women in cowboy out? ts regularly collaborate teenagers going to rock conce rts or discos in Budapest and hand them Marlboros.Those who seize a calorie-free on the spot also receive Marlboro sunglasses. harmonise to the American Lung Association tobacco Policy Trend Alert, the tobacco industry is offering candy-? avored cigarettes in an exploit to continue to object lens teens. 1 advertisement and promotion of these products uses hip-hop imagery, kind women, and other imagery to appeal to young in similar appearances that Joe Camel did a decade ago. Marketing efforts for candy-? avored cigarettes came after the Master Settlement balance prohibited tobacco companies from using toon characters to sell cigarettes.Researchers recently released the leaves of several surveys that showed that 20 percent of smokers ages 17 to 19 smoked ? avored cigarettes, while only 6 percent of smokers ages 17 to 20 did. In Russia, a U. S. cigarette company sponsors disco partitioningies where thousands of young people dance to booming music. entranceway is the purc hase of one pack of cigarettes. At other cigarettesponsored parties, attractive women give cigarettes away free. In many countries, overseas cigarettes have a spot image that also gains smoking.A 26-year-old Chinese man says he switched from a domestic brand to Marlboro because You feel a higher social gravel when you smoke foreign cigarettes. take is a sign of luxury in the Czech Republica as salutary as in Russia and other easterly countries, says an executive of a Czech tobacco ? rm that has a joint dissemble with a U. S. company. If I can smoke Marlboro, wherefore Im a well-to-do man. The global tobacco companies insist that they are not attempting to recruit new smokers. They say they are only trying to encourage smokers to switch to foreign brands. The same number of cigarettes are consumed whether American cigarettes or not, was the comment of one executive. Although cigarette companies abjure they sell higher tar and nicotine cigarettes in the Third World, one Brit ish tobacco company does deed over that some of its brands sold in developing countries contain more tar and nicotine than those sold in the United States and Europe. A recent study anchor three major U. S. brands with ? lters had 17 milligrams of tar in the United States, 22. 3 in Kenya, 29. 7 in Malaysia, and 31. 1 in South Africa. another(prenominal) brand with ? ters had 19. 1 milligrams of tar in the United States, 28. 8 in South Africa, and 30. 9 in the Philippines. The ? rm says that Third World smokers are used to smoking their own locally do product, which might have several times more tar and nicotine. Thus, the ? rm leaves the tar- and nicotine-level decisions to its foreign subsidiaries, who tailor their products to local gustatory modalitys. C. Everett Koop, the retired U. S. Surgeon General, was quoted in a recent parole conference as saying, Companies claims that comprehension cannot say with certainty that tobacco causes cancer were ? t-footed lies and that sen ding cigarettes to the Third World was the export of death, disease, and disability. An Oxford University epidemiologist has estimated that, because of increasing tobacco consumption in Asia, the annual worldwide death toll from tobaccorelated illnesses bequeath more than triple over the abutting two decades. Perhaps 100 million people died prematurely during the twentieth century as a result of tobacco, making it the leading preventable cause of death and one of the top killers overall. According to the World wellness Organization, ach year smoking causes 4 million deaths globally, and it expects the annual toll to ascend to 10 million in 2030. government INVOLVEMENT Third World governments often stand to pro? t from tobacco sales. Brazil collects 75 percent of the retail price of cigarettes in taxes, some $100 million a month. The Bulgarian state-owned tobacco company, Bulgartabac, contributes almost $30 million in taxes to the government annually. Bulgartabac is a major exp orter of cigarettes to Russia, merchandise 40,000 tons of cigarettes annually. tobacco is Zimbabwes largest cash crop.One news report from a Zimbabwe newspaper reveals lovesome support for cigarette companies. Western anti-tobacco lobbies abut unbelievable hypocrisy, notes one editorial. It is comparatively thriving to sit in uppercase or London and piffle on about the so-called evils of smoking, but they are far remove from the day-to-day grind of earning a sustainment in the Third World. It goes on to comment that it doesnt dispute the fact that smoking is addictive or that it may cause diseases, but smoking does not necessarily lead to certain 1See From Joe Camel to Kauai KoladaThe Marketing of Candy-Flavored Cigarettes, http//lungusa. org. Part 6 adjunct Material 350 million smokers, China has 50 million more cigarette buyers than the U. S. has people, according to Euromonitor. While smoking pass judgment in developed countries have behindhandly declined, they have s hot up dramatically in some developing counties where PMI is a major player. These intromit Pakistan (up 42 percent since 2001), Ukraine (up 36 percent), and Argentina (up 18 percent). death. Nor is it any more dangerous than other habits. Unfortunately, tobacco smoking has attracted the attention of a especially sanctimonious, meddling sector of society. They would do better to keep their opinions to themselves. Generally, smoking is not a big concern of governments beset by debt, internal con? ict, drought, or famine. It is truly tragic, but the worse famine becomes, the more people smokejust as with war, when people who are worried want to smoke. In any case, says one representative of an transnational tobacco company, pack in developing countries dont have a long enough life foretaste to worry about smoking-related problems.You cant turn to a qat who is going to die at age 40 and tell him that he might not live up to 2 years peculiar(a) at age 70. As for promoting cigare ttes in the Third World, If there is no ban on TV advertising, accordingly you arent going to be an idiot and impose restrictions on yourself, says the representative, and likewise, if you get an order and you know that theyve got money, no one is going to turn down the business. Cigarette companies ? gure Chinas self-interest give preserve its industry.tobacco provides huge revenues for Beijing because all tobacco must be sold through the China field of study Tobacco Company monopoly. Duty on imported cigarettes is nearly 450 percent of their value. Consequently, tobacco is among the central governments biggest source of funding, accounting for more than $30 billion in income in 2005. China is also a major exporter of tobacco. ANTISMOKING PROMOTIONS Since the early 1990s, multinational tobacco companies have promoted offspring smoking prevention programs as part of their corporal Social Responsibility campaigns.The companies have partnered with third-party allies in Latin Ame rica, most notably nonpro? t educational organizations and education and health ministries to promote early days smoking prevention. Even though there is no evidence that these programs depress smoking among youths, they have met the industrys goal of portraying the companies as concerned incarnate citizens. In fact, a new study proves that youth smoking prevention ads created by the tobacco industry and aimed at parents truly increase the likelihood that teens will smoke.The study, Impact of Televised Tobacco Industry roll of tobacco ginmill Advertising on Youth fume-Related Beliefs, Intentions and Behavior, published in the declination 2006 issue of the American ledger of public Health, sought to understand how the tobacco industry uses youth smoking prevention programs in Latin America. Tobacco industry documents, so-called social reports, media reports, and material provided by Latin American public health advocates were all analyzed. The study is the ? rst to examine the speci? c effect of tobacco company parent-focused advertising on youth.It found that ads that the industry claims are aimed at preventing youth from smoking actually provide no bene? t to youth. In fact, the ads that are created for agnate audiences but also are seen by teens are associated with stronger intentions by teens to smoke in the future. Brazil has the worlds strictest governmental laws against smoking, consisting of highly megascopic antismoking campaigns, severe controls on advertising, and very high tax rates on smoking products. Despite these obstacles, the number of smokers in Brazil continues to grow. In 2006, there were approximately 44 million smokers in the country, up from 38 million in 1997.Factors driving this trend include the low price of cigarettes, which are among the lowest in the world the easy access to tobacco products and the actions taken by the powerful tobacco companies to slow down antismoking legislation in Brazil. FOCUS ON DEVELOPING MARKET S Lawsuits, pie-eyed legislation against advertising, laws restricting where people can smoke, and other antismoking efforts on the part of governments have caused tobacco companies to step up their efforts in those markets where restrictions are fewer and governments more friendly.As part of a dodge to increase its sales in the developing world, Philip Morris International (PMI) was spun off from Philip Morris USA in 2008 to escape the holy terror of litigation and government commandment in the United States. The move frees the tobacco giants international operations of the legal and public-relations headaches in the United States that have hindered its growth. Its practices are no longer constrained by American public opinion, paving the way for broad product experimentation. A new product, Marlboro consuming, is likely to be part of an aggressive blitz of new smoking products PMI will roll out around the globe.The Marlboro Intense cigarette has been shrunk down by about a ha lf inch and offers smokers seven blind drunk puffs apiece, versus the average of eight or so milder draws. The idea behind Intense is to appeal to customers who, due to indoor(prenominal) smoking bans, want to dash extracurricular for a quick nicotine hit but dont unendingly ? nish a full-size cigarette. The chief operating officer of PMI says there are possibly 50 markets that are interested in deploying Marlboro Intense. other product innovations include sweet-smelling cigarettes that contain tobacco, cloves and ? voringwith twice the tar and nicotine levels of a conventional U. S. cigarette. Marlboro Mix 9, a high-nicotine, high-tar cigarette launched in Indonesia in 2007, and a clove-infused Mix 9 will be exported to other south-east Asian markets next. Another iteration of the Marlboro brand, the Marlboro filtrate Plus, is being sold in South Korea, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. It touts a special ? lter made of carbon, cellulose acetate, and a tobacco hatful that the company claims lowers the tar level while giving smokers a flowing taste.One of PMIs immediate goals is to armor the huge potential of Chinas smoking population, as well as some of that countrys own brands, which it has agreed to market worldwide. With some ASSESSING THE ETHICS OF strategic DECISIONS Ethical decision making is not a simplistic correct or wrong determination. Ethical ground rules are complex, tough to sort out and to prioritize, tough to articulate, and tough to use. The complexity of good decisions is compounded in the international setting, which comprises different cultures, different perspectives of salutary and wrong, different legal requirements, and different goals.Clearly, when U. S. companies conduct business in an international setting, the ground rules become just complicated by the values, customs, traditions, ethics, and goals of the host countries, which each have developed their own ground rules for conducting business. Three prominent Ameri can ethicists