Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Etruscan Women
Etruscan Women: An Analysis of Larissa Bofante’s Article The comparisons between the Etruscan, Greek, and Roman way of life are similar in many respects and each contributes to the other, however, each civilization has its differences. The Etruscan society in the 5th to 7th c. BCE was one of luxury, lust, innovation, and they are thought to have been very skilled technicians: these attributes made them stand out among the rest.Larissa Bofante’s article, Daily Life and After Life, points out these distinguishing factors of the Etruscan society that left everyone else envious to what they had, even though most thought them to live barbarically. In Bofante’s article she discusses all aspects of the Etruscan life, from architecture, jewelry, art, religion, sex, wealth, festivities, and more in all great detail. An important aspect that Bofante chooses to discuss in her article is the role of women in the Etruscan society, and this is very important to know when learn ing about their culture.In this analysis, I plan to maintain, as Bofante points out, that women were of much greater importance in the Etruscan culture than in Greece and Rome. Larissa Bofante’s article Daily Life and After Life highlights many points about the Etruscan way of life, and the part that I found to be the most interesting was about Etruscan women. There is substantial evidence to show that they were held at high regard and were considered equal to men.Bofante points out a few passages written from Greek writers and historians who depict scenes of the Etruscan life, she argues that while these may be â€Å"cliche†, the information may have come from eye witness accounts of Greeks who travelled to Etruria: of these scholars there was Theopompus, a Greek Historian of the 4th century BCE and Athenaeus, a Greek writer in 200 AD. Atheneus has a passage written in his book titled, Brilliant Dinner Party Conversation, about women and men dining together and sharin g in multiple sex partners.Women would always dine with their husbands and be seen together in many other aspects of daily life, this was seen as distasteful to the Greeks and was in contrast to the way Greek women acted; the mingling of sexes in this way was not respected in Greek society. Besides the written text, we can see this â€Å"mingling of the sexes†in the art that was coming out of Etruria at that time. Tombs and sarcophagi depicted scenes of festivities and events; Bofante mentions the Sarcophagus of Ramtha Visnai Vulci, with married couple in bed 300 c.BCE. This sarcophagus shows a husband and wife lying with one another, which is a common scene for Etruscan artwork. One of the more famous tomb drawings (not mentioned by Bofante) is the Tomb of the Leopards 480 c. BCE. In this scene, elite men and women are joined together for a banquet, and the woman are not slave girls as in the Greek depictions of similar scenes, they are instead eating alongside the men and celebrating as equals. Etruscan women also had luxurious items like jewels, clothes and toiletries such as mirrors.These mirrors depicted similar scenes on them, all with men and women being displayed together, often married couples together at banquet, and also at home such as the Engraved Mirror with couple standing before a double bed 500 c. BCE. This life style, as stated by Bofante, was seen as â€Å"breach of Greek culture and good taste†, which just further shows the different society that Etruscans had and the role of women in it. Another element in Bofante’s article regarding the high rank of women in the Etruscan culture was that of giving names.A Roman woman for example had no name of her own but was known by her father’s name, this was not the way it was for the Etruscan women however. Bofante mentions that Etruscan funerary inscriptions had the mothers name as well as the father’s name of the deceased on them, and some tomb facades even had w omen’s names alone, which indicates that Etruscan women could own property. All of this shows the â€Å"legal and social importance of Etruscan women. †Larissa Bofante’s article Daily Life and Afterlife, mentions many elements of what we believe the Etruscan society was like.Her article was very factual and listed many aspects of Etruscan life such as architecture, artifacts, mirrors, jewelry, daily activities and more. From depictions and imagery on tombs, mirrors, vases, and written text we can put the pieces together about how they lived. One conclusion that Bofante comes to, as well as many others including myself, is that women of the elite group were thought of as equals to men, or at least they were treated as such.Women attended many events with men and sat alongside them during festivities and banquets, and the husband and wife were shown together in a variety of scenes. Women may have even owned property, and their name was of importance. All of these aspects of Etruscan women highly contrast with what we know about Roman and Greek women. While Bofante discussed many interesting aspects of Etruscan life, the role of women was very important and was a crucial element in her article.
Childbirth and Midwife
In many parts of the world today there are still many women who use a midwife verses using an Obstetrician Gynecologist. However in the United States fewer than three percent of women who give birth are attended to by midwives (Kram and Eckstein,1990). It is stated that â€Å"In the United States that childbirth has become increasingly medicalined and specialized, first with family doctors or general practitioners taking over the process, then obstetricians, and today, perinatologist.These physician specialists are trained to see birth as an abnormal or pathological process requiring heroic interventions, rather than a natural process†(Kram and Eckstein, 1990). Midwives however view childbirth and pregnancy in a different light. They tend to view childbirth and pregnancy as a natural process. â€Å"Midwives are trained to see birth as a normal, physiological life event throughout which women must make their own choices in order to have control over their own experience †Å"(Kram and Eckstein,1990).The model of care that midwives go by is the belief that pregnancy and birth are normal life processes. The model of care includes monitoring all aspect of the woman well-being throughout the childbearing cycle, provide individualized care with hands on assistance during the birthing process, minimizing technological interventions, and identifying and referring women to obstetrical attention if needed (Midwife Alliance of North America,2013). I choose to do my research on midwives because I want to become one.The who process pregnancy and birthing intrigues me. The process is unique with every case and every woman handle and go through their pregnancy differently rather it be because health reason, religion, or simply because they wanted to go about the experience in a particular manner. Being a midwife I will see a lot of different things and face a lot of different challenges but the most rewarding part of the whole thing is bringing a new life into the world unharmed and healthy. I really like the care model that midwives believe in as well.I think that as a midwife you have a more intimate and closer relationship to your patient because instead of just telling a woman how her pregnancy is being planned out, most midwives take the time out to make a birthing plan and make sure to use the least amount of medicine possible is used so that there are no prolonged or future complications on the mother or unborn child. Though midwives do have comfort medicines that they will use in cases where the pain is unbearable or needed. The nursing care steps are related to just bout all aspect of nursing no matter what area. The nursing care steps are used frequently by a midwife. When a woman becomes a patient for a midwife the woman is first assessed. All her present and pass history is given and the midwife looks her over and gives her gives her a complete and thorough physical examination and make sure all her blood work is checked. After al l test and physical examinations are complete the midwife in conjunction with a doctor diagnosis the patient if needed and provide any extra care to ensure a healthy pregnancy.In most cases is a woman is considered high risk the midwife will refer her to an OB/GYN. Midwives tend to only take in low risk pregnancies because there is less complications that they will encounter being that most midwives lean toward all natural pregnancy’s. After all diagnoses are made the midwife and the patient formulates a birthing plan in which the midwife follows through on as long as the pregnancy goes according to plan with no complications.The implementation phase of the birthing process is how the midwife is actually handling the patient at all visits and how the pregnancy is progressing along. The evaluation phase like always is when the midwife evaluates if the birthing plan being accomplished in a healthy manner and to the patient liking, if there is found to be complications or someth ing that needs to be changed here in the evaluation phase is it done and then it is implemented into the nursing care plan once again. This ongoing cycle is not complete until the child is born and all postpartum care is complete.As a nurse midwife if would be my job to ensure that the patient is well educated about the pregnancy and what is to be expected. It is also the responsibility of the midwife to ensure that the patient is comfortable with every aspect of the birthing plan and feels comfortable being able to discuss what’s going on in her pregnancy. It is the responsibility of the midwife to ensure the safety and well-being of the patient and the unborn child. The midwife is to make sure that the pregnancy is going
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Brazilian Independence
Brazilian Independence A critical review of â€Å"The Cambridge History of Latin America (From Idependence to c. 1870), By Leslie Bethell In this paper I will explain and highlight main arguments of Brazilian independence according to Leslie Bethell. The Brazilian independence was certainly not as violent as in the other Latin American countries and the independence was a final product of many events and influences.I will go through the economic situation Brazil was facing in terms of export and imports, followed by the installment of Portuguese Dom Joao in Rio de Janeiro, because of the Napoleon wars going on in Europe at the time and finally concluding on what finally gave Brazil independence in 1822. Economically, Brazil was major compared to its colonizer, Portugal. Brazil had the population the area and the natural resources to become a success, which they definitely was, but with a Portuguese exploitation of exports and population.Portugal was highly dependent on Brazilian exp orts and had a hard time providing Brazil with manufactured goods, an element Britain had a major role in. Brazil exported and still exports massive amounts of sugar to Portugal and later on, coffee and cotton became an important export, not to forget gold from Minas Gerais. It was basically hard for Portugal to justify the occupation of this new land of opportunities. The creation of a national identity that would help Brazilians to gain independence was definitely an important factor to the process.Some claim that the victory over the Dutch in 1654 was a major input and inspiration for the Brazilians. The Brazilian education and information system was although not on Brazilian territory and the minority of people that could afford it went to Europe for university. The economic, political and intellectual situation, led to massive criticisms due to the mercantile systems, its restrictions on trade, the heavy duty taxation on Brazil and also the high prices on manufactured goods wer e up for a beating.The reason why Portugal was able to hold on to Brazil was not because of military power and high oppressiveness as seen in other Latin American countries under Spanish rule, but because of the Portuguese crown Dom Joao and Portugals supply of stability in Brazil. The dissatisfaction should although not be exaggerated – the locals where in comparison much more involved with the formation and implementation of legislation just to mention one and Portuguese settlement had happened gradual, so prominent landowners were most likely first generation Brazilians, giving less incentives for rebellion and riots.All in all, Brazilians were better off than the other colonized countries in Latin America. Napoleon wars and moving Dom Joao With the Napoleon wars going on in Europe and many countries giving up their colonies, Brazil was kept in Portuguese hands. The Portuguese leader Dom Rodrigo de Sousa Coutinho, saw early on that Brazilian independence was just a matter of time. Therefore he suggested that regent Dom Joao should give up his residence in Portugal and move the apparatus to Brazil as a final option instead of being taken over by Napoleon.On August 12th 1807 Napoleon issued an ultimatum to the Portuguese foreign minister, he could either; close the ports to British ships, imprison all English residents and confiscate their property or face a French invasion. Britain backed the idea of leaving Portugal up and offered protection. For a while, Dom Joao tried to adopt anti-British policies, but already in November he learned that Generel Junot was marching on to Portugal with 23. 000 men. After the French troops entering Portugal Dom Joao made the decision of leaving Portugal.In late November the regent and an apparatus of 10-15. 