
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Nazis Pursuit of the Perfect Race :: Marriage Germany Nazis History Essays

Nazis Pursuit of the Perfect RaceThe organization of the argument of this musical composition is not particularly imaginative since this writer lists elements in a strictly sequential order, but he or she demonstrates familiarity with a wide range of documents and concepts of the subscriber while working closely with the specific language of the document he or she is presenting. 1. Remember that you are a German. 2. If you are genetically healthy you should not remain unmarried. 3. Keep your body pure. 4. You should keep your mind and spirit pure. 5. As a German choose only a spouse of the same or Nordic blood. 6. In choosing a spouse ask about his ancestors. 7. Health is also a precondition for physical beauty. 8. Marry only for love. 9. Dont look for a playmate but for a companion for hymeneals. 10. You should want to have as many children as possible. (CR 286) This document, the Ten Commandments fo r Choosing a Spouse from the Advice Center for the Improvement of transmissible and Racial Health of the Aryan society, is a compilation of recommendations to reinforce the position of the Nazi policy of pursing racial purity (Ellis, Esler 365). It was published in 1934 as Nazi propaganda to influence the public to move towards the Nazi governments ideal society of Aryans. The problem in executing this plan was that the restrictions placed by the Nazi government against non-citizens caused the marriage rate to decline. In achieving this dream, Hitler tried to redefine gender roles in Nazi Germany in order to return the woman to the household and restore her to her true business - motherhood (Ellis, Esler 365). The Ten Commandments for Choosing a Spouse is an example of Hitlers campaign towards his Aryan utopian society. Even though the high school textbook claims that women took secondary roles in Nazi Germany, women were so important to the

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