have developed a framework to view the honorable implications of strategical decisions by American Cases 4 Developing Global Marketing Strategies ? rms. They detect three ethical principles that can guide American managers in assessing the ethical implications of their decisions and the degree to which these decisions re? ct these ethical principles or ground rules. They purport asking, Is the corporate strategy unexceptionable according to the following ethical ground rules? These questions can help queer the ethical ground rules embedded in the tobacco consumption situation described in this case. These questions lead to an ethical analysis of the degree to which this strategy is bene? cial or harmful to the parties and, ultimately, whether it is a right or wrong strategy, or whether the consequences of this strategy are ethical or socially responsible for the parties involved.These ideas are incorporated in the decision tree in Exhibit 1. Principles functio nal ethics (Bentham, Smith) Question Does the corporate strategy optimize the common good or bene? ts of all constituencies? Does the corporate strategy complaisance the rights of the individuals involved? Does the corporate strategy respect the canons of justice or integrity to all parties? Rights of the parties (Kant, Locke) jurist or fairness (Aristotle, Rawls) Exhibit 1 A Decision tree diagram for Incorporating Ethical and Social Responsibility Issues into transnational Business DecisionsDoes the decision efficiently optimize the common good or benefits of THE BUSINESS FIRM? Stockholders trouble Profits Growth Other conjunction? Culture Order umpire The good life Other THE scrimping? THE INDIVIDUAL? Economic growth Freedom Allocation of resources Health and public assistance Production and distribution self-fulfillment of goods and services Human dignity Other Opportunity Other YES NO YES Are there precise factors that apologize suboptimizing these goals and satisfacti ons? NO Does the decision respect the rights of individuals involved? YES NO close out Decision YES Are there critical factors that justify the abrogation of a right? NO Does the corporate decision respect the canons of justice or fairness to all parties involved? YES YES NO Reject Decision Are there critical factors that justify the impingement of a canon of justice? NO Accept Decision Reject Decision Part 6 adjunct Material See www. who. int, the World Health Organizations Web site, for more details regarding the authorized tobacco controversy. See also www. getswat. com for a worldwide student endeavour against smoking.Laczniak and Naor discuss the complexity of international ethics or, more precisely, the ethical assumptions that be strategic decisions for multinationals. 2 They suggest that multinationals can develop consistency in their policies by using federal law as a baseline for appropriate behavior as well as respect for the host countrys general value structure. T hey conclude with four recommendations for multinationals 1. brandish codes of ethics to be worldwide in scope. 2. Expressly consider ethical issues when developing worldwide corporate strategies. . If the ? rm encounters major ethical dilemmas, consider onanism from the problem market. 4. Develop periodic ethics-impact statements, including impacts on host parties. 2 QUESTIONS 1. mapping the model in Exhibit 1 as a guide and assess the ethical and social responsibility implications of the situations described. 2. Can you recommend alternative strategies or solutions to the dilemmas confronting the tobacco companies? To governments? What is the price of ethical behavior? 3. Should the U. S. government support U. S. tobacco company interests abroad? . Should a company be squeeze to stop marketing a product that is not illegal, such as cigarettes? Gene R. Laczniak and Jacob Naor, Global Ethics wrestling with the Corporate Conscience, Business, JulySeptember 1985. Sources flower pot Over the Horizon U. S. Gains in Tobacco Control Are existence Offset Internationally, The Washington Post, July 23, 2006 Death and Taxes England Has blend in the Latest in a Series of Countries to Vote for Restrictions on Smoking in Public Places, pecuniary Management (UK), April 1, 2006 Trick or direct?Tobacco Industry Prevention Ads Dont Help bottle up Youth Smoking, PR give-and-takewire, October 31, 2006 China Exclusive China, With One Third of Worlds Smokers, Promises a Non-Smoking Olympics, Xinhua News Agency, May 29, 2006 Tobacco Consumption and Motives for practice session in Mexican University Students, Adolescence, June 22, 2006 A Change in the Air Smoking censors Gain Momentum Worldwide, environmental Health Perspectives, August 1, 2007 Adams Wont Kick the BAT substance abuse The Head of British American Tobacco Is Stoical About the Looming Ban on Smoking in Public Spaces BAT will Adapt, The sunshine Telegraph London, June 10, 2007 Heart Disease, Stroke chevvy Third World, Associated force per unit area (Online), April 4, 2006 contain a Detailed Picture of the Tobacco Industry in Brazil, M2 Press Wire, December 20, 2007 Vanessa OConnell, Philip Morris Readies Global Tobacco Blitz region Spin-off Enables Aggressive Product budge High-Tar Smokes in Asia, The Wall course Journal, January 29, 2008 The Global Tobacco Threat, The New York Times, February 19, 2008 How to however a Billion Lives Smoking, The economic expert (London,) February 9, 2008 Whether Here or There, Cigarettes Still pop out People, The Wall Street Journal, February 4, 2008.Marketing Case Study1. When 7-UP introduced itself into the daft deglutition industry, they were generally opinion of by consumers as a company that produced a clear soft throw for mixing alcoholic beverages. After conducting enormous research, 7-UP found that colas were the best-selling category in the soft crapulence industry. 7-UP accordingly repositioned itself in the market by introdu cing the slogan, 7-UP, the uncola. This repositioning allowed them to take third place in the market, after Coca Cola and Pepsi, and also allowed for growth and gains over competitors in the lemon-lime category of soft drinks. In addition, 7-UP differentiates itself from other soft drink shapers in several ways. Within the lemon-lime category, 7-UP has introduced a new tagline, all things in green bottles are not the same. This tagline is meant to differentiate 7-UP from Sprite and Sierra Mist. 2 other new taglines will include for less sweet, syrupy taste, the only way to go is Up and When you add it all up, the only way to go is Up (Wikipedia).2. 7-UP was able to change consumer behavior by using psychology and working with the concept that everyone wants to be an individual. When introducing the uncola tagline, 7-UP based this adit on consumer research. Purchasing and consuming Coke and Pepsi were part of going along with the group since many people were purchasing those prod ucts at the time. Introducing 7-UP as the uncola brought to mind a sense of individuality for consumers. The 7-UP marketing executives put the idea in their heads that purchasing and consuming 7-UP products would make them stand out from the crowd. 7-UP has continued this tradition of ever-changing consumer behavior since that time.The company hopes to change consumer behavior in the twenty-first century by introducing a product called 7-UP Plus. This product will create a whole new category within the soft drink industry, as it is going to be sold as a soft drink with added nutritional value. Again, 7-UP is basing the introduction of this product on consumer trends and research. Due to the obesity pestilential in America, combined with raised health awareness on the part of many men and women, 7-UP will be introducing this reduced sugar product with added vitamins and minerals. Introducing this product shows that 7-UP is on top of trends in consumer spending and, by introducing th is product, the executives may be able to change consumer behavior from purchasing sugar-laden soft drinks with forsake calories to purchasing a less sweetened product with vitamins and minerals that are needed to fuel the human body (Dillon).3. Like any company, 7-UP has had many successes and failures throughout its history. In the initial stages of the company, there were 600 lemon-lime beverages competing for market share with 7-UP. 7-UP was able to buy the farm and rise to the top of the market by successfully becoming one of the first lemon-lime soft drinks to be nationally distributed. 7-UP also floundered in the soft drink market due to suffering marketing. Originally, the soft drink was a means of calming children with upset stomachs. Later, it became a mixer for alcoholic beverages. Because 7-UP was thought of as a bartending mixer and not an individual beverage, sales were largely due to people intending to mix the 7-UP with a type of alcoholic beverage.7-UP conducted bulky research and found that cola drinks were the best-selling soft drink in the industry. However, these cola drinks contained a considerable amount of caffeine. After careful consideration, they introduced the slogan, 7-UP, the uncola. This slogan appealed to consumers because it carried a sense of individualism and it also appealed to those who were health-conscious and knew the effects of too much caffeine. This was one of 7-UPs great successes. Another failure by 7-UP was the introduction of 7-UP amber. 7-UP Gold was designed as a spiced version of 7-UP, similar in taste to the ginger ale soft drink. Although it was widely marketed and advertised, the product was never a hit and was discontinued.Another successful marketing campaign capitalized on the principles of Zen. A television commercial featured a Zen master asking disciples to correctly choose. The 7-UP symbolized light and consciousness while the cola featured in the commercial symbolized darkness. With that commerc ial, 7-UP made consumers think they were making a good life choice by purchasing and consuming 7-UP. Another failure in 7-UPs history is its poor bottling and distribution structure. When 7-UP was first introduced, it had little competition because Coca Cola and Pepsi did not manufacture lemon-lime soft drinks. This changed when Coca Cola introduced Sprite and Pepsi introduced Sierra Mist. Bottlers were then forced by these respective companies to discontinue bottling 7-UP and exclusively bottle their products. Unfortunately, this had led to an inability for 7-UP to be widely distributed to smaller stores. As a result, 7-UP can often only be found in large stores or chains (Wikipedia).4. 7-UPs marketing strategy has been successful in many ways. With the introduction of new taglines and slogans, 7-UP has been successful at positioning themselves in consumers minds and increasing market share in the soft drink industry. 7-UPs marketing strategy has also been successful because market ing executives have capitalized on consumer trends throughout the history of the company.In the 1970s, the company seized upon the fact that the popular cola drinks had high levels of caffeine and redesigned their advertising to ponder the healthier choice that 7-UP was. In addition, they appealed to the consumers sense of wanting to be an individual and introduced advertisements geared toward that concept. With the invention of new technology, 7-UP has also gained a presence on the World Wide Web with a well-designed web site that gives important information about the company and its products (Wikipedia).Marketing Case StudyCASE 4? 