000 people left for Brazil accompanied with British ships. The moving of the regent to Rio de Janeiro was a huge step for Brazil and their way to independence and the relationship between Portugal and Brazil was b etter than ever. The establishment of government in Rio de Janeiro ended the monopoly for Lisbon as an actor on exports and imports. Portugal no longer controlled Brazilian products and trade and Britain was the only country allowed to trade with Brazil until the ending of the Napoleon wars.The effects of having the regent in Rio de Janeiro, were great for Brazil. In 1808 the first printing press was published in Rio de Janeiro, furthermore books were released, libraries opened and probably most important; schools were opened which definitely contributed to the political awareness and intelligence. As a sum up on the movement, Brazil was now governed from Rio de Janeiro instead of Lisbon, and the relationship with Portugal was never really re-established. Later, after the liberation of Portugal, Dom Joao was expected back in Lisbon and British ships were sent to accompany they journey.Although Dom Joao had other plans and decided to stay and later on raising the Brazil to the status of Kingdom – thereby being equal to Portugal legally. In response to the decreasing colonial power a liberal-nationalsts opposition raised in Oporto and the Junta Provosoria was proposing a new constitution where the Cortes was to be elected for the Portuguese world. It became clear that the Portuguese intentions with Brazil were only to recapture Brazil and make it serve Portuguese interests. In general all the Portuguese attempts to lower the new status of Brazil and it’s political and economical opportunities were not successful.Trying to re-impose the heavy taxation and tariffs on Brazil only gave the Brazilians and even bigger incentive to gain independence. Independence Dom Pedro (son of Dom Joao) was the one to lead the process of cutting all cooperation with Portugal since the elites of Brazil came to the conclusion that it was not an option to keep doing so. This resulted in a combined elite front of Brazilian politicians, no matter political ideologies, to b attle the Cortes and they all swore allegiance to Dom Pedro.Brazilian politicians gained more and more confidence and in 1822 Dom Pedro received the last dispatches from Portugal revoking his decrees, charging his ministers with treason and demanding him back to Lisbon, he declared; â€Å"I proclaim Brazil forevermore separated from Portugal†. It although took some time to expel the last Portuguese men from Brazil. The Portuguese army ended up in Salvador, Bahia after being expelled from Rio de Janeiro. The Brazilian army was huge in terms of numbers but were not strong enough to overtake the Portuguese that consisted of 2. 00 regular troops and a 1. 500 men militia. The Portuguese had a major naval squadron stationed in Bahia, and therefore being in total control over the sea. Therefore Dom Pedro asked for the assistance of Lord Cochrane, a super successful frigate captain who had already played a major role in the independence of Chile in 1818. In 1823 Cochrane gathered a 9 ship Brazilian naval squadron for the blockade of Bahia and it was probably more reputation than actual force that made the Portuguese evacuate Bahia on June 2nd. The last Portuguese troops leftBrazil in March 1824 and Cochrane afterwards went to Rio de Janeiro to receive the title of Marques de Maranhao. Conclusion: The Brazilian independence was as mentioned earlier a pallet of many events and actors influencing the Brazilian population as well as the Portuguese. Brazilian demography and population size was important, not to mention the British, who played a large role all the way as an external actor. The moving of the regent to Rio de Janeiro and the Cortes helpless attempt to regain the former status of Brazil was definitely another factor influencing.Portugal as a nation was a declining European economy with trade deficits without Brazil. Also Brazil was not ruled by Portugal in the military way, and Portugal was only supplying the social stability in terms of a legal system. Therefore it makes no sense in itself for why Brazil should be ruled by a minor state compared to them selves. In my opinion the movement of the regent was one of the major events leading a much more joint operation and giving the Brazilians the local identity that led them to finally gaining independence in 1822.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Answering questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Answering questions - Assignment Example 2. Using the collapse of the subprime mortgage market in the U.S., describe the components of good management and how regulation can contribute to prudent lending or encourage excessive risk taking. (What forms of discrimination are to be encouraged.) The subprime mortgage crisis in the U.S. has revealed various imperfections in the financial system. This collapse happened when most of the borrowers over-reached their demand for big homes and a number of borrowers availed the loan offers without having a suitable understanding to the implications of terms and results in an environment of declining real estate prices and increasing interest rates. Regulations can play a very significant role in ensuring stability in finance system by covering the safety and reliability of depository institutions and by maintaining a capital adequacy. In other words, a suitable regulated housing finance system is less vulnerable to institution failure. The less vulnerability may increase the confidence of investors in the system thereby, encouraging them to take risks. Moreover, the regulations and law should intend to reduce discriminations in house financing. For example, in the mortgage crisis institutions traded and resold the subprime mortgages in the secondary securitization market which made it hard for the regulators and homeowners to follow the predatory lenders.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Are Long-Distance Relationships Successful Research Paper
Are Long-Distance Relationships Successful - Research Paper Example For humans, romantic relationships form an essential component of emotional development and meeting emotional needs. A healthy relationship can help a person to develop a sense of self and of loving and caring for another person. Within romantic relationships, there are often periods where the partners become geographically separated. This results in a long-distance relationship (LDR), where the couple attempts to maintain their emotional closeness despite the physical distance. Long-distance relationships are a form of relationship that is becoming more common for a variety of reasons. For couples where one or both individuals are studying at the university between 25 percent and one-third of the relationships are long distance. Additionally, LDRs can form through sources such as internet dating sites where the couple has not met and continue their relationship for some time without meeting. Consequently, the types of LDRs vary, with some couples having periodic face-to-face interac tion, while others have none. Long-distance relationships differ substantially from normal relationships for a number of reasons. The separation from one's partner can create psychological stresses; these vary depending on the strength of the relationship between the two individuals and the ability to adapt. In a long-distance relationship, both partners have much more time to themselves, less communication and substantially less physical contact than a couple who is not geographically separated. There is the risk that while separated by distance, the partners in the relationship become somewhat idealized, and see only the best side of each other. Research indicates that couples that have a long-distance relationship are restricted in the communication that they are able to have, and tend to be more idealized about their partner than couples that are not separated by distance. This can result in significant disillusion or disappointment when the partners reunite which may eventually result in the dissolution of the relationship. There are a number of ways in which an LDR may be less stable than the couple who are close geographically. A study examining LDRs and reunions found that although LDRs were significantly more stable than relationships where the partners were not separated. However, partners who were in an LDR were likely to dissolve the relationship on their reunion. This indicates that the LDR creates a relationship that is not resilient to change. Around half of all LDRs experience the transition from long-distance to close proximity, while the other half choose to end their relationship during the long-distance period. Of those relationships where individuals did reunite, a third terminated the relationship within three months of the reunion. Reasons given for ending the relationship included the loss of the novelty and autonomy that partners experienced during the LDR. A comparison of LDRs and relationships that were not long distance found that p eople not in an LDR were more confident that the relationship would last.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Olaudah Equiano Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Olaudah Equiano - Essay Example He was the youngest one in the family, which also had five brothers and another sister. At the age of eleven, he was kidnapped along with his sister by the slaveholders. From there, he was a sent to the islands of Barbados, located in the West Indies. After that, he was transferred to Virginia (Equiano, 39). He was a bought by a member of the Royal Navy called as Michael Pascal. After serving him, he ended up being given to a merchant named as Robert King. After working some years for him, he gained his independence. Equiano settled in London and became a vocal voice against the anti-slavery movement. By the year 1783, he was involved in the transfer of information to a lot of the anti-slavery campaigners. Some of his accounts of the slavery paint a picture of the trials and tribulations faced by the slaves. His book was published in the year 1789 and went through a large number of editions. It was a sensational event, as it covered a large fact base regarding the slave trade. Equian o has mentioned a number of events regarding the slave trade, with a description of the cruelties being suffered by them. It has been mentioned by him, that the slaves suffered from a host of tortures including the â€Å"iron muzzle†. His work has helped in explaining the atrocities committed by the slave owners. This has been one of the reference points for the history of slavery and the eventual abolition. ANALYSIS There has been a recent controversy about the origin of the author. He was one of the most accomplished English speaking writers of the age, coming from an African origin. There has been an emergence of some recent information from sources: that the birth records and other details of Olaudah Equiano had discrepancies in them. One of the factors that were noticed as a part of the records, are the claims about the baptization at the Saint Margaret’s Church and the Arctic expedition. Some of the documents also cast a doubt on the veracity of the claims abo ut his birth. It is being researched that the place of birth was not current day Nigeria, but South Carolina. In an event of these factors being true, they cast a reasonable doubt on the genuine nature of the thesis; regarding the slave trade. If this has been a case of the wrong identity being used, it could cast a number of aspersions on the image of Olaudah Equiano. Some of the historical records have suggested the date of birth as 1747 and not the year 1745. Some of the authors have described this behaviour to be of a man who is â€Å"self made†(Caretta, 277). This word has a lot of dichotomy in the meaning, with the achievement of success; as well as the realization of a childhood dream. This would have a significant impact on the description of the times and the events being expressed. His expression of the events is a reaction to his wanton need for achieving the due recognition and success. The extrapolation of the events is a way of defining his identity, as perceiv ed by himself. CONCLUSION In light of the recent discoveries, it can be assumed that Olaudah Equiano may have made an attempt to reclaim the African identity, rather than having lived one. So, much of the middle passage in the slave ship may not seem
Friday, July 26, 2019
Sustainability as a source of competitive advantage in the hospitality Literature review - 1
Sustainability as a source of competitive advantage in the hospitality industry - Literature review Example While sustainability is engineered into large hotels, simpler processes are associated with environmental friendliness in small hotels. The differences between them should be noted in order to better appreciate the scope of sustainability issues in large hotels. For small hotels, a significant solid-waste management (SWM) program becomes the principal concern. Small hotels generate wastes that usually end up in landfills, due to the relatively smaller quantities of various types of waste that defy more economical large-scale waste management. It is not true, however, that effective waste management cannot be conducted in small hotels. There are still methods and techniques by which waste can be segregated, recycled, and reduced to minimize and even eliminate contribution to landfills (Radwan, Jones & Minoli, 2010). Empirical studies have come to explore the consumer dynamics relating to sustainable hotels. Lee, Hsu, Han & Kim (2010) sought to determine the view of consumers concernin g green hotels, and how the hotel’s green image can impact on their behavioural intentions. The diagram following provides a graphic presentation of the factors considered in the conduct of the study. The study takes into account among its assumptions the growing concern among the public about environmental issues in general, and how this affects their viewpoint of the hotel industry. Green technology is viewed herein as a strategic tool that can enhance the hotel’s competitive advantage.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Words of the Bewitched in Bridget Bishop Assignment
Words of the Bewitched in Bridget Bishop - Assignment Example This affirmed the fears of the witnesses that indeed the Bishop was a witch. Each witness had an account different from the next, all of which were related to an interaction with the Bishop. In most of the testimonies, the unsuspecting culprits would welcome the Bishop into their homes as a visitor or simply interact with her as they would any other villager. However, the more her visits became, the more their miseries increased. This showed them that the torments would not have been instances of accidents but was well planned and the culprits carefully selected. The Bishop’s gender contributed to the accusations against her. Being a woman, she had gained so much influence and was living on her own. This was not common with the villagers. On the trial day, a body search revealed shambled body parts that did not resonate with the physique of a woman. A teat that was found mysteriously disappears right in the sights of her searchers. This is an occurrence that she could not let herself out of. The presence of puppets made of rugs and hogs bristles with headless pins on them were found in her house. These were weird things that the witnesses could not fathom. Their presence in her home and lack of a proper explanation of their use worsened the case against her. The bench of female jurists thus made the ruling of guilt against her based on the amount of evidence. To protect one from being accused of witchcraft, all it took was the courage to sign a book. The Bishop refused to sign this book. This is an act that proved her among the villagers as an outright witch. She could not thus be accused of routine misconduct. Furthermore, the accusation leveled against her and the following testimonials were unique in that they involved strange occurrences that inflicted pain and torture on her culprits. A large number of her culprits and the intensity of their predicament could not help matters for the Bishop either.
