Friday, May 31, 2019
One of the main aspects in the novel Like Water for Chocolate is magica
One of the main aspects in the novel Like Water for deep brown is wizardly realism. The author, Laura Esquivel, uses it to show the main themesLike Water for Chocolate CommentaryOne of the main aspects in the novel Like Water for Chocolate is witching(prenominal) realism. The author, Laura Esquivel, uses it to show the mainthemes in the novel, such as the power of food, and passion. Itexaggerates the important points in the story so that they can be moreeasily identified. prefigurative can also be shown by using magicalrealism. Magical realism also adds humour to the novel, which wouldotherwise be a serious story. alone close importantly, it allows for theprotagonist, Tita, to express her feeling and memories through thefood that is so central to her life.Magical realism can be seen throughout the novel, even at the realbeginning. The start of the story shows Titas birth in the kitchenTita was literally washed into this world on a great tide of tearsthat spilled over the exhi bit of the table and flooded across the kitchenfloor. This foreshadows all the sorrow that Tita will go through inher life, and all the tears she will cry. It is also said that the wet dried into enough salt to fill a ten-pound sack. This relatesto Titas future love of cooking, as salt is used to prepare manymeals. It is also used to preserve food, and this resembles the waythat Titas memories are preserved through food and the recipes sheuses. For example when Tita is preparing the 3 Kings Day Bread sheremembers her childhood, and how she used to have so little problemsthen. Her biggest worry then was that the Magi never brought her whatshe asked for, but instead what Mama Elena thought was best.Magical realism... ...she see on the other side of theplanks but Pedro, reflexion her intently. Tita and Pedros love hasalways been passionate, and hot pants has always been used to symbolise itever since they first met. It was then Tita understood how doughfeels when t is plunged into b oiling oil. The heat that invaded herbody was so real she was afraid she would start to bubble. Themagical realism conveys their passion, but also relates Titasemotions to food, as food is the thing that she is most comfortablewith. Food is also one of the recurring themes in the novel, somagical realism again helps to emphasize this.So we can see that magical realism is a powerful tool for Esquivel, ithelps to convey all the main points, my making them more noticeableand more humourous. She uses it to show the emotions of thecharacters, and to demonstrate the themes of the novel.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Roman Colosseum Essay -- essays research papers
The roman Colosseum, also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, is perhaps the almost famous superannuated landmark in the world. The Colosseum was the legions to thousands of gladiatorial shows, mock naval battles, executions, and animal hunts. Today, the Colosseum still stands in the center of Rome, Italy, however, not quite as it used to be. Still, today, the Roman Colosseum is a large tourist attraction, thousands of tourists from all over the world still come to view this marveled arena. The Roman Colosseum has a rich history, and remains a prized monomania of the Roman citizens. Construction of the Colosseum was initiated by Roman emperor Vespasian, around 70 AD. Vespasian named the Colosseum after the colossus of Nero, a large statue that stood nearby. Vespasian, however, did not live to advert the climax of the Colosseum, as he died in AD 79, only a year before the construction of Colosseum had been finished. Titus, Vespasians son and successor, completed th e construction in 80 AD, in dedication for his father. but modifications were made during the reign of Domitian, the brother of Titus. Construction was rattling expensive. Just the external wall of the Colosseum would cost about $50 million dollars, today. About the size of a professional football stadium, the Colosseum could hold over 50,000 spectators. Upon entering, the audience climbed sloping ramps to their seats. These seats were separated according to gender and social class. The women and the worthless sat at the crystallise of the Colosseum, on wooden benches. The Colosseum contained over four stories. The first three contained over 80 entrance arches and contained a complex waste pipe system. These entrance arches made excretory product extremely fast in case of an em... ...s were outlawed by Emperor Constantine I in AD 325. Combats, however, continued unyielding after that. The last record gladiatorial battle was recorded in 404 AD. Even after this, the Col osseum was put to further use. Parts of the Colosseum were torn down and donated, in the production of other buildings (mostly churches) in Rome. Today, the Colosseum still stands, but in ruins. It now serves as a tourist attraction. Thousands of tourists from all over the world come to see this ancient stadium. This Colosseum is standing create of the great architecture and engineering that the Romans possessed. Even today, in a world of skyscrapers, the Colosseum is very impressive. One of Romes most popular tourist attractions, The Colosseum tells very much about Roman culture. Even in ruins, the Colosseum continues to stand as a great marvel and a large artifact. The Roman Colosseum Essay -- essays research papers The Roman Colosseum, also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, is perhaps the most famous ancient landmark in the world. The Colosseum was the host to thousands of gladiatorial shows, mock naval battles, executions, and animal hunts. Today, the Colosseum still stands in the center of Rome, Italy, however, not quite as it used to be. Still, today, the Roman Colosseum is a large tourist attraction, thousands of tourists from all over the world still come to view this marveled arena. The Roman Colosseum has a rich history, and remains a prized possession of the Roman citizens. Construction of the Colosseum was initiated by Roman emperor Vespasian, around 70 AD. Vespasian named the Colosseum after the colossus of Nero, a large statue that stood nearby. Vespasian, however, did not live to see the completion of the Colosseum, as he died in AD 79, only a year before the construction of Colosseum had been finished. Titus, Vespasians son and successor, completed the construction in 80 AD, in dedication for his father. Further modifications were made during the reign of Domitian, the brother of Titus. Construction was very expensive. Just the external wall of the Colosseum would cost about $50 million dollars, to day. About the size of a professional football stadium, the Colosseum could hold over 50,000 spectators. Upon entering, the audience climbed sloping ramps to their seats. These seats were separated according to gender and social class. The women and the poor sat at the top of the Colosseum, on wooden benches. The Colosseum contained over four stories. The first three contained over 80 entrance arches and contained a complex drainage system. These entrance arches made evacuation extremely fast in case of an em... ...s were outlawed by Emperor Constantine I in AD 325. Combats, however, continued long after that. The last recorded gladiatorial battle was recorded in 404 AD. Even after this, the Colosseum was put to further use. Parts of the Colosseum were torn down and donated, in the production of other buildings (mostly churches) in Rome. Today, the Colosseum still stands, but in ruins. It now serves as a tourist attraction. Thousands of tourists from all over the worl d come to see this ancient stadium. This Colosseum is standing proof of the great architecture and engineering that the Romans possessed. Even today, in a world of skyscrapers, the Colosseum is very impressive. One of Romes most popular tourist attractions, The Colosseum tells very much about Roman culture. Even in ruins, the Colosseum continues to stand as a great marvel and a spectacular artifact.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
B. F. Skinner Essay -- Behaviorism Behavior Behaviorist
B. F. muleteerBurrhus Frederic Skinner, psychologist and behaviorist, was born in Susquhanna, Pennsylvania in 1904 to William Skinner and Grace Burrhus. His engender was a lawywer and his mother was a naturally bright woman. Skinner had only one sibling his brother died at the age of sixteen. Skinner lived around of his flavor in Susquhanna. He did not leave the house he was born in until he left to go to college. He was raised very reason to his grandparents, who had a major impact on his early life. He was also close to his parents. He and his mother and father all graduated from the same high up school. This was the same school that he had attended for all dozen years of his education. Skinner attended Hamilton College at the reccomadation of a family friend. He took many different types of courses to begin with deciding to major in English and minor in Romance Languages. Skinner felt that he did not fit in at college. He disliked the fraterninty that he had joined and he did not visualise why the college required the courses that it did. He felt that he was made to take too very much physical education and not enough emphasis was empower on actual academics. The summer before his senior year he attended the Middlebury schooling of English at Breadloaf, Vermont. During this summer he had lunch with Robert freeze. Frost asked to see his work and gave Skinner a lot of enfouragemant. This led him to the decision to drop dead a writer. Skinners father was not happy with this decision. He has hoped that his son would become a lawywer, like himself. His father eventually agreed to his decision, and Skinner moved back groundwork to start his new career. He built himself an office in his parents house where he could write. He was to try to be a writer ... ...ology of literature. She listened to him and gave him advice on his lectures. In the next ten years, he wrote three books all having to do with the psychology of literature. Yvonne and Skinner had two daughters, Julie and Deborah. It was the birth of their second child taht inspired one of Skinners inventions. He invented the baby box to ease the burdens of chilcare for his wife. The box is still employ today, but is not so widespread because changes in childacare are hard to make. Another of his most famous endeavors was project pigion. This was an experiment designed to teach pigions to chair missles in the 1930s. B. F. Skinner died in 1990. He is stilled looked upon today as one of the most important behaviorailists. His work is still studied and revered for its genius. Skinner was an independent thinker who studied everyone, including himself. B. F. Skinner Essay -- Behaviorism Behavior BehavioristB. F. SkinnerBurrhus Frederic Skinner, psychologist and behaviorist, was born in Susquhanna, Pennsylvania in 1904 to William Skinner and Grace Burrhus. His father was a lawywer and his mother was a naturally bright woman. Skinner had only one sibling his bro ther died at the age of sixteen. Skinner lived most of his life in Susquhanna. He did not leave the house he was born in until he left to go to college. He was raised very close to his grandparents, who had a major impact on his early life. He was also close to his parents. He and his mother and father all graduated from the same high school. This was the same school that he had attended for all twelve years of his education. Skinner attended Hamilton College at the reccomadation of a family friend. He took many different types of courses before deciding to major in English and minor in Romance Languages. Skinner felt that he did not fit in at college. He disliked the fraterninty that he had joined and he did not understand why the college required the courses that it did. He felt that he was made to take too much physical education and not enough emphasis was place on actual academics. The summer before his senior year he attended the Middlebury School of English at Breadloaf, Verm ont. During this summer he had lunch with Robert Frost. Frost asked to see his work and gave Skinner a lot of enfouragemant. This led him to the decision to become a writer. Skinners father was not happy with this decision. He has hoped that his son would become a lawywer, like himself. His father eventually agreed to his decision, and Skinner moved back home to start his new career. He built himself an office in his parents house where he could write. He was to try to be a writer ... ...ology of literature. She listened to him and gave him advice on his lectures. In the next ten years, he wrote three books all having to do with the psychology of literature. Yvonne and Skinner had two daughters, Julie and Deborah. It was the birth of their second child taht inspired one of Skinners inventions. He invented the baby box to ease the burdens of chilcare for his wife. The box is still used today, but is not so widespread because changes in childacare are hard to make. Another of his mos t famous endeavors was project pigion. This was an experiment designed to teach pigions to guide missles in the 1930s. B. F. Skinner died in 1990. He is stilled looked upon today as one of the most influential behaviorailists. His work is still studied and revered for its genius. Skinner was an independent thinker who studied everyone, including himself.
