Monday, May 25, 2020
Downsizing and Organizational Culture - 5617 Words
Downsizing and Organizational Culture By Joe Gonzalez Sociology 100 Dr. Mario Reda Table of Contents Chapter 1........................................................................................................................1 Chapter 2........................................................................................................................2 Organizational Culture Defined........................................................................2 Downsizing Defined............................................................................................3 Culture Change..................................................................................................4 Connecting the†¦show more content†¦How do you connect downsizing, which is one of a number of actions being taken, with corporate culture, which is only one of a number of crises being solved in a manner and to a level that establishes a positive relationship? Another reason that it is difficult to draw a specific link between downsizing and organizational culture is that there are many different variations and approaches to downsizing. A distinction has been made between proactive downsizing, which is planned in advance and usually integrated with a larger set of objectives, and reactive downsizing, which would be typified by cost-cutting as a last resort after a prolonged period of inattention to looming problems by management5. Work force reductions can range from forceful in nature, i.e., involuntary reductions, to the milder approaches, such as resignation incentives and job sharing 6. There are different ways of deciding who stays, who goes from the outwardly arbitrary to criterion-based 7. There are different modes of planning, ranging from secretive sessions to open discussions and solicitation of ideas from employees. There are different standards of notice of terminations, including relatively harsh same day terminations as well as more generous 90 day or longer notices. There are even differences in intentionality, i.e., reductions can be planned to present employees with as little a breakShow MoreRelated Downsizing And Organizational Culture Essay5490 Words  | 22 Pages Downsizing and Organizational Culture Table of Contents Chapter 1........................................................................................................................1 Chapter 2........................................................................................................................2 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Organizational Culture Defined.........................................Read MoreOrganizational Structure Of The Organization1163 Words  | 5 PagesOver the years, most organizations have been urged to consider changing their organizational structure so as to promote employee flexibility as well as empower them with the discretion of making decisions. As a result, organizations across the world have resorted to de-layering or flattening their organizational structures with the hopes of achieving employee flexibility and improving the operations of the organization as well. De-layering or flattening, in this case, refers to the elimination ofRead MoreOrganizational Change And Personal Leadership Development Plan Essay1596 Words  | 7 Pages Assignment 5: Organizational Change and Personal Leadership Development Plan Anthony Bing Dr. Jimmie Flores December 12, 2016 Strayer University, Augusta Georgia Judy Stokley: Personal leadership development plan and organizational change Specific practices that successful project managers apply in exercising their leadership and management roles overall. Project management is one of the avenues through which individuals can be able to exhibit their leadership and management capabilitiesRead MoreEssay about Organizational Culture6678 Words  | 27 PagesDownsizing And Organizational Culture Thomas A. Hickok -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract In this article Hickok argues that, ultimately, the most prominent effects of downsizing will be in relation to culture change, not in relation to saved costs or short-term productivity gains. In particular, the author notes three observations in relation to the impact of downsizing on organizational culture. First, it clearly appears that powerRead More Management Essay1393 Words  | 6 Pagesmanagers have the tendency to focus on the expense of more important things, the discussion will be demonstrated from the following concepts: contemporary management challengesâ€â€downsizing, workplace diversity, restructuring, globalisation and quality; organisational culture in Australia, managers’ role in managing organisational culture. Managers today must be able to solve problems based on the skills and knowledge that they have, and help the organisation be more successful. Organisations that profit-orientatedRead MoreCase Study Report on Communicating Change1567 Words  | 7 Pages(2) Company also should use more than one strategy (Crossman 2011, p. 399), for example, combine withhold and uphold with underscore and explore strategy; (3) An effective communication before and during the change and staff reduction (lay-off , downsizing) process is also necessary; (4) Should give authority and encourage stakeholders to participate in the change process such as evaluation and implementation (Lewis et al. 2006). 1. Introduction Communication strategy plays a crucial roleRead MoreHuman Resource Management1748 Words  | 7 Pageskeeping morale high, keeping the budget down, making sure the employee is properly trained and oriented, to name just a few. First, explain the significance of human resource management and then identify and discuss the following: 1. How organizational restructuring has impacted staffing in healthcare organizations. 2. Does decreasing the number of employees always save an organization/company money? Why or why not? 3. How would you select a â€Å"qualified person†for a position? What aboutRead MoreReengineering the Corporation1547 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Reengineering the Corporation†, Hammer and Champy create a new frame of managerial relations and organizational bureaucracy. The authors address such important problems as impact of technology on business environment, new labor relations and organizational structures affected a modern corporation. The book consists of 13 chapters and an Epilogue discussing different problems and issue of modern organizational bureaucracy. The authors criticize old approaches to management based on Adam Smith s divisionRead MoreHrm Downsiz Case1451 Words  | 6 PagesRestructuring†¦ Focus on Downsizing as a Main HR Strategy†¦ why†¦? and How†¦? Benefits and Effects†¦ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prepared by: 1- Essam Gayad 2- Majed Mourtada 3- Alaa AldIn Jajah MBA6 -HRM Profile Overview It is said that the only thing that is constant in this world is ‘change’. This particular maxim is clearly manifested in the ever-changing business organizations we have today. ï‚ § Downsizing is an extremely a relevantRead MoreBarriers to Effective Downsizing Change Management4479 Words  | 18 Pagesï » ¿Barriers to Effective Downsizing Change Management Page 2 ________________________________________________________________________ Barriers to Effective Downsizing Change Management Table of Contents Introduction 2 Overview of Downsizing Change Management 3 Common Barriers to Effective Downsizing Change Management 4 i. Employee Retention Related Barrier 5 ii. Avoiding Hard Landings 6 iii. Employees and Employers Political
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Women And Society Women s Rights - 1859 Words
Women and Society It is an indisputable fact that females have experienced all types of suppressions and oppressions and have been viewed as inferior to man by every society around the globe since the dawn of mankind. It is not brain surgery that nearly every culture globally tends to be dominated by the male gender. All nations have declared their support to gender mainstreaming yet on a daily basis countless forms of gender-based violence against women take place across the world. The discriminatory practices and norms giving inclination to the male gender in diverse occupations, women earning less than males and some inhuman practices like rape and sexual pressure is a clear indication that despite the advancements that have been made in proclaiming women s rights, women are still treated as second class citizens. This essay explores how and why women are considered like second-class citizens throughout their lives. By following through a girl’s life from the moment she is created, this paper attempts to identify and discuss the trend of male dominance observed in every part of the a female life, both socially and professionally. Her parents dress her in pink and teach her to play with kitchen sets and take care of baby dolls, then as the girl reaches puberty and high school, she is taught to feel incomplete without attention from her male peers, before the girl goes to college, awful traditional practices have encouraged early pregnancies and marriages. If the girlShow MoreRelatedWomen s Rights And Representation Of Society, Media, And The Workforce2662 Words  | 11 PagesGenesis 2:23-24 Women and men were created equally. The belief that women were the weaker sex has spread around the globe since the early days. From that condescending thinking, the stereotype that women are ‘inferior’ to men has developed; however in progressive thinking, women were created equally. As stated in the American Constitution, ‘All men are created equal’ therefore women should have equal rights and representation in society, media, and the workforce. The role of