
Monday, February 18, 2019

To the Editor :: Weapons Mass Destruction War Essays

To the Editor at that place is I1 no proof of weapons of weapons of plurality destruction, and little substantive evidence that Saddam Hussein Supported Al Qaeda. For the live on class and one half, George W. Bush and his administration have told us about Iraqs vast production of biological weapons and how Iraq was supporting Al Qaeda, but wheres the proof. I2 The two main(prenominal) reasons the United States invaded Iraq were because, of stock piles of weapons and Saddam Husseins crosstie to Al Qaeda . Lets start with the weapons of mass destruction. There were I3 several satellite photos showing buildings that were suspected to be making chemicals for ejaculate warfare and other various chemical weapons. These photos show only buildings and no other proof that Iraq was making these bombs. The U.S. still had the United Nations weapons inspectors investigate these findings and incubate them to the Security Council. The U.N.s Chief weapons inspe ctor Hans Blix Reported at that place was non significant evidence from ariel photos to prove on that point were any chemical weapons. Hans Blix verbalize himself, If I had solid evidence that Iraq retained weapons of mass destruction or were constructing such weapons I would have taken it to the Security Council. Shortly afterward these findings were reported, President Bush prepared a speech accusing capital of Iraq of building such weapons. This shows before the U.S. even went to war in Iraq , there was little to no evidence to invade Iraq, at least because of weapons of mass destruction. I4 To this date, the U.S. has not found any substantial evidence to support its I5 actions in Iraq. In April of 2003 shortly after the invasion started, semi trailers were seized beloved Baghdad. The trailers were suspected to be portable labs to produce biological warfare agents. The trailers and their limit were soon tested to see weather they had any of the five main biological warfare agents. All tests were returned negative of these chemical agents. As this shows, there is I6 no proof of weapons of mass destruction, even after the U.S. had invaded and occupied Iraq for the last year and a half.

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