Nazis Pursuit of the Perfect Race :: Marriage Germany Nazis History Essays
Nazis Pursuit of the Perfect RaceThe organization of the argument of this musical composition is not particularly imaginative since this writer lists elements in a strictly sequential order, but he or she demonstrates familiarity with a wide range of documents and concepts of the subscriber while working closely with the specific language of the document he or she is presenting. 1. Remember that you are a German. 2. If you are genetically healthy you should not remain unmarried. 3. Keep your body pure. 4. You should keep your mind and spirit pure. 5. As a German choose only a spouse of the same or Nordic blood. 6. In choosing a spouse ask about his ancestors. 7. Health is also a precondition for physical beauty. 8. Marry only for love. 9. Dont look for a playmate but for a companion for hymeneals. 10. You should want to have as many children as possible. (CR 286) This document, the Ten Commandments fo r Choosing a Spouse from the Advice Center for the Improvement of transmissible and Racial Health of the Aryan society, is a compilation of recommendations to reinforce the position of the Nazi policy of pursing racial purity (Ellis, Esler 365). It was published in 1934 as Nazi propaganda to influence the public to move towards the Nazi governments ideal society of Aryans. The problem in executing this plan was that the restrictions placed by the Nazi government against non-citizens caused the marriage rate to decline. In achieving this dream, Hitler tried to redefine gender roles in Nazi Germany in order to return the woman to the household and restore her to her true business - motherhood (Ellis, Esler 365). The Ten Commandments for Choosing a Spouse is an example of Hitlers campaign towards his Aryan utopian society. Even though the high school textbook claims that women took secondary roles in Nazi Germany, women were so important to the
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Medical Analysis of The JFK Assassination :: John F. Kennedy American History Essays
Medical Analysis of The JFK Assassination Dr. Charles Crenshaws book Conspiracy of Silence caused a minor sensation when it was released in 1992, even attracting the attention of the new York Times. Coauthored by Jens Hansen and Gary Shaw, it told several conspiratorial stories about the assassination, and especially about the mathematical function of Dr. Crenshaw, then a resident physician at Parkland Hospital, in the share of John Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald.It has since been reprinted as Trauma Room One.Among the interesting things that Crenshaw claims areThe back of Kennedys bearing was blown out, clearly implying a shot from the Grassy knoll in front of Kennedy.A small wound in Kennedys throat was an entrance wound, proving a shot from the front, and not from the Snipers Nest behind Kennedy.Parkland doctors, well-educated there was a conspiracy, have feared to speak out.The Presidents body was altered between Parkland Hospital and the autopsy at Bethesda.And the most sen sational Lyndon Johnson called the operating direction were Oswald was being treated and demanded a confession be extracted from the accused assassin.Conspiracy authors, wanting to push the idea of a shot from the Grassy Knoll, have lapped up Crenshaws account. For example, Gary Aguilar quotes Crenshaw as followsHe, with co-authors, Jens Hansen and Gary Shaw, recently published a book, Conspiracy of Silence (Crenshaw, CA, Hansen, J, Shaw, G. Conspiracy of Silence. 1992, New York, Signet). Crenshaw has claimed both in his book and in public interviews that the Presidents head wound was posterior on the mightily side. In Conspiracy of Silence he wrote, I walked to the Presidents head to get a closer look. His entire right cerebral hemisphere appeared to be gone. It looked like a crateran empty cavity. Conspiracy writer Gary Aguilar accepts Crenshaws account. His essay on supposed back of the head witnesses is expedient and interesting although many of his assessments of the testim ony are to be treated skeptically. How does Crenshaw know such things? According to the book, he had a central role in treating Kennedy. heretofore when the New York Times called up Crenshaw in reponse to his book, he backed away from the books claims as to how central he was, saying that Hansen and Shaw took poetic license on this issue. Crenshaw admitted . . .that the role he played in Kennedys case was minor. See the Times of May 26, 1992.It hardly inspires confidence in the book when Crenshaw says things like this.
Medical Analysis of The JFK Assassination :: John F. Kennedy American History Essays
Medical Analysis of The JFK Assassination Dr. Charles Crenshaws book Conspiracy of Silence caused a venial sensation when it was released in 1992, even attracting the attention of the New York Times. Coauthored by Jens Hansen and Gary Shaw, it told several conspiratorial stories about the assassination, and especially about the role of Dr. Crenshaw, then a nonmigratory physician at Parkland Hospital, in the care of John Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald.It has since been reprinted as Trauma Room One.Among the interesting things that Crenshaw claims areThe back of Kennedys peak was pursy out, clearly implying a shot from the Grassy Knoll in front of Kennedy.A small wound in Kennedys throat was an entrance wound, proving a shot from the front, and not from the Snipers Nest behind Kennedy.Parkland doctors, knowing there was a conspiracy, have feared to speak out.The Presidents body was altered between Parkland Hospital and the atomic number 61 at Bethesda.And the most sensational Lyn don Johnson called the operating room were Oswald was being treated and demanded a confession be extracted from the accused assassin.Conspiracy authors, wanting to push the mood of a shot from the Grassy Knoll, have lapped up Crenshaws account. For example, Gary Aguilar quotes Crenshaw as followsHe, with co-authors, Jens Hansen and Gary Shaw, recently published a book, Conspiracy of Silence (Crenshaw, CA, Hansen, J, Shaw, G. Conspiracy of Silence. 1992, New York, Signet). Crenshaw has claimed two in his book and in public interviews that the Presidents head wound was posterior on the right side. In Conspiracy of Silence he wrote, I walked to the Presidents head to get a closer look. His entire right cerebral hemisphere appeared to be gone. It looked like a crateran empty cavity. Conspiracy writer Gary Aguilar accepts Crenshaws account. His strain on supposed back of the head witnesses is useful and interesting although many of his assessments of the testimony are to be treated s keptically. How does Crenshaw know such things? According to the book, he had a central role in treating Kennedy. Yet when the New York Times called up Crenshaw in reponse to his book, he backed away from the books claims as to how central he was, saying that Hansen and Shaw took poetic license on this issue. Crenshaw admitted . . .that the role he played in Kennedys case was minor. See the Times of May 26, 1992.It hardly inspires confidence in the book when Crenshaw says things like this.
Monday, May 27, 2019
My Personal Idiolect Essay
Whilst completing this project on rn language, I discovered aspects of my own personal speech (also known as idiolect) and the mutation between peoples language due to their culture and environment. Living in Luton for sixteen years I have had many experiences which shapes my idiolect to what it is today. Three main factors which have influenced me the most argon my family, my friends and the media such as internet, music and TV. I was born and raised in Luton, England. Both my parents were born in England and both amaze from irish backgrounds, however have no trace of an irish dialect. In my home, we all have the Lutonian accent except from my momma who comes across as swish due to her job as a teacher. The typical Lutonian accent is the missing pronunciation of the letter T, for example. A good example of this is the pronunciation of the article Luton to most natives, it is said like Lun, or for the word water, we would pronouce it as wara.During primary school, I was known a s a difident girl, when communicating with people I would get really nervous, i feared silence and would get some type of speakers anxiety. This made me use makeweights such as erm and like and hesistaions. I would use these fillers to give myself a short period of time to consider on what Im going to say. Another curtilage for why I used fillers was to make the person I was having a conversation with take over and finish my sentence, as I am much of a listener than a talker. As I have gotten older, I have gained more confidence. I still use fillers (as you crapper see in my transcript) but I use them for holding the floor, I do not want to give 5+up my turn in speaking and sort of want a little extra time to think about what Im going to say next. I would use a filler to signal this. I was accused of having a posh accent during primary school due to the fact i rarely use the slang that my peers used. address such as sick meaning good or peng meaning nice/beautiful were not the l anguage i would use, due to the fact that my ma has a teaching role as an english teacher, so she has higher expectations of me and vocabulary. My mum consistently corrects my speech for instance, i usually say teached instead of taught which my mum would immediatly stop me in a conversation to correct me, she even corrects my punctuation or spelling mistakes in text messages. This is why in my transcript you can see I use more fillers and hesitations as I am making sure I am understandable even though I am not using developed sentences. I used the word innitat the end of my sentence when speaking to Calam, this is another way of saying isnt it or do you agree. I would use this word to look for reassurance that my audience (Calam) is engaged into the conversation.It is a hidden rhetorical question, which a lot of the jr. generation use. In the conversation with my dad, I changed the word Innit to say Ya know what I mean. This is because I know most adults consider slang as bad-mann ered and disrespectful. Another reason is because I wouldnt want my dad or any adult to feel uncomfortable and confused when talking to me if I spoke in the way I do with my friends. I speak to adults politer than how i would speak to my friends as society makes young people feel inferior whereas adults are seen as the unspoken authority figure.Contraction is another element I use, which is a shortenered form of group of words. An example of this is highlighted in the conversation with my brother when I say words such as gonna. This is a shorterned way of saying going to, that can also be classified as slang. This adds to the informality of the text. On the other hand, the choice of vocabulary I used with my mum was simple and more understandable than what I used with Calam. This is due to the age and generation difference.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
American Islam Female Converts Essay
Islam is the worlds fastest growing organized religion by number of conversions each year. Despites Islam beginnings in Arabia, today more than 80% of all Islamic believers life outside the Arab world (Records, 2009). Surprisingly, many of this new converts are women who despite Islams numerous female restrictions, many support affirmed a new found joy and harmony in their lives. Islam laws for women are seen by many as coercive because they regulate important aspects of womens life such as clothing, social relationships, marriage, divorce, inheritance, etc. I would be examining the different reasons why this western women converts decided to make such a organic change to their lives.To achieve my goal successfully I would like to use various qualitative and quantitative methods to identify eligible individuals to interrogate further and to stones throw fivefold variables that might be interconnected. I pass on be examining different factors such as age, education, time living in the US, time they have been a Muslim, marital status, religion of their significant other, religion of their parents, and degree of religiosity bit growing up. umpteen of these new converts are fellow Americans who have found multiple benefits practicing their new religion. I therefore think my research is important because it portrays what Islam teacher and has to offer to its believers from people that we can easily relate to.Literature reviewMany people claim that Muslim women are restricted by their religion because of the immense amount of rules that it is imposed to them. One particular research conducted by Zaidi and Shuraydi (2002 507) queryed 20 Pakistani women in the United States in an attempt to study the different perceptions of arranged marriage among women living in western society. The study concluded that Muslim feminist have to cope with a prevalent double standard governing the behavior of males and females. This means that part the Koran claims that men a nd women are the same, in reality they are treated with fewer privileges than men. To support their claim they presented that while women are prohibited from courting potential mates, men are given tacit approval. Despite the many claims against Islam, new women converts often argue that the Islamic religion and the Arab culture are sometimes confused.Researchers Maslim and Bjorck (2009 98) claim that many times the culture rules subdue to oppress women while the religion in turn promotes positive cultural views of gender roles and ethnic diversity. Their research mainly focused on the reasons why so many women were switching to Islam. To study this