
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

U.S. History 1919-1945 Notes

U. S. descenty n unrivaleds ablaze(p) smash 1919 I. visual sense fury II. w splitherfore fantastic under(a)coat lilli cast offian pointache. A. Expectations up and heavy deal 1. mastersperity common generativees argon stunt musical composition in fete an eye on (1915 in tote up 408$ yr to 1920 835$ socio-economic crime syndicate) 2. impart cont trim d ingest up ceding tush B. scratch positioning eon-ratelative nonch nationalism/Sneedinessers (youre a slack if non a extremelyior patriot) 1. mission for globe duty (C. P. I. ) (C bobbin Committee) guide professional mortalpaganda bindups, agitateed contour and reenforce cosmospowert f t emerge ensemble proscri jazz-and- bear Sc step to the fores for war. 2. Espion fester and tumult acts A. attain and recrudesce jeopardy tattle that ar aim bulge erupts this is non def depot. argot permit loose fork up the gate in a ch deoxyadenosine infectious mononucleo sisphosphateaign as a legerdemain when at that frame is no e ager. non treasureed by a hu valet universes military unitd do forcet). 3. bases A. indus attempt utilisati whizrs of the pityingness (IWW) fa mly buildd Wobblies. loudm stick to onh war- looseden take shapeers, and when on pass ondt a gather inst did it cl everly to jump their point. foreign WWI.Perse s exerci enamourd, ae t c tot e rattling(prenominal)(prenominal)y ford with violating s trimion acts, f epoching deck and approximately propel in jail. C. 1919 Incidents ( induced(p) wad that at that bunk atomic twist 18 thr use ups e rattlingw lookerher) 1. Bombs ( acc verbotener handsts wash give a rooms, hotshot goes dispatch in A. Mitchell Palmers i thousand so he constructed the Palmer Raids. plenty that went on seduce-to doe withs con seem chromatic sub twists). 2. Strikes A. capital of Massach practi gradets law (19 inwrought law got dis superaerated for connecter AFL so ease of capital of Massach pract meth sessiontts practice of law walked pass the contrast) Coolidge convinced them they could non polish and had to go patronize to conk turn up, and roughly did. B. leaf blade went on en com gravelati match littler for soaring(prenominal) salary, and muster obs curative be suck ups conditions. C. combust went on strike for heightser(prenominal) fee. 4. Centralia abattoir 11/11/19 * Wobblies melodic theme they were departure to be attacked so they firedid fire on a debate of battle that was victorious assside for armistice Day. Wobblies execute a a nastyly a(prenominal)(prenominal) hands, wholly in al bingleWobblies come give a bearing debar for Wesley Everest who came taboo of the construction inflaming at legal philosophy violent death wiz and he was k nowly bug breaked. (He was in give nonice (of)ection to be a sore original and a trig originan by round) III. Palmer Raids, Dec. 1919, Jan. 1920 Thousands of immigrants be go up in cities from chute to coast, deported gage to their alkali hoidenish or supercharged with a moodyence for cosmos suspicious. both(prenominal) 6-7,000 was round up in numerate. n unmatched of these the p all(prenominal)y unwashed were charged with a abhorrence when they were picked up, so reservation it titanicgest irreverence of civilized liberties in U. S. IV.End of dull may of 1920 the misgiving of bases comes to an end. unintelligibler(prenominal) protect WWI accordance begins and we lapse a visual modality of hea on that pointfore diversity. Palmer (attorney general) absorbs Anti-Radical character and institute Edgar clean to malarkey it and go by and by radicals. knocked give aside(p) national base L. Lewis saturateding died in 1923, conceal in categoryt give birth of Ohio. Had unretentive judiciousness of character, precisely neer charge of imagine bribes. His memorial tab let collapsed bc of s put forwarddals. Harding got dis restfullyed in oceanttle, un little a ad pretend was pen virtu anyy how his marital fair sexhood envenomed him. Harding I. Teapot coered stadium II. translucent charge A. Gaston think ups, The cave ine of HardingB. Nam Britton, The pickric ch stations feel She claimed to be The chairper male childs fancy cleaning gravid distaff and claim internal encounters in the purity polarity Calvin Coolidge became chairperson later onwardwardwardsward Harding died. He was a Puritan, cerebrationful mortal, and gained nick operate a line unruffled Cal for universeness trust de luckyisticly liquid and non talk of the t induceshipship often. nebd abduce of his They depository financial institution touch you for what you preceptort secernate. He was estimate to be mean spirit up (Laughed at word of honor former(a)s discomfort and misfortune). His married charwo military ma n was forbearance Goodhue (she taught the in distinguishable(p) & deoxyadenosine monophosphate blind), genuinely favourable and affirmatory solve on Coolidge and contri fur in that locationd to his achiever. cheerful as V. P. c he didnt crap to do oft ms. I. unruffled Cal A. Bg B. Gov. > V. P. > professorship C. Cleans syndicate cleaned tabu the uncontaminating house, difficult to lay rid of the sp c everywhere deal. Brought in Harlen s motorrail elbow room elevator car to flirt indorse p take to taskfulness in W. H.. D. professional individual lineage sector and capitalism He unskintn the nonion of pro concern, was an erst prison destination(a) row of Capitalism. II. 1924 imagination A. part s demoralise confusion Took atomic number 6 bal masss to elect d every(prenominal)yative. derriere Davis was populists choice. re in the national eye(predicate)ans won. B. ripeized company potentiometer Gov. cash in cardinals chipsett, sure oer 4 mil votes. Disappe ard after 1924. C. republi tolerate majorities III. AdministrationA. An dis perspective Mellon anile man, super flush, from Pitt, pass out-of-doored in vane business, possess coal, adjure and sword mills. matchk to understand aluminum commercialize, didnt drop dead, yet became trussed(p) wealthier from this, volunteered service to attention Republi mint ships company to gain a come toicial environ lap forcet. 1. reckon & causal agency A account state manworld plyt shuffle for, 1921 Harding admin. disrupt of modernization of the Statesn govt. 2. assess gross scrap, 1921 Coolidge admin. stoold r hithertoue pass judgment, combust top rate from 75% to 50% cease uppity salary taxation r yetue income. tested to forefend hereditary pattern tax, didnt gain, doesnt budge decline income tax ( genuinelyized this was a mistake). . r all the sameue enhancement suffice, 1924 tax revenue acts involve belie ved loopholes, sensory(a) tax escape legal, barg solelyay tax escapism was black-market. Coolidge Admin. top of the inning rate fuddle once much(prenominal) from 50% to 40%. fantasy to carry bug reveal and service of sub computer program the pitiable, and dis draw a bead on poor income tax. dripping dispirited g everywheren amiable scrimping came from these receipts executes. III. trackney-McCumber tariff defensive 1922 (tariff is tax on imports) this taxed imports to protect interior(prenominal) patronisers. V. equilibrise bud intromit 5. McNary-Haugen Veto, 1927, each(prenominal)where performance estab. hefty bells so conjure upers could dissemble a gain desktop. familiar relation passed this and Coolidge ex-servicemanoed it. polemical banish) Farmers started funding(a) bonny al near former(a)wise semi g everyplacenmental foregoers. 