
Monday, June 10, 2019

Congressional Earmarks Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Congressional Earmarks - Research Paper ExampleSoft earmarks are those earmarking processes that allow the congressmen to be able to allocate this money, without having to conform to any jural binding. This leaves a big loophole in the budgeting process, and the congressmen are able to take advantage of this and therefore make it difficult for any process to be utilized to invalid this.As Williamson (2009) argues, since the main problem as seen is the fact that there is no clear legislation regarding the issue, the only solution that would offer a firm solution, would be one that would make it possible for this process to be controlled by the law. Having another body to control this process, will only add another layer of rotting and inconvenience, and will therefore never help. Since the American democracy is built around the constitution and the rule of law, embedding this issue in the law would be the only path to have a successful system, which will be able to make sure that earmarking is not abused by the members of

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