topic, the authors to contact the editors of a North American Magazine to get the sample group and then posted an online deals that the participants could answer. The results showed that while there are a variety of reasons why women switch their religion to Islam, the most common ones included dissatisfaction with their previous fait h, marriage requirement, and because of Islams significance and meaning.To experience further their point of view we have to compare Islam to other religion practices at the time Islam was instituted. One study performed by J Sechze (2004, 263-274) tried to guess different religious practices against women at the time Islam was created. The research found that many practices such as female infanticide, traditionally common in Christian communities, was command out when Islam was implemented. Additionally, it is suggested that polygamy was instituted in Islam to protect Muslim widows, whose husbands were killed during wars. This historical comparison makes us understand that Islam does support some feminist principals that lacked in other religions at the time. methodologyMy study will use a quantitative and a qualitative method to gather the data necessary to answer the research question presented on the introduction part. I have organized a short ten question essay that will all ow me to collect quantitative information. The survey will ask for variables age, education level, time living in the US, time they have been a Muslim, marital status, religion of their significant other, religion of their parents, and degree of religiosity while growing up. All of these questions will try to find different correlations among the different variables that might be important to consider when creating interview questions.The interview will be based of the survey taken by the individuals here. The idea is to contact people that took the survey that might be interested on meeting with the researcher and let us learn more about them. Interview will hopefully provide insight information about the survey answers that will further garter us identify patterns that might answer why they switch to Islam. The interview place will be up to the participant, they will sign release paperwork and the interview will be recorded for further analysis. I would like to base my research q uestion entirely on the survey correlations and therefore I do not have the interview questions pre- prepared. However, I will provide a list of possible interview questions that will be pose to change with the survey answers.ConclusionThis paper is a proposed research study of the different reasons why western non Muslim born women change their religion to Islam in their adulthood years. This is a fairly controversial topic since many people see Islam as oppressive to women because of its countless provisions regarding womens clothing, marriage and other social affairs. objet dart many previous researches support this notion and further give evidence of Islam women having to live in a double standard, other numerous studies suggest that Islam religion does not support such a thing and instead argue that it actually protects women that have help many women find faith and peace in their lives. To be able to conduct my study I will be using surveys and interviews that will provide me with quantitative and qualitative data to analyses and further interpret.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Prejudice in “Of Mice and Men†Essay
Prejudices are the ch ains forged by ignorance to keep workforce apart. Marguerite Gardiner. In society, both modern and in the past, injury has been a tool of thinking and labeling a group of race, people, class and culture in order to distinguish ones transcendence and dominance from one another, further is scarce a way to judge with out(p) gathering valid facts. In Of Mice and workforce by John Steinbeck, we see that damage was just as rampant in the 1930s. In the novel, prejudice is demonstrated on 3 different levels racial, sexual and social.It is shown how these prejudices generate false perceptions that although meant to aid, do no such good as their end result is clouding the truth. Racial prejudice is most significant when describing Crooks, who happens to be the stable buck for the farm. Crooks is also a Black man with a back dis skill, hence the reason he is called Crooks. While most of the other workers live in the same area and dish out to jobs that are quite s imilar, Crooks is forced to live by himself, work alone in the stables and is almost never in contact with any(prenominal) of the other characters. volume such as Curlys Wife go as far as to ridicule Crooks and even look down at him simply for the fact that he is a Black man with a disability who is a laborer. In one instance, Curlys Wife threatens Crooks by notice him Listen, Nigger, you make do what I can do if you open your trap, I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it aint funny (Steinbeck, 98). The open brutality of this com ment shows that even a cleaning lady, who would normally not have much or any say during this era in the 1930s, is still considered higher in social class than an African-American man.Nothing is realizen about him as a person by any of the other farm attendants, still the prejudices that in this case are completely false help propel a gap between them, when one does not need to be. Although he may be physically handicap, he is just as capable a s any of the others. As a result of world an outcast at the farm, Crooks has become very isolated and disengaged with the other members. When Lennie enters Crooks cabin in order retrieve the puppies, Crooks lashes out and tells Lennie I aint cute in the bunk room and you aint wanted in my room (Steinbeck,124).This comment shows that Crooks has become bitter and alone because of the prejudice constantly existence aimed at him when there is no reason for the way he is treated. He is a great overall example of racial prejudice in Of Mice and Men and society, both past and present, in which a African-American male, who is as capable as any man of another color is denied the same opportunities because of stereotypes and perceptions which can whole be supported with biased false facts. Sexual prejudice is strong when Curlys Wife is a part of a scene.Curlys Wife also happens to be the only female that is currently occupying the place of work that the novel is set in. Curlys Wife is pre sented as a character who tends to be very friendly with all the men on the farm and enjoys the attention she gets because her husband, Curly does not assign her the amount of attention that she wants, so she finds it with others. Curlys Wife is often avoided by all other who work at the farm because she is a woman who could get them in a lot of trouble.Curly is the boss son and Curlys Wife being the daughter-in-law always gets her way and can have any man in the farm fired without reason. She got the eye goin all the time on everybody. I bet she even gives the stable buck they eye. I dont know what the hell she wants (Steinbeck,51). Being a woman, there is already significant amount of sexual prejudice directed to her and the fact that she is very flirtatious with the other men further strengthens their perception of her. They all try to remain as calm as possible, careful not to give her the wrong idea cause they know the trouble that she could get them in.In actuality it appears that Curlys Wife only craves attention from the other men and nothing sexual because of the lack of her husband to give her the attention that she wants. The idea of her wanting something only sexual and not spiritual shows the prejudice associated with gender in this novel and how its falsehood prevents a lonely woman from engaging and connecting with others on a mental level. Equally important is the Social prejudice towards characters such as Candy and Lennie in Of Mice and Men.Candy is very elderly and not capable of doing much around the farm but is still kept around to do the simple chores that the others are seen as more of a waste of time for others. These simple chores are envied by others and this jealousy helps create a division between Candy and the others. Candy also has a hound dog that in galore(postnominal) ways is similar to him The dog aint no good to himself. I wisht somebodyd shoot me if I got over-the-hill an a cripple (pg. 45). They are both described as being old, withered, confused and in many ways more of a nuisance who would do more good dead than alive.Socially being hated by the majority of the men at the ranch shows the prejudice that is directed without any reason, but simply motivated by jealousy. In the instance of Lennie, social prejudice is strongest evident in the perception others have of him because in their eyes, all they see is a wide-ranging oaf incapable of accomplishing anything intelligent and only kept around for his strength. Before meeting Lennie and even engaging him in conversation, his position has already been accomplished at the Ranch.With Curly we see that Hes like a lot of little guys. He hates big guys. Hes alla time picking scraps with big guys. Kind of like hes mad at em because he aint a big guy (pg. 26). Regardless of his ability to be of help at the farm, Curly already establishes his position on Lennie even though he has had no significant direct contact or enough time to accurately depict Len nie as a person and not just a big man physically. Not only Curly, but other members of the farm also have decided Lennies place at work before fully knowing him.He is left out of card games, left back at the ranch when George and the others go out to hand more important jobs. Being considered a simple minded men with little use who spend their days playing with and day dreaming about rabbits or sweeping after others, Lennie and Candy have become outcasts in the sense that one of them is perceived to be mentally unstable and added to the fact that he is physically strong, while the other one is a nuisance who many could live without, make them both isolated and all the more reason to be avoid and singled out.Of Mice and Men is a brilliant novel in demonstrating that prejudice is a tool that people use to become more familiar with other individuals in order to overcome the fear of uncertainty. However, the ending result is that it puts maintain between the person and the one they ju dge because it is not fact, but perception that is completely untrue. Prejudice is simply the reasoning of a fool to make themselves know secure.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Gaps model of service quality Essay
The opening nights Model of serveQualityChapter2-12 The client scissure rift 5 The provider Gaps Gap 1 The Listening Gap not knowing what customers expect Gap 2 The Design and Standards Gap not having the office military service designs and standards Gap 3 The Performance Gap not delivering to service standards Gap 4 The Communication Gap not matching performance to promises Putting It every last(predicate) Together Closing the GapsMcGraw-Hill/IrwinCopyright 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.Objectives for Chapter 2The Gaps Model of Service Quality2-2 Introduce a framework, called the snaps model of servicequality, which is used to educate this textbook. Demonstrate that the gaps model is a useful framework for understanding service quality in an organization. Demonstrate that the most critical service quality gap to close is the customer gap, the difference betweencustomer expectations and perceptions. Show that four gaps that occur in compan ies, which we call provider gaps, are responsible for the customer gap. pick up the factors responsible for each of the four provider gaps.2-3The Customer GapGap 5Key Factors steerto the Customer GapCustomerGapGap 52-4CustomerExpectations Provider Gap 1 Not knowing what customers expect Provider Gap 2 Not selecting the right service designs and standards Provider Gap 3 Not delivering to service standards Provider Gap 4 Not matching performance to promisesCustomerPerceptions2-5Gaps Model of Service Quality Customer Gap 5 difference between customer expectations andperceptions Provider Gap 1 (Knowledge Gap) not knowing what customers expect Provider Gap 2 (Service Design & Standards Gap) not having the right service designs and standards Provider Gap 3 (Service Performance Gap) not delivering to service standards Provider Gap 4 (Communication Gap) not matching performance to promises2-6Provider Gap 1CUSTOMERExpectedServicePerceivedServiceCOMPANYGap 1The Listening GapCompanyPercepti ons ofConsumerExpectations2-7Key Factors Leading to Provider Gap 12-8Provider Gap 2CUSTOMERCOMPANYCustomer-DrivenService Designs andStandardsGap 2 The Design and StandardsGapCompanyPerceptions ofConsumerExpectations2-9Key Factors Leading to Provider Gap 22-10Provider Gap 3CUSTOMERCOMPANYService DeliveryGap 3The Performance GapCustomer-DrivenService Designs andStandards2-11Key Factors Leading to Provider Gap 32-12Provider Gap 4CUSTOMERCOMPANYGap 4 The CommunicationGap impertinentService DeliveryCommunicationsto Customers2-13Key Factors Leading to Provider Gap 42-14Gaps Model of Service Quality5Gap 4Gap 3Gap 1Gap 22-15Ways to Use Gap Analysis Overall Strategic Assessment How are we doing overall in meeting orexceeding customer expectations? How are we doing overall in closing the fourcompany gaps? Which gaps represent our strengths and whereare our weaknesses?2-16Ways to Use Gap Analysis Specific Service Implementation Who is the customer? What is the service? Are we consistently meet ing/exceedingcustomer expectations with this service? If not, where are the gaps and what changes are inevitable? (Examine gaps 1-4 for this particularservice.)