women has changed overRead MoreIn Today’S Society Women May Have Their Full Rights, But902 Words  | 4 PagesIn today’s society women may have their full rights, but they are still not respected. They have more say so in their lives, but men overpower them with their leadership and hard-working techniques. In the Crucible women had a routine role. They were forced to go to church, cook, and clean for the house and family. Women also experienced beatings from the man in the house. The difference in women in the 1950s and the women in the crucible, is that many of the roles stay the same. Not much has reallyRead MoreRalph Waldo Emersons Connection To Transcendentalism1223 Words  | 5 Pagesinvolved viewing women as equal. Philip F. Gura, Transcendentalism and Social Reform, History Now, assessed May 14, 2017, Emerson s support for women s suffrage prompted him to write A Reasonable Reform to promote anti-suffrage and allow women to vote so that it [brings] together a cultivated society of both sexes. Ralph Waldo Emerson, A Reasonable Reform (1881), in Women s Suffrage AssociationRead MoreThe Female Voice : Controversy Surrounding Equality Between Men And Women Essay1468 Words  | 6 Pagesbetween men and women has always been present in history. Throughout centuries women suffrage has taken a tole in the way society views women. The positions and rights of women possess improvement through the last century.The status of Women in society has been jeopardized throughout the last decade. Misogynistic acts and practices have created a negative affect as to how women should behave and act. It is because of these social judgements that women face the progression of women as equal as menRead MoreWomen Empowerment As A Notion Of Social Justice And Economic Development : Bangladesh Perspect ive1618 Words  | 7 PagesWomen Empowerment as a Notion of Social Justice and Economic Development: Bangladesh Perspective Abdul Alim and Mahmudul Hasanï‚ § ABSTRACT The issue of women’s empowerment has been growing for decades as a burning issue in South Asian countries, and this paper focuses especially on Bangladesh. Many laws and regulations have been made to combat the ideas and practices of depriving women of their rights. As a signatory of different international instruments approbating women’s empowerment BangladeshRead MoreWomen Of The 1920 S 19391305 Words  | 6 PagesWomen of the 1920’s-1939 The 1920’s was an era of dramatic political and cultural change, where many Americans lived in cities rather than farms. Many inventors came to be noticed as new cars were invented and as music entered the entertainment industry. A new style of music was invented mainly in the African American community, creating the Harlem Renaissance; which was an evolution of music and entertainment in Harlem, New York City. The women of America began to evolve in the 1920s, addingRead MoreWomen Of The French Revolution1696 Words  | 7 PagesWomen participated in virtually every aspect of the French Revolution. Their participation almost always proved controversial, as women s status in the family, society, and politics had long been a subject of great debate. In the eighteenth century, women were destined to cater to their husbands and families, taking on domestic roles in the home rather than public, political ones. Despite this, women in the revolution demonstrated themselves as s ymbols of subversive brilliance, previously unprecedentedRead MoreWomenS Rights And Economic Progress Are Highly Correlated.1212 Words  | 5 PagesWomen s rights and economic progress are highly correlated. In today s developed countries, by large, women hold the same legal rights as men. Two hundred years ago, in most parts of the world women were considered possessions of men and had no primary benefits of their own, thus living in Patriarchal societies. â€Å"Patriarchy is a social structure in which men are regarded as having a monopoly on power and women are expected to submit.†(Boundless, Par. 1) The sources of patriarchy are closely relatedRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution And The Effects On Women s Rights1569 Words  | 7 PagesRevolution and the Effects on Women s Rights The Industrial Revolution was one of the most important and productive periods of history. The Industrial Revolution has to do with the time between the late 18th century and mid-19th century where there were profound advances in production, manufacturing, and other fields of engineering. It began in Great Britain in the late 1700s which then spread to the United States and then to many other parts of the world. Societies were very rural but they changedRead MoreWomen s Suffrage Movement : Lucretia Mott1399 Words  | 6 PagesCostello Pd. â…ž 3/17/16 Women s Suffrage Movement: Lucretia Mott The Women s Suffrage Movement impacted the United States by giving women the right to have a voice and to finally be able to vote. Achieving the right to vote was the culminating event of the Women s Suffrage Movement. The Women s Suffrage Movement was also known as Women s Suffrage. The movement was the struggle for women to be able to vote and run for president. It was also closely linked to the women s right movement. In the mid
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Theocracy As The Cause Of The Salem Witch Trials - 1025 Words
Theocracy as the Cause of the Salem Witch Trials The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a play that shows how the Salem witch trials unfold. As a Puritan society, Salem functions as a theocracy. Unlike today s United States government in which Church and State are entirely separate entities, a theocracy is essentially the Church acting as the government. Because of the theocratic nature of Salem s governing body, religion plays a principal role in the lives of every character and has a major effect on the progression of the plot. In The Crucible, theology is used as a tool to accomplish ulterior motives of greed and vengeance, allowing the witch trials to gain momentum. The theocratic governing body in Salem is ultimately responsible for the witch trials due to laws based on religion rather than reason that are enforced by a corrupt criminal justice system. In the Puritan society, laws are based purely on biblical teaching, even if they are not grounded in logic. For example, the illegality of dance is irrational, since dance poses no harm, but due to Puritan teachings against it, dancing is against the law. Abigail Williams and several other young girls begin the momentum of witchcraft accusations after they were found dancing in the woods. Although they had done other, presumably worse, things than dancing, the fact that their simple, childish act is worthy of legal punishment is incredibly unreasonable. Their behavior prompts several accusations of witchcraft by theShow MoreRelatedArthur Millers Crucible Characters and Social Strife Essay1198 Words  | 5 PagesArthur Miller’s The Crucible presents the fact that every action has a consequence. The playwright uses his characters and the choices they make to demonstrate what happens in the town of Salem, Massachusetts. The corrupt interests of the Putnams, Abigail, and the co urt opposing the common good lead to social strife in the town. The common townsfolk, such as the Putnams, take advantage of the situation, and they turn against their neighbors causing tears on the moral makeup of the town. The vengefulRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1842 Words  | 8 PagesA Crucible is a test trial, or a way to find the outcome through an experiment; A crucible can be used for many things, including a preseason scrimmage or a science experiment during science class. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible is set in seventeenth century Salem, MA, during the Salem Witch Trials. In Act One, Miller explains the panic that is imbued in the community during the witch hunt, and he analyzes the inevitable outcome of a theocracy: collapse (7). Religion and government are two oppositeRead MoreThe Red Scare And The Salem Witch Trials1226 Words  | 5 PagesScare and the Salem Witch Trials were both tragic events that turned everyone against each other based on weak testimonies. Many respected people lost their lives because of t his abnormal widespread fear. To make it more alarming, once accused it was extremely difficult to get one’s name cleared because there was very little room for rebuttal. Many factors that caused such a violent outcome of the Salem Witch trials including the dissension among citizens, the repressed girls of Salem and the PuritanRead MoreThe War Of Good Vs Evil1292 Words  | 6 Pagesthat occur in Salem by creating an internal conflict over which side is actually good and which side is actually evil amongst the townspeople. This has a sort of ripple effect on their decisions throughout the course of the story which is important because Miller demonstrates how one decision can have an enormous impact. Taking place in a Puritan society during 1692, the townspeople saw the world around them in terms of good versus evil. With theocracy as the form of government in Salem, that meantRead More Salem Lifestyle Triggers Death Essay1660 Words  | 7 PagesSalem Lifestyle Triggers Death The Salem Witchcraft Trials were part of an important time in colonial history. Taking place in 1692, the trials were triggered by a group of girls gathering to read palms. What started as a session of innocent palm readings, though, turned into a series of courtroom meetings. The trials resulted in chaos and disruption throughout the town of Salem. Various causes for the trials existed, but among these reasons were the religious state of the community, theRead More Arthur Dimmesdale and John Proctors Guilt and Sin Essay1277 Words  | 6 PagesDimmesdale, a man suffering in a past sin. Likewise, in