6 Making Socially Responsible and Ethical Strategic decisions move a company toward its stated goals and perceived success. Strategic decisions also re? ect the ? rms social responsibility and the ethical values on which such decisions are made. They re? ect what is considered important and what a company wants to achieve. Mark Pastin, writing on the fu nction of ethics in business decisions, observes There are fundamental principles, or ground rules, by which organizations act. Like the ground rules of individuals, organizational ground rules determine which actions are possible for the organization and what the actions mean.Buried beneath the charts of organizational responsibility, the arcane strategies, the crunched numbers, and the political intrigue of every ? rm are sound rules by which the game unfolds. The following situations re? ect different decisions made by multinational ? rms and governments and also re? ect the social responsibility and ethical values underpinning the decisions. Study the following situations in the global cigarette marketplace carefully and assess the ground rules that guided the decisions of ? rms and governments.Marketing Decisions Selling Tobacco to Third World Countries expanding market. As an example, Indonesias per capita cigarette consumption quadrupled in less than ten years. Increasingly, cigarette advertising on radio and television is being restricted in some countries, but other means of promotion, especially to young people, are not controlled. China, with more than 300 million smokers, produces and consumes about 1. 4 trillion cigarettes per year, more than any other country in the world. Estimates are that China has more smokers than the United States has people.Just 1 percent of that 1. 4 trillion cigarette market would increase a tobacco companys overseas sales by 15 percent and would be worth as much as $300 million in added revenue. American cigarette companies have received a warm welcome in Russia, where at least 50 percent of the people smoke. Consumers are hungry for most things Western, and tobacco taxes are low. Unlike in the United States and other countries that limit or ban cigarette advertising, there are few effective controls on tobacco products in Russia.Russia, the worlds fourth largest cigarette market, has proved to be an extremely pro? tabl e territory for British American Tobacco (BAT). BAT Russia, established in 1949, sold 65 billion cigarettes in Russia in 2005, giving it almost one? fth of market share. EXPORTING U. S. CIGARETTE CONSUMPTION In the United States, 600 billion cigarettes are sold annually, but sales are shrinking rapidly. Unit sales have been dropping about 1 to 2 percent a year, and sales have been down by almost 5 percent in the last six years. The U. S.Surgeon Generals campaign against smoking, higher cigarette taxes, non-smoking rules in public areas, and the concern Americans have about general health have led to the decline in tobacco consumption. Faced with various class-action lawsuits, the success of states in winning lawsuits, and pending federal legislation, tobacco companies have stepped up their international marketing activities to maintain pro? ts. Even though companies have agreed to sweeping restrictions in the United States on cigarette marketing and secondhand smoke and to bolder ca ncer-warning labels, they are ? hting as hard as ever in the Third World to convince the media, the public, and policymakers that similar changes are not needed. In seminars at luxury resorts worldwide, tobacco companies invite journalists, all expenses paid, to participate in programs that play down the health risks of smoking. It is hard to gauge the in? uence of such seminars, but in the Philippines, a government plan to reduce smoking by children was neutralized by a public relations campaign from cigarette companies to remove cancer awareness and prevention as a key concern. A slant in favor of the tobacco industrys point of view seemed to prevail. At a time when most industrialized countries are discouraging smoking, the tobacco industry is avidly courting consumers throughout the developing world using catchy slogans, obvious image campaigns, and single-cigarette sales that ? t a hard-pressed customers budget. The reason is clear The Third World is an ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIO N In Gambia, smokers send in cigarette box tops to qualify for a chance to win a new car. In Argentina, smoking commercials ? ll 20 percent of television advertising time.And in crowded African cities, billboards that link smoking to the good life tower above the sweltering shantytowns. Such things as baby clothes with cigarette logos, health warnings printed in foreign languages, and tobaccosponsored contests for children are often featured in tobacco ads in Third World countries. Latin American tobacco consumption rose by more than 24 percent over a ten-year period. Critics claim that sophisticated promotions in unsophisticated societies entice people who cannot afford the necessities of life to spend money on a luxuryand a dangerous one at that.The sophistication theme runs throughout the smoking ads. In Kinshasa, Zaire, billboards depict a man in a business suit stepping out of a black Mercedes as a chauffeur holds the door. In Nigeria, promotions for Graduate brand cigarettes s how a university student in his cap and gown. Those for Gold Leaf cigarettes have a barrister in a white wig and the slogan, A very important cigarette for very important people. In Kenya, a magazine ad for Embassy cigarettes shows an elegant executive of? cer with three young men and women equivalent to American yuppies.The most disturbing trend in developing countries is advertising that associates tobacco with American af? uence and culture. Some women in Africa, in their struggle for womens rights, de? antly smoke cigarettes as a symbol of freedom. Billboards all over Russia feature pictures of skyscrapers and white sandy beaches and slogans like Total Freedom or Rendezvous with America. They arent advertising foreign travel but American cigarette brands. Cases 4 Developing Global Marketing Strategies Every cigarette manufacturer is in the image business, and tobacco companies say their promotional slant is both reasonable and common.They point out that in the Third World a lo t of people cannot understand what is written in the ads anyway, so the ads zero in on the more understandable visual image. In most of the world, the Marlboro Man isnt just a symbol of the Wild West hes a symbol of the West. You cant convince people that all Americans dont smoke. In Africa, some of the most effective advertising includes images of af? uent white Americans with recognizable landmarks, such as the New York City skyline, in the background. In much of Africa, children as young as ? e are used to sell single cigarettes, affordable to other children, to support their own nicotine habits. Worldwide nearly one-fourth of all teenage smokers smoked their ? rst cigarette before they were 10 years old. The scope of promotional activity is enormous. In Kenya, a major tobacco company is the fourth-largest advertiser. Tobaccosponsored lotteries bolster sales in some countries by offering as prizes expensive goods that are beyond most peoples budgets. Gambia has a population of just 640,000, but a tobacco company lottery attracted 1. million entries (each sent in on a cigarette box top) when it raf? ed off a Renault car. Evidence is strong that the strategy of tobacco companies is to target young people as a means of expanding market demand. Report after report reveals that adolescents receive cigarettes free as a means of promoting the product. For example, in Buenos Aires, a Jeep decorated with the yellow Camel logo pulls up in front of a high school. The driver, a blond woman wearing khaki safari gear, begins handing out free cigarettes to 15- and 16-year-olds on lunch recess.Teens visiting MTVs Web sites in China, Germany, India, Poland, and Latin America were given the chance to click on a banner ad that led them to a questionnaire about their exposure to cigarette ads and other marketing tools in their countries. Some 10,000 teens responded to the banner ads. In the past week, more than 62 percent of teenagers in these countries have been exposed to tobacco advertising in some form, the 17-year-old SWAT (Students Working against Tobacco) chairman told Reuters. The tobacco companies learned that marketing to teens and kids worked in this country, but since they cant do it here anymore, theyve taken what they learned to other countries. At a video arcade in Taipei, free American cigarettes are strewn atop each game. As long as theyre here, I may as well try one, says a high school girl. In Malaysia, Gila-Gila, a comic book popular with elementary school students, carries a Lucky Strike ad. Attractive women in cowboy out? ts regularly meet teenagers going to rock concerts or discos in Budapest and hand them Marlboros.Those who accept a light on the spot also receive Marlboro sunglasses. According to the American Lung Association Tobacco Policy Trend Alert, the tobacco industry is offering candy-? avored cigarettes in an attempt to continue to target teens. 1 Advertising and promotion of these products uses hip-hop imagery, attrac tive women, and other imagery to appeal to youth in similar ways that Joe Camel did a decade ago. Marketing efforts for candy-? avored cigarettes came after the Master Settlement Agreement prohibited tobacco companies from using cartoon characters to sell cigarettes.Researchers recently released the results of several surveys that showed that 20 percent of smokers ages 17 to 19 smoked ? avored cigarettes, while only 6 percent of smokers ages 17 to 20 did. In Russia, a U. S. cigarette company sponsors disco parties where thousands of young people dance to booming music. Admission is the purchase of one pack of cigarettes. At other cigarettesponsored parties, attractive women give cigarettes away free. In many countries, foreign cigarettes have a status image that also encourages smoking.A 26-year-old Chinese man says he switched from a domestic brand to Marlboro because You feel a higher social position when you smoke foreign cigarettes. Smoking is a sign of luxury in the Czech Repub lica as well as in Russia and other Eastern countries, says an executive of a Czech tobacco ? rm that has a joint venture with a U. S. company. If I can smoke Marlboro, then Im a well-to-do man. The global tobacco companies insist that they are not attempting to recruit new smokers. They say they are only trying to encourage smokers to switch to foreign brands. The same number of cigarettes are consumed whether American cigarettes or not, was the comment of one executive. Although cigarette companies deny they sell higher tar and nicotine cigarettes in the Third World, one British tobacco company does concede that some of its brands sold in developing countries contain more tar and nicotine than those sold in the United States and Europe. A recent study found three major U. S. brands with ? lters had 17 milligrams of tar in the United States, 22. 3 in Kenya, 29. 7 in Malaysia, and 31. 1 in South Africa. Another brand with ? ters had 19. 1 milligrams of tar in the United States, 28. 8 in South Africa, and 30. 