Thursday, May 23, 2019
A Palaeo Environmental Assessment Of Sediments
This palaeo-environmental Reconstruction is based upon utilizing a multi-proxy attack to analyze lake deposits. The lake of Wuxu-hai prevarications in the country of Yunnan, s verbotenhwest China ( figures 1 and 2 ) and consists of a individual basin mensurating 1.7km2 situated at an height of 3630m a.s.l. It is thought that Wuxu-hai Lake was formed by glacial procedures during the get Glacial Maximum ( LGM ) .At present, the catchment lies in a sub-alpine flora belt situated at 250m below the current pointline. The flora is chiefly comprised of cone-bearing woods ( genus Pinus, Picea and Abies ) , deciduous and evergreen genus genus Quercus. The country to a eminenter place the current treeline is dominated by grassland steppe.1.2. bodilys, Methods and TechniquesIn 2008 a 6.5 m nucleus was extracted from the Centre of Wuxu-hai Lake and sub-sampled at a declaration of 2cm, utilizing a multi-proxy attack, affecting a assortment of lithological and biological techniques. Vegetat ion screen Reconstruction within the lake catchment is inferred from alterations in the pollen concentrations of species over trot ( Pinus, Quercas, Artemisia and family Poaceae ) . Loss on Ignition ( LOI ) has been carried out to find the primitive content of the nucleus. Furthermore, Mineral Magnetic Analysis ( Xlf ) has slayn topographic point in piece to find the entire magnetic composing of the majority deposit. Finally, Micro Charcoal analysis ( grains/cm3 ) has been used to uncover counts of micro wood coal, supplying a enroll of past fire events within the catchment.Figure 1 Map exemplifying the Figure 2 Detailed map of YunnanStates of China. Province ( approx 380,000km2 ) .2. ) ChronologyRadiocarbon dating was carried out on 12 equally separated subdivisions of the nucleus utilizing a assortment of different stuffs. The natural 14C ages can non be straight used as a calendar daylight of the month. This is because the degrees of atmospheric 14C have non remained chan geless during the span of clip that can be radiocarbon dated. Therefore, the natural 14C ages BP have been calibrated at 1 sigma and expressed as a mid point value ( Cal yr BP ) to give accurate calendar old ages. ( confuse 1 ) .DepthMaterial14C Age ( uncalibrated )Cal class BP( 2 sigma )Standard ErrorMedian Age ( Cal yr BP )Calender Year72.25Wood8001 508698 90110.9795678854.5 506904.580.25Shell7899 658587 898718787 656837130.5Wood9211 3910253 104430.85851610348 398398142.5Leaf9555 5510702 111090.99114410905.5 558955.5151.5Leaf10018 2711329 116290.95950511479 279529225.5Majority8742 one hundred twenty-five9535 1016019847.5 1257897.5268.5Seed13571 3315800 16546116173 3314223307.5Leaf14258 5416618 17438117028 5415078359.5Wood14723 6717285 18083117684 6715734431.5Wood16216 4119228 19484119356 4117406501.5Shell12321 7813994 14734114364 7812414629.5Majority18921 10222238 22638122438 10220488Table 1 Chronology tabular array exemplifying calibrated 14 C AMS day of the months for WX1-08 nucleus. on-line standardization was calculated utilizing Calib Executive Version 5.0.2 package ( Stuiver and Reimer, 1993 ) . The tabular array besides illustrates the carbon 14 ages, standard mistake determine, deepnesss of stuffs dated, type of stuff, uncalibrated and graduated day of the months.3. ) Age-depth ModelFigure 3 Age-depth theoretical account covers the degree from 22.438 cal division BP nowadays.Age deepness theoretical accountUsing the information illustrated in table 1, an age-depth theoretical account was created for the nucleus. notwithstanding, it is necessary to province that when making the age-depth theoretical account, two of the original informations points were removed ( Table 2 ) .DepthMaterial14C Age ( uncalibrated )Cal year BP( 2 sigma )Standard ErrorMedian Age ( Cal yr BP )Calender Year225.5Majority8742 1259535 1016019847.5 1257897.5501.5Shell12321 7813994 14734114364 7812414Table 2 Table exemplifying the 2 values that were considered anomalousnesss. The majority and shell stuffs, which were at deepnesss of 225.5 and 501.5 within the nucleus sample represented importantly lower median ages than the information points above them. This instantly became appargonnt when plotting them on the age-depth theoretical account as their mediocre ages ( Cal yr BP ) represented obvious anomalousnesss. These values were removed from the age-depth theoretical account.Figure 4 Four zones have been interpreted from the magnetic susceptibility values. These values indicate mineral magnetic belongingss which can be used to set up alterations in rates of deposit which can so deduce alterations in clime or alterations is the energy of the clime nearly the catchment ( Dearing, 1986 ) . The four zones stretch across all placeholders leting a multi-proxy probe in which palaeo Reconstruction is based on the integrating of grounds from all the origins.Entire organic CPinus Quercus Artemisia Poaceae Loss-on-I gnition Charcoal Magnetic SusceptibilityPercentage ( % ) Percentage ( % ) Percentage ( % ) Percentage ( % ) Percentage ( % ) Grains Per Gram Xlf95171337116376190332082722105Entire organic SilicateZone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 45. ) Data reading5.1. ) The undermentioned subdivision is an reading of the dataset in fix up to bring forth a paleoenvironmental history for Wuxu-hai Lake. Comparisons to local and regional datasets will be made throughout to measure larger-scale forms that could be related to climatic alterations. placeholderInferencePinus manoeuvre ( Pine ) ConiferousGrows at High heights ( Upland tree )Cool conditions, precipitationPoor, coarse textured dirtspollen-analytical oscillations laic alterations in flora screen ( vegetation belt displacements )Treelines climatically sensitive transitional zonesEcological alterationsNot all workss produce equal measures of pollenQuercusTree ( Oak ) Deciduous and EvergreenGrows at lower lifts than Pinus( Valley braid )Better dirts th an PinusArtemisiaHerb/ShrubGrows at lower lifts than PinusWarm conditions, prohibitionistSteppe environmentGramineaeGrassOccurs in a broad assortment of environmentsChiefly grassland steppe ( above treeline )Loss on Ignition thorough content of sampleCharcoalRecord of past fire eventsMagnetic SusceptibilityGeology, dirt procedures, deposit tracts, pollution, biological conditions ( Thomas and Goudie, 2000 )Erosion rates and beginning of depositsTable 3 Summary of Proxies measured and how they can be used for palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction.5.2. ) Zone 4 ( 635.75cm-500cm ) 22,500 Cal yr BP-20,000 Cal year BP ( approx )At the beginning of this flow rate Artemisia concentrations attend a big asset and disconnected lessening which is so followed by a steady overall appurtenance to the terminal of this period. This steady overall adjunct is besides obvious from the Poaceae concentrations. However, the Pinus concentrations, which continually fluctuate during this period, illustra te an overall lessening. The Quercus concentrations fluctuate but remain at a relatively low degree throughout this period. These pollen concentrations suggest that the treeline was sing a progressive diminution in height during this period, leting an increased growing in highland grasses above the treeline. This causes increased Artemisia and Poaceae concentration which, in bend, would show that the catchment country was sing ice chest temperatures than antecedently. Yu et al. , ( 2003 ) survey utilizing a digest of lake records across China illustrated that insensate, cockeyed conditions were scramd in western China, before the LGM, produced by a lessening in vaporization due to a low temperature on land and an addition in precipitation.Towards the terminal of the zone the Pinus concentrations experience a rapid lessening to much lower values than old. The degrees of wood coal besides lessening. At this point the Poaceae and Artimisia concentrations demonstrate a rapid additio n. This suggests that the treeline retreated to even lower heights within the catchment country, where it was sing even colder conditions than earlier and increased precipitation. During this clip Yan et al. , ( 2007 ) illustrated glacial-induced downward migrations of alpine species ( Pinus ) in cardinal and west of Yunnan Province.The magnetic susceptibleness signal demonstrates duple fluctuations throughout this period. However, more specifically, it is apparent that the signal high spots a autumn in the mineral magnetic belongingss of the deposit at the terminal of this period. This lessening in the mineral magnetic signal indicates a alteration in the rates of deposit, perchance due to reduced rates of dirt eroding within the catchment.5.3. ) Zone 3 ( 500cm-360cm ) 20,000 Cal year BP -18,000 Cal year BP ( approx ) altogether pollen concentrations fluctuate greatly during this period showing the environmental volatility that was being undergo within the catchment. The Pinus po llen diagram demonstrates that several periods of rapid reduced concentrations take topographic point, in between several periods of rapid increased concentrations. This suggests that during this period of environmental volatility the treeline height was continually fluctuating as a upshot of a series of cold stages within the catchment. These continual fluctuations in treeline height are besides apparent from the Artemisia and Poaceae concentrations. As the Pinus concentrations quickly shine due to a decrease in treeline height and hence tree screen, the Artemisia and Poaceae concentrations quickly increase, due to an expansion of grassland countries situated above the treeline. Therefore, it is clear that this period represents an unstable clime which was continually switching between cold and warm stages.Throughout this period there is a abided fluctuation in the magnetic susceptibleness signal. However, the fluctuations occur at lower values than antecedently seen in zone 4. It is apparent that at the terminal of this zone there is a explosive important autumn in the magnetic susceptibleness signal. It appears that this lessening may be associated with the Last Glacial Maximum ( LGM ) . The timing of the LGM in China is problematic. However many writers place the LGM at 18,000 BP. Equally good as the autumn in the magnetic susceptibleness signal, it is evident from the pollen diagrams that at this clip there are immediate big lessenings in Artemisia and Poaceae concentrations and, later onwards a lag period, big additions in Pinus and Quercus concentrations. This big addition in tree pollen within the catchment demonstrates that the treeline increased in height as a consequence of clime betterment leting a short lived enlargement of forest countries. Walker ( 1986 ) explains that after the LGM, the flora began to react really shortly after or every bit shortly as deglaciation left surfaces available.5.4. ) Zone 2 ( 360cm-210 ) 18,000 Cal yr BP-13,7 00 Cal year BP ( approx )At the beginning of this period the treeline was at its topmost bound, about 18,000BP. However, after 18,000BP terrible diebacks of treeline occur, this is apparent when the concentrations of Pinus and Quercus all of a sudden experience a important lessening. The Er Yuan lake dataset from Yunnan provides grounds to propose that average one-year temperature, at about 18,000-17,000 BP, may hold been 4C below current temps ( Walker,1986 ) . The cold conditions experienced at Er Yuan may hold besides been experienced at Wuxu-hai which would explicate the terrible dieback of the treeline. From this point onwards the concentrations of Pinus and Quercus fluctuate until about 11,500 BP. Poacea concentrations remain between 0 and 20 ( grains/gram ) but besides fluctuate until about 11,500. A lake nucleus dataset from Xi Hu, Yunnan, highlighted a period between 15,000-10,500 BP which demonstrated a fluctuating clime with periods of intense seasonality ( Shaomeng et al 1986 ) . The fluctuations in all pollen concentrations evident in the nucleus may so correlate to this period of intense seasonality experienced at Xi Hu. However, a high declaration spelethem record from two caves in sou-west Yunnan demonstrate that the Indian Monsoon varied significantly during the period of last deglaciation, resembling different East Asiatic monsoon records, such as those from Hulu and Dongge Caves ( Cai et al. , 2006 ) . Therefore, the fluctuations in all pollen concentrations evident in the nucleus during this period could be related to the fluctuations in Monsoonal strength.Artemisia concentrations experience a important extremum at about 15,600 BP. This extremum may be attributed to the same cold-semi humid conditions which were experienced at Xi Hu between 17,000-15,000 BP ( Shaomeng et al 1986 ) . The Artimisia concentration so diminish where they excessively continue to fluctuate until about 11,500 BP. These fluctuations highlight a period after the LGM but before 11,500 BP during which short lived but complex vegetal alterations were taking topographic point. Walker ( 1986 ) highlights a similar fluctuation period within the Er Yuan lake dataset, between 14,000-10,500 BP, and states that this was the most vegetationally complex period. However, these fluctuations have no antagonistic portion in the Kunming lake dataset exemplifying the complexness of local clime alterations in Yunnan. promptly after the LGM the magnetic susceptibleness signal increases back to similar values that were present during zone 4. A strong extremum in the magnetic susceptibleness signal is apparent within this zone, about 16,700 BP. This may bespeak a alteration in deposit such as an inflow of tephra into the catchment country or Aeolian dust from desert parts in the North. However, this strong extremum in the magnetic susceptibleness signal is matched with reduced degrees of Pinus and Quercus concentrations which may bespeak that the environment within the catchment became unstable, impacting tree growing.5.5. ) Zone 1 ( 360cm-0cm ) 13,700 Cal yr BP-Present ( approx )This zone demonstrates a important extremum in wood coal concentrations at a deepness of 144cm, about 11,000BP. This addition is likely to stand for a big fire event within or around the catchment country. At the same clip there is a lessening in Quercus, Artimisia and Poaceae concentrations which imply that these countries within the catchment were affected by the fire. Around this clip Xi Hu experienced multiple vegetal and climatic events which were attributed to the Pleistocene-Holocene passage ( Shaomeng et al 1986 ) . However, this appears to hold no resemblance in Wuxu-hai, perchance due to the effects of the fire event. The Quercus, Artimisia and Poaceae concentrations so continue to worsen until 120cm, about 10,300, when Artimisia and Poaceae concentrations within the catchment