his play The Crucible, the great modern playwright, Arthur Miller, penned the character of John Proctor to allegorize the dangers of moral passivity. Their guilt and repentance were the primary causes of their â€Å"undoing†. Dimmesdale and Proctor were both martyrs to their sin. More specifically, they were both martyrs to the sin of adultery. Being a man of the cloth, this was especially painful for Dimmesdale. How could â€Å"a ruined soul likeRead MoreThe Worth of Men1656 Words  | 7 PagesCrucible is a play narrating the Salem Witch Trials in 1692. The story mainly focuses on the evolution of John Proctor, a humble farmer in Salem, Massachusetts during the Witch Trials. In the beginning of the play, Proctor is characterized as a hypocrite hating, yet pragmatic realist. This is ironic because he himself is a hypocrite regarding his â€Å"affair†with Abigail, his former maid who later causes the entire system of Salem to be corrupt. Yet, unlike many others in Salem, Proctor completely realizesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Crucible 1364 Words  | 6 Pages Themes A theme in The Crucible is that a society ruled by theocracy and status based on religion is bound to fall apart. Salem s strict adherence to the Christian shurch is evident in everything the citizens do. They use measures of a person s knowledge and adherence to the religion as a means of judging their character and also their status in society. They believe God [was] provoked so grandly by such a petty cause (121), which is why the jails are packed (121). If the citizen didRead More‘the Crucible’ and ‘the Island’ - Belonging Essays1121 Words  | 5 Pagesfeeling of being accepted or included by a certain group, person, place or community. While initially an individual may belong to a community or group, speaking their opinion can seclude them, and cause them to become an outsider. Belonging to a community or group can be very beneficial, and not belonging can cause an individual to face consequences. Hysteria and fear can be caused throughout a communit y by outsiders who don’t belong. We are able to view these experiences of belonging and not belongingRead MoreThe Value Of Reputation In Arthur Millers The Crucible994 Words  | 4 PagesIn Arthur Miller’s dramatic play The Crucible, the notable writer successfully argues that the people in Salem rely too much on their reputation by creating a connection to the audience in order to convey the message. He does this in hopes of informing the world that in times of hysteria, reputation means nothing. To prove the argument, Miller uses ethos by developing his credibility when he explains his very own knowledge of the historical situation. Also, the appeals of logos and pathos are evident
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Impact Of The Asian Financial Crisis On Singapore
Impact of the Asian Financial Crisis on Singapore 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Asian Financial Crisis Until 1996, many developing countries, especially the Southeast Asian countries were developing their financial markets, which attracted huge inflows of foreign capital. Coupled with weak supervision on continued liberalization of the financial markets, huge current account deficits, and adoption of fixed exchange rate system, these economies were vulnerable to speculative attacks. The Asian Financial Crisis (AFC) started from Thailand, whereby the property and share market started declining and rumours of banks and finance companies caught in financial difficulties led to massive currency attacks stemming from loss of investor confidence. 1.2 Spread of crisis The crisis spread to many neighbouring countries such as Indonesia and Philippines who were believed to have similar unstable economic situations. Although Singapore did not demonstrate similar economic situations such as current account deficits, Singapore s geographical proximity with its neighbouring countries and economic dependence resulted in Singapore being hit by the crisis too. Evidence of current account surplus in Singapore is shown in Table 1. The current account balance to GDP ratio of Singapore was a 15.7% surplus in 1997, as compared to most of the other crisis-affected countries which experienced deficits. Nonetheless, the impact of the crisis on Singapore was much less severe, and this report seeks toShow MoreRelatedThe Association of Southeast Asian Nations1836 Words  | 7 Pages1.0 INTRODUCTION Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a political organization, culture and economy in Southeast Asia. ASEAN groups Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. ASEAN should promote economic and political interests in the region when dealing with other areas of the world. ASEAN also promotes social and cultural development and regional stability. While ASEAN countries have different styles of government, ASEAN alsoRead MoreEssay On The Composition Of Capital Inflows1345 Words  | 6 PagesIn figure 3, Cho and Rhee (2014) show the composition of capital flows for all 10 Asian Countries excluding Hong Kong and Singapore. While the FDI was quiet stable, the portfolio investment part decreased from 2.2% of GDP in 2007 to -2.9% in 2008. Also, the other investment part of capital inflows, like bank loans, declined since 2007; nevertheless, it rebounded over than the pre-crisis level and became the major source of capital inflows after GFC. Cho and Rhee (2014) explain the composition ofRead More Asian Crisis Essay examples746 Words  | 3 Pages The financial crisis that erupted in Asia in mid-1997 has led to sharp declines in the currencies, stock markets, and other asset prices of a number of Asian countries. It is hard to understand what these declines will actually do to the world market. This decline is expected to halve the rate of world growth in 1998 from the four percent that was projected pre-crisis to an estimated outcome of about 2 percent. The countries that are included in the East Asian crisis, known as quot;Tigerquot;Read MoreThe Effect of Recent Financial Crisis and Regulatory Implications in Asia1532 Words  | 7 Pagesdue to lack of education. Now on the larger scale is the impact on the institutional level of the global financial crisis. The financial crisis began in United States in 2007 and spread to other countries. The crisis was triggered by a liquidity shortfall in United States banking system and resulted to the collapse of financial institutions. Asia is one major continent in which the recent financial crisis had spread. The impact of the crisis had far reaching effects on the economy of Asia than manyRead MoreSingapore Case Study845 Words  | 4 Pagesimport cheap foreign labour to work because small nation lacking workers -- success -- government saw reliance on foreign labour as integral to industrial restructuring toward higher labour productivity. In the first 2 decades since its independence, Singapore experienced a continuous growth in its economy, with GDP constantly above 5 percent while maintaining inflation rate below global averages. (12) However, in 1985, Singapore’s first experience with recession interrupted these plans as the GDP highlightedRead MoreEconomics Of Singapore Essay examples1528 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The Republic of Singapore celebrated its 42 years of independence in year 2007. Situated at the southern tip of Malaysia, Singapore currently holds a population of 4.68 million as of June 2007. At 704.0km2, it is ranked 4th in the world for its population density. During the past four decades, the economy as measured by real Gross Domestic Product (GDP), multiplied by over 20 times (Ghesquiere, 2007, p.11). As a small and extremely open economy, Singapore long term survival is very muchRead MoreEvaluation Of Sia s Strategic Management And The Challenges Faced By Sia1497 Words  | 6 PagesEvaluation of SIA’s Strategic Management and the Challenges faced by SIA Analysing the macroeconomic environment is important to understand the impact of the organization (Philip Kotler, 1999). PEST analysis was used extensively to analyse the strategic management of an organization (Drucker, 2006) in which PEST stands for Political, Economic, Social and Technology. Tennent and Friend (2011) suggested an extension for this which is referred to as PESTEL which in addition to the above-mentioned aspectsRead MoreSingapore s Economic Performance : Singapore Essay2034 Words  | 9 PagesECONOMIC PERFORMANCE Introduction Singapore has a high-income economy with one of the highest standards of living in the world. It has a gross national income of $55,150 per capita as of 2014. Since 1965, after independence, Singapore rapidly grew from a low income country to a high income country. GDP grew with an average of 7.7% since independence; in the first 25 years growth topped 9.2%. Per capita GDP over the same periods grew by 5.4% and 7.2%. Singapore industrialized rapidly in the 1960sRead MoreImpact of the Economic Global Crisis: Current Situation and Prospects in the Philippines1677 Words  | 7 PagesImpact of the Economic Global Crisis: Current Situation and Prospects in the Philippines Asia in general was not affected by the current global financial crisis (1). The source of the crisis did not come from the developing countries as seen in the 1990s during the Asian crisis. In 2008 - 2009, the developed world initiated the global financial crisis with the sub prime lending implosion; thus, affected the rest of the world. The Philippines in particular did not fall into a recession since theRead MoreAsian Tigers Essay1057 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ It is evident that the global economy has moved on from the Asian Tigers and the present and future of the global economy does in fact lie elsewhere, in particular India and China. The Asian Tigers are a group of countries which are the first set of NIC s; Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea. They underwent rapid development in the 1960 s by encouraging TNC s to invest by opening up manufacturing plants by offering cheap labour and less strict pollution laws. TNC s also had the advantage