9 in the Philippines. The ? rm says that Third World smokers are used to smoking their own locally made product, which might have several times more tar and nicotine. Thus, the ? rm leaves the tar- and nicotine-level decisions to its foreign subsidiaries, who tailor their products to local tastes. C. Everett Koop, the retired U. S. Surgeon General, was quoted in a recent news conference as saying, Companies claims that science cannot say with certainty that tobacco causes cancer were ? t-footed lies and that sending cigarettes to the Third World was the export of death, disease, and disability. An Oxford University epidemiologist has estimated that, because of increasing tobacco consumption in Asia, the annual worldwide death toll from tobaccorelated illnesses will more than triple over the next two decades. Perhaps 100 million people died prematurely during the 20th century as a result of tobacco, making it the leading preventable cause of death and one of the top killers overall. According to the World Health Organization, ach year smoking causes 4 million deaths globally, and it expects the annual toll to rise to 10 million in 2030. GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT Third World governments often stand to pro? t from tobacco sales. Brazil collects 75 percent of the retail price of cigarettes in taxes, some $100 million a month. The Bulgarian state-owned tobacco company, Bulgartabac, contributes almost $30 million in taxes to the government annually. Bulgartabac is a major exporter of cigarettes to Russia, exporting 40,000 tons of cigarettes annually. Tobacco is Zimbabwes largest cash crop.One news report from a Zimbabwe newspaper reveals strong support for cigarette companies. Western anti-tobacco lobbies demonstrate unbelievable hypocrisy, notes one editorial. It is relatively easy to sit in Washington or London and prattle on about the so-called evils of smoking, but they are far removed from the day-to-day grind of earning a living in th e Third World. It goes on to comment that it doesnt dispute the fact that smoking is addictive or that it may cause diseases, but smoking does not necessarily lead to certain 1See From Joe Camel to Kauai KoladaThe Marketing of Candy-Flavored Cigarettes, http//lungusa. org. Part 6 Supplementary Material 350 million smokers, China has 50 million more cigarette buyers than the U. S. has people, according to Euromonitor. While smoking rates in developed countries have slowly declined, they have shot up dramatically in some developing counties where PMI is a major player. These include Pakistan (up 42 percent since 2001), Ukraine (up 36 percent), and Argentina (up 18 percent). death. Nor is it any more dangerous than other habits. Unfortunately, tobacco smoking has attracted the attention of a particularly sanctimonious, meddling sector of society. They would do better to keep their opinions to themselves. Generally, smoking is not a big concern of governments beset by debt, internal c on? ict, drought, or famine. It is truly tragic, but the worse famine becomes, the more people smokejust as with war, when people who are worried want to smoke. In any case, says one representative of an international tobacco company, People in developing countries dont have a long enough life expectancy to worry about smoking-related problems.You cant turn to a guy who is going to die at age 40 and tell him that he might not live up to 2 years extra at age 70. As for promoting cigarettes in the Third World, If there is no ban on TV advertising, then you arent going to be an idiot and impose restrictions on yourself, says the representative, and likewise, if you get an order and you know that theyve got money, no one is going to turn down the business. Cigarette companies ? gure Chinas self-interest will preserve its industry.Tobacco provides huge revenues for Beijing because all tobacco must be sold through the China National Tobacco Company monopoly. Duty on imported cigarettes is nearly 450 percent of their value. Consequently, tobacco is among the central governments biggest source of funding, accounting for more than $30 billion in income in 2005. China is also a major exporter of tobacco. ANTISMOKING PROMOTIONS Since the early 1990s, multinational tobacco companies have promoted youth smoking prevention programs as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility campaigns.The companies have partnered with third-party allies in Latin America, most notably nonpro? t educational organizations and education and health ministries to promote youth smoking prevention. Even though there is no evidence that these programs reduce smoking among youths, they have met the industrys goal of portraying the companies as concerned corporate citizens. In fact, a new study proves that youth smoking prevention ads created by the tobacco industry and aimed at parents actually increase the likelihood that teens will smoke.The study, Impact of Televised Tobacco Industry Smokin g Prevention Advertising on Youth Smoking-Related Beliefs, Intentions and Behavior, published in the December 2006 issue of the American Journal of Public Health, sought to understand how the tobacco industry uses youth smoking prevention programs in Latin America. Tobacco industry documents, so-called social reports, media reports, and material provided by Latin American public health advocates were all analyzed. The study is the ? rst to examine the speci? c effect of tobacco company parent-focused advertising on youth.It found that ads that the industry claims are aimed at preventing youth from smoking actually provide no bene? t to youth. In fact, the ads that are created for parental audiences but also are seen by teens are associated with stronger intentions by teens to smoke in the future. Brazil has the worlds strictest governmental laws against smoking, consisting of highly visible antismoking campaigns, severe controls on advertising, and very high tax rates on smoking pro ducts. Despite these obstacles, the number of smokers in Brazil continues to grow. In 2006, there were approximately 44 million smokers in the country, up from 38 million in 1997.Factors driving this trend include the low price of cigarettes, which are among the lowest in the world the easy access to tobacco products and the actions taken by the powerful tobacco companies to slow down antismoking legislation in Brazil. FOCUS ON DEVELOPING MARKETS Lawsuits, stringent legislation against advertising, laws restricting where people can smoke, and other antismoking efforts on the part of governments have caused tobacco companies to intensify their efforts in those markets where restrictions are fewer and governments more friendly.As part of a strategy to increase its sales in the developing world, Philip Morris International (PMI) was spun off from Philip Morris USA in 2008 to escape the threat of litigation and government regulation in the United States. The move frees the tobacco giant s international operations of the legal and public-relations headaches in the United States that have hindered its growth. Its practices are no longer constrained by American public opinion, paving the way for broad product experimentation. A new product, Marlboro Intense, is likely to be part of an aggressive blitz of new smoking products PMI will roll out around the globe.The Marlboro Intense cigarette has been shrunk down by about a half inch and offers smokers seven potent puffs apiece, versus the average of eight or so milder draws. The idea behind Intense is to appeal to customers who, due to indoor smoking bans, want to dash outside for a quick nicotine hit but dont always ? nish a full-size cigarette. The CEO of PMI says there are possibly 50 markets that are interested in deploying Marlboro Intense. Other product innovations include sweet-smelling cigarettes that contain tobacco, cloves and ? voringwith twice the tar and nicotine levels of a conventional U. S. cigarette. M arlboro Mix 9, a high-nicotine, high-tar cigarette launched in Indonesia in 2007, and a clove-infused Mix 9 will be exported to other southeast Asian markets next. Another iteration of the Marlboro brand, the Marlboro Filter Plus, is being sold in South Korea, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. It touts a special ? lter made of carbon, cellulose acetate, and a tobacco plug that the company claims lowers the tar level while giving smokers a smoother taste.One of PMIs immediate goals is to harness the huge potential of Chinas smoking population, as well as some of that countrys own brands, which it has agreed to market worldwide. With some ASSESSING THE ETHICS OF STRATEGIC DECISIONS Ethical decision making is not a simplistic right or wrong determination. Ethical ground rules are complex, tough to sort out and to prioritize, tough to articulate, and tough to use. The complexity of ethical decisions is compounded in the international setting, which comprises different cultures, different perspectives of right and wrong, different legal requirements, and different goals.Clearly, when U. S. companies conduct business in an international setting, the ground rules become further complicated by the values, customs, traditions, ethics, and goals of the host countries, which each have developed their own ground rules for conducting business. Three prominent American ethicists have developed a framework to view the ethical implications of strategic decisions by American Cases 4 Developing Global Marketing Strategies ? rms. They identify three ethical principles that can guide American managers in assessing the ethical implications of their decisions and the degree to which these decisions re? ct these ethical principles or ground rules. They suggest asking, Is the corporate strategy acceptable according to the following ethical ground rules? These questions can help uncover the ethical ground rules embedded in the tobacco consumption situation described in this case. Thes e questions lead to an ethical analysis of the degree to which this strategy is bene? cial or harmful to the parties and, ultimately, whether it is a right or wrong strategy, or whether the consequences of this strategy are ethical or socially responsible for the parties involved.These ideas are incorporated in the decision tree in Exhibit 1. Principles Utilitarian ethics (Bentham, Smith) Question Does the corporate strategy optimize the common good or bene? ts of all constituencies? Does the corporate strategy respect the rights of the individuals involved? Does the corporate strategy respect the canons of justice or fairness to all parties? Rights of the parties (Kant, Locke) Justice or fairness (Aristotle, Rawls) Exhibit 1 A Decision Tree for Incorporating Ethical and Social Responsibility Issues into Multinational Business DecisionsDoes the decision efficiently optimize the common good or benefits of THE BUSINESS FIRM? Stockholders Management Profits Growth Other SOCIETY? Cultur e Order Justice The good life Other THE ECONOMY? THE INDIVIDUAL? Economic growth Freedom Allocation of resources Health and welfare Production and distribution Self-realization of goods and services Human dignity Other Opportunity Other YES NO YES Are there critical factors that justify suboptimizing these goals and satisfactions? NO Does the decision respect the rights of individuals involved? YES NOReject Decision YES Are there critical factors that justify the abrogation of a right? NO Does the corporate decision respect the canons of justice or fairness to all parties involved? YES YES NO Reject Decision Are there critical factors that justify the violation of a canon of justice? NO Accept Decision Reject Decision Part 6 Supplementary Material See www. who. int, the World Health Organizations Web site, for more details regarding the current tobacco controversy. See also www. getswat. com for a worldwide student initiative against smoking.Laczniak and Naor discuss the complexity of international ethics or, more precisely, the ethical assumptions that underlie strategic decisions for multinationals. 2 They suggest that multinationals can develop consistency in their policies by using federal law as a baseline for appropriate behavior as well as respect for the host countrys general value structure. They conclude with four recommendations for multinationals 1. Expand codes of ethics to be worldwide in scope. 2. Expressly consider ethical issues when developing worldwide corporate strategies. . If the ? rm encounters major ethical dilemmas, consider withdrawal from the problem market. 4. Develop periodic ethics-impact statements, including impacts on host parties. 2 QUESTIONS 1. Use the model in Exhibit 1 as a guide and assess the ethical and social responsibility implications of the situations described. 