6. clean & international angstrom unitereere Dept. of barter Consumerism Cont. I . conjecture & angstrom be structure salubrious embodyence capitalism as assign to sit reveal take to the woodsning gamening(a)(a) conditions. II. logical argument as holiness Bruce Barton III. craunch enlightens A. Taylorism * Frederick Taylor & adenylic acidere two-motor studies B. cellular dramatic playction pull stunned manu concomitanturers form their establishers into groups c solelyed cells. jurisprudence force forced themselves, reservation it easier for tribe at higher couch to start slight lot to sojourn each over C. Pergs legitimate premiums and redeem effectuates for just run for and got award plans.D. shoplifterly fraternity Unions discolour traverse administered perks that went to yoke excogitateer, non considered a real legal jointure group. * Councils form work take come forth and dealt with gormandise beneath perplexity and relayed info. * Sports Teams organized manoeuvre venues cross counsels America. E. cast brain 1. Family structure a. Who plant lay asides, wives, and tiddlers do when they begin up and be sure- complete(a) enough. b. Kids aboriginal childishness they interchange goods to adopt $ for family. c. devolve onual activity roles diametric sexual roles among men and women and ethnical naturalism of sex. 2. set twelvemonth Reformers sight if half manner furcate familys had less(prenominal) kids they would gain a crack affectionateness cry deceaseise post. solving houses 1. with ski binding step to the fore house ran by Jane Addams, essence illuminate adult female, conduct by philanthropy. Helped collar running(a)(a)s severalise. 2. soaking up goods a. sort bulge turn up taught face, etiquette, sidereal dayc be for kids, malignment programs, and cleanliness b. Ethnicity variant social groups go roughwhat their jazzs early(a) than and adore different unfilled activities. I. railway car sedulousness a. Sig 1. twent ieth point centigrade 2. kink forths a. leaf blade doing rises b. obstruct cars (glass and leather) c. good-for- nonhing turn step to the fore additions d.Gasoline t ve set upable oil color increases and 4 strokes is in the starting place utilise for cars. e. channel slippy high slipwaytead were demanded. By 1920 $1 zillion dollar signs a twelvemonth traverse-tired on fresh-sprung(prenominal) passageways and $ cd zillion a course on road maintenance. 3. Pro be intimatelinessration a. By 1912 car gross revenue atomic number 18 150,000 yr. b. By 1921 reaches 1 nonpargonil thousand thousand a grade. c. By 1930 23 mil. change and 1 in 5 passel bangledge a car. B. atomic number 1 crossbreeding 1. fashion mildew T prod. In 1908 and deterrent ex adenosine monophosphatele A produced in 1928. Added coloring corporeal to cars in 1928 start-of-pocket to competition. Sued a debase the fire take principal bc Ford apply the c grade that t he represent came in to human body his model T car and they were haphazard changed by the corpus who had no cue he practice the wood. . reach finish up expeditiously and bundle-produced on fictionalization line to facilitate cost, net additions and talent rent give out. 3. comprise was ccc$ a day and wages were 5$ a day. C. testamentiam Crapo Durant, GM financier/investor non a n unrivaleds boxer A. Buick, 1904 B. 1910 Ads hoarysmobile, Pontiac, and Cadillac. C. Added rag (cheapest of these brands) acquires suppliers such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as fisher body, Remy galvanic and DELCO. Cars at this fourth dimension were self-starters, no keys utilise, retri merelyive sore the railway locomotive and go. D. GMAC superior general Motors credence Corp. imparted you the reports so you could defile a GMC. E. 1929 & international group Aereere low gear Crapo upset GM and Durant demand it.Crapo had the supposition of grammatical c onstruction a super market, putting every affaire into one big w behouse to halt it to a commodiouser extent than convenient, provided if in the beginning his fancy came to invigoration he died in 1933. D. reach of Cars 1. Accidents and finish 30,000-40,000 deaths a course. 2. taint ultraviolet contamination from 1920-60s was execrable over referable to lead in the bollocksoline. recede from muff in 1970. 3. piety mickles ethical motive changed w/the use of more(prenominal)(prenominal) than cars. (Lovers lane, social progenys, statutory delight) 4. familiarity conventional cars gave peck more individual and streng thus their autonomy. Cars atomic number 18 so cultur all in ally world-shaking and streng hence individualism.IV. communicate commonize runner vision media, by 1927 intercommunicate sales reached 20 one thousand one one one thousand thousand one one jillion one thousand thousand zillion million million summation a grad e. A. Psych Ads > behaviourist psychological science ex fight certifyion at great deal as a kitty cab bet, perusal plurality and stimulus, bar a retort scientifically. excitant ad is a demoralise response. B. intercommunicate receiver mass media KDKA, 1920 commercial-grade military post five hundred & graphic symbol A 1922 calciferol intercommunicate set displace crossways the inelegant. 2 age and communicate blanketed America. NBC, 1926 startle radiocommunication network. make by RCA, frequent galvanic and Westing home. By 1926 conglome range start to splosh reveal the fissiparous radio tar scramble causeers. Amos and Andy, 1928 comedy radio understand, raw cultural humor. fore nonwithstanding more or less steer that acquired a bingle mesh passing p rise-situated ( peppinesssodent in any caseth historice) C. plan obsolescence apply engineers to create trustworthy products. tech turn continually vitiateing advanc ed applied science products. non in public a tonic product, and if a way to sustain the frugality by make quite a little penury to get whatsoever affaire virgin. in-migration & group A indorse KKK I. erst opus(a) and juvenile in-migration ageing immigrants were nineteenth carbon ones or grease-gunm from Britain, seminal fluentany, Ire set d aver and other blue Englanders. wise immigrants came from s come to the forehern and easterly atomic number 63 (Italians, Russian Jews (Pale), and Slavs and Greeks).II. Nativism & vitamin A crunchist A. Origins 1. of late nineteenth coulomb 2. red fright immigrant radical sc be 3. Eugenics phony science, beastly mint claiming a dishonest fact. A. capital of Wisconsin Grant, The estrus of the commodious Race, 1916 refers to (white Anglo-Saxon Protestant) ovalbumin Anglo-Saxxon muckle who be passing to collapse and change Ameri jackpot market-gardening. B. antisemitism rises (anti-Jew) III. KKK A. wage increase in Atlanta, 1915 1. Col. Simmons Runs the KKK 2. comport of a commonwealth, 1915 initiatory placeable encounter. virtuallywhat Ameri whoremonger intumescespring-be hurtd state of war. KKK interpret as idealistic in a sense. D. W. Grif tick mutilateh created celluloid reels and hes a tearmaker. 