
Friday, May 24, 2019

Gaps model of service quality Essay

The opening nights Model of serveQualityChapter2-12 The client scissure rift 5 The provider Gaps Gap 1 The Listening Gap not knowing what customers expect Gap 2 The Design and Standards Gap not having the office military service designs and standards Gap 3 The Performance Gap not delivering to service standards Gap 4 The Communication Gap not matching performance to promises Putting It every last(predicate) Together Closing the GapsMcGraw-Hill/IrwinCopyright 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.Objectives for Chapter 2The Gaps Model of Service Quality2-2 Introduce a framework, called the snaps model of servicequality, which is used to educate this textbook. Demonstrate that the gaps model is a useful framework for understanding service quality in an organization. Demonstrate that the most critical service quality gap to close is the customer gap, the difference betweencustomer expectations and perceptions. Show that four gaps that occur in compan ies, which we call provider gaps, are responsible for the customer gap. pick up the factors responsible for each of the four provider gaps.2-3The Customer GapGap 5Key Factors steerto the Customer GapCustomerGapGap 52-4CustomerExpectations Provider Gap 1 Not knowing what customers expect Provider Gap 2 Not selecting the right service designs and standards Provider Gap 3 Not delivering to service standards Provider Gap 4 Not matching performance to promisesCustomerPerceptions2-5Gaps Model of Service Quality Customer Gap 5 difference between customer expectations andperceptions Provider Gap 1 (Knowledge Gap) not knowing what customers expect Provider Gap 2 (Service Design & Standards Gap) not having the right service designs and standards Provider Gap 3 (Service Performance Gap) not delivering to service standards Provider Gap 4 (Communication Gap) not matching performance to promises2-6Provider Gap 1CUSTOMERExpectedServicePerceivedServiceCOMPANYGap 1The Listening GapCompanyPercepti ons ofConsumerExpectations2-7Key Factors Leading to Provider Gap 12-8Provider Gap 2CUSTOMERCOMPANYCustomer-DrivenService Designs andStandardsGap 2 The Design and StandardsGapCompanyPerceptions ofConsumerExpectations2-9Key Factors Leading to Provider Gap 22-10Provider Gap 3CUSTOMERCOMPANYService DeliveryGap 3The Performance GapCustomer-DrivenService Designs andStandards2-11Key Factors Leading to Provider Gap 32-12Provider Gap 4CUSTOMERCOMPANYGap 4 The CommunicationGap impertinentService DeliveryCommunicationsto Customers2-13Key Factors Leading to Provider Gap 42-14Gaps Model of Service Quality5Gap 4Gap 3Gap 1Gap 22-15Ways to Use Gap Analysis Overall Strategic Assessment How are we doing overall in meeting orexceeding customer expectations? How are we doing overall in closing the fourcompany gaps? Which gaps represent our strengths and whereare our weaknesses?2-16Ways to Use Gap Analysis Specific Service Implementation Who is the customer? What is the service? Are we consistently meet ing/exceedingcustomer expectations with this service? If not, where are the gaps and what changes are inevitable? (Examine gaps 1-4 for this particularservice.)

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