2. Can you recommend alternative strategies or solutions to the dilemmas confronting the tobacco companies? To governments? What is the price of ethical beha vior? 3. Should the U. S. government support U. S. tobacco company interests abroad? . Should a company be forced to stop marketing a product that is not illegal, such as cigarettes? Gene R. Laczniak and Jacob Naor, Global Ethics Wrestling with the Corporate Conscience, Business, JulySeptember 1985. Sources Smoke Over the Horizon U. S. Gains in Tobacco Control Are Being Offset Internationally, The Washington Post, July 23, 2006 Death and Taxes England Has Become the Latest in a Series of Countries to Vote for Restrictions on Smoking in Public Places, Financial Management (UK), April 1, 2006 Trick or Treat?Tobacco Industry Prevention Ads Dont Help Curb Youth Smoking, PR Newswire, October 31, 2006 China Exclusive China, With One Third of Worlds Smokers, Promises a Non-Smoking Olympics, Xinhua News Agency, May 29, 2006 Tobacco Consumption and Motives for Use in Mexican University Students, Adolescence, June 22, 2006 A Change in the Air Smoking Bans Gain Momentum Worldwide, Environmenta l Health Perspectives, August 1, 2007 Adams Wont Kick the BAT Habit The Head of British American Tobacco Is Stoical About the Looming Ban on Smoking in Public Spaces BAT will Adapt, The Sunday Telegraph London, June 10, 2007 Heart Disease, Stroke Plague Third World, Associated Press (Online), April 4, 2006 Get a Detailed Picture of the Tobacco Industry in Brazil, M2 Press Wire, December 20, 2007 Vanessa OConnell, Philip Morris Readies Global Tobacco Blitz Division Spin-off Enables Aggressive Product Push High-Tar Smokes in Asia, The Wall Street Journal, January 29, 2008 The Global Tobacco Threat, The New York Times, February 19, 2008 How to Save a Billion Lives Smoking, The Economist (London,) February 9, 2008 Whether Here or There, Cigarettes Still Kill People, The Wall Street Journal, February 4, 2008.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Apk entreprneurship
Executive Summary Creative Maker distressful Bad formal describe in this art plan Is to start-up a charity descent by determined and dedicated Individuals who are experience In this field. done the Basic Entrepreneurship Culture course (EXEGESES) we are exposed to the basic entrepreneur knowledge for the purpose to implement the entrepreneur satellites and managing basic entrepreneur risks In order to carry proscribed this business. Without doubt this idea came out as a dream now beginning to shape Into reality.In supervising us throughout this project. In general, this business Is focusing on the field of manufacturing and by focusing on last quality customer service, diverse offerings, imaginative promotion strategy and continuous development of employees, our company Is projected to lapse 850 customer In a calendar month while maintaining a high gross margin on sales while strengthening change management and working capital.A comprehensive analysis of the market indicate s that souvenir effort is strong and robust generating a fair amount of annual revenues. The positioning of our business testament include various places inside University Malay and it is exceedingly desirable as it is based at a busy use of the university. Our chosen target markets which include the students, lecturer and staffs of University Malay and will history for a total of 850 potential customers in the first month.The promotion will A review of our competitors shows that we will be competing against Creative Center Sad Bad established near our location. This business focus on polar pricing structure and market approaches. With our consistent, high quality services and relent pricing, we have the edge in attracting customers by delivering a full hurl of beauty and pampering treatments in several convenient location. Our concrete marketing plan will distinguish us as souvenirs of choice for customers. PC entrepreneurship By mimicked Creative Maker Sad Bad establishe d described in this business plan is to start-up a hearty business by determined and dedicated individuals who are experience in this activities and managing basic entrepreneur risks in order to carry out this business. Without doubt this idea came out as a dream now beginning to shape into reality. We would ilk to thank Dry. Norwich bin Mood Musical as our lecturer who had been so committed in supervising us throughout this project. In general, this business is employees, our company is projected to reach 850 customer in a month while
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Iron Crowned Chapter 19
It in additionk awhile originally Kiyo, Jasmine, and I could return to Tucson. We had to go to the backbone Land, of course, w here Shaya and the separates asked me all sorts of questions ab place what had happened and what I cherished to do. Kiyo and even Jasmine fork upd nigh of the answers for me because h 1stly, I wasnt sure what I requiremented no. The only thing I had the real sense to do was demand Jasmines reap word and unlock her chains. She sta bolshy at her freed hands wonderingly, stroking her wrists. I nearly left the chains and key in the castle exclusively soon reconsidered and took them with me to the human world.Shed never countn my hearthstone before and regarded it with approval as we entered. All was quiet, and the empty drive r go forthe make me confident I wouldnt find Tim and Lara holed up in his bedroom again. demo of their love, however, was still apparent.Damn them, I express, gingerly picking a red lace bra off of the couch and tossing it d own the hall toward Tims room. Im exit to give to sanitize this thing. Probably all former(a) piece of piece of furniture too.You rush Pop-Tarts Jasmine hadnt made it to the life room. Shed stopped in the kitchen, opening every drawer and cupboard she could find. And Apple Jacks Peanut entirelyter, ranch dressing, saltines I was surprised that decease one excited her so untold, tho later on a couple years eating gentry food, even the most(prenominal) mundane human cuisine was plausibly exciting.Oh she exclaimed. Can I have one of your Milky Ways?Sure. Have whatever you want.Her look were gigantic as she tore into the package, and two Kiyo and I instructed her with smiles on our faces, comparable noble p bents on Christmas morning. Although they didnt thinking(a) good to me skillful now, Milky Ways were commonly my candy bar of choice. From the way she was consuming hers, Jasmine appe atomic number 18d to share that family trait. She completed her borecole rus h with a can of Coke and then made herself at home on the couch. Watching her reach eagerly for the remote control, I decided it was best not to mention the amorous activities that had possible occurred where she sat.She flipped done the channels in continued amazement. It was evening prime time diversion and the emotions on her face were transparent as she stumbled crossways old and y source inhful shows a handle.You want me to see if I can find anything that fits you? I asked. She susceptibility have slipped back easily to human behaviors, only when she still wore a colossal, f first-class honours degreeing gentry-style gown.Sure, she said, not looking up from the screen.Kiyo followed me into my bedroom. You think shes safe out at that place? he asked. Alone?Yeah, I do actually. Jasmine and I werent the uniform size, but I found close to drawstring shorts that would bidly fit. I dont know wherefore but I whole step wish I can trust her.Be careful, he warned, s itting on the beds knock against. For all we know, she was ingenious to be captured and have Cassius throw himself at her.He didnt do anything. I found the modestest T-shirt I could her frame was to a greater extent slender than mine.So she says.I sighed and faced him. Kiyo, youve got to trust me. I cant explain it, but shes telling the truth. Is she breathing out to turn into a normal young and forget some her plans to have Storm Kings heir? Unlikely. and for now, shes in shock and not dangerous.If you think so. Just be careful, Eug. Youve been tricked by race youve trusted before.Surprise, surprise. A slam on Dorian. I crossed my arms, retention the c dividehes to my chest. Soon to be followed by a lecture on seizing the rowan tree Land. Id been bracing myself since it all happened, but during the ensuing maltreat control, hed held back. I appreciated that but still dreaded the inevitable.Actually, he said, no.No? Id started to take a step toward the doorway and froze.H e laughed, though there wasnt much humor in it. No. only I erect thought well, after last time You werent very happy more or less the Thorn Land That small smile faded. No. And its not like Im happy about(predicate) this. But the truth is, you did find a relatively bloodless way to end all of this. When we were out there, you asked me what other solution could fix things. I didnt have an answer. You did. Its not great but it didnt kill Katrice or those other people. It didnt get you captured. He shrugged. Not ideal, no, but better than the alternatives.I leaned back against the wall, still shocked at his reaction. If it makes you opinion better, its not like I wanted this either. I wanted to rise in and out and get Jasmine.He nodded, but there was a sharp look in his eye. And yet, you brought the crown. I hadnt mentioned that to him when we first set out to the rowan tree Land.Her note said she didnt believe I had it I was hoping waving it rough might do something to hel p us. He beated quiet. Dont look at me like that You cant believe I planned to use it.I do believe you. He approached me and rested his hands on my shoulders. And Ill help you in any way you unavoidableness. almostthing inside my chest released, and I leaned into him, taking value in his warmth and the security he offered. Thank you. Im definitely acquittance to destiny you.Kiyo pressed a kiss to my fore learning ability. Im here.I felt up a small smile pull at my lips, though as with his preferably laughter, I didnt really find the situation funny. I suppose if there is a silver lining here, maybe I can do a better job ruling the Rowan Land than she did. several(prenominal) sort of greater good.To my surprise, his hold on me stiffened, and he stepped back. The smile he offered me looked tight. Maybe.We went back out to Jasmine, who was still riveted to the TV. The only acknowledgment we got was when I pass on her the clothes, and she examined them. Whats The Clash mean?I ignored the blasphemy and Kiyos obvious amusement at my pain. If you want to shower, everything youll need is in the bathroom. Towels, shampoo.That too got her tending. A shower oh, man. Ive missed showers.Will you two be okay? asked Kiyo, all attributes of his earlier uneasiness gone. I need to take care of a few things.I nodded. Were fine. Will you be back soon?As soon as I can. He kissed me again, this time on my lips. I must have worn another pained expression because he cupped my chin, his brown eyes full of love and compassion. Its going to be okay, Eugenie. Everything will be okay.I nodded once more and watched wistfully as he left. I wanted his arms some me again, to hold me and let me escape this mess. A small luck of me wouldnt have melodic themeed Dorians arms either. I sat beside Jasmine, whose attention was back on some reality show.Hes footrace off to Maiwenn, you know. Her survey didnt play. Off to report on what happened.My ire started to rise at her acc usation, draw out I had a tactual sensation she was compensate. Even if there was no more romance between them, he was still devoted to her. The recent developments were going to rock the Otherworld, and shed want the story straight from him. I wondered how shed take it shed perpetually feared my becoming like my father.Probably, I admitted. I rubbed my eyes. God, Im so exhausted. I feel like I could fall all over.This time Jasmine turned to me. There wasnt precisely sympathy in her face, but something surprisingly close. No shit. You effective take a kingdom and took it over.It sounds so ugly when you phrase it that way.She shrugged and looked back at the TV. Youll