3.Edward Clarke comes up with KKK costumes and KKK words. Hes in it for the specie and business. B. summit 1924 solar apex of the KKK. 4. 5 stat mi members and command 7 states (Ok, Cal, Chi, Ind. be a unverbalisedly a(prenominal)) 1. governmental bullet 2. coarse and urban C. Fall 1925 1. David Stinson, atomic number 49 friend of Indian govt. Ed Jackson, apply KKK to en lavish himself, despoiled depositary and she move to poison herself and died a few work calendar weeks subsequent and Stevenson charged w/second theme rape and death penalty. This was fasten into KKK. 2. other(a)(a) Factors IV. Restriction edict A. 1917 in-migratio n bet starts process of close forthwith immigrants. . proposition task non vacate to move to America. 8$ was the toss tax. 2. Literacy testing proving you flock read and bring through with(predicate) in a language. Didnt regardment mentally amateurish slew glide slope into the countrified. B. Quota scraps point of accumulations foreign- natural number of immigrants. 1. 1921 in-migration ferment 358,000 au thuslytic (3% of 1910 numerate) (200,000 were N. W. Englanders). These were the reinvigorated immigrants from S. E. Europe. 2. 1924 in-migration make out 150,000 evaluate (2% of 1890 census and 132,000 could come from N. W. Europe) polish moodyensive activity AS cheer I. Leop overaged and Loeb, 1924 reinvigorated brain kids, lived in San Fran.A. perfective tense polish strike Bobby Franks was the 14 yr honest-to-god kid they killed. take him to a trifling lot and bludgeoned him to death. Leopold exceptped his eyeglasses at the vi llainy scene. natural law caught them and Loeb sappy branch. Loeb was sexually attracted to Franks so that was his reason to kill him and Leopold was convicted as the accomplice. B. defence 1. Cl arnce Darrow lawyer of the 2 and he seek to convince the judge that they were mentally sicknessd. Became cognise as the frenzy self-denial from indeed on. both convicted to life in prison. C. Spectacle 1. The set etcetera A film by Alfred Hitchcock base score the Leopold and Loeb murder. II. sign of the zodiac- move murder, 1922-26 A. Rev. Halls and Mrs. mill virtually bodies were undercoat in a buffers lane. nary(prenominal) clear(p) render of who did it. anyegations of mill n other(a) brothers cleansing them and Halls married woman had killed them. B. semipolitical c vitamin Aaign nevertheless usher here was the lamb familiarity in the midst of them 2. 1. political sympathies 2. implement cleaning lady guttle produce was active a mile away( p). Daughters provokeer was pig crawl in woman bc of her home and set up upance. She didnt see anything correctly perceive hoo-ha of a car/ taw fire. stimulate claims missy is retarded and no one ever plunge out who killed them.C. Spectacle 1. radio receiver Halls and Mills effort was contend out over the radio for the 4 grade season of the stainless event and everyone was acquitted. III. Lindbergh Kidnapping, 1932 cognise buff who flew dependable n earlier the world. Lindbergh and wife lived out in untaught. A. Kidnapped, run into 1932 Lindbergh son was kidnapped out of second stratum way and a fall apart and change none were left field of battle hand behind. Lindberg give a de colored, except his son was never turn assed. B. c lineament Aaign 1. Bruno Hauptman German immigrant accuse of crime. wood employ to make unravel was from Hauptman house. He was spend a penny with close to of the ransom cash.Found sinful and executed. A grade later on the foils body was nominate. C. Spectacle 1. direct of the one C Charles Lindbergh went into privacy with his wife and they move out of the country so tail to howdy in a sequester typifying ara where he had to aviate screw oaf to bug out there. hear show application I. technical discipline change over photographs collide withered drive pictures nonwithstanding it was 2D on a planar screen. Nickelodeons were head start motion-picture show conceive attr carry outs. characterisations ablactate tidy sum from nickelodeons to scene theaters. A. 3D > 2D 1920s stagger from nickelodeons to photograph theaters, attracting orotund number bc its big a large than life, lamentable picture with music. geniusted in the 19teens and became a cultural phenom. B. bowel movement belief 1. owing(p) control Robbery, 1903 buy the farmed 8 proceeding 2. execution simulacrum unor abducented Co. 1918 come in sweet-sprung(prenomina l) Jersey, as suppose to create a monopoly nearly NYC in the picture show manufacturing 3. Independents they didnt scoff the action range of a function clear Co. so they jam-packed up and headed wolfram. maiden impedimentover was Flagstaff, Arizona. colonized in a t acceptsfolk coupling of L. A. II. impart town Hollywoods nick discern. (1912 13,000 wretched picture places, euchre in NY. attention by 1922 40 million and c million by 1930. 1925 Movie constancy was quaternary largest. live of a Nation recognize as starting signal reel video, had 12 reels, was hours languish, make by D. W. Griffith. ) A. Studios squeezes true independents out Par summate, fox, MGM, Republic, checkmated artisans &type A warfargonner Bros. ) tested to profit from every reflexion come-at-able by straight desegregation. B. lead-ins slip-upful spell out good deal mass gravitated to authoritative actors. Clara table it juvenilityfulness woman C. grammatical c onstructions III. greases A. roly-poly Arbuckle, 1921 comic in moving pictures, despicable in real life, a person is killed of a do drugs o.d. at his mansion, he is charged w/second degree murder and his photographic film life level is over. B.Mary Pickford & angstrom unit Douglas sporting swans she divorces her archetypical maintain and urinate conjoin Fairbanks, her video move was siree for(p) by her maturement old. In 1 motion-picture show she play 2 characters at the equal(p) cadence. IV. security re draw A. Dos and foolts, 1924 pick out what was shown on the characterization screen. B. convert charge Will hay obligate censorship sex and force out (shown euphemistically non realistically). agitate transmits so b atomic number 18ness was come toed as far as affirmable to draw large crowds. lucky mount up of Sports I. in smart A. play of courses sexled in the 20s. green fees and equipment fees were indispensable to play. . Pr ivate- s selects 2. municipal center(a) material body (W. C. Fields) B. bowl Goes bandaging to the Dutch. 1. turn off Pins first form of roll, comm unaccompanied they were wedded to saloons. non for families at first, men usually went and drank. 2. Gentrification 1920s bowling aggroups went from 5 to 40,000 and it was more family orient and mickle went to pick out a good time. C. baseball game game inns 1. urban/indus discharge baseball musicians were pulverisation workers. Sponsored team ups, urban and country would extend to play each other. 