
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Learning a Foreign Language Essay

Whats the best age to victimize a new language? researchers say that you shouldnt wait too want before introducing a baby to overseas languages. According to the critical period hypothesis, in that locations a certain window in which scrap language acquisition skills atomic number 18 at their peak. Researchers disagree over just how long that window is some say that it ends by age 6 or 7, while others say that it extends exclusively the way through puberty but after that period is over, it becomes much harder for a person to win a new language.Its not impossible, but children in that critical period have an close universal success rate at achieving near fluency and perfect accents, while adults results are more(prenominal) hit-and-miss. Because children are so much more skilled at picking up a second language than adults, immersion preschools and elementary schools are a popular choice for parents. Students at these schools have mathematics, explanation time and social studies the way other students do, but their classes are taught in a exotic language.not only does this give the students ample time to practice the foreign language, but some research indicates that much(prenominal) a program might have other academic benefits, such as higher math scores and sharper critical thinking skills. And learning a second language at such a young age doesnt hinder any abilities in the childs internal language it seems a childs brain is wired so that all linguistic rules, be they native or foreign, are picked up quickly.However, just because a child becomes fluent in Italian, Russian and Portuguese doesnt mean that he or she will be speaking those languages 50 days later. Without extended exposure to a language, the childs abilities diminish, so its important to provide act opportunities to practice these skills. anguage is too complex for children to understand. All the people know that if one wants to learn a foreign language, one must understand it s grammars and vocabularies. These things can not be easily understood by a child who does not have enough experience.Children are simply reciting the rules of grammars and vocabularies. The mountain like amount of rules and vocabularies are difficult for every people, especially children. As children are reciting the rules of grammars and vocabularies, they are forgetting them gradually to none. As a result, there is no good result for both children themselves and parents. Not everyone is a genius, and so almost of the children can not hold as many languages as their parents hopes. So, from my view children should not begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school.

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