The United States And The Soviet Union - 1356 Words
Following WWII the United States and it’s citizens longed for a century of peace, but due to the rise in Communism in Asia it was clearly not meant to be. The Korean and Vietnam Wars established the US as â€Å"the world’s policemen†even though the purpose of the wars were to prevent the spread of Communism. By taking part in these wars the United States’s relationship with the Soviet Union reached a boiling point in the Cuban Missile Crisis, but was finally defused and the world was spared of a nuclear disaster. The Soviet Union finally fell in the early The 1990s and allowed the United States to become the undisputed superpower in the world. In the 1990s and early 2000s, the rise of computers kept the US at the front of technological advancement, and kept the country relevant but countries like India and China began to grow at an alarming rate. Labor from India and products from China created an imbalance in America’s economy and also caused the country to fall into deep debt. The United States’ goal in the 21st century was to defend its’ title as the super power in the world. The terrorist attack that took place on September 11th, 2001 was the first opportunity to reinforce the might of America since the gulf wars in the 1980s 90s. The United States’ war on Terrorism earned them the official title as the Earth’s policemen, but turmoil overseas distracted its citizens from important matters at home. Gay rights, as well as the legalization of Marijuana, were the main topics ofShow MoreRelatedUnit ed States And Soviet Union1221 Words  | 5 PagesFollowing World War II there was a lot of tension between two of the Allied countries. The United States and the Soviet Union were in a state of political and military tension with each other. Opposing ideologies on how to deal with the world’s affairs post World War II fueled this rivalry but there was always a tension between the two countries. World War II, with its common goal, brought these two countries together as allies. With Hitler and the Nazis threating their way of living these two countriesRead MoreThe United States And The Soviet Union927 Words  | 4 Pagescapitalist nations, those nations being the United States and its allies. The second group consisted of the Communist nations led by the Soviet Union. The â€Å"Third World’ consisted of the now developing nations, often newly independent and they were neither aligned with the United States or The Soviet Union. These newly developing countries wo uld prove to be another area for the Cold War superpowers to compete amongst themselves. Both the United States and the Soviet Union would affect how these Third WorldRead MoreUnited States And The Soviet Union1651 Words  | 7 PagesMr. Sutton 7 April, 2017 DBQ After the World War II, the tension between both the United States and the Soviet Union were extremely high. This mistrust between the two nations led to the Cold War that had lasted approximately 45 years before ending in 1991. Although the war had ended, Americans were still in fear of the spreading of communism that may affect their society as a whole. Americans also feared the Soviet Union’s new technological advances such as the launch of Sputnik in 1957. In responseRead MoreThe Soviet Union And The United States919 Words  | 4 PagesAt the end of World War II, the Soviet Union and the United States were allies of convenience; they had dissimilar goals, but shared a common enemy (the Axis powers). The Soviet Union s government was much closer to Germany s than America s in ideas and practice, and when the war ended these differences in world view between the countries became seemingly irreconcilable. At the Yalta Conference in February, 1945, Russia and the other major Allied powers had all agreed that, once the war was overRead MoreThe United States And Soviet Union Essay1654 Words  | 7 Pagesmassive shifts in the administrations of the United States and Soviet Union, maintained an atmosphere of suspicion, wariness, and skepticism. This theme of uncertainty and caution was the logical product of decades of both American and Soviet duplicity, confrontation, and militarization. Yet, despite this mistrust between the polar Cold War belligerents, and contrary to the early rhetoric of the Reagan administration, the United States and Soviet Union modified their perceptions of each other’s intentionsRead MoreThe Soviet Union And The United States1603 Words  | 7 Pagesearly 1960s, the popular and political climate in the United States changed. The relationship between the Soviet Union and the United States was directed by ideological, political and technological factors . The rivalry between the two powers rooted from their contrasting ideological principles since the United States was a democratic republic where the people believed that every citizen had equal representation in the government and the Soviet Union was a communist nation. The US embodied the principlesRead MoreThe United States And The Soviet Union921 Words  | 4 Pagesand China relate with countries such as Soviet Union, Vietnam, Taiwan and the United States. How did Mao and China approached and reapproached the United States and the world. So after china said it stood up, it started great relationship with the United States and the Soviet Union. Then it all started to deteriorated in the 1960’s and relations between China and the United states soured. It even soured worse with the Soviet Union, which caused the Sino/Soviet split. Which is why China had a shakyRead MoreThe Soviet Union And The United States881 Words  | 4 PagesWorld War, the Soviet Union and the Uni ted States became the most notorious superpowers in modern world history. They dominated the globe economically, politically, and militarily. Although the USSR and the United States worked together to defeat Nazism and Japanese Imperialism in the 1930s and 1940s, they were weary of each other. For example, the USSR employed a communist, government controlled economy, and arguably an authoritarian system of government, meanwhile the United States had a free-marketRead MoreThe United States And The Soviet Union899 Words  | 4 PagesAt the end of the World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union emerged from the war as the world’s two leading superpowers. In the post war world, the U.S. and the Soviet Union both engaged in a Cold War aiming to have the most influence around the globe through the spread of their respective ideologies (communism and capitalism) and political systems (representative democracy and socialism). One particular place where this struggle for i nfluence was seen was Latin America, specifically ChileRead MoreThe United States And The Soviet Union1733 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The United States and the Soviet Union had fought together as allies against Nazi Germany during World War II. When the war had ended, the Soviet Union had maintained a large presence in much of Eastern and Central Europe. Communist governments, allied with the Soviet Union, were soon established within this region. Winston Churchill, who had served as British Prime Minister during World War II, had warned that an â€Å"iron curtain†divided Western and Eastern Europe. He was fearful communism
Framework For Complex System Development
Question: Discuss about A Framework For Complex System Development? Answer: Introduction The techniques progress lifestyles cycle, in its varying types, stays one of the vital oldest and yet nonetheless largely used methods of application progress and acquisition way in the information science (IT) area. While it has developed through the years in keeping with ever-altering situations and paradigm shift bearing on the building or obtaining of the program, its valuable tenants are as relevant at present as they ever had been (Adamson, 2000). Life-cycle stage has stretched past from side to side iterations of specific, name and the amount of steps, other than at the center the SDLC is elastic in its tried-and-proper deployment in trade, industry, and administration. Correctly, the SDLC has been known as one of the crucial two dominant techniques, growth methodologies in these days, together with prototyping. Functions and reason of each phase of a system growth life cycle The Preparatory structure picks up information on is the essential fragment of the system change presence cycle. It is a snappy examination of the system under tight and offers a sensible preview of what reasonably the physical structure is? By method for and by means of, the opening structure picks up information of involves the relationship of a methodology recommendation which records the obstruction Definition, the aspirations of the be taught, and (Ashrafi and Ashrafi, 20s09) expressions of references for increase learning of, Constraints, expected preferences of the new system, and so forth in the tender of the buyer norms. Feasibility Study Inside of the occasion that the structure suggestion is adequate the organization, the following stage is to explore cross check the acquire capacity of the system. The probability pick up information the is basically the examination of the proposed structure in the light of its workability, meeting client's essentials, successful usage of effects and (Carroll, 1995) doubtlessly, the expense practicality. These are requested as particular, operational, monetary logbook and social feasibility. Detailed System Study The point by element examination of the structure