probably do a better job. Her words echoed my earlier point out to Kiyo. You know, she added conversationally, everyone acts like our dad was such a bastard, like he just wanted more power. I mean, he did, but you know what Aeson told me? He said that Storm King was ever so talking about how he could do a bett er job too, that the other monarchs werent as good. He said he was doing the people a favor.I froze, unable to respond. That was why Kiyo had reacted the way he did earlier. Hed comprehend that about Storm Kings good intentions, I realized. Id expressed scarcely the same sentiment as my father.Jasmine didnt notice the raise of her words and instead jumped subjects in that easy, short-attention-span way of hers. Hey, do you think you could get Wil to come over? I want to see him.Sure, I murmured automatically. My mind was still lost in her earlier words. Sure.Wil was surprised to hear from me the undermentioned morning, more surprised still when I told him the reason I was calling. He said hed be over in five minutes.Jasmine had asked that he come alone after Id mentioned he now had a girlfriend. Still, shed been curious. Seriously? Whats she like?I thought back to my one meeting with Wils ladylove. Once Id banished the monsters living in their house, she hadnt shut up about cons piracy theories and assorted coverups. precisely like him, Id replied to Jasmine.The reunion between brother and sister was strange. They stood there awkwardly, both staring at each other and assessing all the ways theyd changed. Then, with no communication, they hugged each other. Jasmines face was filled with legitimate emotion, and for once, Wil didnt seem like the crazy, paranoiac guy he usually was.Are you okay? he asked her, instance trembling. Ive missed you so much.Jasmine swallowed, and I was pretty sure there were disunite in her eyes. I I missed you too. And it was the truth. Shed told me once she didnt care about this world or about the half brother whod raised her. But she did. This whole time, despite her Otherworldly plans for domination, shed always loved him.Things grew increasingly unmatched when it became obvious the two werent quite sure what to do with each other. Wil didnt smite her for her absence, and at last, she simply asked if he wanted to hang out and watch TV. I think that was part because it provided a concrete activity and partly because shed become obsessed with making up for lost TV time. I kept my distance but couldnt help a small, envious feeling as they sat on the couch. Jasmine leaned her head against her double brothers shoulder, and I became sapiently aware of the emptiness in my own family life. I hadnt heard from my mummy or Roland since getting the referral to Enrique. The closest I had to any familial affiliation was those goddamn kingdoms I ruled. Just as the Thorn Land had always called to me, the Rowan Land now did too, leaving such an ache in spite of appearance me that I practically felt nauseous. Rurik had been right. I wouldnt be able to pinch away.But first things first. Thinking of Enrique reminded me I was collectible for an update. Retreating to my bedroom, I dialed his summate and hoped he was up this early.Miss Markham, he said after just one ring. Caller ID left no surprises anymore. Alw ays a delight.Im sure. What are you doing with the case right now?Nothing.Nothing? I exclaimed. Irritation travel within me. I wasnt paying him to sit around, especially after hed gotten so close.Nope, he said cheerfully. Its out of my hands. I found what I ask, proven that Deanna Jones didnt buy the gun. From what I hear, the police are searching Cal Joness house right now and questioning him. Far be it from me to get in the way of the fine men in blue.Finally, some good news well, at least as the cases progress went. It wouldnt be easy on Deanna to ask the truth about her husband. And women, I said. There are probably women in blue there too.If you say so.Thanks, Enrique. I really appreciate it. I honestly didnt think it could be done.Dont get all emotional, he said in that brisk way of his. At least not until you see the bill.We dis get in touched. Attitude or no, Enrique had been a good call on Rolands part which once again brought about the sadness over the turn in my pare ntal relationship. Well. Nothing to do for it at the moment, not with all my other problems. And anyway, I had a loose end that could now be cloaked up.Taking out my wand, I closed my eyes and cast a minor summoning spell, calling to Deanna. I had no control over her but shed responded to my call before particularly since she was always on edge listening for it. After several minutes and no results, I gave up and sadly suspected she wasnt coming because she already knew the truth. As eager as shed been to get answers, it wouldnt have surprised me if shed been following Enrique around while he worked. She might have discovered for herself what her husband had done. If so, I hoped shed now move on to the Underworld and seek peace, rather than staying restless and sad in this world. There was affluent suffering here already.I tried as hard as I could the next couple days to stay away from the Otherworld. Wil visited off and on, and Jasmine and I began doing mundane yet enjoyable act ivities, like seeing movies and shopping for clothes for her. Tim and Lara often appeared, still in the throes of their love, and Kiyo returned with reports about the Otherworld, reassuring me that my kingdoms control of the Rowan Land was progressing smoothly. And at night, he came to my bed, and I found the return of our fierce stimulate life went a long way toward taking my mind off my laundry list of problems.But finally, I had to give in. The call to my lands was too untouchable, and even Kiyo admitted that with my new and slight hold on the Rowan Land, I ask to visit and connect with it to reinforce our bond. By that point, I needed no urging. My own remains was telling me as much. I still felt weak and dpeltinged, my dreams obsessed by cacti and cherry trees.I took Jasmine with me. Our relationship wasnt quite sound enough yet for me to leave her alone. She drew the line at going to the Rowan Land, however, insisting she would stay in the Thorn Land until my return. I ha d no problem with that, knowing she was secure there. Kiyo was still going with me, and Shaya caught us before we could leave.Theres a few things you should probably know, she said uneasily. Her nervousness was likely due to the fact that I hated being troubled with the day-to-day running of a kingdom in this case, kingdoms. Something about the fear in her eyes told me she also knew I wouldnt like what she had to say.I sighed. Go ahead.I Ive heard from King Dorian a number of times.Kiyo shifted uncomfortably beside me, and I felt that familiar prickle of anger run down my spine. All the memories of Dorians duplicity and betrayal came back to me. It stung all the worse because in the end, hed gotten exactly what he wanted the Iron Crown had done its job. He probably wanted me to take still more lands.Whats he want? I demanded. The wars over. Were no longer in a partnership.Well, thats just it. Since you are were assort in the war, he says he deserves some of the spoils of your victory.He what? My fury increased. He doesnt deserve anything. I was the one who won and used the crown.She nodded, still looking like she wished she could be anywhere else. Yes but he argues that he was the one who sent you to get the crown. And that his armies lost as many lives as yours.That last point silenced me. His soldiers had fought with mine. His peoples families mourned those casualties as much as mine and for what? To squeeze against a slight that had nothing to do with them, not really. I didnt owe Dorian anything, of that I was certain, but I was indebted to his subjects.When I didnt respond, Shaya continued. Some of his people are also helping hold the Rowan Land.Oh, are they? Of course Dorian would have swooped in. I never asked for that.She shook her head. Nonetheless, you need it. Many are still having trouble accepting your rule. Theres a lot of seething resentment. No violence has broken out yet but thats largely because of the sizable presence Rurik sent t o keep control. Dorians helping with that.Id meditated with the Thorn Land as soon as Id arrived, making me feel a slight better, but the pressure and continued political complications were already run out me. I wasnt meant for this. Whats he want? Half the kingdom?No. Trade. Tribute. The Rowan Land is a huge food producer, and he wants part of that.That doesnt sound so bad, I said tentatively.Im judgeing he wants it at low, low prices, said Kiyo, speaking up for the first time.Shaya nodded. He does. And hes entitled to it to a certain extent. But his current demands are extreme enough that it could give away the Rowan Lands economy. Maybe thats not an issue. It all depends on what you want for them.I thought about the refugees at the gates. What did I want for those people? I wanted them to prosper. I wanted things to return to normal. Can you negotiate with him to something in the middle? I asked Shaya.Most likely.Then do it.She bowed her head in acknowledgment, and I knew tha ts what shed already known had to be done. She was simply big me my dues as queen, going through the motions and reminding everyone that ultimately, I still held the authority around here.When Kiyo and I finally made it to the Rowan Land, I felt the lands abatement and welcome. Its energy burned into mine, strengthening me. At the castle, we saw little sign of the Rowan military but plenty of mine and Dorians. They were stationed everywhere, keeping the tramp Shaya had told me about. They bowed low when they saw me, their actions mirrored by the kingdoms citizens. Only, Katrices subjects didnt bow out of respect and deference. There was fear in their eyes, confusion in some, and an obvious show among a few that their actions were forced.Rurik was still in residence, personally overseeing the occupation. I felt secure in his control and listened as he explained what needed to be done next. I understood it only a little better than the economics Shaya had pushed on me, the main poi nt being Id need a governing body here soon. Picking that staff would be a problem. Shaya was one in a million, but even she couldnt be in two places at once. Seeing my dismay, Rurik hesitantly added that Dorian had offered to provide people for the job. My expression at those words gave Rurik all the answer he needed.The Rowan Lands energy continued to flow into me when I set out to have my meditation session with it. The nature of the connection was similar to what I had with the Thorn Land, but the kingdoms feel was totally different. The Thorn Land was approximate filled with life, yes, but life that fought fiercely against the elements for survival. The Rowan Land was softer, its life bursting forth easily and radiating through its many trees and plants.Eugenie, said Kiyo, following me out to a small garden shadow the castle. Look.I paused and glanced behind me. Where Id walked, flowers had blossomed, small red ones scattered throughout the grassy path. I knelt down, inhalin g their smart scent. Whys it happening?Youre its ruler. Youre giving the land life and energy.I thought about how being here had made me feel marginally better. Its strengthening me too but this doesnt happen in the Thorn Land. I dont have that broad of effect.Dont you? he teased, a mischievous smile on his face. You make it rain.A memory came to me of when the Thorn Land had floundered in drought. While connecting with the land, Id had sex with Kiyo, and the energy from that union had empowered the kingdom, breaking the dry spell and direct much-needed rain that made the people and plants flourish.I smiled back at him. Looks like we dont have to worry about that today. This land doesnt need as much help.He slipped an arm around my waist and pulled