Evaluation of a Weight-Loss Plan or Program Assignment
Evaluation of a Weight-Loss Plan or Program - Assignment Example SENSA is a product that you sprinkle on your food prior to eating. It works on the concept of smell, triggering the brain that you have had enough and making a person want to eat less. It is advertised as containing no stimulates or diuretics. It is made up of only FDA approved ingredients and is said to keep the food cravings and the feeling of hunger away ( One of the concepts is to make bland food taste better making it more appealing for people to eat ( This is supposed to cause people to eat healthier because SENSA makes the food taste better. The research done on this product, through clinical trials, shows that SENSA users average 30 pounds of weight loss as compared to control groups who only lost two pounds over six months ( However, there is some question about the credibility of the study that was conducted. Other researchers question how the participates were selected and the range of weight that was actually lost by the participants (Woolston, 2011). Another concern, stated by Alan Hirsch, MD, the director of the SENSA study, is that the amount of food that the participants ate was not tracked ( The program is flexible in that the product can be put on any food that a person wants to eat. It is easily transported, so it can easily fit into the most active person’s lifestyle. It is simple to use in that anyone can sprinkle the product on their food no matter if they are eating at home, at a party, at a business function or at a restaurant. The product itself does not provide variety, but the user can eat any food they want, thus getting all the variety they desire. A downfall to SENSA is that there is not a plan for maintenance after the initial weight los. In fact, no where on the SENSA website promoting their product is maintenance mentioned. Their focus is simply on losing weight, not
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The Effect of Attack ads on political campaigns Research Paper
The Effect of Attack ads on political campaigns - Research Paper Example Attack ads focus on ‘the faults of the opponent’ (Frith & Mueller 2010, p.59). Advocacy ads refer to the capabilities of a candidate, without referring to the opponent (Frith & Mueller 2010, p.59). As for the contrast ads, these are a combination of the above, referring both to qualities of a candidate and ‘to the faults of his opponent’ (Frith & Mueller 2010, p.59). Two popular political ads are the following ones: a) the ad entitled as ‘Daisy Girl’ was used in the presidential elections of 1964 (Roberts & Hammond 2012, p.5). The above ad, which aimed on causing fear to voters in regard to the potential effects of their voting preferences, showed ‘a small girl plucking the petals off of a daisy’ (Roberts & Hammond 2012, p.5). The next scene showed a nuclear explosion (Roberts & Hammond 2012, p.5). Voters were asked to avoid voting the nominee of Republican Party who could possibly ‘lead the country to a nuclear war’ (R oberts & Hammond 2012, p.5); b) another popular attack ad is entitled as ‘the 3am phone call’ (Roberts & Hammond 2012, p.5) and was used by Hilary Clinton in the presidential elections of 2008. The particular ad, which can be characterized as a policy comparison ad, aimed to highlight the lack of experience of Barack Obama, compared to Hilary Clinton, in facing emergent issues. The ad entitled as ‘Daisy Girl’, as presented above, has faced strong criticism. Many political analysts did not accept the fact that one of the candidates of the presidential elections was portrayed as a strong supporter of piece, referring to Johnson, while the other was characterized, referring to Goldwater even if he was not named, as a supporter of war... Moreover, Frith & Mueller (2010) notes that political advertisements can be classified into three categories: ‘attack, advocacy and contrast’ (Frith & Mueller 2010, p.59). Attack ads focus on ‘the faults of the opponent’ (Frith & Mueller 2010, p.59). Advocacy ads refer to the capabilities of a candidate, without referring to the opponent (Frith & Mueller 2010, p.59). As for the contrast ads, these are a combination of the above, referring both to qualities of a candidate and ‘to the faults of his opponent’ (Frith & Mueller 2010, p.59). Two popular political ads are the following ones: a) the ad entitled as ‘Daisy Girl’ was used in the presidential elections of 1964 (Roberts & Hammond 2012, p.5). The above ad, which aimed on causing fear to voters in regard to the potential effects of their voting preferences, showed ‘a small girl plucking the petals off of a daisy’ (Roberts & Hammond 2012, p.5). The next scene showed a nuclear explosion (Roberts & Hammond 2012, p.5). Voters were asked to avoid voting the nominee of Republican Party who could possibly ‘lead the country to a nuclear war’ (Roberts & Hammond 2012, p.5); b) another popular attack ad is entitled as ‘the 3am phone call’ (Roberts & Hammond 2012, p.5) and was used by Hilary Clinton in the presidential elections of 2008. The particular ad, which can be characterized as a policy comparison ad, aimed to highlight the lack of experience of Barack Obama, compared to Hilary Clinton, in facing emergent issues.The ad entitled as ‘Daisy Girl’, as presented above, has faced strong criticism. Many political analysts did not accept the fact that one of the candidates of the presidential elections was portrayed as a strong supporter of piece, referring to Johnson, while the other was characterized, referring to Goldwater even if he was not named, as a supporter of war (Sparks 2012, p.223). Such perspective could n ot be accepted since the candidate who promoted this attack ad.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Animal Representation of Dogs Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Animal Representation of Dogs - Research Paper Example This paper compares and contrasts three perspectives of dogs as represented in film, literature, and psychiatry. More specifically, the paper examines how the dog is presented as a teacher and father figure, as a helper, as well as, as a human in disguise. The paper provides an evaluation of the rationale behind these representations, as well as, the practical consequences of these representations. Â The Novel, A Boy, and His Dog tell the story of Vic and Blood, two survivors of a war. Vic, the central human character in the film is in is the company of his dog Blood and they work together for their survival (Ellison and Corben 1-128). Together, the two characters search for food, clothes, and ammunition that is to be used for their survival. In the novel, the dog blood is represented as having telepathic abilities, which in turn, assist the two in their communication with each other. To understand the representation of the dog in the novel, one must also consider the human character Vic as his character assists in the representation of the dog. Accordingly, Vic is an orphan who understands neither the importance of ethics, nor the need for morality, and for that reason, he lives to satisfy his immediate needs (Lee 450). Portrayed as a telepathic dog, blood steps in to assist Vic in living a proper life. For that reason, the dog is portrayed as being a teacher and father figure. Blood educates Vic on and his sole purpose in life is identified as being the protection of Vic so as to keep him away from any possible harm or danger. Additionally, blood is highly intelligent, thus qualifying him for the representation s a teacher and father figure (Sanders 121). To build on his representation as a father figure, Vic is highly rebellious, a character that is common to children. In a way, Blood is represented as having superior characteristics to his human friend.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Banana Cake Essay Example for Free
Banana Cake Essay Greetings, my fellow visitors, today, I would like to recommend a few local dishes which you might want to indulge yourself while you are here. Firstly, I would like to recommend you an intercontinental dish known as†¦ Chilli Crab Chilli Crab, also known as Singapore’s unofficial â€Å"national dish†is cooked in various ways. The most common style is done with chilli and sweet-sour sauce ribboned with beaten egg. My favourite way and probably the most common, is to eat it with French bread or Chinese buns called Mantou to help you soak every last drop of delicious sauce. I strongly recommend all of you to try this dish as it is by far the best seafood dish in Singapore. Secondly, I would like to recommend to you the famous Chinese dish†¦ Fried Hokkien Mee You can easily imagine, from this description, how good this dish tastes! Egg noodles and rice vermicelli otherwise known locally as bee hoon, stir-fried with pork, prawn, squid, bean sprouts and loads of garlic, and then braised in a rich pork and prawn stock. The dish is served steaming hot and garnished with fresh lime and a dollop of spicy chilli sambal. Alive with the pungencies of both China and Southeast Asia, Fried Hokkien Mee is one of the favourite Singapore dishes. Now, I would like to recommend a unique dish eaten by all races. This dish is none other than†¦ Mee Rebus Translated into English, this dish means simply ‘boiled noodles’  but the dish is anything but simple. It is yellow egg noodles in thick, spicy, slightly sweet gravy, garnished with boiled eggs, sliced green chilies, fried cubes of beancurd, and fresh lime. Some people add a dash of dark soy sauce as a finishing touch†¦. Just like our multiracial society, Mee rebus is a fine example of a fusion cuisine. The egg noodles, beancurd and dark soy sauce are Chinese touches, while the gravy speaks of combined influences from Indian and Malay cuisine, with its curry-like flavour and use of dried shrimp and tamarind. Last but not least, I would like to recommend the traditional Indian dish†¦ ? Roti Prata A dough-based flat pancake that is cooked by heating over a flat grill plate. Roti prata is commonly served with either vegetable or fish curries, but it is not unusual to see it being eaten plain with white large-grain sugar. Prata-making has been refined to such an art that if youre lucky, youll sometimes see cooks get theatrical with the flipping and turning of the prata as its being cooked over the plate.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Analysis of Earthmoving Equipment
Analysis of Earthmoving Equipment Earthmoving equipment is typically used due to the high efficiency of the construction work. In early era human power has been used to move earth requiring plenty of time and manpower. But with the development of technology earthmoving equipment has been introduced to the construction field and nowadays more advanced and easily maneuverable earthmoving equipment are available. Thus the time consumption and manpower is greatly reduced resulting a more efficient and time saving construction methods. There are number of earthmoving equipment that can be used for the construction and each equipment provides a different purpose. (equipment, 2014) Excavators Figure 1: Excavator Excavators are mainly se to excavate soil. Excavators are very useful in deep excavations as well as it can be used for different applications by changing the bucket to different gadgets. Typically excavators are used in cutting trenches, digging holes and foundation pits, Handling of Material , Construction, General grading or landscaping work, Mining of minerals and gems, River dredging, pile driving, , shafts drilling for footings and blasting of rocks etc.(equipment, 2014) Backhoe Figure 2: Backhoe Backhoe is a versatile equipment which widely used in construction industry. It is a combination of an excavator and bulldozer. It can be used for quick earthmoving work and it can replace both excavator and bulldozer if the scale of the work is low. Also due to its 4 wheel system it can easily move through any rough terrain. Hence backhoe is typically seen on any construction field. The levers are operated by hydraulic pistons and the bucket can be replaced with other useful add-ons accordance to the requirement. (equipment, 2014) Bulldozer Figure 3: Bulldozer Bulldozer is a very powerful equipment which can be used to move earth and prepare surfaces. Due to its high power and belt wheel system it is used to move heavy soil lumps in one go. It has a large plate or blade attached to its front which facilitates pushing mechanism of large soil, rubble, gravel or other materials. By changing the blade to a ripper it can be used for farming or ground loosening work. Skid steer loader Figure 4: Skid Steer Loader Skid steer loader is a small scale equipment which can be used for quick work and for the places where large equipment cannot be accessible. Easily maneuverability is one of the main advantage of the equipment. Also it can be used to load soil into dump trucks. The main characteristic of this equipment is its wheel can be rotated independently allowing it to turn in limited spaces. (equipment, 2014) Trencher Figure 5: Trencher Trencher is another useful equipment that can be used to dig trenches in construction work.trencher has a long arm equipped with rotating belt of blades. The blades dig trenches while the equipment is moving along the required line. This can also be used for digging of irrigation channels, foundation trenches, road drainages etc. trenchers are also used in farming industry as well. (equipment, 2014) Motor Grader Figure 6: Motor Grader Motor grader is another useful earthmoving equipment. This equipment is heavily used in road construction. The main purpose of a motor grader is to prepare surfaces according to required slopes and angles. With the long blade attached to front arm of the equipment it can prepare flat surfaces. The motor grader is also referred to as road grader due to its heavy usage in road construction. This equipment is also used in irrigation construction as well. (History of the Bulldozer. Retrieved 2008-12-17.) For the given project I would use excavators, backhoes and Skid steer loader. The main reason for the excavator the amount of soil needs to be excavated to prepare the basement. Backhoes will be used to small scale work and slope preparation work. Skid steer loaders will be used for the small work where space is limited for big equipment. To ensure the equipment is used efficiently, effectively and economically I will preplan the earth moving process and schedule the work plan with allocating time for each equipment so that every equipment is not used at once wasting time. Also I will allocate specific tie limit for each equipment and the operator should be able to finish the allocated work within the given period of time. With such management mechanisms I can use the provided equipment effectively, efficiently and economically. What methods and resources will you employ to ensure safe and productive operations in deep excavations and trenching for your project? Justify your choice. Support your answer with examples. I will use shoring method to ensure the stability of soil while deep excavating and also a safety officer should be allocated for supervision of excavation work. Excavations will not be done on rainy days. Also the excavations will be done maintaining minimum slope angles for stability. There are several steps that need to be taken in order to assure safe and productive opertaions in deep excavations Preplanning of the work to be done taking following factors into account Traffic Proximity and physical condition of nearby structures Soil classification Surface and ground water Location of the water table Overhead and underground utilities Weather Quantity of shoring or protective systems that may be required Fall protection needs Number of ladders that may be needed Other equipment needs Protective Systems OSHA generally requires that employers protect workers from cave-ins by: Sloping and benching the sides of the excavation; supporting the sides of the excavation; or Placing a shield between the side of the excavation and the work area. Define types of temporary works required to deal with stability and groundwater problems in the project. Typically during excavation process dewatering has to be done while maintaining stability of slopes. There are several practices used in industry maintain stability. Caissons Caisson is a structure that is developed at area if the site is ashore, yet in the event that the venture site is seaward, it is built ashore and afterward skimmed to the site seaward. In the caisson technique for development, the unearthing is performed from inside the permanent structure. After the caisson is in position, uncovering from inside the caisson structure starts. As the unearthing is done, the caisson structure begins to sink by its own weight, or if fundamental, by forced burdens. This strategy proceeds until the coveted foundation level is accomplished. Figure demonstrates this procedure schematically. ( Wilson,1873) Figure 7: Caissons Installing Ground Freezing The theory of ground solidifying is to change the water in the soil into a strong mass of ice. This mass of ice is totally impermeable. Ground solidifying is utilized for groundwater cutoff, for earth bolster, for brief supporting, for adjustment of earth for passage removal, to capture landslides and to balance out deserted mineshafts. The principals of ground solidifying are undifferentiated from pumping groundwater from wells. To solidify the ground, a column of stop channels are set vertically in the soil and warmth vitality is expelled through these funnels. Isotherms (an isotherm is a line interfacing areas with equivalent temperature) move out from the stop channels with time like groundwater forms around a well. Once the earth temperature comes to 32  °F (0  °C), water in the soil pores swings to ice. At that point additionally cooling continues. The groundwater in the pores promptly solidifies in granular soils, for example, sands. For example, soaked sand accomplishes magnificent quality at just a couple of degrees underneath the point of solidification. On the off chance that the temperature is brought down further, the quality increments hardly. In strong soils, for example, muds, the ground water is molecularly fortified at any rate to some degree to the soil particles. On the off chance that delicate mud is chilled off to solidifying temperature, a few segments of its pore water to start to stop and it causes the earth to harden. With further decrease in temperature, more pore water solidifies and subsequently more quality pick up is accomplished. When planning for solidified earth structures in firm soils, it might be important to determine generously bring down temperat ures to accomplish the required quality, than in attachment less soils. A temperature of +20  °F might be adequate in sands, though temperatures as low as -20  °F might be required in delicate soils. The outline of a solidified earth obstruction is represented by the warm properties of the fundamental oils and related reaction to the solidifying framework. Arrangement of solidified earth boundary creates at various rates relying upon the warm and water powered properties of every stratum. Ordinarily, shake and coarse-grained soils solidify quicker than muds and sediments. (Jessica Morrison ,2013) Figure 8: Ground freezing method Dewatering Methods Wellpoints The wellpoint comprises of an opened or punctured pipe which is secured with a screen work. At the foot of this pipe is a hole which licenses flying of the pipe into the ground amid foundation. A well-point dewatering framework comprises of a progression of firmly set little distance across wells introduced to shallow profundities. These wells are associated with a pipe or header that encompasses the removal and is joined to a vacuum pump. The development ventures in the well point framework are: 1. The wellpoints are jetted into the ground; 2. The annulars void is filled with filter media; 3. The wellpoints are connected to a header pipe by means of a riser; 4. The header pipe is connected to suction pumps for pumping. Powers, J. Patrick (1992). Figure 9: Well points What types of plant and equipment will you use in substructure and drainage activities in your project? Justify your choice. Support your answer with examples. For the given project first thing that needs to do is providing drainage. While providing proper drainage by means of dewatering pumps and wells. Then to stabilize the earth proper shoring should be needed. Once the shoring is properly established further excavation and substructure work can be commenced. Drainage and dewatering Backhoes Dewatering pumps Drilling machines Hoses Generators etc. Earth stabilizing Shoring machines Cranes Welding plants Backhoes and excavators Substructure work Skid Steer loader Backhoe Excavator Piling machine What techniques of installing piling systems and ground stabilization activities will you use in your project? Justify your choice. Support your answer with examples. The foundation procedure and technique for foundations are similarly critical components as of the outline procedure of heap foundations. Pilefoundation techniques are foundation by heap mallet and exhausting by mechanical auger.In request to evade harms to the piles, amid plan, foundation Methods and foundation hardware ought to be precisely selected.If foundation is to be done utilizing pile pound, then the accompanying components ought to be taken into thought: Size of the pile and the weight of the pile The available head room and space The availability of supporting equipment and machinery The noise pollution and regulations. The driving resistance for the designed drilling Pile driving methods (displacement piles) Methods of pile driving can be categorised as follows: Dropping weight Explosion Vibration Jacking (restricted to micro-pilling) Jetting Drop hammers   A hammer with around the heaviness of the pile is brought a reasonable stature up in a guide and discharged to strike the pile head. This is a straightforward type of mallet utilized as a part of conjunction with light casings and test piling, where it might be uneconomical to bring a steam heater or compressor on to a site to drive extremely set number of piles. There are two main types of drop hammers 1. Single-acting pile hammers which operates using steam or compressed-air comprise a large weight in a cylindrical container. Steam or compressed air rises it up the fixed piston rod. At the top of the blow, or at a reduced height which can be operated by the operator, the steam is cut off and the cylinder falls freely on the pile helmet. 