addition. The pollen diagrams besides indicate that, at about 9,500 BP, the flora within the catchment begins to make a period of comparative stableness. No more rapid fluctuations in flora screen occur. The Xi Hu dataset besides illustrates the fact that after 10,500 there is no grounds of climatic alteration ( Shaomeng et al 1986 ) . Vegetation alteration after this period is largely of the order of accommodations within units. At a deepness of 100cm, about 9600 BP, the pollen diagrams demonstrate a gradual addition in concentrations of all pollen types. Menghai, Er Yuan and Kunming lake datasets attribute this addition, by about 10,000 BP, to the clime nearing modern values ( Walker, 1986 ) . At a deepness of 50cm, about 7,400BP Artemisia and Quercus concentrations demonstrate a steady lessening whereas Pinus and Poaceae concentrations remain stable. These comparatively stable concentrations demonstrate a displacement towards a new balance, closely similar to that of today and highlight the terminal of the environmental volatility which was apparent in the o ld zones. The Er Yuan and Kunming dataset besides indicate that by 10,500-7500 average one-year temperature and rainfall had reached degrees similar to today ( Walker, 1986 ) .The entire organic C concentration within this period indicates a important addition at a deepness of 50cm, about 7,500 BP, bespeaking a rapid inflow of organic affair into the lake at this clip.6. ) DecisionHaving described climatic alterations at Wuxu-hai catchment which history for the proxy accommodations it is apparent that the period between about 22,500 BP nowadays, is by and large dividable into, a clip before 13,500 BP when the clime form was complex, through a move towards progressively simplicity taking to a new stableness. However, it is indispensable to understand that this is a simplification of the many complex alterations that were taking topographic point throughout this period.Comparisons with other local and regional datasets have highlighted the fact that the paleoenvironmental history at Wuxu-hai has several comparings with the Er Yuan and Xi Hu lake datasets. However, the Kunming dataset comparings are non as clear. As Xiwen and Walker ( 1986 ) explain, there is a great assortment of local climes bring forthing vegetal differences, sometimes even on opposite sides of the same vale.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
When writing a short observe, pen and paper are moreover maximum herbals to use. The flipper pen technology with virtual pen and paper makes it possible to get a digital reproduction of handwritten facts and have it send off to virtual devices through BluetoothP-ISM (Pen Style Personal Networking Gadget) that is nothing but the new discovery thats developed by delegacy of the Nec Co-operation in 2003 .Its far sincerely a new invention in the figurer and it is related to comm unparalleled area. Honestly, this may have a remarkable effect on the pc discipline. In this tool, you will locate Bluetooth as the main interconnecting tool between extraordinary peripherals.INTRODUCTIONLaptop impacts our lives in a far larger manner then most of us may have an idea. It has grown to be a compulsory requirement in most professions with a view to use pc software. Modern computer systems which ordure be primarily based on integrated circuits are small enough to fit into mobile whatchamacallu ms, however, imagine having a computer a good way to suit into a pen.Imagine a global wherein everybody can use modern IT without being a professional.P-ISM is a system gadget including five functions it includes a CPU for processing, it also employ as a conversation pen, it carries a very small projector within it, and also it has a digital photographic camera scanner and a battery with it. P-ISMs are linked to each other via short-range Wi-Fi generation. The P-ISM (Pen-fashion personal Networking machine bundle) is best a prototype underneath festering level by NEC employer.In 2003, Geneva held the ITU telecom phrase exhibition which exhibited a conceptual $30,000 prototype of a P-ISM designed by means of the Tokyo-based totally NEC employer.A PC that uses an electronic pen (called a stylus) as debate to a console for input. Pen PCs for the most part require unique working frameworks that help penmanship acknowledgment with the goal that clients can compose on the screen or on a tablet as opposed to writing on a console.Most pen PCs are hand-held gadgets, which are too little for a full-estimate console.WORKING PROCESSThe P-ISM (Pen-style personal Networking system gadget) consists of a gadget of five pens that everyone has unique capabilities, Figure 1 Working of P-ISM? CPU penCPU capability is dead by mistreatment the pen itself. P-ISM is additionally referred to as computing engine Processors used within the pen is that the twin-core processor and its miles labored on the premise of home windows OS.?Communication penP-ISM uses Wire little Bluetooth technology for the communication and transfers the information to a different system. P-ISM additionally also will create a connection to with every cellular device and also it can use the Wi-Fi technology. ? Virtual keyboardP-ism provides associate degree entire virtual optical maser keyboard that may be a new widget.The operating of the P-ISM is that it emits the optical maser beams on the table surface that forms a keyboard On this specific keyboard, this can be done by a 3D IR sensing element technology with optical maser technology to induce a full-size keyboard. ? direct ProjectorThe pen contains an Led projector within it. So it can project an led monitor with the size of A4 and the resolution of the screen is approximately of 1024*768.The monitor projected by the P-ISM gave more clarity for the projection and a gave a good picture to the viewer.? Digital CameraWe had a photographic camera within the form of a pen. It is accommodating in video, Videoconferencing merely its known as a net cam. Its additionally connected to different devices through Bluetooth. The key advantage its little that is well transportable. Its a 360- Degree communication Device. Weve seen video phones many times in movies.Advantages of P-ISMWhat makes the P-ISM totally different from all of the prevailing elements is that its form likes pens. Pens are quite common objects that we tot up around on e veryday basis by carrying simply four pens youll produce a laptop. So, its transportable and may be carried simply.As the pen is a smaller amount visible and its easier to require it out with you, the scale and weight are plenty less and it will probably priceless because it can use less material.P-ISM adopts Bluetooth technology for information transfer that may be a wireless technology.Disadvantages of P-ISMThe P-ISM is formed from five loose pens which are able to move around with any amendment within the movement of the area. in an exceedingly train journey, theres tons of movement which is able to shake the pens around and shake the projection of the keyboard and screen. So, this cant be as inactive and economical as a portable computer.Also, these pens area unit terribly little and fragile so that they are broken simply whereas handling them or carrying them around. One pen itself prices quite a striated muscle thus you cant risk damaging or losing them.ConclusionThe special ized gadgets are getting to be noticeably littler and conservative. This is just a case of the beginning of this new innovation. We can expect all the more such advancements later on it appears that data terminals are immeasurably getting littler P-ISM.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Learning a Foreign Language Essay
Whats the best age to victimize a new language? researchers say that you shouldnt wait too want before introducing a baby to overseas languages. According to the critical period hypothesis, in that locations a certain window in which scrap language acquisition skills atomic number 18 at their peak. Researchers disagree over just how long that window is some say that it ends by age 6 or 7, while others say that it extends exclusively the way through puberty but after that period is over, it becomes much harder for a person to win a new language.Its not impossible, but children in that critical period have an close universal success rate at achieving near fluency and perfect accents, while adults results are more(prenominal) hit-and-miss. Because children are so much more skilled at picking up a second language than adults, immersion preschools and elementary schools are a popular choice for parents. Students at these schools have mathematics, explanation time and social studies the way other students do, but their classes are taught in a exotic language.not only does this give the students ample time to practice the foreign language, but some research indicates that much(prenominal) a program might have other academic benefits, such as higher math scores and sharper critical thinking skills. And learning a second language at such a young age doesnt hinder any abilities in the childs internal language it seems a childs brain is wired so that all linguistic rules, be they native or foreign, are picked up quickly.However, just because a child becomes fluent in Italian, Russian and Portuguese doesnt mean that he or she will be speaking those languages 50 days later. Without extended exposure to a language, the childs abilities diminish, so its important to provide act opportunities to practice these skills. anguage is too complex for children to understand. All the people know that if one wants to learn a foreign language, one must understand it s grammars and vocabularies. These things can not be easily understood by a child who does not have enough experience.Children are simply reciting the rules of grammars and vocabularies. The mountain like amount of rules and vocabularies are difficult for every people, especially children. As children are reciting the rules of grammars and vocabularies, they are forgetting them gradually to none. As a result, there is no good result for both children themselves and parents. Not everyone is a genius, and so almost of the children can not hold as many languages as their parents hopes. So, from my view children should not begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Counter Reformation
Counter reformation, begun by the Catholic Church with the opening of the Council of Trent, 1545, had both sides. One, the Counter Reformation proper, was a struggle against Protestantism. The othersometimes called the Catholic Reformationwas a causa for spiritual and moral reform within the Catholic Church (Reardon, 1981). For nearly a century some Catholic leaders had pleaded for a reform of the church in head and members. Little could be done, however, because keystone church appointments remained in the hands of political leaders.Spain was one of the earliest and strongest supporters of the Counter Reformation. Francisco Ximenes de Cisneros (1436- 1517) as archbishop of Toledo enforced drastic reforms in the church. Shortly before 1517 Giovanni Pietro Caraffa, later Pope capital of Minnesota IV, helped found in Rome the sermon of Divine Love, a society of priests committed to prayer and self- reform. In 1524, they disbanded and some of its members founded the Theatines, an ordain of priests dedicated to reforming the church. The line of battle spread through Italy, exerting growing influence (Bainton, 1983).In Spain, Saint Teresa of Avila, a Carmelite nun and mystic, reformed her order and exerted much influence through her writings. Another Spanish mystic and monastic reformer was Saint privy of the Cross. Adrian of Utrecht, a Dutch cardinal, was elected pope, Adrian VI in 1522, just now died 20 months later. He had tried to denounce institutional reforms in the church hierarchy and to keep church affairs independent of continental politics, but his efforts were fruitless. Clement VII (pope 1523- 34) was an intelligent clergyman, but timid and indecisive (Reardon, 1981).Paul III (pope 1534- 49) was committed to reforming the church. He was not influenced in church matters by pressure from continental leaders. Paul appointed many reformers to positions of authority. During Pauls papacy, Ignatius Loyola founded the Society of Jesus, an organizati on dedicated to reforming and strengthening the church. Members, called Jesuits, worked as theologians to help clarify and reform church doctrines as teachers to educate youth in these doctrines and as missionaries to spread the Gospel to foreign lands.Paul approved the society as a religious order in 1540. The Jesuits guided the Catholic revival and led the Counter Reformation (Bainton, 1983). The Council of Trent marked the beginning of the Counter Reformation. As early as 1534, Paul III had called for an ecumenical council to pioneer the reform, but his plans were obstructed by corrupt church officials and various continental leaders who wanted to advance their influence over the church. The council finally convened 1545 and sat for three sessions (1545-47, 1551-52, and 1562-63).It reaffirmed Catholic doctrines, implemented reforms to prevent abuses, and tightened papal battleground over the church. It also gathered church forces into a united front against Protestantism. In 1 555 Caraffa became Pope Paul IV. To demonstrate his commitment for reform, he broke with the papal tradition of worldliness and began a life of austerity, a standard which later popes maintained (Reardon, 1981). References 1. Bainton, R. H. The Age of Reformation. Krieger, 1983. 2. Reardon, B. M. G. Religious Thought in the Reformation. Longman, 1981.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Pecha Kucha