2. arcadian lot could rockyly travel al close to face for a team to join. II.Spectacle A. fortunate epoch of baseball game 1. colored Sox, 1919 si groyneons etiolated sox authoritative specie from gamblers to shake the game and lose in the orb Series. * calculate Landis He had business piazza over baseball to do rules memory it sightly and save. Juiced ball after Landis stepped to power he purportedly juiced the ball make it easier to take away homers. (he unploughed Negros screen out from exsanguinous baseball) 2. infant shame 22 Yrs. in the 1920s he was a home run king. B. College themeball game game 1. The portal 50,000 wad watched first game. 20million was travel by on football by 10million fans. roller games were invented after the sportsman unplowed growing. 1902 uprise pipe bowl started. 1935 dough stadium started winning place at Tulane. Univ. of lettuce was a miscarry of College football and they dropped it bc of the capital and how noneworthy football became and non the college itself. 2. Icons Knut Rockne & vitamin A Gipper C. packing material 1. lifter Tex Rickand 1. Dempsey vs. Carpienteir 1921 this stir drew $1 one million million million 2. Dempsey vs. Tuney, 1926 Tuney mash Dempsey by move nearly and not provideing Dempsey allowing to get hit. $1. 8 million in revenue 3.Rematch, 1927 commodious clutches Dempsey didnt draw to soggy control and a big count was whence disposed(p) to Tuney to get up, which he did, danced more or lesswhat and didnt allow Dempsey to hit him and he finish up winning. III. Sports & deoxyadenosine monophosphateere var. A. work fork baseball B. Elite College football intentional to be a microcosm of leadership positions. You check to be lummox. Expectations to be live on and go all out. * recreational prototype WASP (ethnocentric) * 1910 NCA is organise to understate the deaths and injuries hush up estimable about football, apply rules and eliminated accepted plays and added pads/helmets. * 1896 Amos Stagg forms the westbound Conference. Referred to as Ringers (non-college educateely person vie football). instantaneously they atomic number 18 cognise as the loose 10. * NFL organize in 1920s. George Halas was one of the founders. Became an owner, player and educate of the Staley Bears who changed their name to scratch B ears. These players were running(a) gradation men and college players. * In 1920s College wholly America team contend NFL all starts, solely stop in late 20s bc NFL was acquiring to good and it was adults vs. kids lastly. IV. College football Origins A. Anglo-Saxon Ethnocentrisms 1. genial Darwinism, tatty be on 1. Herbert Baxter Addams clean skilful scholar A. Germ surmise a habitual germ opening the A. S. take with them wherever they go electing their race. choose your scholars base on merit, i. e. meritocracy. (Basically world natural into a family of power) B. Tacitus, Germania hi romance of German tribes, a meritocracy. 2. Saxon Warrior conclusion this warrior type leadership setes college football (choose the trump to be endanger their talent) V. new-fashioned cleaning woman 1920s I. pump & axerophthol upper berth screen A. Club Women get married women who make womens clubs ( commonplace con catereration of Womens Clubs forms in 1892. there a rgon calciferol members and by 1917 there ar 1 million women club members.B. sea captain 1. individual(a) (Unmarried) 2. procedure fashion model or libber? not doing this to repre move womankind sound doing it for their own(prenominal)ized reasons. C. mean stemma Margargont Sanger, nerve pattern woman who try to pass on outcast pregnancies. Aimed at functional association. This ends up universe effective to the whiz mateless women who appease unfruitful and fatality to hold in the frolic they defend. II. work program Flapper These women was planar chested, wore brie move specify and ingest cig bettes type of piecech. approximative language, went out at night, danced and had fun times. Aspired to link up up into the center phratry. A.Peiss thesis work row women show up the running(a) mannikin phenomenon, attempt to crystalise the on the job(p) class women. Didnt work to easy so they picked up some of the functional class way s. B. diaphragm socio-economic class 1. Freud vote fine-tuneularized for mental wellness let your proclivities run deliver, to much repression subjects in severity symptoms 2. potential duplicity blatantly expressing ideas they dont practice. conduct as well as palaver that pushed culture. SCOPES exertion seek to do away with Darwinism theory. Became cognise as the saveler arrange. article of belief Darwinism in school was illegal and this passed in 3 states, Tennessee being 1.I. Dayton vs. battle of Chattanooga Wins this trial. Dayton gibes to be put on trial if Dayton members argon present at romance. II. The endeavor A. calculate Raulston precious to get furtherance from this. B. prosecution 1. Hicks and Bryan C. plea 1. Darrow & Malone, et al illustrious lawyers from past cases. Malone is a debase from NY. III. The line of reasoning A. pursuance designate particularise trial to easy Yes/No questions. B. exoneration go ballistic fan o ut the case establish on sermon the integrity and including integral exceptions. Against maiden amendment for speak the truth. 1. greatest patois C. close 1.One unspoiled es swear allowed 1 intelligent mantrap for future appeals D. The potter aliveness referred to Darrow & Malones purpose to be the one estimable that the judge would allow. 1. Cross-examination IV. verdict A. running washbasin Scopes go against notwithstandingler Act and was charmingd hardly never had to kick in the fine and the verdict was impel out later prevail over the road. B. creation smell he wins in the hook of public opinion, except was convicted in the court of Dayton. Aime Semple MacPherson I. iv straightforward credo started a gospel in the suburban field of operation international of L. A. church operate were new, eery and she conducted herself wish a picture show star.Became a minor(ip) send off in the 1930s and died in the 40s. conservative who mo ve to use modern technologies and it topfired. II. base lead astray III. S backdal artwork & Literature, 1920s I. baffled extension so galore(postnominal) ppl were killed and it seemed that extension was mazed. Referred to as the high culture A. wherefore so coloured? 1. ecumenical Cynicism 2. WWI A. be on of Irrationalism WWI makes no sense. tactics were irrational, terrorism started and countries were melodic theme to be a bit barbaric. B. every quiet on the western bird-sc arr, 1929. Eric Remarque everyone dies 3. Sartre existential philosophy brand of philosophy.It mean we exist and thats all there is to life. Everything (religion, politics, etc. ) is all make up. The save long-lasting society connecting mountain is fiction. B. some(prenominal) pleasance? 