2. Double-acting pile hammers can be run by steam or compressed air. A pilling mount is not mandatory with this mode of hammer which can be fixed to the upperpart of the pile by leg-guides, the pile being directed by a timber structure. When used with a pile mount, back directs are fastened to the hammer to engage with leaders, and only short leg-guides are used to stop the hammer from moving relatively to the top of the pile. These type of hammers are used mainly for sheet pile driving. Pile driving by vibrating Vibratory sledges are normally electrically fueled or using pressurized water controlled and comprises of contra-pivoting unconventional masses inside a lodging connecting to the heap head. The abundancy of the vibration is adequate to separate the skin erosion on the sides of the heap. Vibratory strategies are most appropriate to sandy or gravelly soil. Jetting:to help the entrance of piles into sand or sandy rock, water streaming might be utilized. In any case, the strategy has exceptionally restricted impact in firm to solid muds or any dirt containing much coarse rock, cobbles, or stones. Boring methods (non-displacement piles) Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) Hardware contains a portable base transporter fitted with an empty stemmed flight wood screw which is pivoted into the ground to required profundity of pilling. To shape the heap, cement is put through the flight twist drill as it is pulled back from the beginning. The twist drill is fitted with defensive top on the outlet at the base of the focal tube and is pivoted into the ground by the top mounted turning pressure driven engine which keeps running on a transporter joined to the pole. On achieving the required profundity, profoundly workable cement is pumped through the empty stem of the wood screw, and under the weight of the solid the defensive top is disconnected. While pivoting the wood screw in an indistinguishable bearing from amid the exhausting stage, the ruin is removed vertically as the twist drill is pulled back and the heap is shaped by loading with cement. In this procedure, it is essential that pivot of the wood screw and stream of cement is coordinated that fall of sides of the opening above cement on lower flight of twist drill is evaded. This may prompt to voids in loaded with soil in cement. The strategy is particularly viable on delicate ground and empowers to introduce an assortment of exhausted heaps of different widths that can infiltrate a large number of soil conditions. Still, for fruitful operation of revolving twist drill the dirt must be sensibly free of tree roots, cobbles, and stones, and it must act naturally supporting. Amid operation little soil is brought upwards by the twist drill that horizontal burdens are kept up in the dirt and voiding or extreme slackening of the dirt limit. Be that as it may, if the pivot of the wood screw and the progress of the twist drill are not coordinated, bringing about evacuation of soil amid penetrating perhaps prompting to fall of the side of the gap. Figure 10: Piling and Auguring Underreaming An extraordinary component of wood screw exhausted heaps which is here and there used to empower to misuse the bearing limit of appropriate strata by giving a developed base. The dirt must be fit for standing open unsupported to utilize this method. Firm and to hard muds, for example, the London dirt, are perfect. In its shut position, the underreaming instrument is fitted inside the straight area of a heap shaft, and after that extended at the base of the heap to create the underream appeared in fig. 3.Normally, after establishment and before cement is threw, a man conveying enclosure is brought down and the pole and the underream of the heap is reviewed. (Fleming et al, 1985,) What methods and processes of constructing foundations including will you use in your project? Justify your choice. Describe the resources that you will use for the construction of foundations. Justify your choice. In the event of soils having low bearing limit, overwhelming auxiliary burdens are generally bolstered by giving Raft or tangle establishments. Likewise if the structure is defenseless against subsidence on being situated in mining range or because of questionable conduct of its sub-soil water condition, flatboat or tangle establishments ought to be favored. Raft or Mat Foundations gives an efficient answer for troublesome site conditions, where heap establishment cant be utilized profitably and free section balance gets to be distinctly impracticable. Raft or tangle establishments comprises of thick fortified solid slab covering the whole range of the base of the structure like a story. The piece is strengthened with bars running at right points to each other both close base and top face of the section. Now and again it is important to convey the over the top section stack by a course of action of reversed principle shafts and auxiliary bars, cast solidly with the flatboat piece. The Raftslab for the most part ventures for a separation of 30 cm. to 45cm. on every one of the sides of the external dividers of the structure in that capacity the region of exhuming is marginally more than the range of the structure itself. The unearthing is made to the required profundity and the whole uncovered territory is very much united. This surface, when dry, gives the base whereupon the flatboat or tangle section is laid. Every one of the precautionary measures that are important to be seen amid the strengthened solid development are entirely clung to and promote development is begun simply after the curing of the Raft has been completely done.Halpin, Daniel W.; Senior, Bolivar A. (2010). Describe methods and resources that you will use in processes, undertaking drainage works including culverts and installing services in your project. Culverts and drainage works Excavation The area of the proposed drainage will be set out on the ground by checking with paint and pegs at pit areas. Where works are along edge of existing roadway movement light or stop/go framework might be set up to do works. A trench will then be unearthed between pits utilizing an excavator with material stacked to dump truck. The trench width will differ contingent upon the measure of the pipe. Installation Where drains are being introduced a layer of geotextile material should be put along the framework of the trench and a layer of channel stone might then be put in base of trench to get pipe work. The pipe work should then be laid to the right line and level by utilizing a review laser Backfilling of Ducting The remaining stone might then be put by six ton dumper up to underside of topping where geotextile should be turned out under topping layer. The rest of the depleted might be bested up once surfacing works are done up to wearing course level. Establishment of layer of Geogrid should likewise be done at this stage. All chambers on the deplete lines might be built with pre-thrown solid catch pits and should be put as pipeline continues. (Turner-Fairbank Highway research Center ,1998) Figure 12: Culverts What types of plant and equipment will you use in the construction of superstructure your project? Justify your choice. Support your answer with examples. Construction of superstructure requires lot of machinery and equipment and the uses may vary throughout the different stages of the project. Following are a list of equipment and the uses of each equipment. Equipment Uses Batching plant Concrete Production Concrete pump Concrete pouring to higher levels Tower crane Shifting materials Elevator Shifting materials and laborers Formwork systems Form the structure Scaffolding For higher level work Poker vibrator For compaction of concrete The batching plant will produce concrete required to construction and concrete mixture truck and pump will support to pour concrete to slabs, columns and beams. Tower crane and elevator will help to move goods and laborers respectively. Scaffoldings, formwork systems and poker vibrator will be used for concrete pouring and form the columns, slabs and beams of the building. What methods and resources will you use in undertaking the main forms of structural activities in you project? Include the use of concrete in its various forms as well as the use of structural steelwork. Provide relevant examples. Justify your choices. Mainly concrete will be used together with steel to form the superstructure. Typically formwork will be established first and then concrete together with steel will be used to cast columns, beams and slabs of the building. For the aforementioned task concrete pumps, poker vibrators, laborers and skilled supervisors will be needed. Concrete is typically used for this type of construction work due to its workability. Liquid state of concrete allows us to cast different required shapes and forms of structures with ease. Whereas steel is a pre-fabricated material hence steel does not provide the freedom to use for different shapes. But steel is also a very good construction material which facilitates fast construction. Structural steelwork can be used together with concrete to produce composite structures. Also steel can be used alone for buildings as well. (Concrete Association, 2013) What methods of false work and formwork will you use in the superstructure activities in your project? Provide examples. Justify your choice. What processes of concrete production, delivery and placement will you use in your project? Justify your choice. Formwork implies the surface of the frame and surrounding used to contain and shape wet cement until it is self-supporting. Formwork incorporates the structures on or inside which the solid is poured and the casings and propping which give soundness. Albeit ordinarily alluded to as a component of the formwork get together, the joists, bearers, propping, establishments and footings are actually alluded to as false work. Formwork development may include high hazard exercises like working fueled portable plant like cranes, working at stature and unearthing establishments. The outline of the last solid structure can majorly affect the simplicity of formwork development and the wellbeing and security of individuals amid development. For the most part the more essential and basic the last solid structure, the more secure it is to develop, erect and destroy the formwork. An accomplished formwork creator ought to be counseled amid the plan of in-situ solid structures to empower the wellbeing and dangers amid formwork development and destroying to be considered in the outline. The formwork originator must be equipped in formwork configuration including reporting brief work stages and exceptional gear required for safe formwork development on location. A creator may utilize a specialized standard or a blend of gauges and building standards significant to the plan prerequisites the length of the result is an outline that meets administrative necessities. Concrete production Concrete Batching plant Concrete will be produced in a batching plant to ensure the quality and strength of the concrete. Concrete Delivery Mixture truck Mixture trucks will be used to deliver concrete to the site from the batching plant to prevent loss of workability and quality of concrete Concrete Placement- Concrete pump truck Concrete will be placed to higher levels using a concrete pumping truck. This way we can efficiently pour concrete. (Concrete Association, 2013) Identify and assess the hazards arising from the substructure activities. Falling of unstabilized soil Falling to deep excavated trenches and pits Hazards associated with excavators Shorings can be weak Damages to underground electrical wires Explain the legal framework of health, safety and welfare and the requirements of the current CDM Regulations. The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) addresses the management of health, safety and welfare of workers in construction projects. CDM 2015 substituted the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM 2007) and the Accepted Code of Practice which is providing supporting direction on CDM 2007 was inhibited. CDM 2015 aims to uplift health and safety in the industry by providing guidance to: Rationally plan the work so the risks tangled are succeededthroughout. Have the correct people for the correct job at the correct time collaborate and organize your work have the properinfo about the risks and how they are managed convey information efficiently to those who need to know consult and occupy workers for the risks management activities and educate them how they are being managed The CDM2007 Regulations expect to lessen development mischances and sick wellbeing in Great Britain by empowering the different partners of the development business to enhance in arranging and dealing with their activities contemplating matters of security and wellbeing at an early stage in the venture definition. By beginning concentrating on these basic focuses toward the start of a venture, dangers can be recognized and supervisors can use sound judgment in front of challenges. In this new form of the directions, the HSC concentrates on correspondence and co-appointment between every one of the gatherings required in the development venture and set up a few obligations for each of the distinctive partners. It likewise highlights that the measure of printed material and all the administration brought on by the past rendition of the controls ought to be diminished and the attention put on the arranging and administration. The CDM set up commitments for customers and fashioners. The fundamental commitment forced to the customer is to delegate the primary partners for the arranging and the acknowledgment of development work. By development work, the CDM extensively alludes to the doing of building, structural designing or building development word .Among the dutyholders which take an interest to the doing of the venture are the Client, the Designer, the CDM-Coordinator, the Principal Contractor and the Contractors. (The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations ,2007) Evaluate and justify the role of the planning coordinator who has been appointed to the project. Construction project coordinators plan, organize, and guide the actions of a construction project, under the guidance of a manager. He works on-site most of the time, over looking the day-to-day tasks of the project. He works for residential, commercial and industrial construction companies or for construction departments of companies outside the construction industry. Generally, construction project coordinators: Make contracts and negotiate alterations to contracts with architects, consultants, clients, suppliers, and subcontractors. Suggest and implement QC programs. Make progress reports for clients. Control the acquisition of building materials and land. Hire and supervise subcontractors and staff. During the excavation works the contractor found that the sub-soil in a section of the site to be contaminated. All site activities were halted pending further investigations. Following the investigations it was found that the site was contaminated with caustic soda and from material linked to buried heavy fuel tanks. The client has asked for a design solution to the problem. The contaminated ground can be treated with 5% ferric chloride treat the caustic soda contamination. Proper waterproofing of basement can further ensure that the caustic soda intrusion is completely blocked. Burried heavy fuel tanks should be properly sealed to prevent further leakages. If the contaminated section can be completely removed it should be removed and disposed safely to continue construction work. (Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund, Human Health Evaluation Manual) Produce a risk assessment for the above problem. Hazard identification Caustic Soda and Heavy fuel Contamination. Laborers and stakeholders can be affected Sub soil needs to be treated or removed
Risks and Benefits of Modern Technology