Alison Angell Sullivan English 1105B 2 December 2009 Odd Occurrences in reputation How we got started When registered with the task of devising a pecha kucha, my pardner and I brainstormed reports that interested us and then looked to see if we instal any that were related. Giovanni and I twain agreed that nature was a fascinating guinea pig and at maiden thought we would check pictures of different parts of nature around campus and describe them in a moving-picture show essay.After realizing the event was overly vague, we narrowed our counsel to aro drug abuse facts approximately animals and plants found in nature. I was fainthearted of how interesting our topic would be until Giovanni sent his list of strange facts he found on the Internet. I was astounded at the many things I was unaw atomic number 18 of, one of my favorites being a praying mantis eject turn its foreland 360 degrees, the only animal to be commensurate to do so. The look for portion of the en dure was by out-of-the-way(prenominal) one of the close to interesting I feed done for a project. I found myself wanting to look for to a greater extent.Giovanni and I mutually obdurate that the most logical way to fall in our topic would be in the form of a word-painting essay. We did most of our communication through Facebook messages and an casual email. Giovanni and I bated severally to find the facts for our pecha kucha but messaged back and fourth daily to progress to a crap each most other feedback. Content The circumscribe for the pecha kucha my quisling and I ruleed included interesting facts or so a mannikin of animals and a around plants that we thought would be new in coiffureion for the audience.The animals and plants we researched ranged all the way from birds in caves to the plants in the ocean. The content includes divine service-grabbing facts much(prenominal) as penguins be able to jump six feet in the air, praying mantis are the only anima l that are able to turn their heads 360 degrees, flamingos are pink beca apply their diet is composed of in general shrimp, mosquitoes are attracted to the subterfuge blue more than any other color, a snail mickle kip up to trinity years at a time, a sea squirt eats its cause brain and snakes lavatory see through their eyelids.The facts I found most interesting were the praying mantis chamberpot turn their heads 360 degrees, some species of birds can dive 15 feet underwater to capture a fish, a acephalous cockroach can survive for a couple of weeks, and sea cucumbers eviscerate themselves when in danger so the predator exit eat their insides while the cucumber scurries. The information we provided on our pecha kucha was found online from various websites barely for the information about the swiftlet birds that compose their nests of saliva, which we learned from Mrs. Sullivan. FormBased on the content my partner and I chose for the project, we decided that something like a photo essay would be most appropriate to present the information. An actual photo essay would non work because we did non tell a story but instead, make a presentation about different plants and animals that all relate through nature. Also, we ruled out using a memoir format or a public service announcement seeing as our topic did not crack with those ii forms. The pecha kucha covers fifteen different organisms, some having more than one sailplaning because of the heart of substance in that respect is on those topics.The pecha kucha was made using Powerpoint and Windows photo Maker. Both Giovanni and I were familiar with Powerpoint so I was able to make my slides through that processor and Giovanni, who is knowledgeable with Windows Movie Maker, was able to transfer my slides. Lastly, there was writing on each slide that Giovanni added using Paint on his computer to help take place an overview of each slide. wherefore we chose the slide material My partner and I wanted to pick a topic that interested both of us. After deciding on elements of nature, we met with Mrs.Sullivan who sparked an idea to focus on interesting, unkn bear things about different organisms in nature. We were both intrigued by the subject, which made us want to choose it for our topic. After conditioned that we were content with our topic, we knew that we had to present a pecha kucha that was going to be interesting to the audience. Giovanni and I agreed that since we were so astound by the research we found, the class would most likely be as well. Both Giovanni and I separate up to do research and messaged our findings to one some other.After we had more than enough information, we chose what we thought were the most interesting facts that would amazement the audience the most. How we chose the design elements present in the slides The pecha kucha was made using Powerpoint because both Giovanni and I were familiar with how to use it and also Windows Movie Maker. We added writing to each of our slides to highlight what the slide was on to help the audience add what we were covering. There are two impressions included in our presentation and a few topics that required more than one slide.For the design, we made sure to space the topics that required two slides and the movies evenly throughout the pecha kucha so that we would not clear two similar groups of two slides next to each other or a movie next to another movie, to provide variety for the audience. Audio Component For the sound component of our pecha kucha, we chose to use pre- save audio. My partner has a fear of public speaking, which led us to using pre-recorder audio. Luckily, Giovanni has a headset and microphone, which we used to get the floor on the computer.After we recorded our audio, Giovanni used sound-editing computer software to format the audio and create an eloquent narrative. Giovanni and I did not use audio during the two slides that had videos, in order for the audience to be able to focus on the video. due to the fact that our audio is pre-recorded and may not get as much attention as a live narration would, we used wording on each slide to give people a summary of what our audio was about. Compromises due to work with a partner I have never been a huge raw sienna of partner projects because of my obsessive-compulsive soulality.I am very controlling and disembodied spirit that if things are not done by me, they will not be correct. I realize I am unregenerate about these things and that working with a partner has upsides too. However, I usually like to take control and when working with a partner I am not always able to do that. Also, there had to be a compromise in scheduling. Giovanni and I had to compensate for each others schedules and find time to work together. Though I may have not had better ideas than my partner, I had to rid of some ideas because he did not agree and my partner had to rid of some of his ideas because I did not agree with them.Also, I compromised in the way our pecha kucha was presented. I found it much easier to present our project orally in apparent motion of the class, however, since my partner was shy about public speaking, we went with pre-recorded audio. Lastly, though not a compromise, I am not a fan of partner projects because I am not a fan of confrontation. When I work on partner projects, I will rarely disagree with another persons ideas because I try to avoid conflict, a flaw I need to work on. Bene sum ups of having a partnerThough I am not interested in partner work, it does have benefits that can sometimes outperform the compromises. Based forward the saying two heads are better than one, working with a partner on this project helped hunt down to working on a very interesting topic that I would most likely not have thought of on my own. Also, since there were two people working on research, we were able to have an overflow of ideas and pick from those the most interesting, t o create an intriguing pecha kucha. Whenever working solo on a project, it is saturated to tell if your ideas make sense or have substance.By working with a partner, I was able to cite him on whether or not my ideas were going to benefit the project. Working with a partner benefitted me greatly when it came to the proficient work of doing pre-recorded audio and inserting movies. My partner was able to put together the audio to fit with each slide and integrate movies into two of the slides, two things I would not have been able to do on my own. why I enjoyed the project The pecha kucha naming was one of the more enjoyable group projects I have had to do throughout school.What I liked most about the project was that we, the students, had the opportunity to fundamentally create our own project. We were able to work with information we found interesting and had the opportunity to put it into several(prenominal) different forms. I sometimes find it challenging to start an assignment with as little reservations as this one, but with the help of a partner, the project came together smoothly. Overall, the ability to work with information that we found interesting made the pecha kucha assignment enjoyable.Pecha KuchaAlison Angell Sullivan English 1105B 2 December 2009 Odd Occurrences in Nature How we got started When presented with the task of making a pecha kucha, my partner and I brainstormed topics that interested us and then looked to see if we found any that were related. Giovanni and I both agreed that nature was a fascinating topic and at first thought we would take pictures of different parts of nature around campus and describe them in a photo essay.After realizing the topic was too vague, we narrowed our focus to interesting facts about animals and plants found in nature. I was unsure of how interesting our topic would be until Giovanni sent his list of strange facts he found on the Internet. I was astounded at the many things I was unaware of, one of my favorites being a praying mantis can turn its head 360 degrees, the only animal to be able to do so. The research portion of the project was by far one of the most interesting I have done for a project. I found myself wanting to look for more.Giovanni and I mutually decided that the most logical way to present our topic would be in the form of a photo essay. We did most of our communication through Facebook messages and an occasional email. Giovanni and I worked independently to find the facts for our pecha kucha but messaged back and fourth daily to give each other feedback. Content The content for the pecha kucha my partner and I designed included interesting facts about a variety of animals and a few plants that we thought would be new information for the audience.The animals and plants we researched ranged all the way from birds in caves to the plants in the ocean. The content includes attention-grabbing facts such as penguins are able to jump six feet in the air, praying manti s are the only animal that are able to turn their heads 360 degrees, flamingos are pink because their diet is composed of mainly shrimp, mosquitoes are attracted to the color blue more than any other color, a snail can sleep up to three years at a time, a sea squirt eats its own brain and snakes can see through their eyelids.The facts I found most interesting were the praying mantis can turn their heads 360 degrees, some species of birds can dive 15 feet underwater to capture a fish, a headless cockroach can survive for a couple of weeks, and sea cucumbers eviscerate themselves when in danger so the predator will eat their insides while the cucumber scurries. The information we provided on our pecha kucha was found online from various websites except for the information about the swiftlet birds that compose their nests of saliva, which we learned from Mrs. Sullivan. FormBased on the content my partner and I chose for the project, we decided that something like a photo essay would be most appropriate to present the information. An actual photo essay would not work because we did not tell a story but instead, made a presentation about different plants and animals that all relate through nature. Also, we ruled out using a memoir format or a public service announcement seeing as our topic did not correspond with those two forms. The pecha kucha covers fifteen different organisms, some having more than one slide because of the amount of substance there is on those topics.The pecha kucha was made using Powerpoint and Windows Movie Maker. Both Giovanni and I were familiar with Powerpoint so I was able to make my slides through that processor and Giovanni, who is knowledgeable with Windows Movie Maker, was able to transfer my slides. Lastly, there was writing on each slide that Giovanni added using Paint on his computer to help give an overview of each slide. Why we chose the slide material My partner and I wanted to pick a topic that interested both of us. After deci ding on elements of nature, we met with Mrs.Sullivan who sparked an idea to focus on interesting, unknown things about different organisms in nature. We were both intrigued by the subject, which made us want to choose it for our topic. After knowing that we were content with our topic, we knew that we had to present a pecha kucha that was going to be interesting to the audience. Giovanni and I agreed that since we were so amazed by the research we found, the class would most likely be as well. Both Giovanni and I split up to do research and messaged our findings to one another.After we had more than enough information, we chose what we thought were the most interesting facts that would surprise the audience the most. How we chose the design elements present in the slides The pecha kucha was made using Powerpoint because both Giovanni and I were familiar with how to use it and also Windows Movie Maker. We added writing to each of our slides to highlight what the slide was on to help the audience summarize what we were covering. There are two movies included in our presentation and a few topics that required more than one slide.For the design, we made sure to space the topics that required two slides and the movies evenly throughout the pecha kucha so that we would not have two similar groups of two slides next to each other or a movie next to another movie, to provide variety for the audience. Audio Component For the sound component of our pecha kucha, we chose to use pre-recorded audio. My partner has a fear of public speaking, which led us to using pre-recorder audio. Luckily, Giovanni has a headset and microphone, which we used to get the narration on the computer.After we recorded our audio, Giovanni used sound-editing computer software to format the audio and create an eloquent narrative. Giovanni and I did not use audio during the two slides that had videos, in order for the audience to be able to focus on the video. Due to the fact that our audio is pre- recorded and may not get as much attention as a live narration would, we used wording on each slide to give people a summary of what our audio was about. Compromises due to working with a partner I have never been a huge fan of partner projects because of my obsessive-compulsive personality.I am very controlling and feel that if things are not done by me, they will not be correct. I realize I am stubborn about these things and that working with a partner has upsides too. However, I usually like to take control and when working with a partner I am not always able to do that. Also, there had to be a compromise in scheduling. Giovanni and I had to compensate for each others schedules and find times to work together. Though I may have not had better ideas than my partner, I had to rid of some ideas because he did not agree and my partner had to rid of some of his ideas because I did not agree with them.Also, I compromised in the way our pecha kucha was presented. I found it much easier to present our project orally in front of the class, however, since my partner was shy about public speaking, we went with pre-recorded audio. Lastly, though not a compromise, I am not a fan of partner projects because I am not a fan of confrontation. When I work on partner projects, I will rarely disagree with another persons ideas because I try to avoid conflict, a flaw I need to work on. Benefits of having a partnerThough I am not interested in partner work, it does have benefits that can sometimes outweigh the compromises. Based off the saying two heads are better than one, working with a partner on this project helped lead to working on a very interesting topic that I would most likely not have thought of on my own. Also, since there were two people working on research, we were able to have an overflow of ideas and pick from those the most interesting, to create an intriguing pecha kucha. Whenever working solo on a project, it is hard to tell if your ideas make sense or have su bstance.By working with a partner, I was able to consult him on whether or not my ideas were going to benefit the project. Working with a partner benefitted me greatly when it came to the technical work of doing pre-recorded audio and inserting movies. My partner was able to put together the audio to fit with each slide and integrate movies into two of the slides, two things I would not have been able to do on my own. Why I enjoyed the project The pecha kucha assignment was one of the more enjoyable group projects I have had to do throughout school.What I liked most about the project was that we, the students, had the opportunity to basically create our own project. We were able to work with information we found interesting and had the opportunity to put it into several different forms. I sometimes find it challenging to start an assignment with as little reservations as this one, but with the help of a partner, the project came together smoothly. Overall, the ability to work with i nformation that we found interesting made the pecha kucha assignment enjoyable.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Career Episode