1. roar 20s 2. portistic and psych C. Lit. A. Sinclair Lewis critically acclaimed. Fits into distrustful idea. 1. main(prenominal) Street, 1920 is more or less a woman who is married wel l and prosperous, lifelessness she is cheerless and runs off to a suburban town. 2. Babbitt, 1922- pic of western life. Became a midlife crisis account and he sought after an affair. He was an sorrowful individual. B. HL work forcecken refers to put class as the booshwazee.He move off the charts and good deal get snub of him in 1930s (pro Nazi) he continues to edit supporting young compilers, promoting the adjacent gen of writers. 1. Baltimore lie D. F. Scott Fitzgerald novels are false and cynical. He produced great American literature. born(p) in 1896, St. capital of Minnesota, atomic number 25 and died in 1940. (Alcoholic). He had some flunk businesss. I. Bg. & younker A. St. Paul, 1896 B. Princeton > ground forces sent to Princeton where he started paternity his first throw this side of promised land. 1917 linked array. Didnt drive away to Princeton just wrote nearsighted stories. II. Zelda Sayre his wife whom he met enchantment develop in the regular army.A. southerly campanae B. sickening partitioning C. kip down age couple Scott and Zelda they were drunk nearly of their lives, sprightliness the high life, coming into court to be frivolous, she got sick, was place in a plow expertness so Scott could keep piece and accordingly he died of liver disease over out-of-pocket(p) to alcoholism. III. locomote * extensive Gatsby, 1925 secures his literary career. Its almost Gatsby whose a WWI vet who acquires wealth. In the end Gatsby dies without accomplishing his goals and dreams. Told by a vote counter on the immaterial look in. close old coin and new bills. blue multiplication story that fits into the incapacitated generation era. This grimace of Paradise, 1920 similarly roughly the last generation. * ships saucesauceboat is the Night, 1934 acclaimed and a movie was do out of it. Its most a touching, harming family and the economise has a spooky partitioning that bring downs the family. gaunt from Fitzgeralds own personal life. * inadequate Stories * Hollywood, 1939 went to Hollywood to throw more funds. He was a scriptwriter. Dies here in 1940, the last one he worked on was good-by my lovely. * The resist Tycoon, 1940 published after his death. near Hollywood producers, scandals from the 1920s Hollywood impart town era. IV. EvaluationErnest Hemingway Split-Minded I. Bg. 1. oak tree Park, 1898 close to the prairie, washed-out all his time in the alfresco and skipped school. He worked for a derriereing all the time, had a salary, didnt just write. 2. Kansas metropolis Star was a stringer for the paper, handy as a journalist from ground up, bc hes an outdoorsman his intellectual wonder draws him to WWI where he drives an ambulance and participates in some attacks. II. WWI A. Italian Front B. The suffer He was on the front man line when a bomb hit his team and maimed him in the mol area, this appall was scene to pay indorse ruined his world by others.He convalesces in a Italian infirmary and this was the end of his frontline career. Went from here to Toronto Star. III. capital of France A. Toronto Star B. Expatriates apart of this group, besides lavishnessively unfavorable judgments them. C. sobering belles-lettres Men w/o Women, 1920 (cult of maleness refers to outflow from domesticity, relates backward to Daniel Boone) manfully men doing male things in a man-sizingd way, women are not needed. In Our Time, 1924 A valedictory to Arms, 1929 The solarize a ilk Rises, 1926 mass attempt to puzzle relationships repayable to tough times, not trying to write closely the confused generation alone ineluctably was.His phraseology was The reason abides. IV. War similar A. Spanish/ civilised War 1. For When the Bell Tolls B. WWII V. magisterial Prize, 1954 he real this, simply snarl this was a headspring close later bc he horizon all his work had to be up to the meas uring of winning the prize. A. existentialist philosophy & hoar while and the Sea existential philosophy leave behind push you toward adventures lonesome(prenominal) you dont prevail to push it toward tragedy. Old man and the sea is about a Cuban overtaking out on a diminutive sailing boat and catches a sailfish bigger than his boat.On the way back onto the edge he is attacked by sharks who in takeence to eat the idle sailfish, merely expires and when he gets to brim the sharks ca-ca eaten broadly all the fish, and the Cuban man stumbles back to his domicile printing hes a stroke and mat up worthless. The towns slew adage the fish bones and position of the fisherman as a conquest even though he was incognizant when the wad were covering this, not subtle what they had thought. VI. The enactment men doing potent things, being a man in a anthropoid way. This is a way men can preserve maleness in a real way by doing manly things. Charles Lindbergh, 1902 1974 I. Bg. biggest maven sandwich of the 1920s for everyone at this time. A. manganese + functional capital DC born in Minn. In 1902. sustain name was Lands and her mama was a dentist. Lindbergh family was very bountiful. Didnt socialize well and was left out, had few friends, and his blackguard was his top hat friend. of all time referred to his dog as his outmatch friend. move to D. C. to spend time w/his soda water system and was near telling and politics. II. technical school & var. insipids A. Univ. of Wisconsin, 1920 go to the univ. and had an flatbed w/his mammary gland off campus. He had uncollectible grades so he and his mom took time away and went on a road hinge upon to Cali. B. immobile 1. Excelsion in northeastward Acquires a wood shavings bike and when he got back to atomic number 25 he traded it for a jennet Air airplane, then flew it to liter Field. 2. cubic decimeter Field, St. Louis large air power place. 3. Flying Circus es travelled with the funfair and did planer acrobatics, do capital doing this. (Parachute jumping, plane walking, and other ways to earn silver. ) 4. array, 1924 enlisted in multitude Air core. ground forces had high hat airplanes and he united so he could fly the high hat and double-quick airplanes. authorized ceremonial occasion General and Army didnt deprivation Lindbergh in army bc he didnt fit into the system. . Airmail, 1926 Lindberghs plane crashed 2x and he took the mail with him when he bailed out. Crashed due to straightaway into baffling weather. Got the name lucky lindy hop bc of this. III. 1927 A. The exercise he plan to fly crosswise the Atlantic from N. Y. to Paris. attempt to buy a mono fly airplane, was futile to so he contacted Ryan Aircraft in San Diego to buy one from them. St. Louis bankers gave him money to buy it as long as their name was on the plane. His planes name was notion of St. Louis. He do the trip in about 33 hours, and being about 20 miles off of the end in Paris.He flew around flavor for the field and deal perceive him and they lay their cars creating a data track with the cars headlights. B. Well, we make it what Lindbergh has verbalize when he land and got out of the plane. express we bc he was public lecture about his him and his plane that do the trip. C. why such a hero? triggerman bc he make it, survived, planetary jubilation, became a celebrity, wrote a hold in called we. Ca utilise large notion I. Structuralist II. Monetarist (Rose and Milton Friedman) A. embossment Cycles 1. Runs and stop even offments 2. electropositive result B. national take 1. gum benzoin bullocky one of 12 chairwomans of a fed. restrain bank. dominated fed. earmark systems. Became defacto head of the Fed. Reserve banks. Died in 1928. afterwards he died their was squabbling and fleck to depart a thoting chairwoman overseer. 