is refined according to the objectives of the proposed system. This involves natty lumpy examination of unmistakable operations performed by a structure and their associations inside and outside the system. System Analysis Structures examination is an arrangement of social affair right attitude; comprehend the frameworks incorporated, recognizing issues and endorsing practicable proposals for strengthening the system working (Chang, 2002). This incorporates thought about the business systems, gathering operational ability, grasp the data stream, selecting bottlenecks and propelling responses for crushing the inadequacies of the structure in order to achieve the progressive targets. Methodology Design In the glow of the client total necessities and the separated examination of one other structure, the shiny new system must be considered. That is the interim of structural arrangement. It is the most huge stage in the headway of a structure. The reasonable system arrangement met up as a result of structure examination and is changed over into a physical system diagram. Inside of the characterize stage the SDLC framework continues moving from the request of the examination stage. Coding The structure is characterized ought to be realized to make it a sensible system. We ask for the coding of arrangement into code, i.e., programming vernacular. That is also called as the indoctrination stage, wherein the product engineer modifications over the procedure details into PC headings, which we (Dagmar, 2009) suggest as tasks. It's a foremost stage the spot the portrayed methodologies are distorted over into organize determinations through the help of a programming dialect. Testing Before genuinely completing the fresh out of the box new system into operations, a sweep keeps up running of the structure is done removes every one of the critical bugs, if any. It is an essential interim of a productive system. Consequent to systematizing the complete activities of the structure, a test affiliation have, got the opportunity to be created and keep up organization on a specified affiliation of investigative learning. Implementation Inside of the wake of having the customer affirmation of the fresh out of the plastic new system developed, the utilization stage starts. Use is the period of a mission in the midst of which theory is changed into take over. The huge steps included in this stage are: Acquisition and establishment of Hardware and programming Been preparing Certification Maintenance Backing is chief to execute slips in the system in the midst of its working ways of life and to tune the structure to any assortments in its working environments. It should meet the degree of any future advancement, future value and each other acquainted reasonable extra with adjusting up to presumably the most exceptional future needs (Dorfman and Thayer, 1997). It has been seen that there are reliably a couple errors saw in the systems that should be noted. Examination of Methodologies Because of organizations obliging vast scale business frameworks inside of an organized procedural connection the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) was made in the 1960's (Deepak Dahiya, Sudha Dahiya, 2010). A direct incremental procedural methodology is reflected in the SDLC and its realistic representation the Waterfall framework improvement system. Gone before from the stage-wise strategy which underlined entirely direct procedures of programming advancement (Boehm, 1998), the Waterfall approach enhanced the stage-wise strategies by stressing acknowledgment of input circles between progressive stages minimizing extravagant revamp brought on by changes in client prerequisites or specialized challenges. Outline displays the periods of the customary SDLC. The issue with the SDLC comes with respect to its prerequisites for stage curios and the strict request in which the stages must be proficient. From the early prerequisite and configuration stages through to the last support sta ge "completely expounded archives" are obliged to move starting with one stage, then onto the next. This is especially inadequate when creating intelligent or end-client applications, for example, word processors or trade programming which oblige client data and testing as the product is being produced. Boehm (Kimmel, Weygandt and Kieso, 2011) explains on the way that "archive driven measures have pushed numerous tasks to compose extensive particulars of inadequately comprehended client interfaces trailed by the outline and advancement of huge amounts of unusable code". The Waterfall technique relinquishes the capacity to react to changing client needs as the objective of the strategy is to have completely archived procedures set up before the improvement starts. Iterative Methodologies Programming architects initially perceived the requirement for change from the commonplace systems the Waterfall strategy offered the accentuation on criticism circles, particularly obliged an outlook change far from the straight incremental methodology as spoken to in the Waterfall system. Existence cycle and expansion Methodologies Life Cycle Waterfall Model Advantages The waterfall model portrays an advancement system that is direct and successive. Disadvantages Once a submission is in hard stage, it is Especially rigid to do a reversal. Little changes or blunders that emerge in the finished programming may bring about a considerable measure of issues. Development Methodology When with this tactic, it is vital that all wants to be captured throughout the propose phase and it may be very expensive to rush back requests once operation has started. Life Cycle SPIRAL MODEL Advantages Advantages Its outline adaptability permits changes to be actualized at a few phases of the undertaking. Disadvantages Highly tweaked restricting re-eases of use. Connected contrastingly for every application. Development Methodology The growing asking price incurs in accomplished the ladder to date and the angular measurement represents the development made in implementation every series of the twisting. Life Cycle CYCLICAL MODEL Advantages Easy to comprehend and utilize. Surely knew points of reference Easy to orchestrate undertakings. Disadvantages It's hard to gauge progress inside of stages. Can't suit evolving prerequisites. Development Methodology The Cyclical development model is a cyclic software growth procedure developed in reply to the weak sovercomes the cascade replica. Importance of precisely capturing the useful necessities of a software scheme. Most site ventures incorporate an assemblage of data that portrays the item or the task deliverables which manages the targets of the last item, characterized in the undertaking prerequisites any tenets for making the item, characterized in the venture determinations. A key advantage of adding to a products prerequisite particular is in streamlining the improvement process (Ruthberg, 1988). The designer working from the product prerequisite particular has, preferably, the majority of their inquiries replied about the application and can begin to create. Strategies for Study At the point when a client asks for that we assemble another framework, the client has some idea of what the framework should do. Regularly, the client needs to robotize a manual assignment, for example, paying bills electronically rather than with written by hand checks. Some of the time, the client needs to upgrade or augment a present manual or computerized framework. Design methodology of Object oriented study In this technique we take a somewhat diverse perspective of frameworks advancement from what we have inspected some time recently. In the past era, we tended to see our framework from a useful or procedure based perspective, and related this to the information structure. While this methodology does produce very much planned, working frameworks, the present feeling among numerous experts is that the subsequent frameworks have a tendency to be inflexible and make it hard to react rapidly to changes in client necessities (Sebastian-Coleman, 2013). In the Object-Oriented methodology we tend to concentrate more on the conduct of the framework. The fundamental element we report is the Object or Class. Traditional methodology Not at all like its two ancestors, has the item situated methodology consolidated information and procedures into single substances called articles. Protests for the most part compare to the genuine articles a framework manages, for example, clients, suppliers, contracts, and receipts. Item arranged models have (Tyugu and Yamaguchi, 2006) the capacity to completely speak to complex connections and to speak to information and information preparing with a solid documentation, which permits a less demanding blend of examination and outline in a growth. Developed system design There are numerous procedures for the improvement of data frameworks: Systems growth Life series and information arrangement Oriented outline, and Object leaning pattern, Prototyping, in the midst of others. We should, in any case, be concerned here fundamentally with SDLC. Frameworks Development Life Cycle: In this present reality, a bookkeeping data frameworks architect once in a while called upon to (Yang and Ward, 2003) break down and plan a framework from the scratch. Typically, such a framework does exist, however the customer (client) is not exactly fulfilled by it. The framework creator begins with the documentation of the current bookkeeping framework, on the off chance that it doesn't exist. Conclusion Two business school teachers, one of the MIS scientists or the other one is surrendered from the accounting staff, where call winning by an area specialist's office to help with the procurement of programming for the residence Health locale. These scholastics were up to the test, and pleasingly helped the mending office in their excursion. While both experts hold fatal, degree, each took in a great deal from the utilization of measures trained in the classroom up to the complexity incorporate the genuine utilization of them. Mind boggling bits of learning were gotten, in a combination of regions, and have consequent to being demonstrated as critical for the future experts in the commercial world. It is assumed (Spellman, 2008) others, in both institutional and exchanges, will benefit from the results and striking comments from this learned. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Energy use of Wesfarmers Resources