resist de none branch crap nitty-gritty instauration CAREER EPISODE No. 1 PIRANHA HANGAR BASE CONSTRUCTION expulsion Place in Colombia base 1. This number 1 circumstance is based on my learn as discombobulate and Quality control Manager for the submit related to th bodily structure of two piranha air wharf base. This put was executed by XXX, the Comp either which I departed for, and the Contractor was the ZZZ. This construction view took channelize from noble-minded 2004 to August 2005. minimize 2. The main scope of this propose was to build two hangar bases for piranha labor boats.These hangar bases provided different facilities to military personnel that need most conduct during their military operations and from each single one had fuel storage and supply facilities, warehouse, dinning and temporary housing facilities . Thus, it was necessary to build a boozing piddle arranging, healthy system, fuel storage and distri aloneion system, air conditioni ng system, bilge and steady system, electric lucre, including generator set. Hull, deck and roof anatomical structure were create on nerve structure with different spectacles and masking schema. Each piranha hangar base weighted 209 tons and had two storeys. 3.The Hull was serene by five pontoons each one of 8 meters length x 1. 20 meters comprehensiveness x1. 5 meters depth and a main section of 24 meters length x 3. 5 meters width x 1. 5 meters depth. Each pontoon had a specific function, pontoon number 3 was introductioned for sewage system, pontoon five was apply for b anyast system and included sea box. Inside other pontoons thither were set uped pipe lines for fuel, sanitary, electrical, bilge and ballast system. Hull main section was builded to fuel and finishing NAME outgrowth NAME shopping centre NAME potable body of pee storage. On second floor, there were located facilities for housing, office and nursery. . The main exist problem for this cast was th at the hangar base had to be put on on site since transportation of an absolute hangar base was impossible due to security conditions. ZZZ indomitable that this was a Best Value Proposal, which doer that the selected constructor would be the gild that guarantees the success of the project regardless the price. The confederation had to define and support not only an economic and adept proposal but as comfortablyhead as a real proposal that study and guaranteed tone of voice, transportation and security/safety factors.This proposal also had to include a fabrication mean at Bogota and an on-site, transportation plan and on-site prevarication plan. The contractor also had to outline an integral plan to perform assembly on-site and furthermore pinpoint which equipment would be used in pre-assembly and joint golf-club heavy steel modules. PERSONAL ENGINEERING ACTIVITY 5. During the bid work at, I was an active member of the technical team which defined technical solution , including hull modules definition, fabrication and assembly plan at Bogota and on site. This technical team was composed (in hierarchical set) by my boss Eng.XYZ, who is the general manager of the Company, me and a concourse of external specialists from different fields e. g. structural, naval and mechanical plan . In this stop, I was in ailment of coordinating equipment to define an integral solution and based on conclusions of the technical team meetings, I did relevant documents such(prenominal) as fabrication and assembly plan, transportation plan, Quality control plan and technical proposal, including project schedule. Final proposal presented by ZZZ was composed of two main stages. The first one was fabricating at Bogota, dying NAME number 1 NAME midriff NAME he hull (pontoons and main hull) and processing steel dental plates and steel profiles, including linchpinblaring and coating process. Second stage was transport these steel modules by air and joint them at pro ject location. After a meeting, in which I had to explain and support physiqueed plans to ZZZ, they fortunately decided that our proposal was the best option for them, so the Company was selected as the contractor for the construction of two pirana Hangar Bases and then it started a new process, which was related to the construction of the project gibe to proposed plans. . For this construction stage, my mull description was that of count on and Quality Control Manager . The following were my main functions 6. 1 ENGINEERING ACTIVITIES superintendence and ensuring that each practise was performed agree to drawings and specs. This activity was performed passim the entire process, including construction stage. Supervising steel structure fabrication process. Hull modules were fabricated on a Steel Structure shop located at Bogota . These modules were pre-assembled here in Bogota to guarantee that it would not be any problem at the place.All join procedures of hull modules we re tested by a company which is certified to verify and qualify welding quality and procedures. Steel structure was sent to the place with primer and barrier coating final exam coating was applied on site . This decision was taken for two main reasons. Firstly, at the place relation back humidity level is extremely high, so quality of coating activities could not be guaranteed furthermore, sand blasting procedures could nett NAME archetypical NAME MIDDLE NAME not be done at the places due to its cost and environmental regulations. Selecting Test Company to perform and control quality of main.I also oversee and ensured that welders were certified by an approved organization. Ensuring welding activities, pipelines and equipments performed at optimal level. Sought reals and equipment needed by the project and assured that those fulfilled requirements established by ZZZ. at one time I had identified the supplier for equipment and/or materials, I gave the info to the Purchase Depart ment of the company and they performed the acquisition and coordinated deliin truth procedures. This procedure was under my supervision and I had to be informed about acquire and delivery status.When the supplier was located out of the country, purchase procedure was my responsibility from beginning to end. This meant that I had to define right supplier, perform importation and nationalization process and coordinate process until its delivery on-site. Writing technical enshrouds that were required by client. Guarantying to client that all activities were performed according to submitted plans. Supervising that those activities were performed fulfilling requirement of Quality Control Plan. Simulating behavior of each piranha hangar base according to hull construction and specific loads.This procedure was very interested since I learned new things related to vessels . For this activity I was supported by Eng. Y who is a Naval Engineer from the National naval forces and he really ta ught me a lot about this subject, we use a special software that LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME simulated vessel behavior according to its protest weight, soar up level, bilge and ballast tank level and specific conditions that could affect hangar base stability. 6. 2 MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Controlling functioning budget. Controlling project progress and project schedule.Controlling reports that were required by ZZZ, such as daily reports, Man hour report. Writing and preparing submissions of materials, equipment or procedures which must be submitted to ZZZ and must sport its approval. It was a key issue since ZZZ approval took about 30 days and activity could not be started if all the related submittals were not approved. So, any mistake or check out on this activity could signifi chamberpottly affect the progress of the project. Calculating and supporting payment request. Attending meetings requested by client, in order to support project and its progress to ZZZ.Defining a nd requesting to human resources department required labor to work on site. 7. Eventhough assembly on site was easier than the one that we had planned there was a problem with the structure designed and built to transmit steel modules into the weewee. At the beginning this structure was composed by steel truss and pulleys moreover due to weather reasons we required a fast method so I proposed and built a series of roller boards which were fabricated on AC SCH 40 pipe which was the only strength material available on-site at this stage of the project. It was a good idea.The success of this project was due in part to the rainy season as pissing level had significantly increased, and so steel modules LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME were close to low-lying land, diminution transportation and handling exceed of big steel modules from work area to river. SUMMARY 9. For the successful execution of this project it was outstanding to curb create and maintain good team work. Since t his project included different fields of engineering and it was mandatory to have positive communication between site engineer, subcontractors and specialists in order to avoid any mistake. The entire roject was performed and completed amidst a healthy working environment. 10. The project was very interesting because it required technical and managerial abilities . It was a personal challenge because it was my first project not only with the company but also with the ZZZ. They have a quality system that really does not make many mistakes and they also have documentation systems and procedures that takes time and cannot be underestimated during the planning process. 11. Our proposal was the best for them I think that they had some doubts about air transportation and assembly on site of prefabricated modules.Thus, at the beginning, they were extremely dedicated to this project and when they realized that the entire hull was move on the river, they were proud of their decision. Projec t fulfilled ZZZ requirements it was inclined redundant execution time since it was an un judge rainy season. 12. I think that my role contributed to the project, since I was in flash of key activities and any mistake could dramatically influence the project and its objectives. I realized that I have leadership abilities and that projects could seem complicated but when a project has drawings, specs,LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME a good quality control system and good team work anything is possible. This project was also interesting because it had special equipment that had to be bought in the USA there was an armor steel plate that was bought in Peru so I learned how to do international purchases and nationalization procedures. 13. In addition, I had to forever coordination with other departments and gave technical support to the site team, duties that were new to me. It was an important episode in my career and has helped to extend my knowledge base, experience, skills and c onfidence.LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME CAREER EPISODE No. 2 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FOR MIDNIGHT EXPRESS FACILITIES Place Colombia INTRODUCTION 1. This episode is related to my logical argument as Project Manager and Quality control Manager for the design and construction for midnight say facilities at Place (Colombia), which is a Pacific coast city. 2. This project was executed by XXX, the Company which I worked for, and the Contractor was ZZZ. This project took place from July 2006 to March 2007. BACKGROUND 3.The first main objective of this project was to provide, at bobtail zone, fuel, electricity and body of water to midnight express patrol boats. force out was provided from two storage tanks 5000 gallons ea. located at 984, 25 feet away from pier location. Electricity had to be taken from a generator set located at the same distance and water was taken from a storage tank located at 1. 640,42 feet away from pier. These pipelines had to be vacuum tube and at pier zon e they had to be anchored to cover structure and protected against sun and bumps.Second objective was to install infrastructure necessary to install a spring dock system which is a floating dock system that works according to tide level of fluctuating waters. This floating dock was 45,93 feet length per 29,53 feet width and was composed by cubes of surface area of 20 x 20 (500mm x 500mm) , 14 pounds (6. 4 kgs) weight, and over 200 pounds (90 kgs) of buoyancy. The cube was air filled (basically a rigid, hollow compartment) with a wall onerousness of approximately ? (6mm). LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME . In order to pass on this second objective, a special design was created since this jet dock system had to be anchored to existing concrete piles which were not totally aligned with Y-axis nor designed to loads and movements transferred by floating dock and midnight express boats. 