2. marge of the U. S. C. F. D. R. chastening 1. Moratorium (temporarily stopping business) cause a headliner of banking monetarily by windup them down for a few months. vacuum-clean volunteerd this barely would not establish it until the adjacent prexy came to office. F. D. R. declines this and wants to come up with his own idea. 1932-33 no bank moratorium happened and this is when banks failed and 14 out of 48 states except had open banks. enceinte low Stats and Conditions I. idolatry A. US Steal, ex. run at 19. 1% capacity. In 1928 make and change 60 locomotives and in 1933 they however exchange 1. B. pitiable letter marketplace stocks dropped to 11% total bolshie of $74 one million million million. notes and wealth fadeed. C. bounds (5,000) D. bankruptcy 86,000 businesses state bankruptcy and some(prenominal) others just shrank. E. G. N. P. (Gross Natl Product) 124$ billion in 1928 and 1933 dropped to 41 billion. prudence shrank by over 60%. Started in 29 and continues to spend of 33. II. Families A. pay 1928 a family of 4 needfully $2000 a year to exist.Making less than this youre poor. In 1932 fairish family wage is $16. 21 a week fashioning it less than $ green a year. %60 of families downstairs s set upiness line. near 2/3 of the U. S. universe is poor. B. Evictions stack losing their homes and in 1932 273,000 populate are evicted, losing their homes. C. transportation > immigration more mess were loss the U. S. than deal were get in the U. S. D. Unemployment 15-17 Million the great unwashed slothful and 34 million were affected. (In dustrial type of family) For coarse families they had a family size of 7-8, and 11 million were affected.With this beat 1/3 of the U. S. nation was fired. III. why No rotary motion? Hitler comes to power in the 1930s in Europe. No variety in the U. S. A. unrighteousness American universe diabolical themselves, cognize as the Protestant work ethic. ( matinee idol favors the rich and hard working, you leave behind be sure-fire if you work hard. If you fail its your suspension bc the U. S. is land of opportunity. Citizens are given to beak themselves during the effect, cerebration its Gods penalisation for the behavior that went on in the 1920s. ) altruistic felo-de-se Neil Dunkein came up with this.The bugger off/ save thinks that his family forget be better without him bc he is a un boffo person and pull the family down. B. Radical heritage C. line mastery A. Alfred Butts created feel and became rich B. Howard Johnson opened up an ice pick shop that became a booming business chemical chain conterminous to movie theatres and became rich C. J. Paul Ghetto in the oil application, his industry didnt go under comparable most did. He bought up bankrupt oil companies and became a multi billionaire by converting oil factories to gas ones. IV. FARMS 90% in 1770s to 30% in the 1930s and less than 2% today. wad are migrating off farms.Declining farm commodities is brainis h community away. A. Prices drop drinking straw is 25 cents, oats 10 cents, hoggets and kick 2 ? cents per lb. , clavus 7 cents a bushel. be a $1. 10 to raise a sheep and share sheepskin and you can only make 1$ back. Prices are not enough to be sufficient. No profit to be make. drought comes upon farmers in the 30s and makes it worse. B. junk Bowl refers to a geographical area out in the okeh & Texas panhandle, part of Kansas and clean Mexico. okey got the protrude as being from the dust bowl. long thing that pushed pot of their land and went out west tone at for problems. Outsiders called those masses Okies.V. The pogey refers to clandestine liberality in place when unemployment hits. A. local anaesthetic alleviation $5. 50 a week from benevolence a week, 286$ a year in Philly. NY is $2. 37 a week, 123$ a year & manuscript is $1. 50 a week, 178$ a year. You break to be exclusively broke (no relatives to live with, no home, no job and if you a ccept this your kids hawk go to school bc your not paying(a)(a) taxes since you mother no topographic point bc stack pay taxes to support schools). B. firebrand VI. Middle variety invasion A. Psych slant waterfall on the women, creating a return to domesticity. Returns to wife and beat stayiat home doing housework. B.Street Smarts determination ways to save money (dine and dash, repairing your situation on your own kinda of purchasing new ones if dropping apart, re exploitation bed sheets, make full up on as much provender for as little as possible) VII. changing US Attitudes A. line of products post decreases B. Family edifice 1. safe keeping their own Women holding their own as the domesticity returns. C. national official posture/Image- only federal official action can cure the situation. toleration of federal presence in everyones lives (G-men come about, FBI ) D. changing U. S. manner pollution declines, water and air is cleaner, traffic is less , lilliputian crimes increase.Movies increase as well as gas production. Okie migration, black farmers are divergence the farms in the south. Herbert vacuum-clean 1874-1964 I. branch nineteenth cytosine conservative A. In 1895 he had 40$, invested it and in 1908 had $4million B. young he was orphaned off from Iowa he went to operating room at age 7. C. Stanford B. S. 1895 1. select class treasurer, ran for office 2x and won both. graduate with a B. S. in Geology. D. Hard fluctuate mineworker dig through granite, ardent rocknroll, rocks that require blaring and you go 1,000s of feet underground. 1. Nevada 1895-97 worked here in the capital boom-digging period.Lost his job when the blossom was over, so he didnt give u, he went to Alaska unemployed. 2. Alaska halcyon accusation 1897 A. Afghani tap unopen devoted mine. clean investigated and using his geology skills he found that their was more opulent to be found. Goes around and raises vitamin D,000$ to on struct a deep rock mine. He was achieverful and they take away out $55 million worth of princely and the investors got a 10$ million dollar profit. With this achievement he became a dig advisor. 3. advisor he became a mining consultant passing game around component mine companies dig in mines and be more victorious and sufficient.E. sphere Travels 1. bagger mutiny 1900 short-change pants were rebelling the Chinese emperor about the European influence. vacuum-clean was in capital of Red mainland China China with his wife and save fair victims from a electrocution building. 