
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Self-assessment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Self-assessment - Term Paper ExampleBased on the big five personality assessment, the aspect of openness to start and intellect had a score of 47% which was judged as typically uncreative. This needs improvement which will mainly be guided by getting manifold in creative sessions, complex activities, though on a gradual process and more conventional aspects of the learning surroundings. This is grave given the current globose trends that require creativity for one to ail through in whatever career they choose. Conscientiousness was ranked at 64% which meant that I am fitted to organize myself and am reliable. However, there needs to be an improvement to attain self-discipline. Self-discipline in any working or social environment is important because it sets one apart from all the rest (Drucker, 2010). Reliability will come in handy too in other areas within the organization. Extraversion was ranked at 64% which meant that I relatively enjoy social gatherings. There needs to be some improvement in the area of being newsy and fun-loving. I am however more agreeable, at 74%, which indicates consideration for the feelings of others. This needs to be maintained and nurtured (Kelvin, 2011). I am also more relaxed during a crisis which was ranked under neuroticism and had a score of 27%. Such is an important attribute when in management or dealing with hostile race in social settings while in school, this is something that aids in creating bond with many people, hence a better lifestyle and a peaceful environment for all.The randy intelligence quiz showed a high score on emotional intelligence. This implies that I am good at skills that have to deal with the definition and understanding of emotions and also when there is a need to act upon those skills. However, more work is required to maintain these since adeptness to react and deal with social and emotional conflicts is always an important attribute in real-life situations. Emotional intelligence is

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