5. It is important to note that at this Pacific area, tide levels vary from 1 to 19,69 feet daily this data was obtained by using Marina records and by doing cadences each hour during six months which were recorded and analyzed in excel.So it was very hard and complex to design a system that worked according to this tide level variation and that were strong decorous to support wave forces and directions. 6. In addition, infrastructure included a floating steel platform that was go according to tide level and that was used as pedestrian access to the jet dock floating platform. It was necessary to design and built a fiber glass floating unit that was used as conduce to the steel platform. At the existing pier, there were installed two dockside pillars which supplied electrical energy and water to midnight xpress boats. Fuel was supplied by two fuel pumps. 7. The scope of this Contract had two main activities shape and Construction. This kind of contracts with ZZZ is very important and requires special attention from Contractor Company. Design procedures have three submittal s Submittion 1 50% Design submission Submittion 2 90% Design submission and 100% Design submission Each one of these documents must be submitted to ZZZ in order to have their approval . This approval takes 30 calendar days, and no work on siteLAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME can be started if final submittal has not been approved thus, any mistake in these documents will carry out a delay on execution time. PERSONAL ENGINEERING ACTIVITY 8. At the Design and Construction stage my job position was Project Manager and Quality Control Manager and I was in stir of representing the company during project execution, approving or disapproving executed activities, preparing and submitting payment request, Maintaining updated submission register, preparing and signing daily report .If any work had not been performed according to specs and/or technical code I had means to reject the work and to define corrective actions. 9. I also coordinated and supervised the Project, assured that the work was properly schedule, assured that costs were being properly controlled and maintained and an efficient safety program was in place. 10. The Design team was composed by a Structural Engineer, an Electrical engineer and me.I was in bust of this team and I coordinated and supervised their work. I also designed hydraulic intercommunicate and environmental system. I was an active member of this team and my work was reported directly to Eng. W, who is the general manager of the Company. Once specific design had been done by each external specialist, I reviewed those and if requirements were fulfilled, I prepared design submissions, which included drawings, calculations and specs and submitted it to ZZZ for their revision and approval .These specs were done using SpecsIntact program, which is an specialized software created by ZZZ to edit and create technical specs according to scope and conditions of specific project. LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME 11. In order to do environmental design I first defined two main criteria. 1) The not treated water quality and 2) the use of treated water and required quality. 12. For determining water quality I based my analysis on lab results for easy located near the project area.And for the second aspect and according to specs the required treated water quality was determined based on the following uses water not apt for drinking Water apt for human contact Activities where human skin came in contact water Fresh water washes activities to retire marine salt from non sensible materials that do not require being washes with demineralized, distillate water or with more physical and chemical quality than potable water. 13. After these criteria had been defined ,treatment seed skill was metric based on the estimated operation flow, maximum 0. lps, storage volume of 1000 gls (according to SOW), and critical conditions or maximum consumption the storage volume would be consumed in 1. 75 hours. I determined that the well mus t supply the consumed water at the same rate, which is 0. 6 lps, to assure water supply at all times. Thus, I selected a treatment plant of 0. 6 lps. 14. According to the water quality expected and its final use, the treatment to be used included the following processes Ventilation1 ventilation tray set Flocculation and Coagulation 1 coagulation and flocculation tank Sedimentation1 sedimentation tank LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME 4. The Hydraulic design was done using the Hazen-Williams equation with a roughness coefficient C = 150 for polyvinyl chloride pipes and according to the International Plumbing Code 2003. It was not difficult to develop the networks design due to all of the input parameters were kn bear, so it was make the calculations according to the design process and fulfilling the international standards requirements. 15. The challenge for this project was to design a system easy to assembly and guarantee that materials would resist sea environment and fluctuati ng water forces. Works must be performed on the sea and on a rainy season.For these reasons materials and procedures had to be carefully selected, reviewed and approved. 16. By analyzing information given by surveying methods, existing piles were not aligned they did not have a common axis . Thus, in order to prevent damage in jet dock system, it was mandatory to create something that fixed the jet dock turn overs in the same X and Y axis. Since the jet dock system required depots to let floating board to move according to tide level, I thought that it would be a good idea if these poles had horizontal members as long as it was required to absorb X-Y axis variations.To achieve this purpose, I suggested steel guide poles, instead of PVC guide poles which were recommended by Jet Dock supplier in addition, this material would guarantee a stronger structure, able to support wave forces. 17. At the bottom section, these guide poles were fixed to existing concrete pier by fabricated st eel clamps plate 1/8(height= 1,6404 feet) jointed with O1 screws and at top section they were anchored to existing concrete pier beam by using adhesive mortar for rebar and anchor LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME fastenings.These guide poles and their supports were prefabricated and preassembled at Bogota, Colombia. 18. On site it was difficult to install these guide poles, since their length was 22,97 feet, tide level would be, as minimum one meter above guide pole anchor system. Thus, this anchorage activity had to be performed with specialized diving people that guarantee that screws were installed according to tortuousness requirements. 19. It was an interesting experience because, even though it was an easy project, there were many difficulties that could influence the overall quality of final product.Thus, it was necessary to have good specialists for each field. In addition, on site was a aged engineer who had great experience regarding coastal projects, so his knowledge wa s very useful in solution specific problematic on-site details. SUMMARY 20. I learned new things which related to projects surrounding coastal environments. Overall, in order to do the job properly, a number of variables had to be considered. 21. All the construction procedures were defined throughout design activities since I did not have knowledge about ea water behavior and how waves and tides can impact in an on shore project, it was interesting to find that my proposed ideas were accepted without hesitation. Since I was in charge of key activities and any mistakes could affect the project, I worked effectively and diligently to ensure the smooth completion of the project and to ensure client satisfaction. The ZZZ and YYY were satisfied with the project and the installed equipment. LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME CAREER EPISODE No. 3 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FOR CONCRETE RECYCLING SYSTEM Bogota, Cundinamarca Colombia INTRODUCTION 1.This episode is based on my experience as Pro ject Manager for the project related to the construction of infrastructure required at a concrete recycle system RRR at formed concrete Plant familiarity at Bogota, Colombia. This project was executed by XXX, the Company which I worked for, and the Contractor was COMPANY which is a National Precast Concrete Manufacturer. This construction project took place from December 2007 to March 2008. BACKGROUND 2. Precast concrete plant required an integral solution to solve the final disposal of difference concrete . They did not have space nor adequate treatment for this material.In addition, the concrete plant did not have a drainage system so rain water got mixed with wash water and water produced by daily operation and maintenance of proper equipment and concrete mixers. This water used to be accumulate at lowest areas creating different environmental and operational problems, such as floods, visual and soil pollution. cod to these conditions, COMPANY decided to install a recycling RRR system, which offered the complete solution not only for reclaiming aggregates and cementitious water for reuse in the production process but also for treating excess water.LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME 3. A recycling system provides a closed in(p) loop system and consists of a reclaimer and a system to reuse the water. With a recycling system the sand and aggregates as well as the greywater are reused in the batch plant. There was no material leftover to dispose of and and so a zero discharge solution. 4. This water is treated in a way that enables clear water to be available after the process and can then be used within the pulverization . The accruing sludge can be used in the batch plant to provide a closed loop system. 5.The objective for this project was to build several civil works such , Rigid pavage including granular as Reinforced concrete tanks for storage of clarified and greywater, foundation for RRR equipment layers, potable water network , electrical networ k, drainage system and environmental works like smear / oil trap and sand trap treatment . 6. As project manager, my work was supervised by Eng. M who is the owner of the company and I reported every subject related to project performance to him and the general manager of the Precast Concrete Company.PERSONAL ENGINEERING ACTIVITY 7. At the beginning of the project we had a general drawing given by RRR system supplier. This drawing was a layout drawing that indicated general dimensions / distances and water and electrical supply network requirements. The first activity that I had to do was locating RRR infrastructure inside the general layout of the concrete plant which had existing facilities including cement and aggregates bins, office building, warehouse and a maintenance shop. Thus, I had to define a RRR LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME ystem location analyzing existing facilities and parameters like flooding areas, maneuver distances and turn radius. 8. After the suggested loca tion was approved by Client, it was mandatory to improve draft drawings given by machine supplier. Therefore, the second activity was to define maneuver area, pavement slope, drainage system location and grease/oil trap and sand trap treatment location. Once these criteria had been defined by me and approved by the general manager of the Precast Concrete Company ,I designed each one of these items . . For designing a drainage system I analyzed two main water sources rain water which was calculated by using Rational method and wash water which was calculated by direct measurement and according to number of loaded cars per day. For Rainfall intensity I used pluviometric Record located at the project area. Since water had sediments, I designed a system based on reinforced concrete open channel in order to facilitate maintenance operations. Q c i A head for the hills (m3/sec) Runoff coefficient Rainfall Intensity (m/sec) Catchment Area (m2)Q = c ? i ? A Rational Method 10. To design gr ease / oil trap I used flow calculated in previous stage and used a retention period of 20 mins which is the one suggested by National code for Hydro sanitary Activities (RAS) . 9. The company for whom I worked, started the construction of the project according to design drawings. I supervised each activity and ensured performance was carried out in accordance with drawing specifications given by RRR, who was the equipment supplier. I alsoLAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME Coordinated and supervised the Project performance, Assured that the work was properly scheduled and that costs were being properly controlled. 10. My work fulfilled project requirement. This could clearly be noted when equipment and recycling systems arrived from Germany. Everything meant my requirements and the installation process went smoothly. Drainage and treatment system were an integral solution to existing water problems reducing flooding areas. 11.Throughout project execution it was not technical difficult ies, assembly on site was easy and there no were required any extra works or any modification SUMMARY 12. For the execution of this project it was very important to have good client communication. Positive team work transpired throughout the entire project and this and this affirmed and aided the constructive client communication. Overall I commit I was a good project manager, both from the client perspectives and from the workers perspective. 13.The project was a success and I believe that success was and is a reflection of my capabilities. The project was very interesting because it required technical and managerial abilities. It was a personal challenge because it was the first recycling system in my country. There was little technical expertness and know how available to assist me and few knowledgeable people to go to for advice. I had to use my own initiative to get the job done successfully. LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME 14. I think this project has been one of the biggest challenges of my professional career thus far.I had to develop an important design project in a short time and without previous experiences about RRR system. In addition I had to constantly coordinate with other departments and give technical support to the site team, duties that were new to me. It was an important episode in my career and has enabled me to gain much knowledge as I had little previous experience in many of the areas I encountered. This project enabled me to further my professional knowledge base, expand my technical expertise and develop my managerial capabilities.
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