Risks and Benefits of Modern Technology The Internet and other emerging technologies have been a source of help to organisations in the modern time. It could be argued that having a form of modern technology is inevitable in the bid to remain competitive. Information Technology industry and media commentators claim that businesses stand to gain many benefits from use of the Internet. There is no doubt that the internet has transformed the way organizations operate at present, not only do these improve processes, financial benefits are also increased. While successful examples of companies using the net have been widely reported, few studies have seriously examined the issues involved. However, there is always a flip side of the coin in everything, as the internet and the other emerging technologies have their benefits to organizations. There are also the disadvantages. This paper will seek to analyze both sides in detail and put forward possible solutions backed up by research which will reduce the risk of digital business. George (1988) defined Emerging Technology as science based innovations that have the potential to create a new industry or transform an existing one. They include discontinuous technologies derived from radical innovations. Examples are bio therapeutics, high-temperature super conductors, MRI imaging, Touch screen kiosk and the Internet. The Touch Screen Kiosk is a new java-enabled technology. Touch-screen kiosks go beyond the capabilities of a traditional time clock in that they are true information appliances. They provide a bridge between the organization and the workforce, both capturing workforce information and extending organizational information back to the employee. A kiosk-based solution for time, attendance, and labour tracking also offers organizations a tool for empowering employees with self-service. With the touch of a finger, employees can view Internet-enabled applications that display their schedules, vacation balances, and corporate messages or allow time and labou r data entry. Workforce management can now be a two way street. (Rizzo, 2001) The Internet started in the 80s and since then it has had a drastic impact on culture, commerce and business and due to the speed, litheness, and effectiveness that it offers, it has become the means for accomplishing a growing amount of business between suppliers and large international companies. With this, the Internet has created new business to developing countries and has hastened the distribution of knowledge throughout the world of business. It thus creates unprecedented opportunities for developing countries because it can remove barriers thereby fostering full participation in the new global economy. Some organisations use the internet for almost every part of their organization such as buying and delivery of goods, stock control, manufacture arrangement, communications plans, sales programs, service departments and support programs. The change from traditional communication channels such as salespeople, telephone and snail mail to the internet and e-mail happened quickly i n some companies. However, this transition took place slowly in others. (McKenna and Bargh, 2000) Emerging Technologies have instigated a new transaction method that decrease costs, hastens the pace at which transactions are carried out, and supply acces to new markets, new customers, and new business relationships of all kinds. Even with all these benefits that the internet has brought to the business world, there are still a lot of risks involved such as fraudulent transactions, scams and more. This research would explain all these risks and benefits in detail. The Internet has enabled business to go far beyond previously set or imagined boundaries. Today, change is constant, its speed is accelerating, and its global impact is felt everywhere. While the Internet offers many potential benefits, there are a number of unresolved issues in conducting business on it. Despite recent advances, security remains the most fundamental concern and the main reason why companies hold back from full use of the net (van Kirk, 1994; Baron, 1995). Iver (2003) explains that online business is an infinite term about the different business procedures that plan to assimilate the merchants with the consumers and suppliers using the Internet. The whole procedure of putting up a website, helping the potential customer steer through the site, showing them the accessible products, offering cut rate and coupons and doing everything possible to persuade the potential customers and changing them into customers, comes under the process of e-business. He further went to discuss about Electonic commerce which is a compartment of e-business and is defined as online business that can be accounted for in financial terms. For instance, paying for goods and products with credit card by the consumers or shopping and paying online are examples of electronic-commerce. E-commerce could be explained as the last phase of e-business which involves the payments of the products sold by the organisation. The use of the internet has several disadvantages when conducting business transactions. According to Iver (2003), the main disadvantage of online business is the poor growth rate in certain segment on account of goods. For example, the food sector has not profited in terms of expansion of sales and resulting profits generation due to some certain reasons like food products being an unpreserved item. Customers hardly search for food products and items on the Internet because they rather go to the stores to purchase the required product when it is needed. It is also very easy to go into the online business as almost everyone has a laptop and is connected to the internet. This gives room for fraudulent activities since there isnt proper security in place to monitor the number of people that develop shopping websites. Trust is also a major issue in online business because any problems with your business website will be immediately be obvious to the world and the customers typically have little loyalty. Due to competition, once your website is unavailable, customers will simply move on to one of your competitors. In addition, technical failure can also have a significant impact on a companys key trading partners. Sid (2007) also discussed about the disadvantages of online business based on internet services and trust issues. Internet Technology According to Sid (2007), he discussed about the disadvantages of practising online business. The first point is that the website of the business must keep functioning at all times; this is the equivalent to a physical store staying open. If an Internet business goes offline due to technical issues, it can cost them profit; therefore, it’s essential to either have the technical skills or have someone in the company that possesses the technical skills to keep the company functional at all times. Trust Sid (2007) also explained about the behaviour of people shopping online. In many people’s minds, purchasing products over the Internet is still not as safe as purchasing products in stores. Since people cannot see the person on the other end of the computer, they might have issues purchasing products. This is also dependent upon the products and the sector. Lacking consumer’s trust can significantly impact sales and overall success. According to Lewis (2002), internal network protection will be a big issue for the organizations that wish to offer their services to Internet-using customers around the world. Hackers and other internet criminals can infiltrate company files and infect them with a virus, which is then sent to other computers to infect them. If the networks are not secured such people could also find important information about the company. Newly publicized weaknesses in the basic structure of the Internet indicate that the worldwide computer network may need a time-consuming redesign before it can be safely used as a commercial medium. Lewis (2002) further went to explain about how hackers can easily get access to different companies and can cover their traces without any major concerns. They like to trade data illegally and sell data to the hacker community. Calling-card numbers from long distance telephone service providers, cellular service activation codes, stolen credit-card numbers, security-p enetrating algorithms and pirated software codes are among the data most frequently traded on the Internet. Hackers might also bombard a company with thousands of mail messages using automatic remailer tools. The posting of messages can knock out communications at a critical time in a competitive situation and even firewalls cannot protect a company well against these attacks. Jerkins (1995) explained about Information security which is based on three foundations: Data integrity A company must be sure that its data have not been changed. Confidentiality of data Companies have to be able to keep to themselves what they do not want others to know, such as their customer database, credit card numbers, etc. Authenticity Companies need to be sure that messages they receive from the Net are from the people they claim to be. If any of these factors can be infiltrated by hackers, the company is no longer secure.Another risk is the increasing number of information brokers who use online communications to match buyers and sellers. Criminals always seem to always have an edge over law enforcement agencies.An online Internet organization also faces other challenging risks. Cafasso (1996) explains the case of staff members that always download adult material from the internet and go further to show them around in the work environment. This can create a hostile working environment and employees that view the adult material might feel sexually harassed within the company and could press charges. The company will have to ensure that employees cannot download such media files or other offensive materials from the Internet. It will have to develop strict guidelines to protect its own interests and the uncontrolled surfing habits of its employees.To do business on the Internet successfully, companies will have to en sure that the customer is indeed the person he or she claims to be. Verification and confirmation, written with an e-mail system, will work well enough for the time being. The advantages of using the internet or emerging technologies were explained by Iver in 2003. Worldwide Presence According to Iver, 2003, this is the major benefit of transacting dealings online. An organization using e-business can have a countrywide or a global presence. For example, IBM was one of the first firms to start practicing e-business to service customers and work in partnership with business associates all over the globe. Dell Inc. also had a prosperous business selling computers all over the US, through the telephone and the Internet till 2007. is also an accomplishment story that assists customers buy globally from third parties. Hence, global presence is guaranteed if organizations reorganize their business by using the Internet. Cost Effective Marketing and Promotions The use of the web to advertise products ensures global reach at a small price. Advertising techniques like pay per click advertising guarantees that the promoter only pays for the advertisements that are really watched. Affiliate marketing, where customers are directed to a business portal because of the efforts of the affiliate who in turn receive compensation for their efforts meeting with success, have emerged on account of e-business. Associated marketing has assisted both the business and the associates. Organizations making use of e-business have handled to use cost effective online advertising strategies to their advantage. Developing a Competitive Strategy Organizations need to have a competitive strategy over their rivals because without an effective strategy, it will be difficult to sustain the advantage and make proceeds. The strategy, that the organization can chase, can be a price strategy or a differentiation strategy. For instance, till the year 2007, Dell Inc. was selling PCs only through the Internet and the phone. It took up a differentiation strategy by selling its PCs through the internet and personalizing its laptops to meet up with the requirements of the customers and it really helped their profits. Thus, engaging business online resulted in Dell Inc. being able to acquire a large sector of the market by making use of the differentiation strategy. Better Customer Service Iver (2002) explained that doing business online has produced an improvement in customer service. Occasionally, when going through a website, the customer is always met by a pop-up chat window. Readily available customer service may assist in encouraging the customer to know more about the product or service. Furthermore, the products can be paid for online and can be shipped to the customers home. Internet services allow for asynchronous interaction and provide convenience for the client. The Web also makes access to people in remote areas feasible. This assistance, says Snow (2001), is able to bridge distances and help overcome a wide assortment of isolation economic, physical, emotional, geographical. Doing business on the Internet will become even more essential in the future. More organizations will have the right to use to the Internet and, with the price of communication reducing; more customers will come to the Internet as well. The Internet offers remarkable possibilities and could, in the long run, surpass conventional distribution channels. It is very simple to get connected to the Internet and people can browse and shop on the Internet 24 hours a day, if they want to. The Internet offers an exceptional way to get in touch with the customers on a one-to-one basis. Better emerging technologies will help organizations to represent themselves better and sell more products. So for people to keep enjoying the benefits on the Internet, it is important that the security issues must be addressed. Security on the Internet is a very vital issue, and some good solutions are beginning to form. Organizations that use the internet often need to protect themselves in three major areas: data integrity, confidentiality of data and authenticity. It becomes more and more key to avoid hackers from stealing or tampering with data stored in organisations systems. This can be done by installing firewalls or routers. When data travels on the Net, it is normally intended to be read only by sender and recipient, which can be ensured with encryption systems. Finally, an organization wants to be sure that the parties it is communicating with are really who they claim to be. Authenticity can be obtained with digital signatures. Doing business online involves some risks, like any other business transaction. But if attention is devoted to installing secure procedures, it is no more risky than other business practices. Since security is essential in online business because of all the risk involved, one of the major organizations that provide such security for banks and other large organizations that deal with online business is Panda Security. It is one of the major leading IT security providers and an antifraud service for doing business online to guard against identity theft through malware attacks targeting banks that operate online, platforms for payment and electronic-commerce. This procedure advises companies when there is a targeted attack and provides the gears to spot and obstruct affected users which reduce any possibility of online fraud. This solution allows banks and organizations providing online services to ensure that customers initiating businesses on their websites are not contaminated by any malevolent code that affects the service. They can see the security status of their customers and efficiently supervise the danger involved in online business. This radically reduces the poss ibility of fraudulent actions. The benefits that this service offers organizations include: Reduction of online fraud Panda Security for Internet Transactions provides tools and information to stop fraudulent activity. Organizations are instantly notified whenever there is a new malware attack targeting their customers, and delivered the information needed to respond in time. Organizations will see how the malware operates and how they can protect themselves. They can prevent infected customers from accessing their website, reducing the effects of online fraud. Control and management of threats to online transactions This is the only service on the market offering information about the security status of clients. This can be used by an organization to create risk profiles, meaning the service can be configured to restrict the permission to carry out transactions to those clients that meet pre-determined security requirements. Expanding business thanks to improved security Users lack of confidence in online security is one of the prime reasons for their reticence to use Web services. This tool reduces online fraud and allows companies to offer clients a secure environment for online transactions For the business community, the Internet is a new limit, offering matchless prospects for development and growth. Organizations can provide their services throughout the world, with the variety of services multiplying daily. It is also obvious that the advantages of using the internet and other emerging technologies for business is by far more than the disadvantages so organizations would continue to use them and keep trying to find ways to reduce online fraud and scams. Practising online business involves some threats just like any other business deal. But if concentration is dedicated to installing secure measures, it is no more dangerous than other business practices. As a matter of fact, it is not safe for your organization not to be represented on the Web if you are related to the technology industry in any way: the Web will be the first place prospective customers will look for you, expecting to find you there. There are unique opportunities on the Web for marketing a companys services, selling products and gathering information. References BBC (1999), â€Å"Internet scam file†, BBC On-line Network, 7 April, Brewer E. (15), â€Å"Internet flaws a setback for commerce†, New York Times Personal Technology. Cafasso, R., When security isnt what it seems, Enterprise Systems Network Management, March 1996, pp. 72-84 Cyber-Smut: Regulating Obscenity on the Internet; Kaplan, Rebecca Dawn Stan. L. Pol’y Rev.; 1998 Vol. 9, p189, Edward Rizzo 2001 Emerging Technologies and the Internet Enable Todays E-Workforce Jenkins, L., Doing business in a global marketplace: secure electronic commerce, Ciphertext The RSA newsletter, Vol. 3 No. 1, Winter 1995, pp. 1, 8. Jim Drinkhill, 2001, Journal of Financial Crime, Computer Fraud, Vol. 4 No. 3 Lewis, P. (22), â€Å"Security of personal data is lost in cyberspace†, Computer Information Systems. McKenna, K. Y. A. and Bargh, J. A. (2000) Plan 9 from cyberspace: The implications of the Internet for personality and social psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Review, Vol. 4, pp. 57-75. money/newsid_313000/313051.stm. SEC (1998), Internet Fraud: How to Avoid Internet Investment Scams, US Securities and Exchange Commission, Washington, DC, October, Sid, J. (2007), World Wide Web Marketing – Integrating the Internet into Your Marketing Strategy, John Wiley, New York. NY Snow, S. (2001) Is Online Counseling Ethical? Available: http://www.commcure.ethicsonline.html. Accessed Aug. 26 2003.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Hate Groups Essay -- essays research papers
Hate Groups           In today’s society where differences between people are magnified and everyone is discussing diversity, tensions between different groups are remarkably high. The extreme of this tension is brought out in hate groups. Hate groups play off of the stereotypes of specific peoples. They use these generalities in their relentless and often violent persecution of those different from themselves.           There are many groups that practice in such ways, most of them preaching white supremacy. The main goal of these groups is the advancement of the white race by the segregation of other cultures from society. The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is probably the best known of these groups. They have been around since the Reconstruction era following the Civil War. The KKK was set up to build an all white society based on Christian beliefs. They claim that they are not the enemy of non-white, non-Christian people. They believe that all races would benefit from separation from each other because everyone would work better if they are surrounded by their own kind. The KKK states â€Å"Our purpose is to unite, organize, and educate the white Aryan masses world wide to the dangers that face our race, culture, and Christian civilization†( They also claim that they don’t tolerate people of immoral character in their society such as drug users and dealers, thieves, or c...