Question: Describe about the Energy use of Wesfarmers Resources. Answer: Introduction The objective of the paper is to conduct the sustainability performance analysis of Wesfarmers Resources Company in part A of the report. Wesfarmer Resources Limited serves as an Australian conglomerate that has its headquarter in Perth, Western Australia along with interests predominantly with New Zealand and Australian retail (Carroll and Buchholtz, 2014). The company also has its business operations in chemicals, coal mining, fertilizers along with industrial, and safety products. Wesfarmers Resources has a leading and sustainable business as a metallurgical coal manufacturer and supplier of thermal coal in domestic generation of power. In part, B, Fuji Xerox Limited Companys sustainability report comparison in two nations will also be conducted. Fuji Xerox and its associated affiliated companies believe that corporate social responsibility must be vital to offer superior consumer services (Frias?Aceituno et al. 2013). The differences in the guidelines used for its Japan and Australian reports will be evaluated for the years 2014 and 2015. Part C of the paper will consider gaining conclusion and recommendations based on the sustainability report of Wesfarmer Resources Company and Fuji Xerox. Finally, part D will present a reflective journal on the personal development that has been gained through the completion of sustainability report analysis of West farmer Resources Company and Fuji Xerox. Part A 1. Assessment and comparison of the sustainability reports of Wesfarmers of 2014 and 2015 with respect to the G4 GRI guidelines: According to the viewpoint of the management of Wesfarmers, only improving the financial performance of the organization is not sufficient to deliver maximum value to the shareholders. Instead, the five key sustainability areas of reporting are essential in order to provide maximum returns to the shareholders. In the words of Alonso?Almeida, Llach and Marion (2014), the sustainability areas comprise of people, community support, environment, carbon and energy, economic contribution and governance. In order to compare the sustainability reporting performance of Wesfarmers, the following aspects are taken into consideration in relation to the G4 GRI guidelines: Economic aspect: Wesfarmers Resources provides a number of necessary services to its staffs and families in the local communities of its operations. This is achieved through open communication and continual engagement to extend support to these communities. As a result, it has positive influence on the lives of the people living in the local communities. In this regard, Bebbington, Unerman and O'Dwyer (2014) cited that extension of support to the local communities helps in contributing to the development of a nation and the economy as a whole. The most notable undertaking of Wesfarmers Resources in 2014, the company has undertaken a new plan to contribute to the economy of Australia by supporting the local communities. It has been named as Currish, which involves allocation of community investment funds to encourage the community organizations for future planning. This could be made through application of funds and in-kind support via grants program. Curragh has developed a committee comprising of employees, who possess adequate knowledge about the needs of the local communities. The financial support that has been provided through this program amounts to $46,900 to 22 local community organization between the period of January-June in 2014 ( 2016). The organizations, which have been highly benefitted from this program, include Royal Flying Doctors Service and Riding for the Disabled Backwater and Black water PCYC. However, in 2015, no notable program has been initiated; instead, the organization has continued with its Curragh program to provide employment opportunities to the indigenous woman. Therefore, the contribution to the economy of Australia has been slowed down in 2015 in contrast to 2014. As per the category 6 of the GRI G4 guidelines, an organization needs to disclose the generated economic value comprising of revenues, employee compensation and other community investments. In addition, the guidelines need to cover detailed benefit plan obligations from the investment made ( 2016). In this case, Wesfarmers Resources has made all the necessary disclosures in order to comply with the GRI G4 guidelines. Figure 1: Wesfarmers Resources Contribution to the local communities (Source: 2016) Environmental aspect: Wesfarmers Resources acknowledge the potential risks arising out of climate change and take actions for minimizing the possible influence on operations due to increased rainfall and flooding. Therefore, the organization has concentrated on minimizing greenhouse gas efficiency through improved energy efficiency process. In the year 2014, the organization has bought materials that emit less chemicals and hazardous substances in order to maintain the environmental sustainability. In this context, Boyd and Golden (2016) stated that use of sustainable resources helps in minimizing the negative impact on the community along with ensuring sustainable flow of operations. In addition, it has been observed that the Curragh mine of Wesfarmers Resources utilizes mobile lighting to carry out its night operations in 2014. Such units have been extremely expensive to run, since they have high emissions and difficulties in maintaining the same (Eccles et al. 2012). In order to minimize such negative impact on the environment, the managers of Curragh mine in 2014 undertook investigations for improving the lighting technology to improve the availability of units. In the words of Fonseca, McAllister and Fitzpatrick (2014), such improvement is of utmost importance in minimizing the greenhouse gas emissions, operating costs and the availability of units. Therefore, these new units have been set up in the year 2015 by replacing the previous 28 metal halide lighting units. The numbers of units introduced are 21 LED units. With the help of these new units, Wesfarmers Resources has been able to minimize the usage of fuel by nearly 700,000L per year. As a result, the annual operating cost of the organization has been minimized by $760,000 with reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of approximately 2,000 tones CO2e (Ioannou and Serafeim 2014). Figure 2: Energy use of Wesfarmers Resources (Source: 2016) The above graph illustrates the energy use of Wesfarmers Resources for the years 2011-2015. It is evident that the organization has switched to make sustainable use of resources for minimizing the negative impact on the environment and related communities. As per the guidelines of GRI G4, an organization needs to disclose its greenhouse gas emission-related data, use of energy efficient resources and introduction of new units. Therefore, Wesfarmers Resources has followed all the relevant guidelines in making the environmental disclosures associated with sustainability reporting. Social aspect: The mining operations possess serious threat to the employees involved in such activities and the society as a whole (Hahn and Khnen 2013). In order to minimize such activities, the organization has undertaken necessary controls and measures to ensure the safety of the workers and the community as a whole. The organization has implemented the Curragh code of business conduct to maintain the integrity and ethics while engaging in dealings. The organization provides employment opportunities to the small organizations of the local communities that intend to help the society. Moreover, Wesfarmers Resources has implemented a whistle blower policy, which could be accessed on the part of the staffs to maintain the highest governance standards. This has been implemented in the year 2014 and the same process has been followed in the year 2015. According to GRI G4 guidelines, the social aspects could be divided into the following sub-categories: Amenities and infrastructure: Curragh mine of Wesfarmers Resources takes and releases waterfrom the Mackenzie River; however, it follows the water management practices strictly. The organization provides a complete overview on the river system to maintain the amenities and infrastructure of the river system. In addition, the organization is involved in reporting conditions of the marine environment; thus, providing relevant information about the amenities and infrastructure, which is prepared in accordance with the GRI G4 guidelines (Idowu et al. 2013). Social and cultural life: The organization has also relied stress on protecting the biodiversity of the eco-systems in order to protect flora and fauna on-site for accomplishing its conditions of environmental approval. In order to compensate the loss of 220 hectares of land in Brigalow ecological community, Wesfarmers Resources has provided an offset area (Lvehagen and Bondesson 2013). The Department of Natural Resources and Mining is a voluntary apparatus for protecting the areas of vegetation. Curragh has been working with the landholders now to prevent soil erosion, ensure fire management practices and