me to him, voice husky. But hazard the results if we did. Extra credit.Leaning down, he brought his lips to mine, his tongue pushing into my mouth with a rough passion. I felt my body answer, and for a moment, the offer was tempting. I pictured what it would be like to make love among all this greenery, here in the sunshine. Would a bed of red flowers fill the grease down the stairs us? Again I kind of wanted to find out, but I also wasnt comfortable in this kingdom yet. I didnt want to risk discovery of my sex life, even if it wouldnt be a big deal to the gentry. Reluctantly, I pulled away from him.Another time.After a few more protests, he let me be. I sat on the ground while he tolerateed, closing my eyes and opening myself to the world around me. We are one, I assured the land. I am here. I felt its answer, felt warmth spread through me and lost track of time. When I finished, I was startled at how far the sun had moved across the sky. Kiyo sat on the ground cross-legged, looking at ease as he watched me.Crap, I said, jumping up. Im sorry. I didnt mean to make you wait so long.He stood as well. Its no problem. You needed it. You both needed it. I knew he was right. I was more energized, and the land fel t strong and content.After another check with Rurik, Kiyo and I headed back to the Thorn Land. Here, he parted from me, again to take care of a few things. He assured me hed be back in Tucson as soon as he could, but I saw the look Jasmine gave me when she overheard. I could guess her thoughts more reports to Maiwenn.Jasmine was impatient to go to Tucson, but before leaving, I impulsively set out alone to where Id communed earlier with the Thorn Land. It had been on a distant part of the grounds, one of my favorite places, in the shade of a mesquite tree. Its perfume rivaled that of the Rowan flowers, and around it stood cacti in all shapes and sizes, some of them small and squat and some tall and foreboding like sentries. near all of them were blooming.A chill ran down my spine as I stared at the flowers on the cacti. They formed a brilliantly colored perimeter, right around where Id been meditating, the petals in all shapes and sizes. The flowers were beautiful. Exquisite.And non e of them had been there earlier.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Tangled and Repunzel
One would believe that a movie establish on a storybook would have the aforesaid(prenominal) plot. In comparing and differentiate the movie snarly to the short story Rapunzel, atomic number 53 can disclose many differences and very few similarities. Tangled was developed by Disney and has grossed 590 one million million million dollars in the first year however, Rapunzel is only a folk storey handed dispirited through the years until it was finally written down in the 1800s. This is only the beginning of the differences. Loo tycoon closely at the plots, one can definitely overhear there is a difference in the cardinal.In the following paragraph, the expositions of the movie Tangled and the short story Rapunzel go away be comp ard and contrasted. In Tangled the parents were rich and lived in a landed estate. On the other hand, in Rapunzel, the parents were very poor and lived in a miniature ho enforce. In Tangled, arrive Gothel kidnapped Rapunzel for her magic gift, and kept her locked up in a tower and wouldnt let her leave. Every year on Rapunzels birthday, her parents, the king and queen, would light lanterns in the sky. They were hoping that one day, their missed princess would once again return.In Rapunzel, her parents practically traded her to vex Gothel for stealing from her magic garden. Also in Tangled, Rapunzels hair is magic. Her hair glows and can turn a very overage lady, to the both-year-oldest, and prettiest woman. In Rapunzel, her hair isnt magic or anything like that, its erect very, very long. Now, we will be discussing the rising actions of the dickens stories. We will essentially be stating their differences and similarities. In the movie Tangled, the guy that took her on her amazing move around was a poor thief. He was being chased, when he saw a mysterious tower.He then climbed that tower and thats how he met Rapunzel. In contrast, in the short story Rapunzel, he was a prince who heard her singing. He went searching for her, because her beautiful singing softened his heart. In Tangled, Mother Gothel is vileness and selfish. She could care less about Rapunzel, basically all she cared about was stick abouting young forever. On the other hand, in Rapunzel, she was actually trying to help Rapunzel by getting her away from her unstable family. As you can see, the rising actions of these two stories are very different.Next, we are going to be comparing and separate the climax of these two stories. In Tangled, in the beginning of the climax, Rapunzel realizes that she is the lost princess. Rapunzel is untamed with Mother Gothel, and she states that she will never ever let Mother Gothel use her hair again. Mother Gothel is determined to never let Rapunzel leave the tower, withal if Rapunzel cant stand her. Flynn Rider, the thief that Rapunzel met, was about to get hung for his crimes. He actually escapes, with the help of friends he met on his journey with Rapunzel.He gets to the tower, and climbs up it. He gets up there, and he then sees that Rapunzel is all chained up. Mother Gothel then stabs him, attempting to kill him. Rapunzel then promises to Mother Gothel, that if she lets her heal him, she will stay with her forever. When Rapunzel is just about to heal Flynn, he cuts all of her hair off. Rapunzels magic then fades, making Mother Gothel turn old and crusty. Mother Gothel falls out the window to her death at the end of the Climax. In the short story Rapunzel, Mother Gothel sees that Rapunzel has deceived her.Mother Gothel then cuts all of Rapunzels hair off, leaving her hair on the ground. Mother Gothel tricks the prince, leading him up the tower. When he finally goes in, Mother Gothel reveals that he will never see Rapunzel again. At the end of the climax, the prince is left heartbroken in tears. Now, the falling actions of the two stories will be compared and contrasted. In Tangled, Rapunzel returns to her family. The kingdom rejoices, because they now know that the ir lost princess has returned. In Rapunzel, the prince kind of lost himself.He wandered around the forest, and ate zilch but roots and berries, and only weeped over the loss of Rapunzel. He roamed around in misery for years, and then he finally came to the desert, where Rapunzel and her two parallel she had given birth to, lived in wretchedness. He heard a voice, it sounded known to him. He went towards it, and when Rapunzel saw him she fell on his neck and cried. This ends the falling actions of the two stories. Next, the resolutions of the two stories will be compared and contrasted. In Tangled, Rapunzel and Flynn end up maintenance happily ever after in the kingdom.In Rapunzel, the prince led Rapunzel to his kingdom where he was joyfully received, and they lived for a long time afterwards, happy and contented. thithers not much to the resolutions to these two stories. As you can see, the resolutions are a little similar, but mainly different. To end this essay, the movie Tang led and the short story Rapunzel, have two totally different plots. there were lots of differences and very, very few similarities. They both have some of the same characters, but totally different stories behind them.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Dispersion and Its Types in Fiber Optics
Dispersion The speed of demoralize is slower in several(a) corporeals than it is in a vacuum or outer space. When the fallible passes into a material at an angle, the elucidation beam is bent or refracted harmonise to Snells Law and the might of refraction of the material. But also, the speed of light through and through a material varies close to with the wavelength or frequency of the light. Thus, severally wavelength is refracted at a slightly diametric angle when passing through a material at an angle. This spreading out of beam of light is called strewing.Types of Dispersions and focuss to reduce Chromatic Dispersion Chromatic spreading results from the apparitional width of the emitter. It is a term used to describe the spreading of a light pulse as it travels down a fiber when light pulses launched close together(high data rates) spread too much and result in errors and a loss of information. The spectral width determines the number of different wavelengths that a rgon emitted from LED or laser. unmatched way to reduce chromatic dispersion is to sign the spectral width of the transmitter.Chromatic dispersion can be compensated for with the use of dispersion-shifted fiber (DSF). Laser has a more narrow spectral width than LEDs. A monochromatic laser emits lonesome(prenominal) integrity wavelength and therefore, does not contribute to chromatic dispersion. Modal Dispersion Modal dispersion deals with the path (mode) of each light ray. Most transmitters emit many different modes. Lower order modes travel a shorter distance. Some of these light rays depart travel parallel to the center of the fiber while repeatedly jump off the cladding/ snapper boundary to high order modes their way the waveguide.The modes that enter at sharp angles are called high-order mode, which having direction towards cladding. These modes take semipermanent path to travel through the fiber than the low-order modes and therefore it cusses of modal dispersion. One wa y to reduce modal dispersion is to use graded-index fiber. The graded-index fibers cladding is doped so that the refractive index gradually decreases everywhere many layers. rank Index Fiber has a different core structure from single mode and multimode step index fibers.In Graded index fiber the value of the refractive index changes from the centre of the core. With a graded-index fiber, the light follows a more curved path. The high-order modes spend most of the while traveling in the lower-index cladding layers near the outside of the fiber. These lower index core layers allow the light to travel faster than in the high index center layers. Modal dispersion can be completely eliminated by using a single-mode fiber. Single mode fiber transmits only one mode of light so there is no spearding of the prefigure due to modal dispersion.Material Dispersion Material dispersion is the phenomenon whereby material causes a bundle of light to spread out as it propagates. We deal that a laser pulse contains a continuum of wavelengths in a atomic range. The index of refraction of a material is dependent on the wavelength, so each frequency component actually travels at a slightly different speed. Material dispersion contributes to group waiting, along with waveguide delay distortion, differential mode delay and multimode group delay spread.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Lenovo Case Analysis Essay
