
Sunday, September 8, 2019

IR---business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

IR---business - Essay Example Therefore, I consider that IR reflects a system of rules which aim to protect primarily the rights of employees – even in many cases the above target are not fully achieved. I believe that such failure is the result of the lack of cooperation and communication within the organization, which are necessary prerequisites for the successful implementation of any IR system. It should be noted that the role of IR in each organization is not the same – for example, in my organization the views of employees on IR are positive. In other organizations where the IR framework has been used for the promotion of the interests of the employer, employees are not supportive to the specific framework. 2) How are your conditions of employment determined (Contract or agreement) and how does your process work? The hiring of an employee is based on a contract signed between the employer and the employee. In this contract, reference is made to all terms of the particular agreement, for exampl e to the hours of work/ compensation. In any case, additional benefits are arranged between the employer and the employee since the entrance in the workplace. The change of the terms of an employment contract is not allowed in the future, except from the case that such initiative is taken after a relevant decision of the employer. Also, the store manager monitors the performance of employees in his store on a weekly basis. The store manager also decides on the promotion of employees in accordance with their performance. It should be noted that there are weekly meetings in which employees can share their views with the store manager; if changes need to be made regarding the distribution of tasks or hours of work, then relevant suggestions can be made by the employees to the store manager in these meetings. The hiring process used in my organization can be characterized as quite satisfactory – being aligned with the rules of IR; however, in regard to the monitoring of the emplo yees’ performance and their rewarding, still improvements would be made; the power of the store manager to decide on all aspects of employees’ rights – in the context of a particular store – can be an advantage but also a drawback. In the organization where I work the store manager will be replaced in the next 6 months; the views of the new store manager on IR will be critical regarding the employees’ rights and benefits in all the departments of the specific store. 3) What impact has the new system of workplace relations had on your working conditions? At a first level, because of IR the benefits of employees in the workplace have been increased – referring to both monetary and non-monetary benefits, for example, the payment – based benefit, the bonus at the end of each year and the partial cover by the employer of the medical insurance of employees. Also, the communication between the employer and the employees has been improved, ev en at not a high level. Another aspect of the involvement of IR in my organization has been the increase of competition among employees, as result of the

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