rehabilitation, when deemed necessary. Thus, it has made all the relevant disclosures in accordance with the GRI G4 guidelines. Voice and influence: Wesfarmers Resources has been involved in entering into a partnership with the Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience (AIME). This program is mainly intended to increase the opportunities for indigenous children completing high school. The partnership was formed in July 2013 and the program has been continuing until date. The organization aims to provide coaching principles and mentoring to involve the students belonging to indigenous high school for excelling in their career. It has been observed that the indigenous students have increased from 4% in 2012 to 22% in 2015 for attending the university. Thus, the organization has made relevant social disclosures in compliance with the GRI G4 guidelines (McKinnon et al. 2015). Space to grow: Currgah mine of Wesfarmers Resources has been involved in empowering indigenous woman for helping them to excel in their future. In order to empower indigenous woman, the woman has been involved in providing employment opportunities to disadvantaged indigenous woman in Central Queensland. Thus, it provides a space to the indigenous woman in the year 2014 and 2015 to grow in their lives. Most relevant guideline to Wesfarmers: Based on the above discussion, the most relevant guideline for Wesfarmers Resources would comprise of the environment aspects, as laid out in the GRI G4 guidelines. Since, this is a mining industry is based on use of different energy resources and emission of greenhouse gases, It has been found that the necessary disclosures are made in the years 2014 and 2015 in accordance with the GRI G4 guidelines (Sharifi and Murayama 2014). In addition, following the environmental guidelines will help in fulfilling the expectations of the shareholders, since reduction in emission of greenhouse gas emissions will ensure sustainability reporting. Targets in the report: The main targets of Wesfarmers Resources in its sustainability report include fall in the greenhouse gas emissions through removal of mobile lighting technology. Curragh mine of the organization has installed LED lighting units in order to minimize the emissions of greenhouse gases through sustainable use of resources. In addition, it also aims to empower the indigenous children completing their high schools. The percentage has increased from 4% in 2012 to 22% in 2015, which shows that the target of Wesfarmers Resources has been successfully achieved (Morrison-Saunders and Pope 2013). Self-declared level of adherence and its appropriateness: In accordance guidelines as stated by GSI states that the companies preparing their sustainability reports are required to identify the major determinants that falls under the General Standard Disclosures. The primary form of such standard disclosures comprises of strategy, analysis of operations, the sets of organizational composition prevalent in the organization ( 2016). This is to be followed with the disclosures pertaining to stakeholder engagement, ethics, integrity, and governance in the functioning of the organization. Finally, the report profile as regards to the sets of disclosure undertaken by the company in its annual report, sustainability reports is to be taken into consideration for adhering to the in accordance guidelines. Wesfarmers Resources identifies several factors that it feels as material in reference to its businesses. The factors that the company identifies as relevant comprises of safety, water extraction, bio diversity, climate change ( 2016). Moreover, the company emphasizes upon providing support to communities along with maintaining safety of its various stakeholders. The company discloses the fact those in terms of emissions, the companys overall emissions has increased by over 16%. Moreover, in terms of road safety, the company has minimized the recordable rate in relation to frequency of injury in order to facilitate enhancement of health and safety measures undertaken by the company. In terms of good corporate governance, the company has initiated measures to improve the transparency. However, there has been no visible set of measure to increase gender diversity in the management. Moreover, the overall degree of disclosure in regards to the adherence to ethical guidel ines and business operations providing integrity has been minimal. The company has provided satisfactory disclosures as regards to its company strategies in relation to the investment in newer mining quarries, its prospective sets of investments onto renewable energy sources. The functioning of different sets of committee over-viewing the functional activities of the company has been disclosed in the different sets of reports prepared by Wesfarmers Resources (Alonso?Almeida 2014). In terms of report profile, the company has failed towards providing data as regards to material facts. Further, with respect of material facts the data provided can be construed as minimal. Guidelines followed in preparing the report: The company in accordance with the guidelines specified by the GSI in order to facilitate the contribution of the company has prepared the sustainability reports. The disclosures that have been made in the annual statements of the company have been prepared in accordance with the Corporations Act. Moreover, the participation of the company in several environmentally sustainable programs has been facilitated through the disclosures made in accordance with the UN Global Compact by the company. The company has been a participant in UN Global Compact from 22 April 2015 ( 2015). Verification of the report and scope of the assurance: The Chairman and Managing Directors of the company have verified the sustainability reports as regards to the company. Management has provided the assurance as regards to the sustainability initiatives undertaken by the company. However, lack of assurance in terms of verification by external auditors as regards to such sustainable policies can hinder the overall evaluation of transparency. Part B Being an employee of consumer watch group comparison on the sustainability reporting by Fujju Xerox Australia Pty Limited is carried out in this section. It was observed that Fuji Xerox released a sustainability report in the year 2014 in Australia. However, in the year 2015, the company decided to release its sustainability report through its head office in Japan. Certain differences in the guidelines employed for disclosure and reporting was observed in its sustainability reports from Japan and Australia. Fuji Xerox Comparison Difference in Guidelines employed in Sustainability Report of 2014 and 2015 The sustainability report of Fuji Xerox was prepared by the company in alliance with the key G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines of thee international reporting initiatives. Certain difference has been observed in the sustainability reports regarding disclosure of its non-financial information. The guidelines that the company used in its sustainability report in the year 2014 is found to be quite different from the companys sustainability report in the year 2015. The sustainability report of the company in this year was prepared in compliance with the concepts of G4 sustainability reporting guidelines. Moreover, the company also conferred with the 2012 edition of the Japanese ministry of the guideless regarding Environmental Reporting. The general standard disclosures such as G4-1 offered a statement from the most senior decision-maker of the company regarding the importance of sustainable to the company and its strategy for dealing with the sustainability (Bebbington et al. 2014) . G4-2 offered an elaboration of major risks, impacts, as well as opportunities to the company in the year 2014. However, in the year 2015 the G4 GRI guidelines of Fuji Xerox were observed to be quite distinct from its sustainability report released from Australia in the year 2014. In alignment to such GRI guidelines, the company considered to review the standard disclosures recently and identify any issue that can need further work other the three aspects mentioned in its report produced in Japan. In this report of 2015, the company adhered with certain different G4 guidelines such as under G4-33 the company-released report on the organizations policy and the recent practice in consideration to gaining external assurance for the report. Factors Causing Different (2015) Influences in Reports Produced in Australia (2014) and Japan The sustainability report of 2014 and 2015 of Fuji Xerox are different as in 2014, Fuji Xerox Australia Pty Ltd released a sustainability report whereas the sustainability report of 2015 was released from the head office of Fuji from Japan. It is seen that there has been a significant amount of changes in the guidelines used in the preparation of the report. This is due to various factors, which are different for both Australia and Japan. These factors will be discussed as follows: Environmental Impact: The environment in Australia is different from Japan due to climatic changes and topographical transformations. Therefore, it is seen that the guidelines and method of preparation varies from both the countries (Morrison-Saunders, and Pope, 2013). Community: The community and the society where the report is being prepared have different perspective towards sustainable development and thus the guidelines are prepared accordingly. The community plays a vital role and therefore the report prepared is according to the interests of the society. Culture: The culture plays a pivotal role for the preparation of the report and therefore, it is seen that the culture functioning in Australia is different from Japan. The functioning of an organization takes place according to