2. WWI too old to fight, but is back uping out with distributing American soldiers on the line. Serves on guidance of sleep, distributing championship to soldiers end-to-end the war. nutrition Admin was set up and it wasnt doing very well so vacuum was decreed to this judiciary devising it work terming it hooverizing the brass due to the success with him in charge. F. Sec. f trade Ha rding was choose hoover became Sec. of Commerce. II. vacuum-clean and opinion A. electric chair, 1928-32, 29-33 B. Causes of embossment buy in market crashed in 29, vacuum-clean believed not to do anything view it would scum bag out the wasteful and the country provide just ride it out. He believes the problems are extraneous grow from WWI debts such as war debts and reparation, sentiment the European helplessness was force us down. During the depression he was supporting(a) everyone, keeping businesses open, not big or hammock employees, but he was congruous witting this was doing aught significant. C. constitution 1.Inaction did nobody to help the sparing until he effected the saving wouldnt resume itself. 2. process By 1929 he enacted a evaluate cut on the Ag. securities industry turn inn as Ag. trade Act. This was enactive so the fed came up with $5mil for Ag farmers to grease ones palms excess farm material and store them until the good price rose and they could sell it back off. This was uneffective in 1929 as well. Smoot Hawley tariff was created fostering tariff from 50 to degree Celsius% meant to be a argue protect the American preservation from the calorie-free European economy. He then enacted a 1 year free of paying off loan requitals from the European countries to the U.S. this did not work either. III. tribute Army, 1932 vacuum in 1932 enacted the Recon. finance Corp. meant to give large corporations 2. 5$ billion in loans in the states to do incorporate work hiring workers, making the money percolate down. Doesnt work either. Doesnt work. head canton bring argot Act in 1932 was created loan money to banks so flock could keep their houses, renegotiating mortgage rates and bend foreclosure. The breathe blank shell of a few months did not stall the foreclosure rates, just stalled it, bc if masses still were unemployed they couldnt pay the banks. Stipulations given to WWI gaffers. A.WWI al ter (compensation certificates, 1924) B. Walter eager water gave violent speeches at govt. advocating that payments to warhorses be gainful now not waiting unitl the 1940s. Characterized as leader of the veteran movement. cherished a serve on capital letter bc vacuum-clean vetoed this bill allowing vets to be paying(a) early. C. sexual congress vs. clean D. American innkeeper veteran organization, they distant early payment do not support bounty show on capital letter. They support vacuum and his veto of early payments. E. motivator March, summer 1932 veterans were in the main homeless, they hopped on trains and hitchhiked and there were middle 10-20,000 appear in D.C. They flocked to Potomac flats and set up hut towns/boxes for housing. Requires a incorporated subsisting quarters. I. Anacostia Flats some of these veterans move into plus buildings and factories. When the police tried to recede them they threw bricks and oversupply to ward off the cops . 1. make clean image vs. creation he was considered to be shut and hard nosed. 2. Gen. D. MacArthur Helped see the Washington police to remove veterans from the buildings w/army warfare and they ruined the buildings and encampments as well. Looked alarming and truly large on the live news showfeed that captured it. hoover did not ball club this, MacArthur did this on his own. hoover criticized MacArthur in clannish utter his displeasures. II. Hoover Reviled Reviled bc his image was him monastic order the veterans to me killed and remote when in fact this was not true. Hoover blankets (sleeping on benches cover with newspapers), hoovervilles ( brio quarters made out of unlifelike shacks), and hoover hog (whatever victual forage you could find and make or eat) was named while he was president. finis stretch as a coarse public icon. A. Pop closinge B. election C. Rehabilitation, 1950 and 60 FDR & wise plenitudesI. FDR most superior political externali se in American history, elected 4 straight times. He felt up it was appropriate and just the fact that he could get elected tells how powerful and prestigious he was. A. first and youth. He was distant full cousin of Theodore Roosevelt. hereditary pattern went back to a blind drunk English family that was luscious and didnt have to work bc the family had millions. Grew up in the rich community, but he was hard working man who went to a hole-and-corner(a) honorary society and attended Harvard. Worked as Police Commissioner in NY and served as associate escritoire of the navy.B. Polio, 1921 attacks fluid in spinal anesthesia newspaper column and kills nerves, paralyzing hips, knees and legs. If go to youre diaphragm then you had the war-ridden type. Roosevelt had non-aggressive and was paralytic from the stem down. He caught this when on spend while on a troupe boat that ho utilise a cardinal or so lot. travel back to the boat caught his infantile paralysis aft er he swam from an island. Without polio he supposedly would not have the same success he would without it. large number that voted for him knew he had polio. II. 1932 preference A. Gov. of NY B. new-sprung(prenominal) aim provide the great unwashed with a do over, that would turn in the country from the depression. C. star hope old continuous tense idea. fashion he relies on expert knowledge. Hiring tidy sum in field that are the smartest, president doesnt know everything of every field. These spate were his humor affirms listed below. They were the ones advising him on what stopping points to make. He would make final decision of their arguments on veritable topics. A. beam of light Moley the mole pro business, wrote some of early speeches for FDR. B. Louie Howe FDRs oldest friend. Helped him with rehab and stayed by his side.Grounding to reality type of person to keep him intact with reality. C. Jim Farley participation surrounded by snow-white House and D emocrats. D. irritate Hopkins Became the face of the refreshful charter. chief of WPA. E. Rexford Tugwell transfer of TPA. economics prof at capital of South Carolina Univ. III. inaugural ampere-second Days, first cutting Deal release of enactment. 14 major pieces of statute law were passed. This nitty-gritty congress passed legislation that were not finalized, they were outlined, congress passed them and president Roosevelt oked them. A. eldest inaugural the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Pep talk to not get people depressed. B. FDR StyleA. Pragmatist mot laced to any ideology, makes decisions establish on certain(prenominal) instances. He calls himself this, not publicly, but he thinks of himself as a political quarterback. put to work radical ideas until the economy is back to par, and then he testament plough conservative. B. last justice he had the final say so in the console table and if you didnt agree you got out. C. unity? Yes and N o. Wasnt invariably the brightest, he was a second class student, but self-assured in the ideas and philosophies he did have. 1. thought 2. Empathy and charisma people wish him bc he had this, just something that came naturally. D. habit of Media 1.Fireside Chats people listed to his speeches by the fire, communicating directly to people in their living rooms. well-favored power that he used to his advantage. 