
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Policing and the media (literature reveiw) Research Paper

Policing and the media (literature reveiw) - Research Paper Examplemating the psychological and sociological effects of TV on a persons make-up in spite of the countless studies that have already been conducted (Oskamp 1984).Along with the continuous growth of viewership is the continuous trial of studios to come up with new concepts and new format that would keep the interest of the viewing public. The range has naturally expanded to deal with issues and subjects considered to be critical such(prenominal) as science and law enforcement. With the level of the publics exposure to TV, it is inevitable for these shows to influence the image formation of law enforcement.Although never intended for education, television set has influenced how viewers perceive reality in relation to the subject of the shows they watch (Altheide 1985 Gerbner and Gross 1976 Gerbner 1993). Considering that majority of the viewers have had very limited direct interaction with law enforcement, many have relie d, however unconsciously, on television to learn about laws, their rights, obligations of the police, and the dynamics between the uniformed and the civilians (Surette 1992). This kind of causation is indirectly change to the regression of the roles of family and school as the authority on the lives of young people (Giddens 1981 Laywood 1985).Even when shows like Dexter, a serial killer/law enforcement employee, show wickedness being freely committed, there is an effort to portray the evil of a crime by making Dexter kill only those that are considered jeopardize to the society. Other shows are more explicit in their effort to portray how law enforcement always prevails over crimes (Carlson 1985). Much as it may help acclivity the image of law enforcement, there is also the possibility of making the public believe that law enforcement is capable of more than it can actually accomplish. A ask was conducted in 2008 by Monica Robbers that attested to how TV shows is causing people to expect from law enforcement the same proficiency that is being portrayed by

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