the culture prevailing in the country so that it becomes easier for the customers to understand the validity of the report. Health and Wellbeing: The health and wellbeing of the citizens living in both the countries are different and therefore it is seen that the report of 2014 and 2015 are different. The employees working in the organization in Japan and Australia have different health issues and therefore the report is prepared according to the health proposition of the employees. Financial Factor: It is also seen that the investment and the percentage change in the financial procedure is different for both the countries as the investors functioning in both the countries have different perspectives. Therefore, the level of investment will differ from country to country thus altering the guidelines of Fuji Australia Pty Ltd 2014 from the report prepared by Fuji Xerox 2015 in Japan (Sharifi, and Murayama, 2014) Comparison and Evaluation of the Companys 2014 and 2015 Sustainability Report Considering G4 GRI Guidelines There have been significant changes in the sustainability report of the organization in 2014 and 2015 due to the preparation of the report in different countries. The reports are prepared considering the Global Reporting Initiative. It is a standard prepared to help the organizations to understand and communicate their effects on different issues affecting the organization. The standards of the guidelines are created so that the third parties can evaluate the environmental effects from the operations of the organization. The performance indicators focus on the environmental, social, and economical aspects of an organization (Carroll, and Buchholtz, 2014). According to the G4 GRI guidelines, Fuji Xerox has prepared their sustainability reports for the year 2014 and 2015. The report in 2014 was prepared with the Australian perspective and thus the report deals with the problems occurring in Australia. On the other hand, the report in 2015 is prepared considering he problems in Japan. The report in 2015 is prepared looking after the welfare of the customers, global and local environment, employees, suppliers, the local society etc. The report aims to educate the future generations and conserving the cultures and information of the country. The report aims to support the reconstruction of the places affected by the Japan Earthquake. It also aims to strengthen the corporate social responsibility introduction in the production unit o the company. It helps to reduce the CO2 emissions from the customers. It tries to develop a human resource and an environment with a diversified work force. This report is based on Japan (Lvehagen, and Bondesson, 2013). The 2014 report comprising of the country Australia is concerned about transforming the business according to the changing environment, procuring the responsibility, creating cultural harmony within the country. It also aims to attract the right talented people from the society and tries to train them to maximize its productivity. The well-being of the society and the employees are also taken under scrutiny and develops a society and environment. This is healthy and harmonious. Part C Based on the GRI guidelines analysis of wesfarmers it was gathered that several unit of westfarmes attempted to enhance the lighting technology in order to enhance the accessibility of the units. This attested to reduce early costs savings of the company as well as annual emission of the harmful greenhouse resources. Following such strategies, the company intended to comply with the GRI G4 guidelines in maintaining corporate social responsibility. Based on the sustainability report analysis of Wesfarmers Resources Company, certain recommendations are recommended that will ensure better adherence to sustainability and corporate governance guidelines (Boyd and Golden, 2016). The company is recommended to revise its general and specific standards regarding supply chain. Moreover, the company is recommended to comply with general standard governance disclosures and ethics and integrity disclosures. From the sustainability report analysis of Fuji Xerox, company in alignment with the GRI G4 guidelines indicated that in the sustainability the guidelines that the company used in its sustainability report in the year 2014 is found to be quite different from the companys sustainability report in the year 2015. Based on the sustainability report of 2014 it was gathered that G4-2 offered an elaboration of major risks, impacts as well as opportunities to the company in the year 2014. However, in the year 2015 the G4 GRI guidelines of Fuji Xerox was observed to be quite distinct from its sustainability report released from Australia in the year 2014. Based on the sustainability report analysis of Fuji Xerox Company, certain recommendations are recommended that will ensure better adherence to sustainability and corporate governance guidelines. The company is recommended to report CHG emissions and energy based standard disclosures in both Japanese and Australian sustainability reports (Ha hn and Llfs 2014). Moreover, both its Australian and Japanese sustainability report must adhere with specific G4 guidelines in order to comply with effective sustainability regulations such as strategy and analysis, organizational profile, labor practices and efficient decent work and human rights as well as society. Part D The evaluation of the sustainability reports of Wesfarmers Company and Fuji Xerox send as a great assessment technique in developing skills for my personal as well as professional future. The assessment tasks increased my understanding on the capability to locate as well as interpret information. From the evaluation of the sustainability reporting of both the companies I came to learn that a focus on sustainability a facilitate a company to manage their social and environmental effects along with enhancing their operational efficiency. Part A and Part B of the assignment increased my understanding on the relevance of GRI requirements and evaluation on the use of the GRI guidelines was followed. This enhanced the disclosure of the companies from the year 2014 to 2015. Both the assessments tasks completed in Part A and Part B increased my understanding on certain important GRI guidelines concept, necessary principles, corporate governance stakeholders, moral and ethical obligations, an d corporate social responsibility. Sustainability report analysis of Fuji Xerox and Wesfarmer Resources Company based on GRI guidelines enhanced my knowledge on the Australian corporate governance and its possible impact on committee and board functions and structure along with the organizations officers training, behavior and induction in order to safeguard the interests of all the stakeholders involved in the business. Evaluation of the GRI guidelines use by both the companies helped me to gain knowledge on the principles of efficient corporate governance s ell as corporate disclosure needs. Several major theories and concepts regarding aspects of corporate social responsibility (CSR) became clear after the evaluation of the sustainability reports of both the companies for the year 2014 and 2015. The learning outcomes gathered from the competition of both the assessment tasks well help me in implementing such knowledge in the real world situations. The understanding on the GRI guidelines importance in preparation of sustainability reports through both the assessment tasks in Part A and Part B will be effectively used in the workplace. Moreover, such learning outcomes will help me in better evaluation of the sustainability position of the companies and will efficiently help me in justifying the decisions I make in consideration to the gathered information. Conclusion The objective of the paper is to conduct the sustainability performance analysis of Wesfarmers Resources Company and Fuji Xerox. Additionally, the differences in the guidelines used for both the companys reports were evaluated for the years 2014 and 2015. Reflective journal on the personal development has been gained through the completion of sustainability report analysis of Wesfarmer Resources Company and Fuji Xerox. From the report, it was gathered that the sustainability report of Fuji Xerox was prepared by the company in alliance with the key G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines of thee international reporting initiatives. Certain difference has been observed in the sustainability reports regarding disclosure of its non-financial information. The guidelines that the company used in its sustainability report in the year 2014 is found to be quite different from the companys sustainability report in the year 2015. Moreover, from the both its Australian and Japanese sustainability report must adhere with specific G4 guidelines in order to comply with effective sustainability regulations such as strategy and analysis, organizational profile, labor practices and efficient decent work and human rights as well as society. Based on the sustainability report analysis of Wesfarmers Resources Company, certain recommendations are recommended that will ensure better adherence to sustainability and corporate governance guidelines. The company is recommended to revise its general and specific standards regarding supply chain. Reference List and Bibliographies Adams, C., Muir, S. and Hoque, Z., 2014. Measurement of sustainability performance in the public sector.Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal,5(1), pp.46-67. Ainapur, R., Rao, B.R. and Iacocca, L., 2014. Prominence of stakeholders in designing sustainability reporting practices based on G4 Guidelines.International Journal of Management,11(5), pp.70-75. Alonso?Almeida, M., Llach, J. and Marimon, F., 2014. 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