Friday, July 19, 2019
Analogues of a Fabliau Essay -- Chaucer Canterbury Tales Fabliau Essay
Analogues of a Fabliau Geoffrey Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales in many different genres and from a variety of sources. He took ideas from other authors and made them his own through adding and changing details, which in turn could cause the meaning of the story to change. The adaptations could alter the tone of the story; it could be made more sarcastic, humorous or serious. He also wrote in many different genres. One genre that Chaucer worked with is the fabliau. A fabliau is a short story that is usually written in verse about low or middle class people. It is more obscene than other stories, primarily through sexual situations. It is presented to be comical against marriage. The sexual obscenity became more vulgar as it was written down, because only then was there more of a separation between courtly and vulgar actions. (Muscatine 568-570) Benson describes the fabliau as, â€Å"a brief comic tale in verse, usually scurrilous and often scatological or obscene. The style is simple, vigorous, and straight-forward...†(7) One critic, Charles Muscatine, believes that the old French fabliau lacked much plot structure. (Vaszily, 523-542) However, one element like this is insufficient to classify in a genre. There are other short stories that are kept short and concise that are not fabliaux. Also, another trait of fabliaux is that the humor is â€Å"attached to the structure itse lf†rather than in â€Å"the way in which the story is told.†(Vaszily) One common plot for a fabliau is a love triangle. The triangle is often formed with an old husband, a young wife and another young man. As Vaszily points out, though, Chaucer has other tales that are not fabliaux, which have this plot. Muscatine refers to the content of fa... ...rk, 1971. Bodel, Jean. â€Å"Gombert and the Two Clerks.†1190-1194: Pp. 89-99 Anonymous. â€Å"The Miller and the Two Clerks.†Thirteenth Century. Blanch, Robert J and Wasserman, Julian N. â€Å"The Advocate: Law, fabliaux, and the journey to modernism.†Literature/Film Quarterly. Salsbury, 2001: 303-315. Dunn, E Catherine. â€Å"The spirit of the fourteenth century.†Modern Age. Wilmington, Summer 2001: 268-271. Muscatine, Charles. â€Å"Medieval Literature, Style and Culture: Essays by Charles Muscatine.†Journal of English and Germanic Philology. Urbana, Oct 2001: 568-570. The Geoffrey Chaucer Home Page. URL: Copyright President and Fellows of Harvard College. Last Modified: Jan 20, 2002. Vaszily, Scott. â€Å"Fabliau plotting against romance in Chaucer’s Knight’s Tale.†Style. Dekalb, Fall 1997: 523-542.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Chromatography Essay -- Essays Papers
Chromatography is a method of separating and analyzing complicated substances. This is done in two phases, a mobile phase and a stationary phase .During the stationary phase, said substance is stationary, while during the mobile phase, the substance moves in a specific direction. During the mobile phase, the substance is filtered through the stationary phase. The stationary phase in necessary in order for the substances to be separated even though it doesn?t involve movement of the substance because it filters the substance through the stationary phase.. Since the substance is made of different, specific substances, each can go though the process of chromatography at different rates. This causes the components of the substance to be moved over materials made for absorption at different times. This makes the different components of the substance absorb at different rates. This is done numerous times and is a very precise method of separation. This process can be used to separate a w ide variety of things, and can be used to separate most volatile or soluble substances. This process is used many like because it is gentle enough to separate delicate solutions, like those of proteins. There are many types of chromatography, the types of which are as follows: Gas Chromatography, Liquid Chromatography, Ion Exchange Chromatography, and Affinity Chromatography . Gas Chromatography uses a pressurized gas camber to filter gasses by either thermal conductivity or flame ionization. There are three types of gas chromatography: capillary gas chromatography, gas adsorption chromatography and gas-liquid chromatography. Capillary gas chromatography used more often than any other type of gas chromatography. In this form of chromatography... ...ntro to Chromatography." 25 Feb. 2008 Environ/CHROMO/chromintro.html> Carrier, Rebecca, and Julia Bordanaro. "Gas Chromatology." 25 Feb. 2008 Carrier, Rebecca, and Julia Bordonaro. "Liquid Chromatography." 25 Feb. 2008 Carrier, Rebecca, and Julia Bordanaro. "Ion Exchange Chromatography." 25 Feb. 2008 Carrier, Rececca, and Julia Bordonaro. "Affinity Chromatography." 25 Feb. 2008 "Chromatography." Shaffald Hallam University. 25 Feb. 2008
Peace on Earth
This place known so well to me never fails to uplift my spirits after the annual visit my family and I take over summer. The crisp wind and the scent of nature seem to cast a spell on campers, relaxing and relieving them of stress. Tellico Plains, Tennessee might very well be my peace on Earth. I love escaping from the malicious grasp of modern day technology and taking a leap into the wild, with a breath of fresh air to clear my head. It is absolutely rejuvenating to come to this town and live with no connections to the World for a week.Two hours up the narrow, winding, gravel path spiraling the mountain, we veer to the right at Big Oak Campsite. The popping of the tire treads on the gravel sends warm waves through my body; I know we have arrived. Immediately I venture to the freshwater stream crafted from the melting ice off the higher altitude mountains. Due to how inviting it looks, I hop across the slippery stones to the infamous â€Å"Old Faithful†rock, which is just a good trout fishing spot. Standing here I scan my surroundings, which blow my mind. The lush forest filled with oak, pine, maple, and evergreen trees is so dominant over me; and I know it, but I am ok with it.The stream is relatively narrow, only spanning about 20 ft in width. Rocks of all sizes poke out the surface of the water and electric green moss grows thick on each one. They serve as my stepping stones back to the bank. The Coleman camper we pull behind the car is old and smells musty every year, but it doesn’t phase me at all. We wench the pop top up and pull out the beds, make them up and sweep the linoleum floor before we go any further in setting up camp, the last touch to the camper being a floor mat just inside the door.By this time, the sun is setting and the fireflies are flourishing. Everywhere you look you see a spark of yellow-green light on the move. It’s almost impossible to refrain from getting up to attempt to catch one, so I get up every time. Cre eping up slowly with a jar in one hand, lid in the other, I zoom my vision to the vicinity around me, wait for the bud of the insect to light up, and snatch him up inside the jar. It is likely, too, that I move on to the next nearest light I see and try again to catch a critter, and in the process lose the first one I caught, leaving me with none.The creaking of the Coleman coolers filled with ice, cold cokes, sweet tea, bacon, eggs, and the most delicious chocolate milk in the World makes my eyes light up. It just gives me that feeling of lightness; like there are no worries here. It has nothing to do with the fact that it is a cooler, but more so the amount of times I have heard the sound, only here. As the temperature drops low at night, a fire is needed to keep warm. Mom usually takes the initiative to get the fire going. The teepee of logs under stuffed with newspapers and twigs burns slow and hot, and makes a mean s’more.Appetite satisfied, exhausted from the trip, the pull out mattress looks ever so inviting. I grab my toothbrush and walk to the water cooler to brush my teeth and wash my face. After cleaned up, it’s PJ time. Then I lay myself down, pull the covers up to my chin and tuck myself in. As I lie here, I can honestly say I feel numb to the World. The rushing of the stream plays in my head like music and puts me in a trance; a trance that no other place could ever measure up to doing. There really is peace on Earth, unfortunately you have to find it.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Hbr Article
www. hbr. org in beat as companies ar being told that the revolt lies in b each told-shapedization, rough be sal substancesely punish for their multinational brings. A simple raise bottomland assistance you decide what coifs strategical plebeian instinct for your organization. When You Shouldnt Go spheric by Marcus horse parsley and contract to Korine Included with this beneficial-text Harvard problem review cla map 1 phrase Summary The desire in skeletonthe core idea The Idea in Practice position the idea to sour 2 When You Shouldnt Go planetary 8 still Reading A list of related materials, with an nonations to guide nurture exploration of the phrases ideas and applicationsReprint R0812E This article is do acquir fit to you with wishing of harass Korine. besides posting, copy or distri hardlying is right of first publication infringement. To locate lots copies go to www. hbr. org. When You Shouldnt Go world(prenominal) The Idea in Brief Globalization promises substantial rewards uniform clean ripening and pop outmatch. For closely companies, its paid off hand roundly. barg merely spheric mania has also blinded galore(postnominal) firms to a grave truth external strategies be devilishly tough to execute. The grace has function littered with almost of these unfortunates corpse.DaimlerChrysler and ABN Amro dismembered and bought up by militant sh ar testifyersare oddly painful representatives. To outflow this fate, dont assume you should go orbiculate, say Alexander and Korine. Instead, understand whether a planetary perish makes sense for your firm. Ask Could the move buzz off substantial benefits? Do we perk up the capabilities (for example, project in postmerger compound) required to realize those benefits? leave the benefits outweigh the cost ( much(prenominal)(prenominal) as the mingledness that comes with coordinating outlying(prenominal)-flung planetary operations)? A yes to these questions suggests globularizing whitethorn be right for you.The Idea in Practice THREE QUESTIONS TO pick out BEFORE GOING GLOBAL Could the scheme generate substantial benefits for our firm? The international race piece of ass lead you to oerestimate the sizing of the prize. Example Redland, a UK manu situationurer of concrete pileus tiles, grow rough the judgmention to leverage its technical k in a flash-how beyond its foot mart. But it often studyk- later on(a) opportunities in countries ( much(prenominal)(prenominal) as Japan) where topical anesthetic expression practices provided fine demand for concrete roof tiles. Thus, there was no cling to in transferring its technology to such markets. Do we carry through back the capabilities compulsory to carry out those benefits?Companies often deprivation the skills needed to unlock the coffer holding the prize. Example Chinese consumer electronics gild BenQs acquirement of souths mobiledevices li ne of work conk outed because BenQ lacked integration skills. It couldnt reconcile the both(prenominal)(prenominal) companies incompatible nicetys or comprise R&D activities across the two entities. BenQs German unit filed for bankruptcy in 2006. Will the benefits outweigh the costs? The full costs of handout world(prenominal) elicit dwarf tied(p) a copious prize. Example TCL, a Chinese nobleman of TVs and mobile ph unrivaleds, has expanded quick into the coupled States and Europe through with(predicate) acquisitions and joint ventures.It straight off has legion(predicate) R&D headquarters, R&D c assents, manufacturing bases, and sales organizations. The cost of managing this complex infrastructure has outweighed the benefits of increased outgocreating deep losses for TCL and several(prenominal) of its joint-venture partners. THREE INDUSTRIES WITH razet GLOBALIZATION CH all in allENGES Deregulated industries. Formerly stateowned industries (tele communication theory, utilities) concord globularized after deregulation to spur growth and escape stiffened competition at home.They assume they dirty dog use their animated competencies in cutting markets to strain cross-b dictate economies. But its been difficult, for example, for utilities to perfect electrical energy flows over un integrated grids. regard as industries. Many service subscriber linees (retailing, insurance) go worldwide to generate growth beyond home markets threatened by foreign rivals. Their strategies hinge on coordination of race or bear onesno easy feat. Wal-Mart, for instance, has struggled to ride its partner firms and employees afield to espouse its work methods. Manufacturing industries.For automobile and communications equipment makers, for example, planetary mergers and partnerships look atm to offer the surface needed to compete against consolidating rivals. But the complexities of integration bay window cause delays in achieving those gains . These companies thus crap last vulnerable to stinting slowdowns, which necessitate their ability to dedicate for amplification and integration. procure 2008 HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL make CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. page 1 This article is make visible(prenominal) to you with compliments of Harry Korine. still posting, copy or distri saveing is copyright infringement. To distinguish to a greater extent copies go to www. hbr. org. counterbalance as companies are being told that the future lies in orbicularisation, some are severely punished for their international moves. A simple test drive out help you decide what makes strategic sense for your organization. When You Shouldnt Go Global by Marcus Alexander and Harry Korine COPYRIGHT 2008 HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL PUBLISHING CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Economic globoseisation is viewed by some as the crush hope for world stability, by some some others as the greatest threat.But nigh every(prenominal)vir tuoso accepts that transactiones of all types must embrace it. Even smaller enterp revokesurged on by the ? nancial markets, by enthronisation funds bankers and consultants, by the media, and by the moves they give ear rivals makingfeel the strategic dictatorial to go global in one form or another. Although the underway ? nancial crisis is putting a damper on such activity, the wring on companies to globalize is apt(predicate) to persist. With this sense of inevitability, its easy to pass on the serious mistakes some companies nominate do because of their global strategies. Dutch ? ancial-services ? rm ABN Amro, for example, acquired banks in numerous countries precisely wasnt able to achieve the integration needed to generate value with its international network. AES, a U. S. -based energy ? rm that operates 124 coevals plants in 29 countries on ? ve continents, has in recent years struggled to show that it is worth(predicate) to a greater extent than the sum of its in dividual geographical units. Daimler-Benz merged with Chrysler in 1998 in request to pee-pee a Welt AGa world corporation save never coined the power over markets and suppliers that this global position was supposed to deliver.And these days, companies sesst al delegacys chalk their mistakes up to experience and move on. Industry rivals and activist make do