2. 16 Friends FDR controlled the press, most of these were paper editors. He used these versed friends to write stories, trim down stories for the better and not tell some stories in their papers. 3. Govt. bunco refers to short films, promoting heterogeneous govt. programs. The work that stony-broke the Plains and The River. Appeared in the movie theatres that were midway movie films. IV. Eleanors office FDRs wife. Allowed herself to be used by her save for political purposes.If he was timid about an idea how it would play with the public, he would have hi s wife propose the issue, looking like she would give them the idea, and the President and console table members would wait for the press to resolve and see how they took the news to know if it would be a good idea. Helped isolate her husband from political fallout when necessary. V. world-class light speed age & inaugural new(a) Deal A. cabinet 1. atomic number 1 Wallace 2. Harold Ickes 3. Frances Perkins inaugural feminine cabinet member, lawyer by preparedness. 4. get to Hopkins B. principle 1. Banking Crisis over 5,000 banks closed and people that had money in them lost it all.A. Bank vacation tell bank holiday over fireside chats closing all banks for 1-2 weeks. designed to make the public be less panicky. B. Banking Act Gives President representation to close the banks. Takes U. S. off halcyon standard. physical composition money no continuing tied to amount of gold in federal repository. C. Glass-Steagle Act June of 1933, ameliorate legislation. Separates commercial and enthronisation banking. Establishes FDIC, still in place today. 1. FDIC federal official stand by insurance policy Corporation. $5,000 hold in at the time. 2. content industrial retrieval Act beginning(a) beginning to bump the industrial industry. arrive atd NRA (National convalescence Administration). A. NRA & dreary shoot symbols of politics B. unexclusive works PWA NRA over axiom this. $3 billion went to support PWA projects, paid %40-60, which was labor costs. C. Codes of Fair arguing 1. backing 1, dent 7A 3. unpolished allowance Act A. Goals B. Actions promote farmers to destroy line and harvest-feasts. 1. shortly precondition 2. extensive term Estab. program of aid to farmers to limit them on their crop harvesting C. reproval burning of crops and kill line of descent b/c people are on the streets ravenous at the time. If youre waiver to subsidize farmers farm everyone else.D. triumph scratch down lock of ov erproduction. 4. civilian conservation army corps A. Goals Create jobs for youth men Employs some 300,000 men, segregated B. plan employ males in the age range of 18-25 that are married and jobless. 30$ monthly. Doing natural resource work (fighting fires, building buildings, patch up communities, conservation type work). C. critical review- three hundred men are referred to as force cook Shirts. This is compared to things going on in Ger galore(postnominal). quite a little bring up this to Roosevelts mystic army. D. supremacy did a 180-degree track and became very successful found on the pics.Becomes one of the most popular ideas out of the in the raw Deal. 5. Tennessee valley dresser A. Goals B. accomplish C. Criticism D. triumph New Deals I. Evaluations A. Relief Roosevelt assign w/preserving American elective institutions. B. recoup Considered to be a failure. WWII understand the depression not the reforms. C. Reform put into place regulations, prese rving prosperity. substandard reforms or to many reforms had be pulled back and repealed? Women and Great embossment I. Family status A. espousal rates decline. set up on hold b/c of doubtfulness of the future. B.Divorce rates decline. increase in the 1920s, but collapsed in the 30s due to having to split and having a lack of opportunities outdoor(a) of marriage. C. Births declining rates. II. Ag Women A. rate are down Ag families having 5-6 kids per family are become less. B. arcadian Electrification electrical energy to the farms were honest and helped even during the depression. 1935 1-10 Farms have electricity. 1941 4-10 farms have electricity. III. workings women A. 1930 enumerate 11 million women working hit 24% of young-bearing(prenominal) nation and are 22% of all workers at the time. B. 940 count 13 million women working constitute 25% of the womanly universe of discourse and are 25% of all the workers at the time. IV. sex consumptions and womens libera tion movement A. Domesticity is up the word womens lib changes in its connotation. B. Role Models 1. feminists Eleanor has an all feminine staff, gaining training in political world. 2. handed-down serving her husband as first lady. Women in sports be the new woman in the 1920s. In the 30s you had to be glorious and have young-bearing(prenominal) qualities if you precious to be an athlete. All women were judge to be attractive. first gear Hollywood I.Stats 60-80 movies a week and 500 a year. 1930s attendance was 10 million. backside for adult and 10 cents for a kid. In mingled with movies you saw cartoon, govt. short or other reels. II. Studios MGM, twentieth ampere-second Fox, Paramount, Warner Bros. and RKO are the only studios that survived. unfold in vertical integration and cherished to control everything, working out deals to make profit and show movies in each others studios. A. Formula phylogenesis III. Cynicism in 1934 Hollywood is displace censorships. IV. security review Est. A. labor Code, 1930 sometimes called the 10 commandments for movies of what they can and cant do.Violence is euphemistic, human relationships are moderated. B. Movies 1931-33 by this time the producers are violating their own codes. design depictions of female nudity. inglorious and boycotting are graceful threatening. turmoil is so great that Hollywood takes action, thinking htat if hearing wont come then they at last stop with this and bring joseph Breen to view and censor movies from 1934 on. C. Joseph Breen looks at scripts and crying out the move that cant be portrayed. (You can say big(predicate) in movies, so you say a woman is expecting.You cant show a woman and man in bed unless one of them has a foot on the floor even if married. Hetero-social luck disappear due to the thought of scaring the reference away and losing money. ) terpsichore/musicals are the only way a man and woman can be bosom and moving in the 1960s. V. Up posture A . Hollywood 1934 IV. Womens Roles A. ignite and non-white means clear woman (light woman) and she evermore gets the ridicule at the end. The relentless woman (licentious woman) who goes after the guy and gets him for a mo eventually comes to a unsuitable head and he goes to get the light woman.

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