Competing at a orbicular scale requires profound differentiatemark equity. Lenovo is a well-known fall guy in China (as Legend) only it cannot become a global technology giant like Dell or Hewlett-Packard, by merely acquiring the Personal Systems Division of IBM, whose products are popular crossways the domain of a function. Normally, the key challenge in establishing global crosss lies in devising the demeanor in which a familiarity can position its check offs in nodes mindsets, patch taking into account global competition that comes from national and international suppliers (Wright, Millman & angstrom unit Martin, 2007, p. 139). Lenovo has to engage in intelligent marketing to attract consumers and found itself a force to reckon with in the global personal computer industry. check to the case study, the global PC industry is mellowedly competitive with the prima(p) performers world Dell, HP, Lenovo and its IBM eruditeness, and Acer and Fujistu-Siemens among oth er corporations and vendors locked in tight competition (Quelch & axerophthol Knoop, 2006, p. 2-3). Therefore, Lenovo has a daunting task to create gull equity to din at a global scale. The Key IssuesThe issue that Lenovo is principally debateings with is how it can effectively gain into the global market, where it is not only seek against the competition, but is also dogged by an incredulous market. On the surface, the deal between Lenovo and IBM seems to give the former a platform for success callable to the complementary nature of the operations of the two firms and beca role the deal facilitates the expansion of Lenovos operations from China and Asia to over 138 countries in the world, where IBM is established (Quelch & vitamin Aere Knoop, 2006, p. 6). However, in a marketing research that the alliance conducts among 4,000 IBM customers, the concerns raised are that the innovation, gauge, and supporter and support are going to be negatively impacted by the takeover o f IBM brands by Lenovo (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 9). The grievances held by the consumers are a major undo to Lenovos attempts to create rugged brand equity.The criticism shows that the customers restrain negative brand knowledge ab verboten Lenovo. Brand knowledge consists of brand awareness and brand picture show (Wright et al., 2007, p. 140). Normally, brand knowledge determines the directions that the brand takes and, in turn, this influences the decision that marketers take in creating a brand promise, which entails informing the humans about the positive essence of the brand and its purpose (Kotler, 2012, p. 115). The competition moldiness be addressed seriously through a brand promise, with strong product dimensions. A brands dimensions polariate an carrying from other offerings that are aimed at satisfying the same need by either emphasizing on product surgical operation by introducing functional, rational, or visible differences or by emphasizing the symbo lic, emotional, or intangible factors (Kotler, 2012, p. 114).Lenovo has the chance to give the brand equity creation process that emphasizes on the product performance in the phase of introducing itself into the global market, while intending to rely on the last mentioned dimension in the long run. Brand equity is created by good satisfying the presence, relevance, performance, advantage, and bonding dimensions, in an increasing order of importance (Kotler, 2012, p. 116). punishing consumer loyalty is happen upond after the firm attains a market share. Companies acquire a share of the heart and a share of the mind of customers by being authentic and genuine, aspects, which lead to higher, market share and profitability (Kotler, 2012, p. 135). As a great deal as the chief marketing officer of Lenovo states that stigmatization is a blood issue rather than a marketing issue, the brand is a issue of the perception created by products substance and marketers efforts.Alternative Co urses of workThe courses of action that can be taken by Lenovo include establishing a outperform brand, a house of brands, synergy improvement, or the strategy referred commonly as Lexus/Toyota. First, the operate brand strategy can be recyclable for creating a brand equity for Lenovo on a worldwide scale, but there are fears that the ThinkPad influence may be lost if this strategy is adopted. Second, the house of brands climb can enable the firm to establish umteen brands at once, but it is expensive to market the different brands. Third, the synergy approach will let the society have Lenovo as a master brand, while the ThinkPad shall be regarded as a superior sub-brand. Fourth, under the Toyota/Lexus strategy, a premium line of ThinkPad brands are established alongside basic Lenovo brands (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 9). Evaluation of the Alternative Courses of ActionThe course of action that the fraternity should read has to address the global market conditions, w hile also upholding Lenovos craving to compete internationally. To gauge the conditions in this market surroundings, the companionship engages in all-embracing marketing research. The research comes in handy in helping the company to make well-informed decisions, to understand the marketplace, and most importantly, to learn about customer satisfaction and the value of goods on offer. In addition, the advantages of the primary data self-contained are that the respondents pinpoint their challenges concerning the use of personal computers in business, give example to current concerns, and enable the firm to gauge the needs in different nations.The master brand option is challenging to Lenovo since the market regards it as untrust model(prenominal). The high level of dishonesty with which Chinese firms are regarded in the rest of the world is a major detractor to the success of this strategy (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 8). If this approach is chosen, building favorable brand know ledge would not be an slatternly thing for Lenovo, in spite of having the reputable ThinkPad brand at its disposal. The ThinkPad acquisition doubtlessly makes Lenovo have a comparative advantage in the global scope. The ThinkPad has already won a lot of accolades for design and engineering innovations since it was introduced in 1992, with whatever of its superior qualities being power, portability, and wireless networking (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 6).The marketers in Lenovo must wherefore create positive brand knowledge if they choose this option. Failure to achieve this means that even the premium ThinkPad brand shall be thought of as an inferior product by consumers. The house of brands option would make the company incur a lot of expenses in the marketing function, without necessarily achieving the delectable sales of any of the brands. The companys CMO concedes that this strategy cannot succeed since the company had limited resources at the time (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 9). House-of-brands has brands that are independent, which are moderately endorsed by the compositional brand (Rajagopal & Sanchez, 2004, p. 238). However, the reputation of the Lenovo as an organization in the international market is not favorable at this marijuana cigarette hence it cannot promote brands effectively.The synergy approach, which entails a master brand acquiring recognition partially due to a superior sub-brand, would require investments to collectively build the Lenovo and the ThinkPad brands (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 9). The ThinkPad sub-brand would be expected to be a co-driver in the success of Lenovo. The shortcoming of this approach is that the association might taint the image of the prestigious brand if the brands do not have comparable qualities (Aaker & Joachimsthaler, 2000, p. 15). Clearly, ruining of the ThinkPad brand will certainly end up undoing the entry of Lenovo into the global market. The Toyota/Lexus strategy will force Lenovo to establish opulence and mass market brands separately. This strategy will entail implementation of dissociated brands, with each expected to perform well within its segment. However, under the global environment into which the firm is entering, creation of a mass product is not feasible.The use of PCs has become ubiquitous and consumers are looking for enhanced innovation, wear out quality and reliability, tighter security, and better design (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 10). To offer customers the desired product, the firm was suppose to invest in enhancing computer products, rather than producing low quality dirt cheap products. As a result, this strategy can make the company leave out its core business. After withdrawing all the branding strategy options, Lenovo managers should appropriately consider the category rank and file under competitive frame of reference. Category membership refers to the products with which a brand competes and which are close substitutes to it (Kotler, 2012, p. 130).The managers should to establish points of differences that would make the company have a competitive edge. At the present, Lenovo pursues a legacy of customer direction, innovation, and dependability (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 7). These aspects have a potential of reservation make the products it offers distinctive and superior in comparison to competitors in the global market. The focus of the company should be on long-term holistic performance of its products. A well established brand value drives brand loyalty among customers, making the company to enjoy security of demand, making it hard for impertinently competitors to enter the market, and making the customers willing to pay a higher prices for the offering (Kotler, 2012, p. 114). The better Course of ActionAccording to the facts presented in the case, the adoption of Lenovo as a master brand is the best course of action. Though this alternative is risky, it is worthy because of the ultimate go od image it would create for all the brands on offer at a global scale. Making Lenovo a master brand helps to make the core products of the company to the entire world. Master or family branding is where a family brand is associated with several brand extensions. The use of the companys brand name across the entire products range lowers development be and boosts sales if the incarnate image is associated with innovativeness, expertise, and reliability, which are factors that influence consumer evaluations directly (Kotler, 2012, p. 123).The company actually chooses to use this strategy with great level of ingenuity. The first global advertising campaign is signed off with ThinkPad, the second campaign emphasizes that Lenovo is doing better than IBM by improving the ThinkPad, while the third campaign stresses that the Lenovo master brand represents innovation (Quelch & Knoop, 2006, p. 10). Introduction of brand extension is facilitated under the master brand. New products that a re introduced as brand extensions often succeed because the customers expectations of the new product are based on their knowledge about the promote brand and how relevant they find the information (Kotler, 2012, p. 123).Any product change under an umbrella of a brand name develops an identity out of the customers perceptions of the product, the marketing activity, word-of-mouth marketing, and the individual psychological set of customers (Wright, et al., 2007, p. 140). In effect, corporate brand endorsement in the international markets reassures consumers and is an integrating force, which unifies different brand identities on a global scale (Rajagopal & Sanchez, 2004, 246). Assurance that consumers earn from the product is vital for successful marketing. Moreover, brand equity is leveraged in a new context if the master brand makes the product more kindly to customers and its positive associations are relevant and appropriate (Aaker & Joachimsthaler, 2000, p. 18). With t he master brand strategy in place, continuous success of the Lenovo brand and its extensions is guaranteed.ReferencesAaker, D. A. & Joachimsthaler, E. (2000). The brand relationship spectrum The key to the brand architecture challenge. California Management Review, 42(4), 8-23. Kotler, Philip. (2012). A Framework for Marketing Management,P. Kotler and K. L. Keller (Ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson education Inc. Quelch, J. & Knoop, C. (2006). Lenovo Building a global brand. Harvard Business School. Rajagopal & Sanchez, R. (2004). Conceptual psychoanalysis of brand architecture and relationships within product categories. Brand Management, 11(3), 233247. Wright, L. T. Millman, C. & Martin, L. M. (2007). look issues in building brand equity and global brands in the pc market. Journal of Marketing Management, 23(1-2), 137-155.
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