owners are increasely forcing ? rms to let out their international investmentsdespite, in umpteen a(prenominal) cases, advance(prenominal) endorsement by analysts and the marketand even to ? re the senior prudence teams that do them. ABN Amro was dismembered last year by the princely edge of Scotland, Fortis, and Banco Santander, more than(prenominal) often than not along geographic lines. AESs administer price has tumbled since investors initial enthusiasm for its globalisation dodge, and some investment advisers are bring uping for the ? m to be split into leash or more than parts. The architect of the Da imlerChrysler upsurge, chief executive officer Jurgen Schrempp, ? nally yielded to share-owner pressure and resigned, freeing up his successor to sell harvard cable enterprise freshen up december 2008 This article is make available to you with compliments of Harry Korine. come along posting, copying or distri exclusivelying is copyright infringement. To ordinance more copies go to www. hbr. org. page 2 When You Shouldnt Go Global Chrysler to the private- right monster Cerberus in 2007.Indeed, we believe that agitatees with illconsidered globalisation strategies are poised to become the attached targets for breakup or incorporated catch up with by activist share owners, but as companies with poorly judgment-out credit line diversi? cation strategies were targets in the chivalric. Todays activists include private-equity ? rms, confuse funds, and traditional pension funds, and they wield in? uence through a variety of besotted values, from vocal use of the platf orm offered by a minority stake to all-out putsch and sell-off. All right, even the best administrator teams are going to make mistakes in a railway line environment as complex as todays.And no one would deny that the forces driving globalization are powerful and that the occupancy bene? ts of graceful a global player rear be tremendous. What concerns us is that so umteen companies seem to share unquestioned assumptions some the need to go global and are lulled by apparent safety in phone figures as they move toward potency disaster. We spiritedlight in this article several industries where this mind-set has been prevalent and a cast of companies that collect paid a high price for adopting it. Avoiding Ill-Fated Strategies workes wear had international ambitions at least since the founding of the British East India and Hudsons Bay companies in the seventeenth century. Truly global corporations began appearing early in the last century, and their number has grownwith both successes and pass awayures along the wayever since. But the accelerate remotion of political and regulative barriers to cross-b high society trading and investment over the past 15 years, along with the advent of technology that enables companies to conduct employment roughly the world 24 hours a day, has make a global front man a generally accepted required in more industries.From the late nineties onward, with a brief pause during the 20012003 impart market, we name witnessed a head-over-heels rush by companies to globalize Foreign direct investments are at record levels, cross-border partnerships and acquisitions are burgeoning, widely distributed sourcing continues to increase, and the pursuit of nodes in appear economies grows ever more heated. Marcus Alexander is an adjunct prof of strategic and international watchfulness at London calling School, a director of the Ashridge Strategic Management Centre in London, and a coauthor, with Andrew Campbell, of Whats Wrong with dodging? (HBR NovemberDecember 1997). Harry Korine (emailprotected edu) is a training fellow in strategic and international wariness at London Business School and a senior question fellow at IFGE in Lyon, France. He is a coauthor, with Pierre-Yves Gomez, of The Leap to Globalization (Jossey-Bass, 2002) and Entrepreneurs and res publica (Cambridge University Press, 2008). Both authors pitch worked with some of the companies mentioned in this article. Although such moves have bene? tedor at least not irreparably damage some(prenominal) companies, were beginning to see fallout. Sometimes ? ms have failed because their global strategies were deeply misguided, other times because motion was more dif? cult than anticipated. We think that many failures could have been preventedand would be avoided in the futureif companies seriously addressed triple plainly simple questions. 1. Are there probable bene? ts for our gild? Just because a move makes sense for a riv al or for companies in other industries doesnt mean it makes sense for your own familiarity or industry. The race to globalize sometimes leads plurality to overestimate the size of the prize.UK-based roof tile maker Redland, for example, expanded aggressively around the world beginning in the mid-seventies with the aim of leveraging its technical know-how beyond its home market. The problem It often sought opportunities in countries, such as the joined States and Japan, where topical anaesthetic building practices provided very elfin demand for concrete roof tiles. Although the natterer-out was fully able to transfer the applicable technology, there was no value in doing so in such markets. 2. Do we have the necessary vigilance skills? Even if potential bene? ts do outlive for your phoner, you may not be in a position to realize them.The theoretical advantages of globalizingeconomies of scale, for example are devilishly dif? cult to achieve in practice, and companies o ften lack the direction key needed to unlock the coffer holding the prize. By the late 1990s, industrial conglomerate BTR had developed a presence in many countries. However, each channel unit was run as a largely autonomous entity, with stringent pro? t accountability and little encouragement to work with others. This nest make sense in a confused world, but as BTRs guests globalized, they came to expect coordinated supply and support across borders.Although the hazard was clear and BTR seemed come up positioned to seize it, the company found it impossible to implement an approach so alien to its traditions. Even after a change of CEO and other senior staffers, the company culture block off attempts at global integration, and the 1999 merger with Siebe was seen by many analysts as an admission that BTR scarce could not make the changes needed. harvard chore go off december 2008 This article is made available to you with compliments of Harry Korine. set ahead posting, copying or distributing is copyright infringement.To order more copies go to www. hbr. org. page 3 When You Shouldnt Go Global 3. Will the costs outweigh the bene? ts? Even if you are able to realize the bene? ts of a global move, out of the blue(predicate) collateral damage to your melodic phrase may make the endeavor counterproductive. Too often, companies fail to see that the full costs of going global may dwarf even a sizable prizefor example, when an labour to harmonize the practices of national business units drives by customers or distracts national management teams from the inescapably of their markets.The increased complexity of managing international operations is also a threat. TCL, a Chinese maker of electronics and home appliances, has expanded rapidly into the United States and Europe through a series of acquisitions and joint ventures. As a go forth of deals in the past tightly a(prenominal) years with Thomson and Alcatel, TCL has found itself with four R&D he adquarters, 18 R&D centers, 20 manufacturing bases, and sales organizations in 45 countries. The cost of managing this infrastructure has outweighed the bene? ts of increased scale and resulted in large losses for both joint ventures.Globalizations Siren stock Companies neglect to ask themselves these seemingly transparent questions because of their complacent assumptions more or less the virtues of going globalassumptions that are reinforced by tempting messages from, among other places, the stock market. Although the siren straining of globalization has lured companies of all kinds into this risky strategic space, recently the exclaim has been particularly pernicious in certain industry contexts, three of which we describe here. (For a description of how a management imperative such as Become more global butt rapidly spread, see the sidebar The efficiency to Managerial Fads. ) The Susceptibility to Managerial Fads The belief that companies must become more global is the la test in a long line of widely held and generally unquestioned assumptions that feces deprave the rational behavior of companies or consummate industries. The management abridgesyou might even call them fadsthat grow out of these assumptions can be dangerous because they often lead to untidy thinking. For example, the label used to describe a trend may get stretched far beyond its authoritative meaning. Reengineering has come to mean just about any corporate reorganization related diversi? ation is used today to shrive acquisitions within categories, such as communications media and ? nancial services, that are so broad as to be almost meaningless(prenominal). More troubling, the stampede by companies to join peers in mindlessly encompass such trends can foul managers judgment about what is worth epoch and manageable in their particular case. The pathology of management fads has an profound dynamic that is worth exploring Company X, with gifted people at the helm, pione ers a rising management approach. The ? rm does comfortably, and others take notice. Maybe one or two experiment with equal innovations.Then stock market analysts and journalists spot the pertly approach. They view it as part of a broader pattern, and someone comes up with a clever-sounding label. The raillery paradigm may even get tossed around. As the phenomenon gains visibilityoften in publications like this oneacademics develop frameworks to help companies understand it. Their codi? cation, intended simply to justify the phenomenon, further validates it. (Consultants also develop frameworks, though usually with the aim of selling the trend as a product. ) all over time, people use the now-familiar label more and more loosely.They group all manner of activities under the heading. Despite its ambiguity, there is a outgrowth sense that activities under the rubric are worthwhile. Investment bankers cite the concept as a reason for companies to make acquisitions or other mov es, and in the enthusiasm of deal making everyone glosses over the dif? culties of integration and implementation. financial markets sometimes reward companies just for announcing that they have adopted the new approach. Sadly, the original insight, not to mention an appreciation of the context that gave rise to it, soon gets lost as ompanies hassle to become part of the trend. Before long, they are copying all sorts of elements and manifestations that are at best tangential and often digressive to the sought-after bene? t. By the time a few books have come out on the topic, managers are embarrassed if they cant point to examples within their own organizations. As the herd piles in, flip managers are already scanning the survey for a new idea that leave alone give them a agonistical advantage. But others continue to give little thought to whether the trend has played outor was never likely to bene? a company in their situation. There is always a lag before misapplications of the concept offset printing to affect companies numbers. Even when they do, many corporate managers, with stacks of statements and presentations extolling the virtues of the approach, are reluctant to depart from it. The stubborn ones carry on irrespective of mounting costs thereby view the stage for activist share owners to blackguard in and force a change. This deter scenario doesnt unfold because the original concept was wrong. (Globalizing isnt necessarily bad not globalizing isnt necessarily good. It plays out because emb race a trend often precludes circumspect examination of the pros and cons of the speci? c choices made by a single company in a particular context. harvard business review december 2008 This article is made available to you with compliments of Harry Korine. Further posting, copying or distributing is copyright infringement. To order more copies go to www. hbr. org. page 4 When You Shouldnt Go Global Deregulated industries. Many businesses in formerly sta te-owned industries, such as telecommunications, postal services, and utilities, have responded to deregulation with aggressive global moves.Faced with limited growth opportunities and often increasing competition in their home markets, companies have accepted that geographic expansion is the best way to exercise their new strategic freedom. These companies, the argument goes, can apply outliveing competenciesproviding voice and data communication, delivering letters and parcels, distributing electricity and water, even dealing with the deregulation process itselfin new markets. They pass on delight signi? cant savings by overlap resources across their international operations while sticking to their knitting. The latter pointthe enormousness of concentrate on what they know how to dois a key part of the argument, since misrelated diversi? cation, itself once a widely touted dodge, has been largely discredited. This apparently sound logic has cancelled out in many cases to be oversold by investment bankers or to be just plain ? imsy. Companies grassly earnings far too oftentimes to enter foreign markets. Furthermore, many of the deregulated industries are glocalthat is, customer expectations, operating environments, and management practices for what seem to be globally standard services can vary greatly depending on location.Water distribution, for instance, may not in fact be the same industry in the regulatory settings of two different countries. In addition, cross-border economies, if they exist at all, may be hard to achieve. It is dif? cult, for example, to optimize electricity ? ows over unorganized grids. Faced with such challenges, a number of companies have struggled with or reversed their global moves. Kelda, a UK water utility, sold its U. S. business six years after acquiring it because differences in pricing, environmental regulations, and distribution be so great that the business could be run only on a stand-alone basis.Partly beca use of national differences in customer behavior, Deutsche Telekom has ended up running its U. S. unit, T-Mobile USA, as a completely independent business that could be sold off at any time. Rival telecom hooker Vodafone has been forced by dissatis? ed share owners to unload its Japanese subsidiary, J-Phone. Deutsche power, in accumulation an international network of mail, express, and logistics services, overpaid signi? cantly for the U. S. express-delivery services DHL and Airborne. Germanys former state-owned monopoly has also had great dif? ulty integrating DHLs entrepreneurial management culture with its own. Some analysts value the sum of Deutsche Posts separate businesses as 25% greater than the market value of the companyan assessment that is likely to increase pressure to spin off some of those businesses. improvement industries. Companies in traditionally national and fragmented service industries, such as retailing, consumer banking, and insurance, have viewed globali zation as a way to realize scale economies and to generate growth beyond home markets themselves facing an encroachment of foreign competition.In some cases, globalization seems to make sense because customers and suppliers are also fair more global. As in deregulated industries, however, the global customer may be more national than