
Monday, June 17, 2019

Law Client Letter of Advice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Law Client Letter of Advice - Essay ExampleAccordingly, we have examined various pros and cons of a legal casing that you are possibly contemplating to launch against the parties responsible for causing this fiasco. We are pleased to offer our views and advice on the further course of action as underAs we see it, the basic issues emerging from the episode include the following - (1) Your promotional day show at West End Juicy Bones salt away ended in an embarrassing finale, causing loss of reputation and damage to your business interests. (2) The situation stemmed from the fact that two unsolicited electronic mails from viagra.com and bitem.com.au suddenly popped up on your work computer and interrupted your promotional PowerPoint slide show, which annoyed and turned away your customers. (3) During the PowerPoint show, you also arranged for playing of Snazza music in the background by using P2P (peer-to-peer) software that enables download and sharing of music.Peer-to-Peer (P2P) r efers to the sharing of music, audio, and video files by two computers that have similar access privileges on the intercommunicate without the support of servers1. Governments across the world have woken up to the dangers posed by the increasing use of P2P by criminals for peddling of pornography, luring of children, and such other cyber crimes.

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