anticipated. And obtaining scale economies across borders requires management skills and experience that many companies lack. For example, serving a customer that is truly global in a consistent way from ternary national of? ces is no easy task. helper businesses seeking to capture the bene? ts of a globalization strategy must, like ? rms in deregulated industries, pay charge to a mix of global and local factors.Purchasing can bene? t from deliberate coordination across borders, but marketing and sales may suffer from too much normalisation. Certain services travel much better than others that seem remarkably confusable. In shoe retailing, for in stance, offerings targeted at the wealthy or the young are far more global than those aimed at the middle market, which re mains doggedly local. In service businesses, many of the implementation challenges of a global strategy involve the coordination of people or processes. Wal-Mart, for instance, has struggled to get its partner ? ms and employees abroad to adopt its work routines. ABN Amros global pudding stone was dismantled by predators because the international business was a collection of mostly misrelated operations in countries ranging from Brazil to Monaco. The company achieved few economies of scale In marketing, harvard business review december 2008 This article is made available to you with compliments of Harry Korine. Further posting, copying or distributing is copyright infringement. To order more copies go to www. hbr. org. page 5 When You Shouldnt Go Global for example, it didnt enjoy the ef? iencies resulting from a single global brand, because local banks mostl y kept their original names. Furthermore, its attempts at sharing information systems, management processes, and other bits of infrastructure were repeatedly delay and then implemented haphazardly, creating few savings. The outcomes of some other service companies global strategies have not been so direbut they have still fallen utterly of expectations. Starbucks has pursued international growth at a breakneck pace, even though margins abroad have been only about half those of the companys U. S. operations.Axa, the global French insurance group, has enjoyed satisfactory ? nancial effect from its many units around the world but has so far been unable to cut back its global cost base or convincingly roll out innovations, such as its U. S. variable-annuity program, internationally. Thus, although the globalization strategy hasnt destroyed value, it also hasnt added as much as originally envisioned. Manufacturing industries. Over the past decade, companies in manufacturing indus- tri es, such as automobiles and communications equipment, have viewed rapid crossborder integration as necessary for survival.Global mergers and partnerships seem to be the only way for companies to obtain the size needed to compete against consolidating rivals, to slew their creed on home markets, and to gain manufacturing economies of scale. These bene? ts, though arguably easier to achieve than those sought by service companies (because local differences seem less problematic), are often outweighed by in operation(p) and organizational challenges. The complexities of integrating organizations and operations can cause costly delays or failures. And companies oasist had the luxury of much time to realize the bene? s of integration. Counting on the bene? ts of size and scale to drop quick to the bottom line, many manufacturers have become particularly vulnerable to economic slowdowns, which constrain their ability to pay for expansion and consolidation before an increasing debt-to- equity ratio forces their administrator teams to cede control to ? nanciers or new management. over-embellished Aholds Downfall Dutch supermarket operator Royal Ahold is best know in recent years for an history scandal that led to the resignation of its CEO and its CFO in 2003. The ? nancial irregularities must be seen in light of the companys mbitious, and ultimately unsuccessful, globalization strategy. Royal Ahold began its international expansion in the 1970s and accelerated it in the 1990s, eventually acquiring businesses throughout Europe, Asia, Latin the States, and the United States, to become the fourthlargest retailer in the world. But the bene? ts of owning this network of stores were hard to realize or didnt exist in the ? rst place. Global economies of scale are one of the main rationales for international expansion. However, such economies, dif? cult to attain in many businesses, are particularly elusive in nutrition retailing.Purchasing economies can be achieved o nly with items furnished by global suppliers to all marketsand these typically represent at most 20% of all supermarket items, because of cultural differences and the frequent need to source fresh food locally. Even apparently international products, such as hummus, must be fit to different countries distinct tastes. Additionally, realizing synergies across a far-? ung network requires habitual information systems and management processes, and Ahold made little effort to integrate its acquired businesses into the existing organization.Different information systems thus go along to coexist across the company, sometimes even within the same country. Ironically, the lack of integrated systems and processes needed to secure global bene? ts helped obscure the companys ? nancial irregularities. And the failure to attain those bene? ts undoubtedly put pressure on top managers to produce favorableif faithlessly ? nancial results. When the new executive team ? nally introduced common ma nagement processes in the wake of the scandal, those processes did little to improve such activities as common purchasing across markets.As recently as last year, key suppliers were charging Ahold different prices in different countries. Aholds 2007 sale of most of its U. S. operations to private equity ? rms highlighted the nearly complete abandonment, under pressure from dissatis? ed minority share owners, of its once aspirant globalization strategy. The dissidents were concerned not about the usual over-diversi? cation of business types after all, Royal Ahold remained focused on retailingbut about the over-diversi? cation of geographic locations. (Tests for suitable business diversi? ation are discussed in Corporate outline The Quest for Parenting Advantage, by Andrew Campbell, Michael Goold, and Marcus Alexander, in the marching music April 1995 issue of HBR. ) With the focus on plaque at Ahold, the underlying story of failed globalization did not receive adequate attention until activist share owners jumped on it. harvard business review december 2008 This article is made available to you with compliments of Harry Korine. Further posting, copying or distributing is copyright infringement. To order more copies go to www. hbr. org. page 6When You Shouldnt Go Global The merger of Daimler-Benz and Chrysler is a poster child for this problem The German and U. S. automakers were different in almost every respect, from company cultures to purchasing practices, and they were never able to attain such bene? ts as the promised billions of dollars in savings from common supply management. Taiwanese consumer electronics company BenQs acquisition of Siemenss mobile-device business followed a alike(p) story line, including incompatibility of cultures and processes, as well as dif? culties in integrating R&D activities.In a haunting rejoinder of the scramble by Daimler-Benz and Chrysler to merge, BenQ didnt discover Siemens workshops and production lines before inking the deal, relying only on due diligence documents. Although BenQ continues to be active in mobile equipment, its German unit was declared bankrupt in 2007. In both of these casesand in numerous othersthe strategic logic for globalization was tenuous, and the skills needed to implement a globalization strategy effectively were in short supply. A Continuing Danger We arent byword that all globalization strategies are ? awed.Telefonica, Spains former telephone monopoly, has successfully expanded throughout much of the Spanish-speaking world. The past ? ve years have seen General electric automobiles Commercial Finance business move rapidly and effectively into lots of non-U. S. markets. Renaults pathbreaking alliance with Nissan has to this point proved bene? cial for the French and Japanese automakers. But cogitate on such success stories only reinforces the conventional wisdom that a globalization strategy is a blanket destiny for doing businesswhich in turn leads many co mpanies to insuf? iently scrutinize their proposed global initiatives. (For a give-and-take of one of the gravest cases of failed globalization, see the sidebar Royal Aholds Downfall. ) We expect this trend to continue, as ? rms in various industries recklessly pursue global strategies. Take the emerging renewableenergy industrycompanies development technologies for biofuel, solar energy, and wind energy. We have talked with executives who, racing to establish a global position in this booming ? eld, are provision rapid expansion over the close few years in Africa, Asia, nd Latin Americaand completely underestimating the management challenges involved. Many will, after initial hand clapping from the ? nancial markets, ? nd their hastily conceived strategies challenged after the fact by activists. We also anticipate that problems will recur in industries that earlier hasten to adopt globalization strategies, with activist share owners ready to pounce on companies as evidence of poor management choices surfaces. active share owners have already interpreted signi? cant positions in some companies mentioned in this article.Other target companies, perhaps not kinda ripe for direct interventionand temporarily shielded from attack by the current credit crisis and turbulent equity marketsare nonetheless being discussed in the boardrooms of rivals and by the investment committees of pension funds and private equity ? rms. Ironically, some predators, having spotted the weaknesses of other companies global strategies, may be poised to fall into the same trap. For example, the Royal Bank of Scotland is known for its highly successful 2000 acquisition of NatWest, a much larger UK rival, and for the succeeding overhaul of its targets culture.But RBS may ? nd it dif? cult to achieve similar results with the disparate banking assetsspread across more than 50 countries that it acquired from ABN Amro. And though the recent administration bailouts of RBS and Fortis are nt a direct result of the ? rms international strategies, the acquisition of ABN Amro assets stretched their balance sheets and made the companies more vulnerable to the ? nancial crisis. We also worry that activist share owners and private equity ? rms may reproduce ? awed globalization strategies in their own portfolios. The largest of these players are now more diversi? ed, both in ype of business and in international footprint, than many of the behemoth conglomerates of 30 years ago that were subsequently broken up and sold off. Indeed, as you look out on a landscape littered with the remains of dismembered companies slashed by failed globalization strategies, you have to curiosity Could todays predators be tomorrows prey? Reprint R0812E To order, see the next page or call 800-988-0886 or 617-783-7500 or go to www. hbr. org harvard business review december 2008 This article is made available to you with compliments of Harry Korine. Further posting, copying or distributing i s copyright infringement.To order more copies go to www. hbr. org. page 7 When You Shouldnt Go Global Further Reading ARTICLES Managing Differences The Central Challenge of Global Strategy by Pankaj Ghemawat Harvard Business analyse March 2007 output no. R0703C The main goal of any international strategy should be to manage the large differences that hold water at the borders of markets. Yet executives often fail to exploit market and production discrepancies, focusing instead on the tensions between standardization and localization. Ghemawat presents a new framework that encompasses all three effective responses to the challenges of globalization.He calls it the AAA Triangle, with the As standing for the three distinct types of international strategy. Through adaptation, companies seek to boost revenues and market share by maximizing their local relevance. Through aggregation, they attempt to deliver economies of scale by creating regional, or sometimes global, operations. And t hrough arbitrage, they exploit disparities between national or regional markets, often by placement different parts of the supply chain in different places for instance, call centers in India, factories in China, and retail shops in horse opera Europe.Ghemawat draws on several examples that illustrate how organizations use and balance these strategies and describes the trade-offs they make as they do so when trying to build competitive advantage. Emerging Giants Building World-Class Companies in Developing Countries by Tarun Khanna and Krishna G. Palepu Harvard Business Review October 2006 Product no. R0610C As set up multinational corporations stormed into emerging markets, many local companies lost market share or sold off businessesbut some fought back.Indias Mahindra & Mahindra, Chinas Haier Group, and many other corporations in developing countries have held their own against the onslaught, restructured their businesses, exploited new opportunities, and built worldclass co mpanies that are today giving their global rivals a run for their money. The authors describe three strategies these businesses used to become effective global competitors despite facing financial and bureaucratic disadvantages in their home markets. Some capitalized on their knowledge of local product markets.Some have exploited their knowledge of local giving and capital markets, thereby serving customers both at home and abroad in a cost-effective manner. And some emerging giants have exploited institutional voids to create profitable businesses. Getting Offshoring Right by Ravi Aron and Jitendra V. Singh Harvard Business Review December 2005 Product no. R0512J Recently a rising number of companies in North America and Europe have experimented with offshoring and outsourcing business processes, hoping to reduce costs and gain strategic advantagewith mixed results.According to several studies, half the organizations that have shifted processes offshore have failed to generate the judge financial benefits. Whats more, many of them have faced employee resistance and consumer dissatisfaction. A three-part methodological analysis can help companies reformulate their offshoring strategies. First, prioritize company processes according to two criteria the value these processes create for customers and the degree to which the company can capture some of that value. Then keep highest-priority processes in-house and consider outsourcing low-priority ones. Second, analyze the risks that accompany offshoring.Finally, determine possible locations for offshore efforts, as well as the organizational formssuch as joint venturesthat those efforts might take. page 8 This article is made available to you with compliments of Harry Korine. Further posting, copying or distributing is copyright infringement. To order more copies go to www. hbr. org. To Order For Harvard Business Review reprints and subscriptions, call 800-988-0886 or 617-783-7500. Go to www. hbr. org For custo mized and quantity orders of Harvard Business Review article reprints, call 617-783-7626, or e-mail emailprotected harvard. edu
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